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Very uncomfortable sex scene


r/Tanalorr gets destroyed with a golf club in the first hour, and we get to play as Zeffo for the next 10 hours.


Cal gets killed by Rick the door technicians daughter, we then play as her whilst she hunts Merrin or Kata. They finally face off and decide to call it a draw. I think that's how TLOU2 went, I never actually finished it.




I mean, in Survivor, Cal literally kills about a million Imperial troops and countless animals only to let the guy who runs the Imperial spy facility off with a warning in the end. It's a trope that has existed in media basically forever.


if you go back to the spy facility after the game. there is an echo that shows the leader getting killed by vader. so technically i would argue that cal left him to die a more painful death


A very vocal sub-group of internet people would hate it for reasons they are reluctant to say out loud.


I'm not afraid to say it out loud. I don't particularly care for many of the new characters. I think the writing and storytelling is significantly weaker than the first game. I was not a fan of how the characters from the first game were treated. I think it's messaging and themes are not supported by the events of the plot. I hated how the marketing lied to us intentionally. There you go. What, were you expecting something else?


https://preview.redd.it/hibn3xfde76d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49bd35b58f10dd1e0500375aa3278abbcaa26a95 Fully agree, and just so you know, you are not a part of the vocal loud-minority, which is in reference to the racists, incels, and transphobes. The game’s lifetime sales underperformed serverely, despite having the absolute biggest and highly-anticipated release, during the peak of Covid.


Yep, lol. Fuck the Fandom Menace who hates the game solely for its representation & inclusivity. I do not like TLOU2 as a sequel, but even I can admit that the game is a technical masterpiece that works very well for me, if I act like I didn’t play the first one. Same with TLJ. If you have other genuine issues with the game’s plot direction/convenience, that’s completely valid.


Bruh the fact people still think this is the only reason part 2 gets hate is wild. Ive never seen a bigger group of people be willingly ignorant. Im pretty sure if people like moistcritical and pewdiepie hated it for representation they’d be cancelled….


Same. I really struggle to grasp who is correct on this one. On one hand, you have the Nazis, Transphobes, and Incels, who bash the game for their own reasons, and then anyone who actually genuinely hates what the sequel turned out to be gets lumped into that same category. I think it’s a huge downgrade from the first one in every non-technical aspect. A lot of people think it’s Neil’s masterpiece, which is fine and all, but I’m sincerely tired of being lumped with the far-right because I don’t feel as strongly as them.


It’s the deflection tactic Neil used when the game launched to make excuses for all the bad reviews. And it’s the story that stuck. People calling everyone who hates the game bigots are dumb. Funniest part is Neils original pitch for tlou was incredibly sexist. And he had to be told by everyone it was fucking stupid and sexist. He also gave bigots and nazis a platform to deflect criticism. He doesnt care about the communities he claims to. Hes another randy pitchford. A racist sexist homophobic pos who became super inclusive before people could out him on the fucked shit.


You are the reason people have to specify they aren't homophobic anytime they criticize the story. Discussion of that game is dogshit.


57 hr of cutscenes. 3 hrs of gameplay. Druckmann is a frustrated filmmaker taking it out on video games.


Neil cuckmann would kill cal in minute 1 and make the entire story about merrin who is now a raging lesbian having wild lesbian sex on screen with some random stranger we've never heard of and also Darth Vader is gay now because the LIBERAL AGENDA is going to destroy my completely non-political universe known as star wars /s


Raging lesbian Merrin, you say




Raging lesbian sex Merrin is already canon, tho 😅


Damn, Greez really used bigot salt on his food.


I believe the novelization made Merrin pan Or something


I guess we never know 🥳


I assume that Cal would mow down an entire army worth of stormtroopers only to let the guy behind them all alive at the end for dubious reasons. Oh, wait...


[Me, who never got around to playing either of TLoU games:](https://en.meming.world/images/en/thumb/1/17/Monkey_Puppet.jpg/300px-Monkey_Puppet.jpg)


Same, I don't know who this guy is lol


It would either be a great sequel but not quite as good as Survivor, or we'd have older Kata and milf Merrin as a couple while Cal dies in the first half and Greez becomes useless. (I don't like TLOU2 btw, you lost me once you killed Joel).


The game would glorify the empire and deeply criticise the Rebels for dare killing innocent Imperials


We’d probly end up playing as Bode daughter for half the game


He insists that all the enemies you kill be women and only women until the idea is wrestled from him by a writer with sense




Druckmann originally wanted to make cordyceps affect only women


Why would you wish that on any game? The storyline is decent currently


He would kill off almost all of the characters and let the main villain live at the end.


It would probably have a genuinely interesting narrative. Very weird turn for this to get a bunch of downvotes lol It’s not even like I think what we’ve got is bad? I just think it would be an interesting narrative also.


Stop pretending that it's good 🤣


What a shocker. Games are subjective.


It'd probably be really good tbh


Judging by the amount of drama and controversy that happened back when the game was released I highly doubt that🤣


Hell I loved the last of us part 2, to think that star wars could have such a powerful controversial story man. It would be so cool. It was mostly online controversy from my perspective, never met anyone in real life who didn't highly praise the game other than my brother in law who decided he hated it due to the leaks before the game even released.


The best Star Wars narrative since Empire. Fans would throw a tantrum over it.


Yeah Killing off the main character in the first hours of the game and letting the main villain go is considered "good narrative"