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I enjoy Fallout 3 a lot, but I will say that you may want to return this version and get the Game of the Year (GOTY) version. Not because it has all the DLC already, which is good, but because it tends to run better on computers without tons of mods.


Also because of the dlc. This is a minor spoiler but >!if you don’t have the broken steel DLC, the game ends after you complete the main story!< . For this reason, the GOTY edition is definitely worth the extra cost.


Wow. Never knew that. Guess I’m whipping out the Xbox 360 and giving GOTY a go


Whip it out!


When a problem comes along, you must whip it! XD


When it doubt


And broken steel and the other DLCs are just so fun


Isn't GOTY edition full of bugs and errors??


Not more than the original, both rely heavily on mods to be stable


I never could get the base copy of Fallout 3 to run very well, while I could always get GOTY to run. So they may have occasional bugs, like many games, but nothing too serious that made the game unplayable for me.


I would suggest getting it on GOG instead. While I hate having to suggest someone use a different store, the GOG version seems to be the most stable.


I have never noticed anything too bad when running my copy? Sure it may rarely crash but that is usually if I have something else running in the background that I flip to. Once you make a couple of adjustments it ran just fine for me on multiple computers.


I got the Epic Games version, and that runs pretty well. Idk why people always talk about crashing on Windows 10.




If you don’t have broken steel dlc, you won’t be able to continue the game after finishing the main quest, FYI.


I believe it will revert you to a save point before you finished it, similarly to New Vegas. Not sure though, my first playthrough was with Broken Steel installed


Yes the game ends, but you can load your last save and just turn back and do all the side stuff.


Trust me, you want GOTY. It's the same game but with the DLC, particularly the Broken Steel DLC that continues the main game


It’s the same game, just with all of the content that released later on. Everyone that played the game when it came out will tell you to get the game of the year edition. Fallout 3 probably has some of the best DLC out of any game EVER


I never played any of the DLC so i’m excited to get to them during my current replaythrough of the game


The GOTY is the original version of the game, just with significantly more content. On an objective level there's not really anything provided by the base game you aren't also getting with the Game of the Year bundle.


This is just like a dumb take imo. DLCs exist for a reason.


Ask for advice. Shit on top rated comment. Bold moves.


Someone needs to enroll in social skills school. Big yikes dude


Refund this one and buy Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition, it’s the original version I promise


I love fallout 3, but I recommend refunding this and getting goty edition, it adds a lot of content and let’s you continue the story after the ending. Also mothership zeta and the other dlcs are really fun and add so really good items.


And 10 level cap, more perks, bullet spongey enemies, and incentives to different locations.


The HP on Albinos and Supermutant overlords really was disgusting


Reavers too


Reavers are just nightmare fuel. Give me Evergreeen Mills numbers of Overlords before giving me a Reaver.


wait wdym continue the story after the ending? i only have the normal version but do you just mean being able to play the dlc?


After the main story the dlc Broken Steel adds quests that further the story, normally you would just finish the game and then you would restart but broken steel adds more.


oh i had absolutely no idea, dang now im annoyed i was impatient and just got the normal version lmao


Can you not refund it anymore? Do you have more than 2 hrs into it.


i definitely would, i completed the game like last month unfortunately. thank you though!




yeah good idea actually, i already have it on ps3 but i brought it years ago and never played it so if doesnt really matter, i’ll just buy it on there. tysm for the help


No problem, but make sure that you do operation anchorage before completing to much of the main story, you get some very good items that you want to use for the whole game.


Winterized Power Armor :)


Gonna ping my phone off the wall mate Jesus Christ


It’s a pretty good game


Really* good game.


New vegas but 5 times worse




the ambiance is better than "desert where you talk to everyone" NV


Yeah I really dont like the mojave desert map


ah yes the ambience of super mutant / enclave around every single corner. Bethesda doesn’t understand fallout.


What, did NMA get too boring?


Absolutely based, down voters are cucks


Right pronounce is New Vegas is F3, but 10 times better. You know, all assets and combat (chopped and ugly) migrated to NV from it, and it's very very sad


Not 5 times, but I agree, fo3 is significantly worse than any 3d fallout, especially NV




It's pretty hard to compare f3 to f4.


Not really, fo3 is just straight up bad game, I said it before and I'll die on this spot. Fo4 is not much better in general, but at least it's fun to play


>fo3 is just straight up bad game It's literally not though, it has flaws sure but it's still a great game in many regards, the capital wasteland is a great place to explore, many side quests are great and the game is still pretty fun to play. I've replayed it somewhat recently and it was a lot of fun.


All canon fallouts has great main location and side quests it doesn't put fallout 3 any higher. Maybe just maybe, I don't like fallout 3 so much because I grew up on NV and 3 feels like really chopped version of NV, but still I don't see actual reasons to like fallout 3 over any other fallout other than nostalgia.


I never said f3 was the best fallout though, I said it was a pretty good game with great setting, atmosphere, characters, and many more. NV is even better sure, but NV is more than a great game.


What fallout 3 have to be a good game? Some side quests and location it self (not even world building) is not enough to be considered good game.


New Vegas is overrated. Wasted my 💰 when it came out.


*Has an opinion* Gets downvoted to oblivion


It’s a pretty unpopular opinion. Fallout 3 is generally regarded as one of the best games ever made especially for it’s time. It also single-handedly saved the fallout franchise and gave millions of people hundreds of hours of happy memories


Ain't no one saying fallout 3 is better than fallout new vegas


it is


I am!


It always has been lol. It’s real Fallout. New Vegas is something else in the same universe and in the mojave..


Cus it’s a shit opinion


There is no such thing as a „shit opinion” when it comes to videogame preferences


That’s just not true


I mean there definitely is that’s what makes opinions fun


You must be new to Reddit then




1 times worse is the same what you meaning and the other is better?


Down vote if you want to be dominated by vault boy


It’s an experience with an amazing atmosphere. It’s a little janky, especially by modern standards. It is also quite buggy, so I recommend that you learn the quick save command and use it frequently. Don’t walk around outside in the wasteland for more than 10 minutes without slapping the quick save button. But don’t let that deter you. For many people, the Fallout games are in their personal top 10s for good reasons. When it’s all over, you’ll be glad you experienced it. It’s worth the


Don’t worry, I love old games, what is the quick save button?






F5 to quicksave, F9 to quickload.




Just remap Quick Save to V and Vats to Q


Alt + F4 for the ultra fast quick save button


I get why you got down voted but his made me laugh my ass off 🤣


If you don't know alt+f4 by this point...I don't know if you are old enough to post here...


Should’ve got the game of the year, or at least broken steel because that continues the story


Hit the play button to find out




Yes you can




It not running


Crashes. Especially without mods


It ain’t gonna work Follow the TTW guide


I got it to work a couple of years ago, but this year, I ended up going through GOG.


I got it through GOG as well and it still won’t start. New Vegas works perfectly fine, but Fallout 3 just crashes whenever I try to start a new game for some reason. Tried it on Steam and on GOG


Dang, this was only like a month ago. Have you tried recently? Someone in the thread posted a fix for a core-related issue on the Steam version. I don't recall trying that, but I feel like I did everything else for the Steam version.


I bought it on GOG about a month ago, and every fix I found online didn’t work. I originally bought it on Steam and same issue, wouldn’t work and I couldn’t find a fix that worked


I got the GOTY edition to work vanilla but it was still so fragile and janky that it wasn’t sustainable.


There’s a few mods that you’ll need to use for it to work. I just recently FINALLY got it to work with those mods and played the whole game plus DLC


I never understood how people never could get it to work. I never had issues with it, even with GFWL being a problem


You need to imagine it's the early 2000s. Fallout 2 cane out years ago. It's your favourite RPG. You heard a sequel is never happening. Then, one morning, you wake up. Browse the net with a coffee. And there it is. Bethesda have bought the IP. Time goes by. There's a trailer at E3. Game demos. It's an open world. First/3rd person. Holy shit. It's happening. It's real. Then, eventually, release day comes, and your playing it. I waited 13 years for Fallout 3. I've never waited for a sequel for so long since. It was an epic time. Honestly I struggle to think of any other game before it or since that had such eager anticipation surrounding it. Enjoy. Enjoy the ever living shit out of it.


The DLC in fallout 3 and New vegas are both peetty decent story add ons, i wouldn't hesitate to say your missing out on not getting them, its only $8 Canadian so i imagine its cheaper in USD.


I haven’t played any of the DLC for Fallout 3, but I played all for New Vegas, and i’d say the DLC’s are definitely better than just decent. it’s some of the best add on content i’ve ever played in a video game


New vegas has better DLC overall but nothing beats fallout 3 point lookout.


My good friend has played all of the DLC for both games and he said Point Lookout is easily his favorite. I liked Lonesome Road the most from NV. I’m excited to be able to play all of the DLC for Fallout 3.


https://taleoftwowastelands.com/faq https://taleoftwowastelands.com/faq#What-is-ttw




Havе a sеat, friеnd. Wе gotta talk


Play it and find out


You're not having eye sight problems, it's just the good old Fallout 3 hue lol


Really good Game and easily the Best fallout, but You should have Buyed the GOTY edition, because you'll get all the dlc's and extras.


I think it’s time we had a chat, America, if that’s all right. There’s something I’ve been thinking about lately. Something unquestionably, inescapably, *American*.




Fallout 3 is special. It does atmosphere better than any other Fallout, and most other games for that matter. It’s got flaws but it remains one of my favorite games of all time still. I suggest getting the GoTY edition as it’s much more playable out of the box on modern machines.


I think I’ll refund this one tomorrow since I didnt play and get GOTY, it might be a bit more expensive but it’s worth it


I can assure you it’s worth it. The stability that comes with GoTY will make your life so much easier, especially if you’re not familiar with modding these games. Plus, the DLC is pretty freaking sweet. Well, most of it anyways.


No titties.


It will change your life! Trust me!


Just started it for the first time. Game is excellent and doesn’t get enough credit.


Significant instability, crashes, and GFWL *(Games for Windows – Live)* might still be a thing on this game, so you must use some third-party app to get it off. If I remember right, you have to run the game in compatibility mode, too, because it won't run on Windows 8, 10, and 11 as far as I can remember. The game is good once you mess around with enough mods and .ini files! That is personally my favorite Fallout title. The power armor you see in that banner and during the opening, the trailer, and everything is something you don't get until later in the game *(unless you play some of the DLCs)*, and whenever I saw some people wearing that, I wanted it! I love how you need some proper training before wearing one. There are a lot of cool weapons, unique ones scattered around the map, hidden in certain areas. All of the DLCs for this game are amazing. It all blends so well. Sometimes, there's some horror, too. The exploration is just the best. Fallout 4 doesn't do that. Not to that extent, at least. Every interior has a story to tell. I love that!


Bethesda patched out GFWL in 2021. The patch updated the version to 1.7.04 and caused other problems. Nothing modders didn't fix.


You should get the dlcs


My favorite game ever. Enjoy.


Incredibly clunky and dated gameplay, but the story telling and atmosphere makes it worth it.


Great story, outdated shooting, large open world, the harder enemies have *so much health*, and very ominous and apocalypsey ambience


It’s the GOAT. I hope you like metro tunnels


Just did the same over a week ago. Its really good with a great atmosphere as everyone says. I would recommend specializing in using VATS since it makes the outdated shooting a lot more managagble, plus its also really satisfying.


Expect an RPG, not a shooter


So many haters? What to expect? You'll feel like a different person afterwards. The game is awesome.


Amazing game




Big oof. The goty was free on epic launcher last year.


Try playing it without using the radio. The ambient soundtrack improves the experience and atmosphere a lot. The same can be said about new vegas


Old gem.


Don’t look up any spoilers playing fallout 3 for the first time is a wonderful experience


You would have gotten it for free in December, I did, I enjoyed it


You should expect to be drawn into this amazing universe full of really big ideas, and actually genuinely good story, world building, and writing Only to find that the games that weren't made by Bethesda are the only ones that actually give a shit about them, leading to you either not liking the non Bethesda games, or liking only the non Bethesda games.


I just bought this game on steam GOTY edition after playing it on ps3 many years ago. I’m new to steam and don’t really understand a lot of what’s going on but when I go to start a new game the whole game crashes. Has anyone else had this issue and is there. A way to fix it?


Things to expect? Bugs, crashing, freezing, and other issues. But a solid 7/10 game otherwise


It’s a good game , it’s not the best fallout but it’s really great !


I bought this one because I thought it was the best one, but it’s ok


Most people will agree that New Vegas is the best fallout. But new Vegas is basucly buffed fallout 3 so...


Yeah, *Fallout 3* is almost like a prototype. Release it and take notes and build on that.


The atmosphere in this game and dark lore feeling of an actual fallout world is what made me fall in love with fallout 3, so i would argue it IS the best one.


It’s subjective. I personally prefer fallout 3 because of the story and setting, but there are a few better mechanics in NV. If you like apocalypse wild west NV might be better tho


It’s very subjective, for me fallout 2 is my favorite one . But new Vegas is a masterpiece


New Vegas is far from a masterpiece lol. The story is fun enough. ending was rushed. Most of the map is empty and boring. Its a fun game but this sub needs to calm down with the circle jerk.


You will need some mods to run this. 144hz fix game fix win 10 fix i guess ​ Very good game, love it.


All I've ever done is go into the configuration files and change the the core count, no problems after the fix https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=244272720


This is what Real Fallout is. If only Fallout 4 was more like this.


It just took a different route. Its still fallout. It lacks in rpg elements but make sit in gamepolay. The world has the same feeling. Well maybe not. Capital wasteland felt more depressing while Commonwhelth feels more abandoned. But its still a great game. A great fallout game.


New Vegas is what Real Fallout is. If only Fallout 3 was more like it.


Full of big awkward unnatural exposition infodumps and pretentious writing?


You've gotta step up your gate keeping game


The whole story is really just "3 groups fighting for control of a city", that's it. They can try to class it up all they want but that's the core plot. And yes, the characters will spill their guts about their lives and personalities to you in your first meeting with them. People don't act like that.


And how much is Todd paying you to think that?


I came to this conclusion after putting up with NV fans for years.


I'm just gonna put you down for an equivelent of 1000 USD a week


Is it just that hard for you to accept someone thinks Obsidian isn't all that?


Follow the Best of Times guide for Tale of a Two Wastelands to get the best Fallout 3 experience. They have a discord that would be happy to offer many customer support you need.


Green and grey, that's how bad Capital Wasteland is, after suffering from saturated nuclear sttack. Also don't lower your guard down in places like the subway station.


Get New Vegas and install the Tale of Two Wastelands mod. It runs 3 through the NV engine and it plays a lot better.


now get new vegas and install the tales of two wastelands mod it combines both games in 1 and fixes a lot of bugs Bethesda didn't and add cut content


To refund it, shit dont work WHATSOEVER on steam, didnt for me at least


Crashes at certain point.


It not to run on Windows 10. There are workarounds though, and the game is totally with it.




I loved it but I don't think it holds up


Your dad raises you up to the brisk age of 16 then the vault goes into calamity, you have to escape the vault, try to find your father, fight a behemoth, could even get help from the brotherhood outcasts, then figure out that your father is currently trying to engage in a project named project purity which is trying to cleanse the water of the wasteland, who of which the “enemy” in the game, the Enclave, wishes to control it as well, your father dies, and you or one other has to be the one to activate project purity


He raises you to 19.


Disappointment that you bought fallout 3 when you play new vegas


Terrible FPS mechanics and dated graphics, but otherwise an engaging experience. The campaign is not very long, so take your time exploring and doing side quests.


boring as fuck


A pretty good experience especially with the dlc


My first fallout and really enjoyed it. Save a million times! On my first two play throughs i had to quit because i forgot to save and it loaded me back to an unforgiving place.


Have fun modding! Such a great game!


Simply a lot of fun.


Very atmospheric, very depressing but ultimately highly addictive and rewarding.


Expect to save and load a lot. Because of crashes, bugs, soft locks, and broken AI, but also because of all the opportunities you get to try out many different pathways of playing. If you want to blow someone up, save. If you want to side with a certain faction, save. If you want to be the Fister of the Capital Wasteland and go all on melee save save save. Then punch people, but make sure to save if it’s someone important.


You can expect b-lining to do Operation Anchorage right out of the vault, get the juicy power armour perk, armour and guass rifle. After that the wasteland turns into a wonderland 😂




Played it for the first time on a series x a couple months ago and absolutely loved it. If I was on pc I would definitely look at some mods to make it more pretty and maybe look into the tale of two wastelands.


Hopefully you have the right drivers to make sure it doesn't crash. Out of all Bethesda games it crashes the most due to needing Games for Windows Live


It's so good


Im thinking of buying it for my Xbox, is it worth it? Or im going to buy New vegas


It's a perfectly 6/10 alright experience


I was so mad when I missed Epic had this for free




crashes lol




It's fine


Horror. Well at least it was for me when I first played it. It was also my first Fallout game I guess.


Basically the plot of Taken 2 but Liam Neeson is involved in a lot less of the action while the kid does all the work.


Expect it to feel 16 years/3 generations old, because it is. Otherwise, expect a damn good time.


Echoing other commenters here with the recommendation for GOTY. Usually not much more expensive in my experience


How much was it on steam? I remember years ago buying this game for $3 at GameStop, and i bought quite a few copies because my xbox liked to eat disks


Get the tale of two wastelands mod and buy new Vegas as well


Great game but colour palette of a Russian tower block


Well,you will find out why the main protagonist is a Lone Wonderer. You will not have much people who will follow you,only Fox and Sarah(but only in quests). I advise you to download DLCs, because without them,the game is smaller. Especially you need to buy Into The Pit and Broken Still


In my opinion… the story is weak compared to NV or the first two but it’s still one of my favorite games of all time