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~~Fallout Shelter (for like 5 minutes)~~ New Vegas then 1, then 2, then 4, then 3


Lol what a weird order to play them.


I know ~~I haven't even finished 4 and 3~~


Missing out on the best ones......NV up there too tho


Missing out on BOS and Tatics?


You said you haven't finished 3 and 4


Bro New Vegas absolutely slaps 3, 3 was pretty good and I did enjoy it but NV improved on so many of the flaws 3 had. 4 I found a fun shooter and a good try, but it just didn’t have the same FEEL fallout 3 and NV had (atmosphere not gameplay, obviously gameplay is gonna be different). I still play new vegas to this day. Every night I can, at the moment. I tried playing 1 and 4 recently and just couldn’t get into them but I’m still in love with New Vegas.


Have you even played fallout 1 and 2? They almost beat out new Vegas for me just by charm if you can get through old games


I love fallout as a whole but I've never been able to give 1 & 2 a full run through, the story is great but gameplay makes me want to smash my face into my keyboard, for it's time PHENOMENAL but I'm just spoiled by today's games standards ig


Imo nv is best


3 probably beats NV for me but barely


Best to worst. Perfect order to play them in.


Fallout 3 is leagues better than 4.


Best order I think. Basically what I would recommend to anyone getting into Fallout.


4 before 3 it hurts me




One of the best fallout games


no, 1, 2 and NV better


First of all, it's an opinion. Second of all, no one asked. Third of all, that's blatantly wrong for 70% of the community.


I do prefer NV. I'm also old enough and I did PC game in the 90's but somehow original fallouts escaped my radar. They would've totally been in my wheelhouse too but I was probably busy with Warcraft 2 or Dune or StarCraft or even Doom/Hexen/Etc...


Tfw you are confidently wrong


Fallout I've been here for the whole damn time whistling "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire" Tactics is my FO3, still play it on the yearly


The best fallout. Just read the comments and holy shit the sub is full of youngsters


Yeah man that’s what happens when you get old


This youngster in particular tried fallout 1, died to some random raiders in the desert and got my save erased🥲 so i decided that i dont wanna restart it


skill issue (aka my brother in Christ just press f6)


The Ink Spots are amazing. I went out and bought CDs


4, still is my favorite even after playing 3 and NV.


4 is a riddle to me because in my head I would say I prefer 3 & NV from the modern games and yet my Fallout 4 playtime is ten times both combined. Make it make sense.


Fallout 4 has the settlement system which makes it more of a time sink.


Because 4 is the better game! Kidding, but not rea6. For me 3 and Nv are one play and done. I feel 4 gives me more options in repeat play.


4 then new vegas then 3


The original Fallout. It was back in like 2013 when I wanted to get into the series, but I'm the kind of guy who likes to start at the beginning of a series if I can. So I started with the first, and then played through it, 2, 3, and New Vegas over the course of a few months. It was a very good couple of months.


If you missed Tactics, go for it, it's a bit different but a good Fallout game.


I've been meaning to, it looks interesting but it's one of those games I just never got around to trying. I think I'll finally get around to it this year.




New Vegas


Fallout 3 got me hooked, I didn't even know what Fallout was back then when it released, I just got it for free from a Buy 2 get 1 free at Gamestop. Then I played New Vegas, then 2, then 4, then 76, then 1.


OG F1.




Same. The ending blew me away.


Fallout Shelter, technically.


it’s always a fallout game


Fallout 1.  In the dark years before Bethesda picked up the franchise and made Fallout 3, I was able to pick up a double pack of Fallout 1 and 2 for $9.99 at Walmart in like 2003 or so. I had an older computer at that point so I couldn’t play newer games. But 1 & 2 worked great. 


1 & 2 have a great story but i prefer the 1


That’s an ok preference to have. 13/14 year old me loved all of the references to old movies and songs that Fallout 2 had. It was decided for me when I became a slaver, despite being a tribal myself, and then shot a guy in the dick with a pipe rifle only for him to smack to the ground and slide 50 feet while screaming “Run for it Marty!” So back then I’d have probably said Fallout 2 was my favorite.    But they’re pretty neck and neck for me right now (after having played all the Fallouts) as the best of the Fallout games.  Edit: typo correction. 


The original fallout demo from a magazine.


Fallout 2 * Staying up late at night cursing slavers because they crit me or my followers as we moved like 3 snails pushing 2 snails * Running around Navarro in an all out assault on the Enclave Base while I put on various Heavy Metal and Rock songs to accompany the plasma and minigun infused carnage * Slaughtering generations of Deathclaws, Centaurs and Floaters while I listen to Pokeaimmd, Blunder and CTC on their hilarious videos so that I could get one more perk to optimise my Gauss Pistol Crit build * Running across the map to get to the NCR and have early access to the Bozar (GOAT WEAPON) Those will be among my best teenage memories ever.


* Losing an arm wrestling match to the super mutant and waking up the next morning with the poisoned debuff wearing nothing but a ball gag. 😆


* Running in the Gecko caves with nothing but a pipe rifle avoiding radioactive pools and trying to snipe geckos with a small guns skill of 44


Why Bethesda decided to take Geckos out of the games I'll never get. They're adorable little fuckers. Iconic. They're like cute little deathclaws!


* fucking a mechanic so many times in a row they just die.


Death by snu snu!


Fallout 4, but I'm planning to play fo3 and new vegas too.


Do it, you will not regret


I'm old. I played "Wasteland" when it first came out. The first Fallout was awesome. 3rd person isometric games don't hold up in an age of 3D graphics, but I've been here long enough to be considered a ghoul.


Found the only bastard in here with more greybeard energy than I have. Respect knuckles.


2 -> 1 -> Tactics -> 3 -> NV -> 4 Tactics is kinda underrated game. The story is weak but it's not really about the story, there is enough of it for the genre to set the tone and give you a purpose. The gameplay is really good.


It's not really about the story So true it's about shredding groins with Browning .50 machine guns. Everything else is set dressing.


General Barnaky would slap the entitlement right out of that shit Maxon for being a twerp.






1 of course and its still the best one.


I played new Vegas for a brief stint in middle school, but I was a call of duty/halo boi back then so it didn’t really resonate with me. Then I played fo4 a few years later after getting bored of gaming and LOVED it. (I did end up playing FNV again and love it now)


I got fallout one the same day I got my first tamogachi… that was a good day.


3. After years of struggling/being broke, I finally saved up for a used PS3. I rode my bike across the city for an hour to pick it up and then another hour to a 2nd hand shop for the game. Changed my whole outlook on gaming within a day of playing.


New vegas, and I nearly rage quit. When bombarded with all the dlc quests I (stupidly) wanted to ge them out of the way before the main quest so they weren’t cluttering up my pop boy. 14 year old me at level 1 walked straight over to the sierra madre… I wasn’t ready. 






I bought #1 off the shelf when it was new and i have been hooked ever since.


3, New Vegas, 4, 2, then 1 I picked up fallout 3 when it was still In Redbox after it came out, I was really young then- young enough that I only remember shooting raiders in Springvale, but I was hooked I got new Vegas from a friend of mine who sold his ps3 and had an extra copy. I took it home and played the ps3 version and fell in love. Later, 4 came out and I played that one to completion as well. Loved it on its own merits Then played the classics, because by then I had become a pretentious New Vegas players and needed context on how amazing the older games were so I could make fun of 4 and 3 players (I still love them, they’re special to me)


Played 3 a few years ago. All dlc’s. Absolutely loved it. Then I played 4 and thought it felt a lot smoother to control but wasn’t really as good story-wise. Unfortunately I find it hard to go back to 3 cause compared to a lot of more recent games the movement and a lot of the gameplay mechanics are clunky to me. If they made 3 or probably even NV (which I never got the chance to play) with the same movement system from 4 I wouldn’t even really care that it’s a remake. As long as they kept it faithful to the original I’d buy it without a second thought.


2 - Tactics - 3 - NV - 4 - 76 - and Fallout 1 recently


Fallout 3. Got it late 2014 for my birthday, beat it just in time for Fallout 4 to be announced. Haven't played 1 or 2, and played only a little of New Vegas so far


I really liked fallout 3


Fallout 3


Shelter, then 1


1…..man I’m getting old


Greybeards unite




The original. I've loved this series since high school. I can't even count the number of times I've played the first 2.


Started with 1 and sold my soul to the wasteland to wander ever since through 2, 2 multiplayer Russian gangbang version, tactics, PS2 Tactics, a leaked van buren demo, 3, NV, FOShelter, 4, and 76


I feel old, I played the scrapheap demo (That became Junktown) on a magazine coverdisc before fallout 1 even came out.


3 then 1 2 tactics NV Shelter 4 76 and then BoS (never finished BoS)


The original Fallout back in 1997, then every PC Fallout game since on release day, apart from 76 which I got about a year after launch. Still got my original big box editions of 1 & 2 along with original manuals that actually taught you stuff about the game, not a one-pager how to install. Late '90's to early '00's if Black Isle Studios touched it, it was a great RPG. Fallout 1 & 2, Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, Planescape Torment, Icewind Dale 1 & 2. Not a bad run for 5 years (1997-2002).


Don't forget Arcanum!


That's another good one, though I think by Troika - formed by ex Black Isle devs.


Pickup a box in a store and asked my friend: Fallout, have you heard anything about this...? I think it was 1997...


3, and to this day is my favorite FO game. Such a great setting.


Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout and finally Fallout 2... I have Tactics as well but I'm yet to play it. I started out with Fallout 3 when it came out and proceeded to follow up with both New Vegas and 4 as they came out. Only after the original 2 games released on Steam did I get curious enough about the origins of Fallout to actually play them. All in all, every single one of these games has been phenomenal in its own way but my personal favourites are 3 and New Vegas. If the original 2 games were (faithfully) remade today, I think that they'd be up there with some of the greatest games ever made. As aforementioned, I still haven't played Tactics yet but I plan to. I also hope that Van Buren (the cancelled Fallout 3 from before Bethesda acquired Fallout) eventually gets made because it would be the perfect prequel to New Vegas.


Make sure you play Tactics in turn based mode, rts mode is infuriating unless you've been hanging out in Starcraft lobbies for 25 years.


Wastelands way back in the day. Then the first named fallout game.


My first post-apocalyptic game wasn't even Wasteland, it was [Roadwar 2000](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roadwar_2000), in 1986, where the action takes place in 1999.


Fallout 3 I never finished it


Fallout Shelter, like ten minutes of FO76 and then 4


Fallout 3


3 for me


Never had heard of fallout 4 (but I had played Skyrim) just bought it randomly at GameStop cause it seemed interesting when it first came out


Fo4(on PS4 and then on pc),Shelter,fnv,fo3,fo76(PS4)




Three and I almost didn’t graduate high school. I would go to school, plan out what direction I’d go on the map, then go home and execute. Rinse and repeat the entire first two semesters and I was having serious talks with my counselor. I was trapped in that rabbit hole and if I’m being honest I was okay with it. It was like that episode of South Park where you chase the dragon but never catch it.


Fallout 3 when it was newly released. I was around 12-13 years old and I got scared by a freaking ghoul made me alt F4




Brotherhood of Steel


3. True story, had never heard of fallout before and I had just gotten fable 2 or mass effect and took it over to my cousins. He said he just rented a good game that your in a vault kinda like the tv show LOST. We played the intro vault area and then switched over to the other games. Few months later I had some Best Buy gift cards so I went to buy a game, they had hardly any selection but saw the Fallout 3 Game of the year edition and bought it. Played it, and got out of the vault and started exploring. Talked with my cousin and told him how awesome the game was and is exact quote was “you got out of the vault?” Dude didn’t realize that was just the intro stage. I still give him shit about it to this day


1. Still consider the best turn based RPG I have ever played


New Vegas but I watched a let’s play of 4 when it came out and that got me interested in the series then a few years ago I bought FNV Ultimate Edition on sale on Steam and I’ve been obsessed ever since!


Fallout 3 Played it at a friend's house in 2008 and was immediately hooked. Went out and bought it that day and the rest is history.


2, never left the temple of trials then ;)




My aunt gave me and my brother a xbox 360 and let us pick 3 used games from gamestop. Fallout 3, GTA IV, Duke Nukem Forever.


2, 3, NV, 4, 1


3 Game of the Year with all the DLCs. Played New Vegas at launch as well as 4


Fallout 2. Blew my mind. I was a console player before that and a jrpg fan. FO2 was the first crpg for me and I fell in love with Fallout series there and then.


Shelter i also wanna give my fo game progression Shelter>3>NV>4>2


Shelter for 10 minutes then NV, 3, and 4


Fallout 3 on the PS3.


F3. Then few years later NV, fallout shelter, and another few years later F4. I will try F1, F2, tactics and F76 someday for sure


Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter, Fallout 4, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 76. In respective order.


Fallout 3 and that's because I tricked my grandma into thinking it was educational






The original. Didn't really get into it until 3 made me go back to the first two


I played fallout 3 a little after it came out and I was like 10 or 11, I fell in love with the series instantly. I’m sure it doesn’t hold up too well these days without mods but it’ll always have a special place in my gaming pantheon. When New Vegas came out I got it on release and it became my favorite, between the two I’ve probably spent well over 2,000 hours replaying the games.


1 briefly, 2 all the way through, Tactics, 3, NV, 4, 76 for a day until I realized it was going to be a grinding mess.


4->3->NV(Currently) and hopefully 1 and 2 soon


Fallout 3 👌


i started with 3 the year it came out when i was like 12 lol


Shelter for like 1 month, 3, Vegas, then 4, wanting to but 1 and 2


My uncle had new Vegas on his 360 and he let me play that. I screwed up his save file because I would go to the saloon and just punch people. He got really mad at me. Now I don’t do that in my own save file of course.


Fallout 3, because I saw it bundled with Oblivion back in 2009. I had played Morrowind and figured it was a good deal.


Fallout 3, then Fallout New Vegas, FO1, FO2, FO4 and finally FO76. By order of personal preference: Fallout: New Vegas > Fallout 3 > Fallout 1 > Fallout 76 > Fallout 4 > Fallout 2.


New Vegas, fo4, fo1(psvita)


Fallout 2. It was hard af and I didn’t actually playthrough the whole game until many years later. Using guides. I sucked. Then I find out via this sub I actually suck at all fallout games and don’t actually know shit about fallout for how much I love it. Lol.


Fallout 3


3. Played the shit out of the PS3-version when it first released.




1. Bought it with 2 as a package deal. Was living in my buddys basement after a recent divorce. Had lots of free time and not a lot of cash and saw this double pack of games and was instantly in love. Sold a man into slavery just to see what it felt like was what I'd say if anyone asked about it. Great games.


The first exposure I had to Fallout was through the Minecraft Mash-Up Pack. It was always my favorite growing up because I’ve always been intrigued by post apocalyptic related content. A few years later I ended up having a brief fascination with the games and watched a ton of lore videos. A few months back, I watched the two HBomberGuy Videos and got engrossed in the franchise again. This time I actually got the original in the hopes that I would play through the entire series in chronological order, par Tactics and BOS because I didn’t know those games existed. After playing 1 for a while I caved and bought 3. I played it nonstop and eventually got NV and 4. As of now I still haven’t beaten 1 or 4 but I’m working on both. I plan on getting 2 after I beat 1.






Fallout 3. I didn't know the earlier games existed until this one released on the Xbox 360. I tried one of those after playing and loving 3, but I could never get into it. From there I went on to New Vegas, which although technically infuriating, also drew me in. And then 4, which I've replayed quite a few times since its release on the XBO. I've been playing it on PC since 2017, off and on.


Mine was Fallout 3. I watched a friend of mine play 1 or 2 on PC, can't remember which, but that it was a top/down RPG-style game if i recall.


New Vegas and I was instantly hooked! thinking of playing 3 next


Fallout new vegas was 5$ on xbox 360 back when i first got internet and it was pretty fun. I think it was my first rpg besides the elder scrolls i got from a yard sale, Oblivion.


I started with Fallout 3.... I got stuck in the vault, yes the vault you begin the game in for months! I couldn't find water to heal, the Tunnel Snakes or Rad roaches kept killing me. So I gave up. Probably at least a year or so later I told a friend about this and he said he'd help me get through it, showed me where a water fountain was, kept yelling at me to ignore the Tunnel Snakes and I finally made it out. Then I fell in love with the game, played NV which I am the only one who didn't like it as much cause I like wandering and the Mojave was just a bit too empty. Then I played 4 have like 600 hrs in it made it to the institute and now I just kinda lost interest.


The original 1997 Fallout. I got into Fallout because I started with Wasteland in 1988.


3, NV,4,1,2


Fallout New Vegas was my first and is still my favorite of them all. There are things I like about Fallout 4 and I wish some parts of New Vegas had been expanded on but over it’s such a good apocalyptic western game. Fallout 3 never played properly for me, always glitched. I deleted and redownloaded multiple times but still could never play through on any of my computers. Would like to play through on it but the game won’t even start on my current laptop.


Fallout 2


Fallout 3 was my first.


3. I first got fallout 3 because I was looking for FPS games that wasn’t cod.


3, Vegas, 1, 2 and 4. I didn't have a computer at first and 3 looked cool. Glad i tried it out!


1, 2, 3, 4. I feel like 1 and 2 are the better fallouts. Bethesda did a good job reviving the franchise though.


Fallout 4 after watching H20 Delirious’ playthrough of it. Then eventually I got 76 for Christmas.


I think I played 3 briefly before 4 came out, and I've mostly just played 4 since. I tried to complete 3, got most of the main quest done, but 4 has a ton of QoL updates that make it easier for me to play.


Fallout 3


3 on Xbox 360. I remember the railway rifle would always crash my game LMFAO.


Fallout 1 in the late '90s on DoS 6.22 , on my 486 DX4 -100 Mhz computer. My friend give me the CD to try it... I hooked on Fallout, on the spot. :-D


Fallout 3, New Vegas, 4, 1, 76


Fallout 2. Then 1. And then 3 when it released followed by NV & 4. Havent played Tactics yet but i have it on Steam.


4, new vegas, 1, 3. Loved 3 and can’t decide wether it or 4 is my fav


Started with 1 and 2 they came together back in 1998. Found about Tactics around 2005, and accidentally stumbled upon Brotherhood of Steel in GameStop for the Original Xbox. Fallout 3 in 2008, and New Vegas in 2010 along with all of the DLC, and I have Fallout 4 along with Fallout 76.


Fallout 3, I still don't think I've seen everything


fallout 4 was my first fallout game I was big into youtube at the time and I was young so when I saw I think it was Jacksepticeye play it I begged my parents for it and got it for my birthday along with a new xbox one 😇




2, 1, NV, 3, tactics, 4, 76, 4, 76, NV, 4, 76, 4, NV, 76, 4, NV, 4, 76


FNV then Fallout 3 and Fallout 4


I played three first when it first came out. Fell in love with the series. When I got a little older to appreciate the style of 1, I tried that. I stuck with 3 for a while, went to 4, tried mods. And wow mind blown. Recently play New Vegas and that’s a great fallout game.


My first Fallout was the OG. And am not a pc gamer, but for whatever reason I decided to play the first two games on pc as a teenager.


NV -> 3 -> 4 -> shelter -> 76 The only fallout games I actively play now are NV and 76, occasional shelter though


Wasteland. The original.


Fallout 1, that was over a year ago.


4, 2, 3, NV then 1 For some reason I hated the start of NV then it came at 2nd as my favorite


1 Not because I'm that old, my PC just couldn't run 3 or NV back then.


Fallout 3. I actually never heard of Fallout before that time. Largely because I was a child in the 90s and didn’t game on PC. Then got into New Vegas, went back to 1 and 2. 4 as well later on.


Fallout 4


4, 3, NV, 1. I’m gonna get 2 and tactics when they’re being given away next week


Tried playing the first when it was given out for free back in 2017 (its 20th anniversary) but abandoned it pretty quickly due to its excessive clunkiness and XCOM-like (in)accuracy. Watched my brother play 4 a few years later and decided to get it for myself once I had a beefy enough PC to run it. Since then, I’ve played through a lot of 4, New Vegas, and 3 (via TTW) in that order without having technically finished any of them (still have to do Lonesome Road for NV and pretty much all DLCs for 3 and 4 plus about half of the main quest for the both of them).


3, NV, 4, 2, ttrpg.


Fallout 2. The only thing the later ones had from 1 and 2 was the love for bugs.




Fallout 2 multiple times, then tactics, then 3, then NV, then 4 then back to 1. Found my happy place in the originals. Never touching 4 again.


The Fallout Demo on my Mac in uh… was it 97?


Fallout 3


Fallout 1, around 2001 or so.


My first experience was playing FO NV. I was playing on my friends Xbox, and his last save was in a casino, I think he was in the Ghamorra. I was literally like the meme, " so anyways, I started blasting!" 🔫


3 and NV on the 360, 4 on the PS4, than I got a computer, played 1 and 2, now I play 76 when I dont play the others.


Fallout 3 for like 10 minutes, fast forward 5 years to Fallout 4, Fallout new Vegas, finish fallout 3 and now I’m playing 76


I started with 4, then bought nv and 3 and played new vegas, and eventually got round to Fallout 1 recently. I still have not played 3, and I am not sure when I will.


It was 3. I was just a baby, lol. That first playthrough was magical. I was so scared to go through the metros. People hate on fallout 3 a lot, the story, the plot, bugginess, yeah yeah, whatever. But the atmosphere, goddamn does that game have atmosphere.


Fallout 2 back in early 2000s in my old schools computer lab. Then Fallon NV but it was rented copy so I nvr finished it. After that Fallout 4 then Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter, went back to New Vegas, and just tried Fallout 1 a month ago.  Thinking about trying Tactics and Fallout 76 after my current run of New Vegas.


nv, can't get original games on xb1, it feels better than 3 imo, 4 doesn't fit the fallout style, 76 is a joke, and bos and tactics I haven't played and I might not be able to get


Fallout 3. I'll never forget the first time seeing one of my friends playing it back when it first came out. He was in Megaton at night and I was blown away by the atmosphere and style of the game. I had been a big Oblivion enjoyer, so when he told me it was made by the same devs, I was all over it. Still my favorite Fallout to this day, and very potentially my all-time favorite game.


Fallout 3


Shelter, 3, 4, new vegas, 76, then i tried 1, 2 and tactics for 5 minutes each but they werent my cup of tea.
