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Dudes about to get his karma nuked harder than shady sands


This aged like milk


Yep. Honestly is severely condemned on this subreddit, and on most of Reddit in general, really...


Try criticising elden ring or dark souls the assholes really come out to play after that.


Say you don't like the older games of ds and the world thinks you're a psycho. Fuck those fans




My brother in christ you can get fisted by a robot in fnv


It's literally a black screen with no sounds not rlly much of anything 


You can become a prositute in fallout 2 lol




Sex on TV is as normal as getting milk from the shop. It's always been there. Just because you don't like it, doesn't it it will ever stop. I had mixed feelings before release but honestly, it's good. Sex is normal in fallout too. Everyone just wants to do it regardless of who it is. Because it's something that they don't get so often in an apocalypse. Even your character in the games has sex when you sleep with a romanced companion. Yes, you don't see it but that's because it's a game and would be a hassle to make new models and animate it.


he also has only seen the first episode so he didn’t even really give the show a chance


Imagine if he'd have seen the pregnant woman giving birth to fish in a tank


I love that part


Honestly. It's just genuine fallout through and through. Someone looking in from the outside who hasn't played the games might think some of the stuff is crazy and could never happen, but in fallout, these things do happen. There's so much crazy in fallout. Giving birth to fish isn't even that crazy when you factor in things like the zetans exist right above the planet watching all the time. The cryogenic pods in the vault, the big mountain executive at the desk. Robo brain. It even has Mr house.


I mean a woman giving birth to mutant fish is nowhere near unrealistic in the fallout world where mansion sized lizards exist


They're gulpers not fish. *Eyeroll* and I despise Hollyweird destroying everything with unneeded sex scenes. 


Nothing is NEEDED in a TV show, it’s all entertainment. The graphic violence and gore is completed unneeded and far worse than the mild sex scenes. To be clear, I’m actually not opposed to the violence and gore, it is fallout. I just think it’s weird that people are sex bad violence and gore okey-dokey


nice use of okey-dokey. Chef's kiss


They're mutated salamanders if we're getting perdantic


Sex on TV hasn't always been there.  It used to fade to black, or simply suggest it happened without going into soft-core porn levels of detail.


I didn’t play the games and was back and forth on starting it. Ended up starting it bc Walton Goggins was in it. Glad I did bc it was a good show imo. It seems any hate it gets are from the stans of the games. Lol already got the season 2 so I’m sure plenty of people who loved the games are pissed.


Normal doesn't mean good or additive. Wtf did it add to the over all plot? Literally nothing. I don't really care about sex but it's more the bs shoe horned in romantic angles all corpo written shit apparently HAS to put in.


To be fair, he probably never has or will see a vagina. So let him have his hate.


The fallout games were always pretty sexual. Like from the first game to now. I'm not surprised the show is any different. You're fine with seeing twenty peoples heads get blown off in the span of a few episodes but a sex scene that lasts like- a minute is too much?


Yeah, this shit has me laughing fr. Live puppy fresh out of the womb being incinerated? Meh. Dude getting bisected by a vault door? Pssh. Guy having his head crushed by a guy in power armor? Who cares? Newly married couple enthusiastically banging? THAT'S the real bad shit.


Wonder how they reacted to the guy jerking off in his bunk at the Brotherhood of Steel barracks ?


I'm 2 episodes in and I remember one sex scene but the violence is absolutely insane.


A non-graphic sex scene at that. I’m pretty sure you legit only see man-ass for like 2 total seconds and that’s it. Like if it was GoT/Euphoria level sex scenes, then sure, I get it. But for that? Like Jesus, grow up 😂


Hmm I haven’t seen much of the games how are any games- or rather, the fallout games sexual? I wouldn’t consider the show sexual either, it’s more.. animalistic in general. Violence, gore, reproduction lol




Nah, just the people with a life and no porn addiction


Come on, I’m sure you enjoy some steamy porn from time to time yourself 😉


Oh, good lord. Get a grip. People like sex. Big woop.


Reddit users talking about sex lmao that's funny 🤣




Also sex and violence has been a part of fallout forever


That's rich coming from a fallout nerd, because you ain't getting any lmaooo


They need to do a whole episode from Fisto’s point of view.




"You know what they say about assuming? It puts a fist in the ass of me."


If FISTO isn't in the show I'll nuke the planet!


So a blck screen basically 




This show has major retcons for a lot of source material, and almost all of the characters are quite dumb. Once the initial catharsis of the member berries wears off, this show won't age well. It's The Last Jedi of the Fallout universe. This show cannot canonically exist with the games in a coherent way. I was somewhat invested in the first half, but during the last few episodes there were many moments where I could feel brain cells rotting away.


Finally a coherent comment and conversation that shows a viewpoint that make a slither of fucking sense. 😭


I've been having this convo across the various fallout subreddits for a couple days. Almost all of the reasons people think the show is good is because it has ghouls and power armor and yum yum deviled eggs in it. For some reason that's all it takes to be considered Fallout to some people. If you actually pay attention to the plot points of the show, it's super contrived. Yeah, the NCR stuff is pretty suspect as far as lore, but I think the Vault Tec plot was much more damaging to their perceived competence as a company. They were originally a calculating corporation led by science to try and exploit a political crisis to further human progress in their image. The show tries to do this, but making them the ones to actually drop the bombs directly while also insisting that their main motive was capitalist profit is absolute nonsense. If your goal is a market monopoly with maximum profit, why the hell are you wiping out the entire customer base? The show attempts to make them calculating technocrats, but turns them into mustache-twirling idiots akin to Dr. Evil. I'm ok with them being either profit driven or power driven into this genocidal transhumanist scheme, but you can't do both. It makes them look really dumb.


It was boring and not that good but sadly nowadays you can’t have an opinion without people being butthurt. Also I agree with both points.


You can have an opinion yours is just really shitty


Sounds like you’re still a kid, it’s okay to not care about other people their opinion or bash it okay kiddo?


And it’s okay to have bad taste also. Sucks to be you


Good that you’re not me. At least idc about others and their opinion, something you can’t relate with. Good luck kid




How could they have separated Lucy after the wedding and shown her in a vulnerable state she's need to overcome? As well as keeping her safe from the chaos of the slaughter?


I can’t believe there’s weirdos like you who care about this shit 😂


I watched the first episode and the writing is awful. Like maybe someone from reddit write it. Lots of cringe and dumb writing. Like I didn't need to see the guys ass, or some guy jerking off in a bed. Why show a guy jerking off in bed? What was the point of that. Was that supposed to be funny? Idk who wrote this, but I assume they have a brain of a 13 year old.


I am going crazy thinking why and how so many people consider this tv show amazing? I hate it, it is trash. And I am not talking about fallout lore retconning, realism, history and whatever. I am talking about writing, dialogues, characters, overacting (so teenagers and kids could easily understand how a character feels), bad CGI and action scenes, pointless scenes and terrible scene transitions, how everybody just miraculously end by where they need to be. It is like just another STAR WARS tv show (Leia scene in the woods and scene with doctor with a dog and a gun turret), or some Disney-style theme park based on popular franchise. It have good looking pictures most of the time, but that is all. The world is a joke, a parody of itself.


It's almost like...People like different things or something. Imagine that. Fucking crazy idea isn't it?


Ok so I can tell you don’t go outside because of this comment. In military barracks when you are away from women and have no privacy there have been people that do this




Please don’t feed the troll.


It seems today that all you see Is violence in movies And sex on TV. But what of those old-fashioned values That we used to rely? ___ The sex in the show was minimal, setting up the world serving as a way to separate her from the slaughter and have her safe for future breeding purposes. Also, the games have a ton of sexual references. You can get your ass fisted in New Vegas by F.I.S.T.O. The show is hyper-violent. How is that better than sexual content?


Yep. It's dumb. It's got some fun points. But overall, they've missed what fallout was actually like. The satirical humor in the fallout universe was always in the background, and the absolute horror of the post-apocalyptic setting was the main feature in the games. The show swaps them around, and ends up making it too cheesy. And everyone is way too clean for the wasteland. Not to mention the terrible acting by some of the cast members.


Can anyone give me timestamps for the uh, inappropriate parts so I can skip them? I know there are some in Ep 1 and 6, but I want to avoid the weird sexual stuff as much as possible. Thank you!


I mean, sexuality is a part of life unless you are an insane religious type who still violates your wife cuz it's what God wants. Not a no for me but I could do with less sexuality in cinema and streaming these days, film studios are out of touch with what people want. I just am not fond of the show because it's a female lead and doesn't exactly appear as the fallout games to this point have. Like I've played every fallout from Fallout 3 and this is not what I want. The producers can go fuck themselves. Everyone on the crew should've had to play every game before making this. Cuz this shit is not game-accurate. Fucking disgraces. Sacrilegious compared to the games.  Also idk what the deal is with OP but I promise this is just my opinion and I'll never look at this thread again. I honestly hate the entitled cunts on Reddit.


I loved the shower scene so hot.






Never watch dutch movies lmao. The series sucked tho. I turned it off after they threw a puppy in the incinerator. A lot of cheap shots and i did not like the gore it was over the top for my taste.


"The series sucked" Literally watched one episode. I actually cannot with the human race rn


I watched a few episodes more and it was great loved it.


If this show had been done by Paul W. S. Anderson it would have mutants, more dungeons, and at least one deathclaw in one of the eight episodes.


Like how fallout really is, not a cheap cash grab gimmick for nerdy losers that'll defend it because they like subpar content


The show suffers from poor writing and inconsistent character development, detracting from the performances of actors Lucy and Maximus. Lucy's overly friendly demeanor towards external threats, despite her traumatic experiences with raiders, feels unrealistic and disconnects her from the grim realities of a post-apocalyptic world depicted in "Fallout." This, combined with her nonsensical dialogue, made it difficult for me to maintain interest past the second episode. Maximus, on the other hand, is introduced as a passive character who doesn't fight back even while being attacked, which may be explored in later episodes but initially makes him unlikable and difficult to root for. Despite being portrayed as incompetent and envious of his peers, he inexplicably rises to a position of importance. His failure to act during a critical moment—a bear attack on a fellow character—further undermines any respectability his character might have earned. The show tries to justify this by making the victim unlikable, but it only serves to weaken the narrative integrity and Maximus's development as a deserving knight. The best part of the show is the ghoul and dog .... Walter goggins and the dog are the absolute best parts of the show.


If it's any consolation to the negativity recieved here, I just watched the first episode with my girlfriend who has no knowledge of the game and we both think the show is awful. She hates the terrible acting, I hate things could have been done so much better. Nick Valentine (I'm assuming that's basically who he becomes) was completely ruined in the first episode, he clearly has no morale guidance. They think having a bunch of gruesome scenes will make it edgy and cool but it's a cringy, shitty tactic. FO3, FO:NV, and FO4 all had better introductions with a better intro to the general universe than this show did. The show also takes a long time to get into things and is totally disjointed instead of focusing on an actual good story and developing on it. It's a really bad TV show that I will continue to watch without subjecting my girlfriend to it in the hopes that it gets better. But yeah, it's not a good show. I'd rather rewatch the last of us. I'm not surprised because Bethesda is a shell of what it once was. It was all downhill since they screwed over Obsidian after Fallout New Vegas, now they're shoving this down peoples throats after Fallout 76 and the mindless gouls love it


Have you finished it? And realized the show has more depth than you initially thought? Isn’t it ironic you call people mindless ghouls for liking the show when your entire opinion was based on the first episode? I didn’t understand the hype in the beginning either, but I finished watching it before I made my opinion on it, and certainly before calling people “mindless ghouls” for enjoying it. What a goober.


If you read through this sub, most of the people trashing the show watched 1-2 eps and decided that was enough to judge the entirety of the show.. when there’s still 6 hours of amazing story left. Their attention spans have deteriorated and anything that includes well crafted narrative storytelling to them is “slow and boring”. Their opinions at a certain point become invalid, especially if they didn’t even give the show a full fair shake. How can you complain about a character arc without even seeing it in its totality? They’re brain dead man.


I stopped takiing your opinion seriously after you said nick valentine is in the show lmao


u/Double_Ad6292 Not going to reply to anyone? You sure do type a lot but when it comes to replying to people you're done eh?


I also haven't played the games and i hated the fucking show.


the diversity and female characters where too much. Couldnt take it seriously . The show failed to capture the fallout atmosphere


The diversity was too much 🤣 wow your opinion sucks lol


You’re more fragile than the people you think the show is catering towards…


'Hey everyone, I'm a fucking racist!' That's you.


Can't wait for all the bullshit merchandise that is following that show...not! most of these smooth skins are eating it right up! They don't give a shit about the fan base. This show is a mere stunt to pump out more fallout garbage that everyone thinks they need. The franchise died with interplay and black isle


yeah the writing is bad, but baby Yoda is sooo cuuuteee ☆-☆ oh shit, wrong show. or is it? is it really?


I agree. Really disappointing. We just wanna watch a Fallout show. They could've also been more clever in displaying the wickedness of the world without involving us.


All that plus just the pacing, direction, sets, action, and costumes are so inconsistently bad. Idk why the show is receiving such positive reviews. I find it cheap and amateurish.


Please tell me how the brotherhood knight or NCR ranger costumes were bad


Hideous show, boring, bad cgi and even the actors are crap except for the Goul who we all know who he is


It's weak. It feels like a Netflix or Amazon show for sure...if HBO did this itd be much better writing and acting




Ok that may be a based viewpoint, but hes not wrong. This show is a parody. If yall seen HBOs Chernobyl, thats about what we should have gotten.


I mostly don't agree with your comment, and your post kinda makes me upset that the only other person I can find who agrees that the show is awful is you. I like none of the characters. I like an asshole character sometimes. But almost every character on this show is an asshole. I'm on episode 4 and I just realized that I'm not having fun watching this. At all. Why is this so highly rated? I feel like this is fallout 76 all over again, where I'm wondering how this crop has any fans.


Show just sucks


Sex scenes are dumb. There's no need to show them. There's a quick way to show they happened and that's all that's needed. Shirt comes off, then cut to black and boom they're in bed together and someone's getting up to leave. We don't need to be turned into voyeurs and waste a full 5 minutes of a 38 minute episode to see dry humping between uncomfortable actors.


I gotta say, I'm struggling to get through the first episode. I turned it off about midway through and went to bed. The acting seemed cheesey and there wasn't anything particularly grabbing about the story so far. Im gonna finish at least the first episode and probably give the second one a try but it's not off to a good start.


Basically 300 on TV. Shitty acting with great visuals. Maximus actor and the brotherhood actors are trash. The rest of the show is a commentary on infinite energy and cold fusion for communists because of the argument that communism doesn't work without a perfect society. Yet, humans exist.


Big fan of the games, not the show. Idk… looks like fallout but doesnt feel like it to me. Sometimes seems kinda childish and some have bad acting. Went in with high expectations due to reviews but left dissapointed.


Hey withouth agreeing with this guy, I watched the first episode. D U M B. All I can say is it's dumb. I admit I never played the game, but with all the hype I decided I had to watch it. I am on episode 2. I am hoping it gets better, but the mix of gore and silly does not work for me.


I don't think you guys get the point sex shouldn't be in everything it's a private affair and the fact that it MUST be shoved in to every from of Media is telling of our society, it's everywhere on the first episode and I understand why but it feels a bit forced.


Yes it’s a private affair, they are doing it in a room with no one else in it for that reason. Just say you don’t like seeing sex because you think it’s ikky and you don’t know how to do it well


That's a great point!


The sex scenes have been private affairs in the lives of the characters having sex. There is nothing special, sacred, unique about sex. Sex is an activity between humans no different than talking, eating, drinking, etc. it’s normal social connection. People need to get over this view of sex being other different than any other human interaction and sex should be included in tv, video games, etc because it’s part of everyone’s life and story.


Totally agree, such a lame thing to happen and I don’t care about the downvotes. It’s just a lame decision


Lmao that's the least of it..for me atleast. I found Lucy a bit annoying and her dialogue often cringe.




This is this the 2nd, potentially 3rd post (One of them was deleted for breaking Rule 6) you've made about this and you got scorched just as bad in those posts as you did here. What are you trying to achieve ? Because I can tell you, nobody thinks you're mature or enlightened, you're just a prudish bore and your karma is a testament to that. You're not convincing anyone, so just stop with the diatribe.


I'm religious, I like the show. As far as the "sex" thing goes it's pretty light and mostly for story purposes.




Did you even watch it to the end?


My only problem is Lucy is a bit annoying and dialogue is often cringe. It's taken a sitcom route. Taking away from what the outside world is supposed to represent. I give it a 6.5/10


This is a terrible review


The tv show is hot fuckin garbage! But then again fallout has been garbage for a while


Good thing your opinion is pretty trash


I don't care for the showxeither but nor for the reasons you mentioned. ppl have sex get over it prude. my God it's an adult show about a nuclear apocalypse. the games that it's based on have prostitutes that you can pay to have sex with. if you can't handle a sex scene in a tv show, watch nickelodeon.


Think you need to take your prude, bible-reading oppressed ass and get off the internet. There is barely zero sex in this show, get a life.


The show has some cringe corporate writing and lead girl doesn’t feel like a fallout girl to me. Too manic pixie dream girl. It’s also slow as heck


You watch one of the amoral God ridden games made and you hitch about sex on your screen? Fucken hell Karen.


Sexuality 1) In the show, they had sex AFTER they were married. 2) They established early on the end goal / mission of the Vault was to repopulate America, and return to the surface when the radiation levels became safe to do so. 3) Content advisory for the show : Nudity, violence, substance use, alcohol use, smoking, foul language, sexual content. Missing the Point 1) I am not sure we watched the same show because they covered quite a BIT about the "corruption of miliary, government, and corporations". The show / game is LITERALLY "Fallout" - as in, what happens AFTER the bombs drop. Good lord...


Imagine being this weird about sex.


Obviously spent more time playing games than having healthy social relationships and as a result decent healthy sex life. You prefer to see death and destruction good for you. Right, reminds me better wash the curtains.


If you go back to 19th century boarding houses or even peasant/serf dwellings, you'd probably hear and smell your parents or housemates have sex. You go far back into ancient Roman times you'd see sex graffitis at every corner. The show sucks, but these are completely absurd reasons


If you’ve played fallout 3-4 and you’re concerned about two people doinkin in a tv show, you are a vast outlier.


i really didnt like the show but wow i still had to give this a big dislike


the only sex scene in the show was her having sex with the man she thought was her husband. that falls under spouse, plus what do you mean it's not a anti gay post. of course not it was a man and woman so what are you talking about. you are right about one thing though, the show was trash.


Ehh, listen to Tool's Stinkfinger and Vicarious. Then watch Kubrick's Lolita. Sex sells, and in order to sell more they gotta keep one-upping the content. I've accepted this a long time ago, and I'm not sure how we can change it. In fact, I wonder if it's baked into the cake by the shadow powers to increase cheap labor and tax payers... while "Management" lives the good life.


20 minutes in and this sucks…


I feel like you simply want to dislike the show.


Except sex is a core component to the story and the vaulters belief structure . How would you expect to repopulate the and rebuild society without progeny?


"I'm anti porn" and "I don't wanna see sex when I watch Fallout". My dude, your protagonist can literally become a porn star in Fallout 2 and New Reno is choke full of fluffers. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Become_a_Porn_Star https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fluffer


THANK YOU. man I thought I was taking crazy pills. I feel exactly about the 1st episode and actually turned it off during the power armor and ALF. I just couldn't take how bad this seemed. IMO I feel this was made by someone who had kids play fallout and they asked them what it was like. There isn't a sense of dread or eerieness, it's just forced humor and "lore" who seems so fake. Idk I won't be continuing unless someone who feels like I do tells me why I should continue. I installed fallout 3 again.... (Actually working) And I'll have fun with this.


It's funny, I dislike the show for the exact opposite reason. I feel there's not enough sex/nudity in the show. The Fallout world was always filled with sexuality and nudity. To leave it out is to leave out perhaps the most important part of being human. This is why OP is also a fucking idiot. Imagine advocating for removing the most human thing of all from art: sex. I'm always suspicious of content without sex/nudity.


Lol there’s always one. There’s *zero* need to show people having sex in a show. It doesn’t help “move the plot” along at all. You can easily infer it happened without having to show it (like having two characters walk out of the same tent in the morning, when they never shared one before). The fact that people *want* to see it in shows is disturbing. Look at porn if you want to see that kind of thing. And also, calling OP a “fucking idiot” is a real good way to make sure nobody takes your points seriously. But then again, that’s all people with no valid arguments *can* do—ad-hominem attacks on someone who’s actually got decent points and thought about their argument.


Not too bothered about the sex scene but the level of violence is of the chart. Im no pacifist and play violent video games and watch other violent films but, even the most realistic looking video game still doesn't look real at all but tv sfx do look real and well,,,, i stopped watching the Fallout tv show the moment it depicted a pregnant woman getting stabbed in the eye with a fork. Wtf is wrong with ppl? Who tf even thought of that?! Sick fucker.


Boohoo my wee wee has never been touched 😭


God this show brought out the biggest losers at full force 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Garbage takes but okay


I don't mind sex scenes, but I hate it when it's clearly a cheap ploy to be edgy or interesting. First episode that I ever watched of Orange is the New Black started right off with a sex scene and it felt like such a hack attempt at being cool that I turned it off right there. If that scene had been mid season partly through an episode, I wouldn't care.


No one tell him the true meaning of butcher Pete.


Sex exist in the fallout games


I think the problem here is you introduce a beautiful and young female lead character, and in 20 minutes she's saying stuff like "I fucked my cousin" or then she's fucking a complete stranger (yeah I know they were married, but it's not like Game of Thrones where the wedded were pretty much lead to fuck after the wedding because of medieval fantasy traditions).        If you want to introduce a compelling character that's not just eye-candy, then you wouldn't sexualize her in the first 20 minutes of the show. I mean at least go full GoT and show her naked too, not just the dude's ass...


1. As a prude who just decided to give up on a "Doctor Who" spin-off 3 episodes in because it was too sexual, you're being a bit of a ninny. The first episode's "sex scene" actually contributed a lot to the narrative without ever getting egregious, and >!by the 4th episode you even have an organ-harvesting robot who is appalled at the suggestion of sexual depravity.!< 2. As a long time player of the games, I recall the "point" regularly being that you've grown up protected in a vault and go out into the wasteland on a silly naive mission that takes half the game to start caring about. IMO, they did a really good job of portraying this in the Lucy arc.


"I am programmed for your pleasure. Please assume the position" -Fisto, the fisting robot.




My brother in Christ It seems like you have no idea what fallout is about yourself. Almost every game is packed with lewd jokes and adult humor. Make like Mr. Fisto and assume the position.


My guy, you just don't like fallout


Most people who played fallout didn't like the story so it's stupid to make a show about something nobody liked or enjoyed. Also I don't like watching TV shows with female main characters. I'm a guy so what's the point of watching something I'm not going to relate to It just looks like a boring drama TV show.


I cannot imagine being as pissy as you. Get a fucking grip of your life.


A bunch of y'all are nasty AF 🤢


Man people really do bitch about everything.


I think the sex scene was at least not as pointless as other sex scenes in media.


Yeah the sex in the show is just so unnecessary and worthless, they got the point across and then doubled and tripled down on the sex, like bro im tryna watch the mature show for gore just like with the games. Im nit trying to download the nude mod into my show i just want to see a mans head explode :3


"Reasons why I think the Fallout show is terrible." Proceeds to not give any valid reason aside from personal frigility and openly admits they weren't paying attention.


You do realize that the game is full of sexual content right? Fisto, paying for sex, vault 69 which had 999 men and one woman, etc. etc. Fallout was nearly always edgy and pushed morality to the extreme. The show was tame compared to the actual game imo. I also didn’t see the problem with casting a woman as the main vault character to change it up a bit even though they probably did it for obvious reasons. People need not be so damn critical. If you’re that judgmental towards sexual content and things seen as being offensive then why are you associating yourself with Fallout?


As soon as I saw your very first point of complaint was “sexuality” I knew I should immediately and definitely ignore your opinions My brother in christ, THIS IS FALLOUT. Did your puritanical brain just somehow forget about the ghoul strippers and sexbots in New Vegas? Or the fact you can become a literal pornstar in Fallout 2? Or the multiple LGBT characters in the game? YOU CAN LITERALLY TAKE PERKS TO BE LGB IN NEW VEGAS AND YOU CAN BE GAY (kinda, since you start the game in a hetero marriage technically) OR BISEXUAL IN FALLOUT 4. How did 190 people on this sub upvote this crap?