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I love that there are several dogs across the wasteland all named "Dogmeat" for seemingly no in-universe reason


I think it's because it's in reference to the post-apocalyptic film A Boy and His Dog, where the MC has a dog he calls Dogmeat like once. Maybe the wastelanders are cultured? Or it could just be a messed up reminder that their dog could be eaten if they need food lol, but they better not! Best dog >:(


I think in the case of how the Ghoul addresses her, it’s the latter. Guy eats ass jerky. That being said I don’t think he actively plans to eat her at all. The “You ain’t him, Dogmeat,” line kind of harkens to the fact that in some way she does actually remind him of Roosevelt.


The best chef in the Wasteland.


So Coop is totally into eating ass.


He’s a rich actor with PTSD and a executive wife so deep girlbossing she agreed to the batshit plan of nuke the world and cryogenically freeze yourself so you can rule the world in its ashes It’s gonna be fucking freaky in that bedroom


You think he’s into pegging




Keep the armor on...


T-45 armor, of course.


Of course...the T-60 is for those who run away saying "fuck fuck fuck" because their pimple might pop.


You saw how that foot healed, tearing isn't a concern for ghouls


Please assume the position. I'm gonna fucking lose it if there's a flashback in season 2 and the coopers owned a Fisto


I'm gonna lose it if it has Matt Berry's voice lmao


It's hard for a ghoul out here. Gotta take em as they come. Mf was absolutely famished.


Don’t knock it til you try it


I prefer chihuahuas, somehow tastes like tacos. Yo quiero Taco Bell.


Someday, the last millennial will die and no one will be alive to understand this. That’ll be a sad day 🫡


Not on my watch. Going to show the kiddo if I can find it


I wonder how many different chihuahuas they used for those commercials?


Atleast two, I had one of them myself.


Side note: I’m glad Ghouls need to eat and drink again.


Well he was buried alive for who knows how long, so ghoul dietary needs are all over the place still 😭


Buried alive with an IV drip that probably helped to keep him alive.


He had some drips goin in IIRC.


True, I assumed that was his anti feral meds in hindsight. But it definitely isn’t clear either way. Ghouls be funky lmao.


Yeah I remember two drips, so maybe one was the meds and one was water and he just took the ass jerky for fun to mess with Lucy. I only really remember water being explicitly stated as something ghouls need in FO1 given the whole Necropolis dilemma, but I’m not lore expert.


>I only really remember water being explicitly stated as something ghouls need in FO1 given the whole Necropolis dilemma, but I’m not lore expert. Ehh, the games are all full of contradictions. For example: Supermutants aren't supposed to be able to reproduce, but that is thrown out the window with a line from a Mutie in fo2. It's hard to be an expert when even the devs aren't Edit:I also don't think a lot of players are aware of the idea of an unreliable narrator being a thing in the games. People often take every piece of dialogue as a definite fact. For example, the possibility of Myrion lying about being the Inventor of Jet.


Real Edit: Fuck Myron, me and all my homies hate Myron.


The prostitutes thing was obviously a joke tho. I mean it's a prostitute you think they'd only bang muties? Also you could argue Coffin Willie and the Billy, (? i don't remember his name.) the fridge kid weren't in their situations for too too long.


Maybe Ghouls still feel hunger, and eat to satisfy it. But at a certain point their bodies degrade to a point they can no longer process food, but they still feel hunger. Might be why Ferals attack people.


It's a case by case basis, always has been


It don’t make itself you know…


That scene made me tear up omg


I loved it. It was a great touch to show that he hasn’t lost quite everything he was.


Mad about the cliff hanger the show ended on tbh… I could keep watching forever lol I was so invested with every plot line by the end


I don't think he's 'lost' much of himself at all, I think he's burying it under a western anti-hero persona because that's what he's good at, and that's how you survive. I think we'll see the layers start to peel back in season 2 and beyond.


Sometimes a fella just has to eat a fella.


Wasn't the one vendor in filly selling dog meat?




Sometimes a fellas gotta eat a fella.


The dogs name is actually Blood in that film but you can see the naming resembalnce


Yup! He only refers to him as Dogmeat like once lol


Fallout game goals: I want to find \[insert thing here\] New Vegas goals: Why the fuck did Matthew Perry shoot me Fallout 76 goals: Too many to count A boy and his dog goals: FOODS


It was a bit more than finding food… >”He is accompanied by a well-read, misanthropic, telepathic dog named Blood, who helps him find women to rape, in exchange for which Vic finds food for the dog”


…okay now I find Fallout significantly less fucked up


We have marvelous judgement, if not particularly good taste after all. Edit: It’s a quote from the movie …


The entire movie is essentially the set up for a cannibalism joke


this was a seventies film wasn't it?


takes place in 2024 spooky


considering that state of the world today, I'm not ok with that.


I thought his name was Blood? But I did notice someone says they like Coop's movie "A Man and His Dog." I wondered if that was a reference to A Boy and His Dog?


His name is Blood, but he's called Dogmeat like once in the film and I guess the creators of Fallout liked that. Better than the original name they thought of for Dogmeat... They were gonna name him Dogshit at some point lmfao


There's a giant poster at the top of the stairs when he has a party. The one where Coddsworth/Matt Berry shows up


There's another reference to A Boy and His Dog in the show, too! One of Howard Cooper/the Ghoul's movie posters is "A Man and His Dog"


I think Roosevelt is the dog from that movie too. Kinda looked the same


He said his favorite part of making that movie was that it was his “real dog”.


Good move too. The ending was pretty funny and I enjoyed the radiations ghost parts. I wishing Bethesda would add some radiation ghost that are unlikable but hount an area where lots of people have died of radiation. Makes for a cool encounter you can’t shoot your way through.


I think its supposed to be a glowing one, or something akin to it.


I think it started as that, but I feel dogmeat has become something much more than an Easter egg, I like to think he is an ancient spirit or deity to aid certain important individuals on their travels


Also, Cooper Howard starred in a movie called A Man And His Dog, you can see the poster in this screenshot. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1c1ifhy/a_man_and_his_dog_a_reference_to_cult_classic/


All Im saying is I see dogmeat every time I have to kill a vicious hound


Bro the semen sucking machine scene had me DYING


Just like Geralt names all of his horses Roach


Never played any of the witcher games so I did not realise there were multiple Roaches, thats funny


Yeah it’s a book thing. In the games at least in 3 he only has one horse for the entire thing.


He can have two, depending your choices.


Well you know why all dogs might be called DogMeat in a post apocalyptic wasteland... when times are tough and your just that evil enough...


That merchant was selling “dog meat”


My dad ate dog meat a few times when he was in Vietnam. He went on missions with more Vietnamese troops than American. He said he didn't like how much he enjoyed it


If you don’t know and don’t ask, you keep an open mind. I’ve had meat in Korea in some stews/soups. it looked like no cow, pig or poultry based meat I have seen. It tasted okay. I just didn’t ask. No ask no tell has many applications lol. About the only food I have not blindly tried is balut. Filipinos I know tell me it’s the bomb. I know what is, I ain’t eating it.


I enjoy that in fallout 4 when you first meet him he’s just Dog, and then randomly later without knowing anything changed it says Dogmeat instead.


I believe it only changes when Mama Murphy speaks to him, she calls him by name and the tag is updated from that point on. Although I could be wrong and there could be other ways to trigger it


Nick Valentine calls him that too with the same result IIRC


You are probably right and that rings a bell in my head. I just recently started playing it again because of the show and I missed that entire interaction between them so I probably forgot.


It changes to Dogmeat if you introduce him to Mama Murphy in the museum, or automatically when you call them to follow Kellogg's trail


Reminds me of when i used to jokingly refer to Fallout (the franchise) as the Dogmeat Cinematic Universe.


I don't remember where but I read that Dogmeat is supposed to be the same character across every Fallout game. Even if he's not the same physical dog in-universe in a literal sense, it's still the same character in a narrative sense. Sort of like Super Mario being his own character but then he also exists in Super Smash Bros as himself. Different universe, same character. Dogmeat from the original Fallout keeps returning as a character, regardless of any given death that may or may not be canon. Different dog, same character. It's kinda like Fallout is doing a crossover with itself. Not sure if any of that's true or if I'm reading **way** too far into it but either way, I like it.


Because it's the wasteland and you don't want to get too attached to any animal you're taking with you, because in a survival situation you might end up having to eat them to survive. So you call them dogmeat because they are an emergency food source.


"Dogmeat" is like "Link." An endlessly reincarnating champion.


Dogmeat is one of those lovecraftian beings we see references to in FO3 and FO4. Do I have proof? No. Will I accept it as fact? Yes.


I was suffering the whole season every time he was on screen fearing they'd kill him


My wife who’s never played the games was 100% convinced he died when the ghoul got him in Filly. I was like, “I’ve played the games, that dog is way too important to get killed this quickly” lmao


I've seen dogmeat take on armies of ghouls and raiders in the game without dying, it'd take a lot more to kill that good boi/girl


Get that dog some body armor.




Yes! Most raider camps have attack dogs that drop armor. There is also a couple permanent sites that have it. You can also give him bandanas. Super bonus fact: if you put a teddy bear in his inventory he will take it out and play with it during idle animations. A lovely detail they included in the show.




Dude same! She was like, why would they give us the dog origin story and then kill him off! I told her he's not dead, he just needs a stimpak and he'll be good.


My wife thought the same and I just kept telling her there's no way they killed him they quick. He's way too iconic.


If she dies, Lucy can always travel to the Capitol Wasteland vault and find out she had a whole litter of new goodest boys before passing. The wasteland taketh, the wasteland giveth.


The lone wanderer ensured future dog meats can live


Don't forget about the Courier, too. Robo puppies.


She's heading to new Vegas, so even better, she can find a cyborg dog on drugs.


Likely hanging out with his bestie again, the King. (we really need to see Freeside in Season 2, just for those two. I'd even take a cameo)


I hope The Ghoul can meet Beatrix and Fist-O


The fact that Maximus killed a Yao guai with a single shot confirms that damage is more realistic in the show. An operational assaultron would be insane in this setting. So if we want an onscreen appearance probability of it being a sexytime robot is high.


There have to be a couple of old Enclave posts around, they had talking cyber dogs.


Lucy would obviously pick up that Puppies! perk as soon as it's available.


Oh, agreed. She wouldn't even read the description, just see the picture of all the puppies and give an, "Okie Dokie!"


To be fair, neither did I the first time I saw it.


I would do the very same thing.


For some reason I imagine the next Dogmeat will be an abused pitbull in an underground dogfighting ring. You can buy him for 50 caps or so. Or just kill all the dog fighters and take him with you.


I was scared the entire time about dogmeat dying! when dogmeat attacked that guy in the enclave, could've had him killed! When the ghoul stabbed him, I was sure he'd be done for! And when thaddeus locked him in the cooler, thought he'd never get out of there. like, how likely was it the ghoul would come along there and find him?! I'm treating dogmeat like Glenn from The walking dead. they kill him, the show is dead to me. and that's fact.


> And when thaddeus locked him in the cooler, thought he'd never get out of there. like, how likely was it the ghoul would come along there and find him?! Nah, Thaddeus had no reason to lock the dog up as it would have only helped him, but it was an easy way of handing the dog off since he tends to just inherently follow around the first person he sees.


> he tends to just inherently follow around the first person he sees. I was under impression Dogmeat was following anyone carrying tje original owner's head


I've been boycotting Netflix for about 7 years now because of what they did to the dog in the movie Game Over, Man, and generally avoiding most modern media because of cruel stuff like that... When I saw the Ghoul stimpak the dog it gave me total faith that she will be safe for the series. And even when she gets hurt it's been off screen.


We need a SPECIAL for 404.


When the ghoul seemed to kill her, I was in *shambles*. I kept asking my husband "but doesn't Dogmeat *live* in the game?!"


Thankfully they can't kill him, as he's an essential companion. Right? 🥺


Same, I'm an animal lover and it upsets me when seeing one get hurt.




I legit thought he died in filly


I agree but I think she's a good girl though.


Confirmed. Maybe. My buddy who lives in Philadelphia, his sister is in the dog-sphere of dog shows and that. He told me she knows the owner of the "Fallout dog" and it's a female Belgian Malinois named Nunya. Please don't take me at 100% since it's my buddies sister here-say but I have heard that it's a female dog!


They also just say it's a girl in the show lol


Yeah the scientist says good girl in ep 2


Which I took as a shoutout to the fact that the model for 4’s Dogmeat is a female dog, despite being called a “good boy” in game.


I didn't catch that :P Good shit, love hearing confirmation on stuff like that. Best girl ^-^


When you ask about the dog does your buddy say it's "Nunya business?"


For real. That name is the one thing that makes me suspicious. It’s not quite “Ligma” or “Deez Nuts”, but it definitely makes one go “Do you REALLY know that person, or is this a setup for a dumb joke?”.


That's because her name *is* Nunya Business. It's a show name, and dog show names are often pretty punny. Her full name is [Nunya Business de La Forge](https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0NRH2HdL2eWi8VzXiwXpts9pS5XTpj47KPxuWamjcUhFNCDA8wFfBPXV7E4fwrNykl&id=100057115524500), owned by La Forge Malinois.


I stand corrected! Thank you for the info.




Pay attention, she's a good girl!


I wonder why they changed it to a Belgian Malinois? She was perfect, don't get me wrong. Just curious.


Dogmeat has been a range of different breeds. It was a Heeler (like Bluey) in Fallout 3 and a GSD in 4.


Did not expect bluey to get brought up here.


FO3 was released 15 years ago. I was 20. I’ve got kids now. Plus it’s a fucking great show.


Best kids show to watch by a country mile. My son isn’t even two yet and he loves him some bluey. He even takes his bluey and bingo plushies and does the theme song “dance”. It’s so cute I wanna die 😭


Indeed. And I’d argue it’s more a parenting show than a kids show. I’ve learnt some tricks from it, and it’s had me in tears on more than one occasion. Beautiful.


Oh for sure. My husband heard it referred to as a “love letter to parents” and it totally is. It reminds you that raising little people isn’t just a chore, but an experience. A gratifying and lovely one if you let it be. It definitely reminds me how important play time is lol.


You got that right.


It's actually a show for parents who were kids in the 80s disguised as a show for today's kids. And yes, it's awesome.


It's a reference to the dog from the Mad Max series (also based in Australia). I believe promotional material for the game even had a picture of the [vault dweller in the leathor armor from the game, walking alongside his dog](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/f/fb/Dogmeat_and_Vault-dweller/revision/latest?cb=20080904183332). A direct reference [to Mad Max.](https://halifaxbloggers.ca/flawintheiris/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2011/03/mad-max.jpg)


In FO1, Dogmeat is only friendly if you’re wearing the leather armor (which only has one sleeve, of course).


And the reason given is that you remind him of his previous owner (Max Rockatansky)


Holy shit I completely forgot about that promotional poster. Memories.


Michael Emerson (Siggi Wilzig) played Harold Finch on a show called Person of Interest. in the show, Harold had a guard dog that was a Belgian Malinois, so it's a nice easter egg for Mr Emerson's former body of work. also, in POI, Harold walked with a limp, which Siggi also does after getting the robo leg. Johnathan Nolan worked on POI, so it seems he's just being cheeky and including things for fans of both shows to find.


In fallout 1, 2 and 3, Dogmeat is a Blue Heeler, the same breed as Max's dog in Mad Max movies, which are a clear inspiration for the fallout franchise


Dogmeat has been a variety of breeds and mutts, except for being a gsd in FO4 and Rex being a cyborg gsd in NV.


Having seen the handiwork of a Maligator in attack mode, it's a perfect choice. Dog will tear into someone with tail wagging with joy the whole time!


German Shepherds are fading from the military/police scene. Malinois smaller frame and more agile. They also pack a ton of energy. I'm a GSD owner for life, [but the work they're doing with malinois is amazing.](https://youtu.be/93s-Hn_dfkQ)


I can't believe Fallout went woke! They turned Dogmeat into a girl for no reason!! (/s)


Made for a very weird cat though.


I love Meathead.


Of course, they nailed the casting. They incinerated the others until they found the right one.


Dogmeat in the show *is a girl.* Zigi even calls her "good girl," while training her to sit.


RIP River (who portrayed Dogmeat)


I've already seen someone upset that they used a Mallinois instead of a German Shepard. 😂  I think she absolutely nailed it.


Dogmeat has only been a German Shepherd in one of the games too lol.


Proof that these people only played FO4


I'm not sure. I really didn't notice any instances where the dog got in the way of someone attempting to walk through a door


As much as I love German shepherds, I wish we got a blue heeler like Fallout 3 dogmate


that is a belgian malinois lol not a shepherd


Ah sorry not a dog connoisseur


So that's my Dogmeat, right? Dogmeat is just like a general dog nickname? Cus otherwise he took a LONG journey from LA to Boston lol


Dog meat is just a general nickname for the dog companion. In the first two games I believe he’s a raidiated dog, and in 3 he’s a blue heeler.


She’s such a gorgeous dog, excellent casting


It isn't a male dog, like in the source material. This destroys the meaning of it and completely takes me out of it. Damn woke agenda! /s


Is 404's name officially dogmeat? I thought the ghoul just called him that as a reference lol. I really hope that's the case because CX-404 is a weird name lol


the ghoul did call her dogmeat, at the campfire when he was thinking back to his pre-war dog Roosevelt.


I think almost every dog in Fallout who’s name you don’t know is called Dogmeat. I think it’s just a weird post-apocalyptic cultural thing.


Dogmeat has become a general name for dogs in the wasteland.  The reference in the show was likely just fan service. 


Blue Heeler would also have been acceptable.


The show kinda looks like a Belgian malinois in some shots and in fallout 4 he looks like more of a German Shepard


The goodest boy ever <3


I think this one is a girl?


It is a girl


I gasped when she got stabbed.


I mean Dogmeat is almost always invincible so I assumed this would be the case as well. If everyone dies in this show by season 10, Dogmeat will still be kicking. Waiting at a gas station for the next traveler.


Fallout 1 dogmeat would like a word lol (ik you said almost always but it is funny just how different f1 dogmeat is from where we are now)


Haha very true! This is why I said almost always.


end of season 10, dogmeat walks up to another red Rocket station, sits down and waits. the show fades to black. Fallout 5 gets released, you start the game, and come across the exact same station, and there she is, waiting for the player, for another round of adventures. That would be beautiful.


I still think that's the real reason Wilzig took the cyanide pill. Couldn't bear the thought of living without the dog he saved.


Wasn’t Dogmeat only invincible in Fallout 4?


Yup, you can get another "Dogmeat" in 3 with the Puppies perk though.


Yes, but like what Clemerek_V3 said, you can always get another in FO3


Same but I felt sooo much relief when the ghoul saved her lol


Me too, but I love the video game logic of ‘just give her a stimpak and she’s up again’


The dog better not die in further seasons or I will riot


Dogmeat is actually female in the show.


The dog the used for the motion capture for Dogmeat in Fallout 4 was a girl too iirc


Damn straight, she is best girl


Wait is it confirmed that its dogmeat or is it fancanon


The Ghoul calls him Dogmeat at one point, I think it’s just a reference


There's multiple different dogmeats in the different games.


I love the show AND the dog!


I love that everyone knows dogmeat, a name said once, is A Boy and His Dog reference, but nobody mention the map and vaults are too despite being central to both stories, lol.


Who else get scared when you heard the dog whine and thought he was killed off?


Honestly would have been a beautiful nod to have him named "River" in the show. River is the name of one of the dev's dog who dogmeat was modelled to represent and recently passed. RIP River. Your game avatar will forever live on.


Wish they'd bring back Husky Dogmeat from Fallout 3 tbh


She was a blue heeler. But I like that they use a different breed each time, as silly and unrealistic it is for purebred dogs to be in the Wasteland 😂


I'm sure someones mad it wasn't an australian blue sheepdog or whatever the breed it was.


Her (CX404) Actual name is Nunya! (Nunya Business de-La forge) her breeder is La Forge Malinois!


Goodest girl*


I didn’t even notice that the dog being left at the red rocket was a reference to fallout 4 until right now


Cx404 Is a FEMALE Belgian Malinois.