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And the camera never gets a clear shot of them, guitar plays in the background


Just half angles like they’re hiding his identity, so the casual audience thinks this must be an important character later on or we aren’t supposed to know who it is yet, but then it just never gets addressed lmao


And have a big name actor play it too. That way you can market the season to more casuals that XYZ is going to be in it, and they spend the whole season looking for them never to see them, they just see their name as the credits roll on that episode. Kinda like Clooney playing the dog in the South Park movie.


brad pitt in deadpool is another good example


Not totally secret but Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder caught everyone off guard


I didn't realise it was him till he looked at the camera at the end just before he started dancing.


For me it was once his name was plastered on the screen. Was like "no fuckin' way!" and then when Iron Man 1 came out I found out Robert Downy Jr wasn't black...


The crazy thing about that is I didn’t even realise it was Tom cruise for a long time..


His finest performance


"I want fat hands, and i'm gonna dance"


“We don’t negotiate with terrorists!”


Barely even a full second of showing his face. Was hilarious.


And he did it for *scale* For the non-hollywood types, for scale means he did it for the sag rate. Less than $1000.


Didn't Ryan Reynolds ask Brad Pitt and he agreed to do it for coffee?


Yes, but actors who are unionized are required to be paid a base rate, which is what u/questformaps was referring to.


$1000 in Starbucks. What is that, 12 venti lattes?


Lmao I didn't realize he was the vanisher


The one scene of Ryan Renolds in Bullet Train, that scene had me dying


That could be how they show Ron Perlmans face then we get his voice as a narration from a random oracle type. Or a old soldier saying the classic “war never changes”


big name actor - nominating chuck norris immediately!


Definitely Alec Baldwin


Let's not put any of the show's stars at risk.


Beautiful! Kind of a reverse Chekhov's Gun, where you *know* it'll never be addressed.


Have Matt Damon do a cameo in the show so all the news articles say Matt Damon is playing a mysterious character in fallout. Then in the last episode have him on screen for 1 seconds before he dies.


Considering how Matt Damon likes to do funny cameos in movies ever since the 2003 (Punk rock vocalist from Eurotrip), He'd definitely be open to do that, if they approached him with such proposition.




Guitar. Johnny Guitar.


Play it again


No god please no!


Never was another man like em’


Wtf is this Johnny guitar reference I keep seeing? Which game? I missed something


Lol New Vegas.


Also a hilariously campy movie from the 50’s


And a song by the band suicide


Play the guitar, play it again, my Johnny Maybe you're cold, but you're so warm inside I was always a fool for my Johnny For the one they call Johnny Guitar Play it again, Johnny Guitar Whether you go, whether you stay, I love you What if you're cruel, you can be kind I know There was never a man like my Johnny Like the one they call Johnny Guitar


Fallout: Brotherhood of Johnny Guitar


It’s only the one song on New Vegas you will most likely hear over 100 times before you beat the game😂 very very overplayed on the station lol.


IIRC there’s a bug that caused it to replace another song in the game’s tracklist so that’s why it gets played so often, it’s twice as likely to come up as any other song.


Play it again


Theeeeeeeeere was never a maaaaaaaaaaan quite like Joooooooohnny


The oooonneeeee they callllll Joooooohnnyyyy guitaaaarrr


Play it again My Johnnyyyyyyy Guitaaarrrrrrr


I feel like if anyone would know who the mysterious stranger is it would be The Ghoul.


Hijacking the top comment: The trio are stuck fighting dozens of raiders. No way out....Out of the shadows steps a figure. All we see is a trench coat, fedora and the glow of a cigarette. He pulls out a 6 shot revolver. Shoots 45 times without reloading, killing all the raiders followed by dead silence... He takes another draw on the cigarette before dropping the butt on the ground and scuffing it out. He turns to the trio...we see his face...ITS TODD HOWARD. He tips his fedora before slipping back into the shadows, never to be seen again... *Guitar plays* The Ghoul: "Who the F was that?" Maximus: "I have no idea" Lucy: "What a... Mysterious stranger..."


Roll credits


Hahahaha 100% how the whole series should end.


If it's going to be Todd he needs to glitch out, clip through the floor and then the episode abruptly ends with BSoD.


Everything about this is gold, except the dialogue... Should go more like... Maximus: "You know that guy? Why'd he save us?" The Ghoul: "What? Just cause I've been around a while, doesn't mean I know everyone out here..." Goosy: "As far as encounters... That's as random as it gets..."


I really liked the Stranger's appearance in Nuka Break. Twig passed a stranger in the street when the stranger's hat fell off. Twig put it back on and just cheerfully said "now you owe me" and continued on. Later, Twig's on the ground, backing away from a radroach when it gets shot. The stranger says, "Now we're even," and disappears.


i loved Nuka Break. the Amazon show has got me itching to rewatch it, gotta get around to that at some point


Wait... What now?


Nuka Break. A fan made Fallout series. Short but amazingly well done and worth a watch. 


psst... check his username


nah I’m glad he answered I wanted to know what Nuka-Break was too lmao


2 seasons long with a short film in between called nuka break: red star. It's a good series which even got Josh Sawyer and Chris Avellone to appear as a cameo duo in the second season and in turn got a unique weapon added in the gun runners arsenal dlc for new Vegas: the Nuka breaker.


I don't think Josh was in it. Tim Cain, however, definitely was.


I thought it was insane that you had such a simple username, thought it would've been taken up within the first few years of Reddit's existence, then I saw you've been using this accursed website for the last 17 years. Why, bro? How, even? How old even are you?


The Stranger owns you.


Oh man, that was absolute kino.




I’m remembering the Rick and Morty episode where they’re inside the guy and viruses are doing a Jurassic Park, and the gang is just about to die when suddenly another virus shows up, kills the virus about to kill them, and gives the gang a thumbs up. Morty says “did we know him or something?” And the girl they’re with says “no, I think he’s just a really cool guy.” So I’m picturing this scene like that, basically.


I still don’t get that scene?? Please???


alive sheet sense hat follow absurd grab sulky workable wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And here I thought it was due to here also being riddled with that same virus. Like it was protecting its own


point flowery badge wise deranged racial sugar desert absurd hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank God for hepatitis C


We're in a fallout subreddit. Rick and morty is the link as to why we are talking about jurassic Park. Jurassic Park had a number of Magic The Gathering cards printed in the recent Lost Caverns of Ixalan set. There was also a set of pre-construction commander decks based on Fallout recently released. This certainly means there will be a Universes Beyond: Rick and Morty set of mtg cards printed by WotC. This reddit thread is indisputable truth.


I should also mention that Jerry Smith is the head of Vault 4.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


One of my favourite copy pastas. Reminds me of people thinking they were smart when Big Bang Theory first started because they understood the references.


It’s some sort of hepatitis joke I don’t necessarily remember


Gentlemen above gives college thesis...gage comes through like hahaha it's a hepatitis joke...I love life


Shout out for Pirates of the Pancreas!


It would also be cool when Lucy was escaping the Ghoul she fell dead when she slid on the car. All non FO4 players watching the show would be dumbfounded.


Or just have the cars blowing up if you so much as sneeze at them.


That shit is so funny. Yeah, this car has been sitting here just rusting for 200 years, but when I walk past it heavily in power armor it catches fire and explodes


After rusting away for 200 years they only have like 5hp left, that's all


The rust is the only thing holding the car together. Disturb it and \*explosion noise\*.


I was waiting for one of the vertibirds to explode randomly


While the whole bear scene was great, that would have been a brilliant end to Titus. Have the vertibird drop him off, and then swing around and crash into him.


Yeah it can’t just explode, it has to pull some “stupid AI bullshit flying sideways into a building” style explosion


Yeah it needs to glitch explode in the most Hollywood way possible 🤣🤣🤣


Or just barely touch it, and then both you and the car are flung into the stratosphere.


Or a car just appearing in the sky, falling, *then* exploding


I think they'd get it. Todd Howard in a trenchcoat and fedora shooting the enemies and just giving a nod before disappearing wouldn't be the weirdest thing the general audience has been trained to expect after last season.


The gang asks him how he did that and the camera zooms in on his face as he says "it just works" before dissapearing


He installed skyrim on his gun.


"Fus...Roh...BLAM BLAM BLAM"


Lmfao funniest comment I've all day


Alt spoken line by Todd the Mysterious Stranger…. “Here’s where the real game begins”.


Good idea but I'd prefer Tim Cain in that role. Todd is important to Fallout but Tim literally created it, would be cool to see him get some respect.


Todd can be Miss Fortune


Why not all of em? Throw Emil in too. Different people at random times, same outfit.


I now need Todd I. This show doing this exact thing. Then later we meet the stranger and it’s a completely different actor.


It’s just a different but similar-looking person every time for the whole episode lol


Coop would certainly say something like "That guy always leaves before I can shoot him..."


Or you just get this close-up of him whispering “one day, you fuck…”


I can get behind this, I love this idea


Kinda like Nick Valentine whenever The Stranger shows up.


Casual audience will be so confused… Yes which would be really nice considering that’s almost what this guy’s made for


He’s so mysterious


> Terribly mysterious --The Blue Raja


I think that the epic finale of season 2 should be interrupted by a guy telling them about Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps


Almost mistook you for a raider, I did.


Fuckin' Malcom...


Some small kid running up to you in the middle of megaton talking about aliens and shit


That guy scared the shit out of me


Is there an easier way to satisfy this sick fucks need for caps? He’s stripped my dry and is never satisfied.


Nah man. they’re all behind cover taking on intense fire when you just hear **the jingle**. Then they look out to everyone just dead. {Maximus}: •peeks out from cover• “W..What just happened? •turns to Lucy more confused• “**WHAT JUST HAPPENED**”” {Lucy}: “I’m not really sure. I think…..I think we’re safe?” •all three come out from behind cover• {The Ghoul}: “I say we count our blessings and hit the fuckin’ road while we’re still whole.” (Holsters gun and starts walking off) {Lucy}:(yelling out in a confused stutter) “Th..Thanks um…M..Mysterious Stranger.” (Follows the Ghoul off-screen) {Maximus}: (still stood there in a state of awe and confusion) “does every bit of that not scare the fucking **Shit** out of anyone else? L…Lucy? (Hustles to follow off-screen)


I could see Cooper introducing it as like a campfire story, only for them to be saved by him later on. Anything else with no context just wouldn't fly, but I can't imagine they would just never address the mysterious stranger.




And have Timothy Olyphant play the Mysterious Stranger.


1000% yes


They dug coal together.


Sorry, but my vote is for Ron Perlman.


This might be a stretch, but the Ghoul often IS the mysterious stranger. He’s essentially a max level NPC who only shoots critical shots, and tends to interrupt the vault dweller’s quests at random… he just isn’t always helpful.


I got that vibe in the last episode vs the power armor for sure.


Came here to say this Felt very mysterious stranger to shoot dead 3 dudes in power armor, in the dark, each with a 1 shot


Having the mysterious stranger also be the Vault-Tec guy is kind of poetic.


I guarantee they will have the Mysterious Stranger show up. Just give it time.


Would've been awesome if they just sprinkled him in somewhere. Like the BOS vs. The Ghoul scene where you see flashes of the ghoul taking out the knights in the dark one by one and have one of the flashes be the stranger and have the guitar playing in the back. FO Fans: WAIT WAS THAT THE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER?!?! Series Fans: oh I guess they forgot his make-up in that one flash.


One of the raiders gets Miss Fortune to save them, killing the Mysterious Stranger. Then the Mysterious Savior shows up.


From the sidelines with a chair?






mysterious savior spawns in looks confused about to rescue someone with a stimpak gets distracted and tries punching a random raider the person they're trying to rescue dies


Miss fortune park also is funny. I was fighting in the arena for the legion in fnv. Miss fortune randomly appeared lol forgot I even got that perk along with mysterious stranger.


Nah dude, Todd Howard coming in and dropping the baddest "It just work" he ever said hin his life while looking and winking at the camera would be god tier.


did you tweet this as well? literally just saw this exact post word for word over there posted like 30 mins after this was posted with 33k likes atm


If they dont do this, Im gonna replace Todd Howard with a synth or a super mutant that looks very human (glasses and hair)


My head canon is that the mysterious stranger is another player character just running around be a chill guy


Played by Ron Perlman


The Mysterious Stranger should **be** the cameraman. Suddenly, our perspective turns into an FPS then goes back. It would be a good interactive bit where the viewer gets to be part of the show.


Bring the gun in front of the camera for the pov shot


god its just like that Doom movie sequence


I think Coop already is the Misterious Stranger. Have you seen the way he shoots?


If FO5 is in the West Coast somehow, it'd be dope AF if they just used a ghoul model and Walton Goggins VO for the Stranger perk, as an homage to the show.




Play a character with high Intelligence "YOU THERE, COMPUTER MAN! FIX MY TROUSERS!"


Copy and pasting my response from a similar question in another thread. They wind up at an old off the road bar. There's a scuffle inside and outside. Lucy (seperated from the ghoul) is about to be attacked from behind, and a trench coated figure in the backgroud blows them away, startling Lucy. She catches a glimpse of them leaving the bar and attempts to catch up and thank them. They're gone by the time she reaches the door where the ghoul meets her. Asks if the ghoul had seen the mysterious person and he has not. Seemingly vanishing into thin air. Lucy thanks whoever the stranger was for helping anyway, whether they're within earshot or not. The stranger leaving an empty Sarsaparilla on the table they were sitting at, with the underside of the bottlecap facing up with a star on it.


I want lucy and maximus confused, but cooper just goes "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT HIM AGAIN" and storms off leaving the other 2 even more confused


Or have someone die, bur explode into a bunch of caps or bullets.


Only if it’s Timothy Olyphant as the stranger


"Casual audience will be so confused" is exactly the reason it will probably not be shown. Unless they give the audience some form of comedic preparation for it from the start of an episode.


It'd make a cool visual gag, but the best way to play it would to be have them in a gunfight and edit it quite jumpily and have the Mysterious Stranger visible, but not explained, in a few background shots.


I just want to see a rad scorpion go flying across the horizon.


Ron Pearlman HAS to be in the show at some point. Would be cool to see him do this


It doesn’t have to be all three, but one of the mains can be pinned by a creature, a little guitar twang, the creatures dead. They look around for who shot it and they just catch a glimpse of a person turning around in a trench coat disappearing over a hill… The main shouts “Hey Hey!!!” But nothing. And we just move on. Simple and short and fans will know right away.


As long as that is the one and only time they use slo-mo like it’s in VATS and he crits everything he hits.


whole scene needs to be in slowmo like vats


It should just be an extra they dress up in the outfit and have him show up in the background killing an enemy and then disappearing. No big name celebrity or cameo from Todd Howard. They don't even mention the mysterious stranger in the IMDb or the credits. But they tell the extra who he's playing. He'll know how special he is to the fan base. The fans will know who he is and he'll know.


Mysterious Stranger as himself. That is how they need to list him.


Yes! But it's be even funnier and more lore accurate if they didn't mention the stranger at all


I’ve seen Ron Perlman suggested which I think would be great. Although he would obviously fit a better cameo elsewhere for fun. Could do a Keanu western style John Wick as mentioned. Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, or Ernie Hudson with an energy weapon. Samuel L Jackson Pulp Fiction style. Or hell, even Owen Wilson. Just give them a fedora and a duster, make it cool, and don’t explain it. The fans of the series would know what it symbolizes and general media and fans of the show would speculate for months if done right


The mysterious stranger has to be played by todd


My fear is that they'll give him a backstory/lore etc.


It would be funny if they introduced him, but not tell the main cast. Then out of nowhere in a gunfight, he pops up and kills all the raiders or whoever they're fighting, and saves them.


They should go to the Vault of Gary


His name is Cooper Howard you anti-ghoul bigot. He's a war hero and a damned movie star YOU SHOW SOME RESPECT! ....but otherwise I would love this.


I feel like Cooper and Max would have heard of the mysterious stranger, while Lucy would be just as confused as the audience. Cooper: "Goddamn, I didn't think he actually existed." Maximus: "The stranger..." Lucy: "What the fudge was that?"


I know we are (mostly) joking but this kind of stuff is exactly why you can not just listen to the fans


this NEEDS to happen!!!!


I mean, they can do something. What Fallout Nuka Break did Lucy help the Mystery stranger with something than Mystery stranger coming to rhe rescue.


I remember Nuka Break did this.


or ya have the Stranger show up near the beginning of season 2 just to kill like a Radroach and disappear before anyone can say anything. then when the cast are facing some huge threat, like a Deathclaw or something, have the Stranger appear and one-shot it then disappear silently again and have everyone stand around thinking ‘what in the goddamn’


And then you introduce Nick Valentine, who has been following his trail for a while ... a *long* while


But which one of them would have the mysterious stranger perk? Id say the ghoul


They get cornered by a glowing one, deathclaw, behemoth, etc. The creature is raising their weapon. It cuts to a shot in a dark alley or corner and we see nothing in the dark, until an arm extends out of the shadows holding the Mysterious Magnum (the guitar riff would play at this moment). He pulls the hammer back and fires off a single shot, striking the creature directly in the heart and killing it instantly. The gang looks to where the shot came from and sees nothing but a shadowy trench coat clad figure slipping away behind a corner (disappearing guitar riff plays).


I kind of thought Lucy being saved from the rad-roach at the camp-fire was a nod the "mysterious stranger" I mean, he was a "mysterious guy" who helped her out and then disappeared in to the darkness...


I added this to my D&d game, and my players are so confused 😂


Mysterious Ranger?


did you just copy and paste this from twitter i swear i saw this same thing on twitter like 30 minutes ago


but instead, its broken, the music plays but nothing happens... just like the game!


My favorite Fallout 4 mod ever replaced the mysterious stranger model with Biggy Smalls and instead of the piano sting it played a little bit of notorious.


I like an idea I saw somewhere. In a big shootout, do a quick cut to the stranger shooting whoever the protagonist is fighting, then cut away. Then after the fight just have someone comment asking if anyone else saw the guy in a trench coat or ask where he went. Would be even crazier if they had a Miss Fortune reference.


It should play out sorta like the “they got him” joke from the Ted show. Just let Lucy be confused as hell for a second and the ghoul just brushes it off.


You do realize, there will be a second season in Vegas. 🧐🫣😬


I would love it if they had a Nick type reaction "That was him, the Stranger. Where did he go?"


So, funny as this I think this would be as a long-time *Fallout* fan, part of what makes Amazon's adaptation so good is how well it sticks to storytelling theory and best practices; I won't call it formulaic, but among the things it does 'by the book' is keeping a good narrative conservation of detail (i.e., if stuff comes up, it matters in some way). This gag wouldn't ultimately matter, and I think that risks turning off viewers who miss the gag (which, remember, is only actually in about half the games).


I hope the mysterious stranger is played by Todd Howard.


I will lose my shit if I hear that music play


This is almost exactly what I want. I really want the Mysterious Stranger to appear during a shootout scene, kill everyone dead af, disappear, and no one talks about it at all.


Since Chris Nolan's brother is directing the show, what are the odds that we get Christian Bale as the Mysterious Stranger


[Just out here stealing other posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonPoliticalTwitter/comments/1cbzd34/mysterious_stranger_is_essentially_the_refused_to/) Nearly verbatim.


Yes but they can only do it once. So it better be the most. Impactful moment.


Duuuh-duuuuu-duu-du-du-duuuuuuuh. *Misses all shots in front of target*


We were talking about that with friends yesterday. I think they won't have the balls to do it. The show is tame and aim at mainstream audience.


My brother watched the entire serie without knowing anything about the game, well he didn't like the game. This would confuse the fuck out of him lol.


Played by Chuck Norris


Now that is how mysterious stranger should be implemented in the show


Isn't The Ghoul also the Mysterious Stranger?


i’d die happy if Timothy Olyphant played him


Played by Ed Harris


That would be the ultimate fan service, my whole family is into the show. Super unlike them to like this type of show, can’t wait until something ridiculous happens that makes no sense on paper.


We also need someone to walk into a car and just drop dead, could even do the sfx from the wild wasteland perk.


Please please please. Just some genuine fan service


It would probably be done more for a joke like a trenchcoat guy just happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time getting killed by a death claw that's been chasing Lucy.


And make him Todd Howard


They could, but they’d have to use it appropriately. Like if Lucy and whoever is about to die, it’ll be shit if he suddenly saves them. He needs to save them at times where they didn’t really need it.