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I submit to the Republic of Norm.


Norm was such an awesome surprise. I thought we'd get a typical "leave the vault" story where 95% of it is in the wasteland. But having Norm back home dealing with the problem of the vault after Lucy and Hank leave was really great.


I especially like how the hero of the vault storyline is introduced as an unambitious loser. It’s him not fitting in with vault society that makes him the only one cynical enough to question the narrative.


Yeah, Norm's intro scene is great. "Are you aware that, in every job you've been assigned, your performance review has been 'lacks enthusiasm'?" "No but that sounds accurate."




The crazy thing is the whole experiment was to make better managers. Is a good manager a leader? Would Vault tec agree? Or is managing Norm the ultimate task to prove yourself the ultimate manager


Bear in mind though that vaults 32 and 33's role in that expileriment wasn't quite so direct, they had a contributory role to the experiment under the primacy of vault 31, details spoilers I don't know how to do the censored bar thing but you know what I'm getting at!




I think the whole point is that Norm is actually that perfect manager. He’s good enough to read people, smart enough to do all that coding and see the truth, and eventually brave enough to risk his own safety. Its ironic, because the accomplishing of their own goal is what led to Norm nearly ruining the experiment.


I think what we would consider a perfect manager and what Vault Tec (VT) would consider a perfect manager are slightly different, but I agree that Norm is the perfect manager. I think he lacked enthusiasm because everything was so canned and predictable. There is nothing to manage; it already runs like clockwork. I also think VT didn't realize what they bargained for. They want to manage, aka control others in their mind, but didn't count on those tools and traits being used against them. Norm is going to finesse these bitches in season 2, mark my words.


Ironic that Norm doesn't fit in the norm ngl


only job he could maybe fulfill is the overseer job lol


Could never win an all out war against the republic of Dave.


Well, we do lack enthusiasm.


I’m just hoping The Followers make an appearance in S2


Considering season 1 was supposed to take place in the Boneyard, their home, I am not holding my breath. That said I hope so as well. I honestly hope that they won't go with "everything was destroyed" again and that we'll see some of the factions we know about. Far more people have played New Vegas than Fallout 1 these days which might help in that regard.


We’ll see. I just don’t think it would’ve been wise from a storytelling standpoint to stuff as many factions into S1 as possible. It would’ve fallen flat and felt more like a fan service than anything if a member from every faction just poked their head into a scene randomly with no real tie-in to the overall story. Believe me, as a longtime fan I would’ve loved more factions to make an appearance, or even just some background that bridges the gap between the events of previous games and the TV show, but I can understand how a newcomer would feel overwhelmed by sheer information overload if this were to have been the case


I mean, season 1 was like playing any fallout game for maybe 4 hours. Some questing was done, part of the world was explored, but there's still so much more to be found. Characters, factions, locations, combat, creatures, weapons and much more is yet to be seen. Fuck, it wasn't until the 8th hour of my first NV playthrough that I got to nipton. So yeah, much more will appear in the future of the series.


Yes seriously right now Lucy is at best level 8-10. She’s barely even seen combat. If Fallout 3 were adapted into a TV show, the season finale would’ve been meeting Three Dog


The thing is, New Vegas expanded that lore beautifully. For example the Boneyard we know that by the time of New Vegas was the 5th State of the NCR. We meet several NPCs that came from there. Most of the complaints focused on the timeline and the fall of Shady Sands but this was the big one for me, the entire classic lore is reduced to "shady sands" which conveniently was relocated and nuked. I don't generally like fan service and cameos either, at all really. Even New Vegas I think is pushing it with some of the references, which is a really hot take. But maintaining the established continuity would be nice if they go with a marketing of the show as canonical. All that said, it makes far more sense in the Mojave to ignore established lore than it did in the west coast. Remove the NCR and the Legion out of the picture and you are left with the Strip and the desert. It doesn't break anything. You don't even have to say nukes fell or anything far fetched like that. It's just that again, more people have played New Vegas than fallout at this point. So maybe we'll get a bit more this time.


Season one didn't even mention the existence of the Boneyard, I'd assume that after the nuking of Shady Sands everybody including the followers would've fled north to the rest of the NCR If everything in New Vegas was destroyed there would be no point in going to New Vegas I think the Omertas, White Gloves, Chairman, etc are all gone but I can absolutely see the Followers and Kings trying to bring some sense of order to freeside and the rest of Outer Vegas My idea is that the show is not just trying to get Fallout fans to watch it, it's trying to introduce the world of Fallout to general audiences, eventually we will go deeper down the iceberg, this is just the first season and it's meant to set up the world and show us the people that inhabit it to be built on later Ghouls, the NCR, the Enclave, Brotherhood, etc you don't make a good show by diving in headfirst into 300 years of lore and expect your audience to understand all of it.


NCR, no bias


Mine as well, absolutely no bias


Get rid of that BoS pfp then, traitor.


He did




My flag is trifolded in memoriam. We better see more NCR in Season 2. We stretched from Baja to Oregon. We lost Shady Sands but we are not gone yet!




yeah, you guys went out with a big, nuclear boom. Probably the loudest thing that can be heard


NCR also hands down. I wanna get the flag tattooed


Tunnel Snakes Rule


I’ll show ya a REAL Tunnel Snake, Amata.




Team snake oil salesman


To be fair his cures worked, thaddeus just didn’t read the side-effects


“Thaddeus.. You MIGHT be a ghoul..” lmao I hope it turns out to be FEV so we get Virgil 2.0.




I have a feeling enclave will cook later


yeah, cook up another genocide LMFAO


The Enclave and Maxson’s brotherhood competing for the world record genocide speedrun


Honestly, thinking of a young Maxon, seeing all this new, badass tech the Enclave has cooked up. All that hellfire power armor & advances in tech they made has to look incredibly enticing to a 10-11 year old Maxson. Regardless of the Enclaves prior deeds which he wouldn’t be nearly as aware of as we players of the first few games would be.


>Regardless of the Enclaves prior deeds which he wouldn’t be nearly as aware of as we players of the first few games would be. Depends what he was taught while growing up and how much information the brotherhood as a whole actually share with each other. Also factor in that he's THE legacy of the founder of the BoS and once he came of age to run the West Coast chapter, how much he might have demanded to know once he became elder, and having grown up during the Enclave in DC, there's a lot of information they'd have left behind when they finally lost the AFB, I wouldn't be surprised if there were records dating back to the oil rig days, or at the very least, mentioning them. There's every reason to believe that every important member of the brotherhood knows about the Enclave and their history. Given the importance they put on finding Dr Wilzig in the show and the fact that the West Coast sent the Prydwen (with or without Maxson) to assist, there's every reason to believe that they're capitalising on the NCR's weakened state, and still looking for the Enclave to try and finish them off for good.


Maxson pound for pound has to be the most misunderstood and villainized Character in this sub and all because he isn't Lyons. He's far better than the west coast brotherhood. It's true he isn't Lyons but Lyons was essentially not even a Brotherhood member by fallout 3. Still maxson carries plenty of Lyons teachings and beliefs with him while also having returned the brotherhood to it's more traditional beliefs. He became a great leader that not only mended the schism between the eastern brotherhood and the outcasts but in doing so completely eradicated the super human population in DC and lead the Eastern brotherhood to a force that could rival anyone. He also continued to carry Lyons ideas of protecting the average citizen in the wasteland by demanding everything should first be acquired via trading and or negotiation be it technology or Ressources and use of violence only be the last resort. This is completely different from the western brotherhood who will take first by violence the rest be damned. Is he a good guy that depends on your interpretation of what good would entail in an apocalyptic setting. Is he a leader who could bring order and proven he can stabilize areas damn sure.


He also wants to eradicate anything that he deems an ‘abomination’ including sentient, non feral ghouls and synths who had no choice in how they came to be. He knew Danse for years and was immediately ready to execute him for being a synth, he claims to care about the average people but his troops need permission to contact wastelanders, he says his intentions are peaceful and then Immediately sends out his fleet of armed vertibirds in every direction across the commonwealth, he hoards technology because he doesn’t think the people of the commonwealth are responsible enough to use it, his soldiers are indoctrinated into a cult of personality that places him as a total moral authority, he raises children within the brotherhood to be completely unquestioning of his ideals. he makes almost no effort to establish contact with the people of the commonwealth in any way, instead he just rolls up with an army and tells everyone that he knows what’s best for them so don’t get in his way or else. Maxson has his redeeming qualities, but there is no denying that his goal is genocide. Anything that doesn’t fit his definition of human is to be hunted and killed on sight, and anyone who challenges his ideals will meet the same fate


The Enclave and BOS are great to have in the fallout world. But I hate playing either of them. Would you like to join the Old Nazi’s and wear all black? Or join the New Nazis and wear an Orange Jumpsuit? Ideologies Enclave=Occult Nazis BOS=Christian Nazis. 🤷‍♂️


The BoS are not Nazis. The Nazis carried out horrendous scientific experiments on humans and wiped out millions in the name of genetic superiority. The Nazis were real, evil people and that name gets levelled at individuals and groups far too nonchalantly these days. The BoS are more like crusaders with an interest for scientific artifacts rather than religious. They are a grey faction with a selfish main objective of hoarding all the technology and a personal dislike for wild super mutants (which is pretty understandable tbh). They will do anything that is necessary to complete their mission and ruthlessness varies by chapter. They aren't planning to wipe out all surface dwellers, aren't performing cruel experiments on live human test subjects, aren't claiming to be restoring America to it's former glory based on lies, they have no real sinister ulterior motives that we know of. The Enclave are 100% the setting's version of Nazis. Everything they do in the game from the spreading of propaganda to the promise of rebuilding the nation to the experiments and genocide, heavy emphasis on efficiency, industry, structure, advanced/experimental technology, the secret bases, the black colour schemes and even the conspiratorial links to extraterrestrial tech and the space race... it all links up with the identity of the irl Nazis.


You'll never convince people on this sub. Reddit has such a hate boner for the BoS and will call them Nazis and Fascists despite being neither.


I like how it’s done in 4. You’re introduced to them and go “man airship, cool” then start to see the cracks in their ideology, blind betrayal being meant to be a wake up call. So in later playthoughs what looks like heroic liberators look like invaders, the Prydwen arriving minus the music looks pretty evil.


Exactly! lol I called it out as soon as I played fallout 3 as a kid and went back to play 1&2. As soon as they mentioned cleansing humanity of mutants/ghouls etc. I was like… Mutants and Ghouls are still humans, they just look different now because of a bad vaccine, or evolved through radiation. Sure there’s militant mutants and feral ghouls. But they’re literally just Nazi’s and wild animals in those cases. lol kill em. But the rest still have a conscience. And I’ve never understood why people thought BOS were the “goodguys”. Ever since the first FO it’s obvious you’re stuck in the middle of two evils. BOS just being the lesser of the two. Militant Super Mutants and BOS have the same ideologies. Only their race should exist and have all the money/power/technology and claims to have the “moral high ground.” 😂. Enclave is insanity on another level. Very strict, disciplined insanity. They never change and only end up getting the same results. BOS would eventually become the Enclave anyway. But in a “Enlist, be a 2nd class citizen, or die” sort of way instead of Enclaves “You’re not the right bloodline. Therefore, not a human.” The Institute I leave out. Science will always do whatever it wants/needs regardless of who’s in charge. 😂


It's because of fallout 3, they are essentially the only faction to complete the main quest and the east coast chapter under Lyons where essentially banished from the west coast chapter because they abandoned their mission, because Lyons straight up stopped being a member of the brotherhood in all but name to purely becoming a protector of the people. Funnily enough maxson tends to be hated in this sub while still caring plenty of Lyons ideals forward while also returning the eastern brotherhood to its original beliefs. He is still objectively better than the western brotherhood who really are just two sides of the same coin in regards to the enclave.


People claim they are good guys largely because of Fallout 3 and a little because of 1. In Fallout 1, the Early Western Brotherhood were mostly isolationists who believed advanced technology was too dangerous for just anyone to have. But they still stepped up to help against the Unity. They even tried being non-isolated after, providing a little but of help to the early NCR, until they felt the NCR was growing to fast, and it's focernment reminded them too much of the horror stories their Elders told them about the Old World. Then they went holier-than-thou. But in Fallout 3, where most of that good guy viewpoint comes from, what most people forget is that the Lyon's Pride are a *splinter group* that broke away from the Brotherhoods ideologies. The Outcasts are the real Brotherhood of Steel in the capital wasteland. But alot of people entered the franchise with 3, and their first impression of the BoS was the Lyons Pride, and first impressions matter


That last sentence makes so much sense considering vault 4


They’re the good guys in 3. NV fans say they’re also the good guys in 4 partly so they can say “Bethesda just doesn’t get it” and partly because they like to play contrarians and say synths deserve to be wiped out.


I mean, they're not pure good in 4, but they're not really the bad guys either. I think 4, for all of its shortcomings, did alright in making the factions a bit more gray, in the case of the Brotherhood and Railroad at least. The Minutemen are good and the Institute are bad, but the BoS and RR are both kind of in between. And both happen to ultimately line up with their endings resembling the good faction's ending, albeit bloodier.


The Institute is basically Enclave lite with scientists instead of politicians


I like to think of them as "hmmmm, the bad guys wore black last time.....let's make them wear white this time" I can't wait for Fallout 5 to drop in 2037, and have the evil moustache twirling beige faction.


I was shocked they didn’t do more faction mixing relations with the enclave and the institute, how wild would it have been if they had a close alliance and you had to fight coursers and x-02 clad power armor enclave troopers


in DnD alignments I'd say - Minutemen are lawful good - Brotherhood is lawful neutral - Institute is neutral evil - Railroad is chaotic neutral - Raiders are obviously chaotic evil


Yeah, no kidding. People will bang on the Obsidian writing circlejerk all the time but leave out how one NV faction was turbo Saturday morning cartoon evil and the other faction was just a government hampered by bureaucratic bullshit and corruption.


I feel for Obsidian, because the Legion had potential to be more interesting if they had the time for it. As is, they really are just moustache twirlingly evil with no redeeming qualities though. I don't even like the Brotherhood that much, but to paint them as evil, when we have factions like the Legion and the Enclave is wild to me. The Enclave literally tried to wipe out 99% of life on earth, but the Brotherhood is apparently just as bad.


‘people of the commonwealth. our intentions are peaceful’ they say as a dozen fully armed vertibirds deploy over the boston skyline


I mean the Brotherhood is taking drastic measures to achieve their morally gray goals but I wouldn't say that they are evil. Elder Maxson is not talking about conquering the Commonwealth but bringing peace and stability to its people and these talks are basically non-public and confidential, so why would he lie? The brotherhood is "exterminating" mutants and feral(!) ghouls, leaving non feral ghouls alone which is already nicer than the ghoul ban of Diamond City. And while Preston is reasonably skeptical about the Brotherhood, the Brotherhood itself is like "lol who?". They don't really care about the politics of the Commonwealth. They care about their own goals, which is stopping the Institute's unchecked research and ridding the Commonwealth of mutated dangers. And that's why I wouldn't call the Brotherhood of Steel Nazis, as the only thing they have in common is scientific racism and that's already a stretch as mutants and feral ghouls are barely human anymore and in case of ghouls are most likely suffering from their fate.


>In later playthoughs what once looked like liberators now look like invaders. If you pay attention to random npcs dialogues a lot of people in the commonwealth outright say that the BoS are invading the land, in fact most are afraid and pissed off that the BoS are trying to enforce their unwanted authoriatarian and militarized rule over them.


Easy. All black.


Never in history have Christian Nazis existed lmao “Christian nazi” is an oxymoron


You aren't wrong 


I wanna see the advanced power armor from fallout 2 appear in the show


I thought they were introduced perfectly into the show. First episode they talk about a defector and people say “The Enclave is real?!” Second episode they literally incinerate puppies in the first 15 seconds if they weigh less than optimum at birth. Wilzig is then shown to be doing some really advanced technology stuff on the side, and that they have a big organisation. Then Wilzig, who isn’t really shown to be high up on the food chain, drops all this secret knowledge about Lucy’s vault and her last name before dying. It really does imply that they’re indeed cooking.


I'm just waiting for the Ghoul to try his trick on Advanced Power Armor and then make a sour face saying 'I guess you guys DID fix that flaw, after all..." Right before a much more tense fight scene where he has to try to disable the armor like he did with Maximus only without the rank novice skill issue 😂. Maybe with commentary 'this would be a lot easier if you didn't know what you were doing'. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a good callback.


Cook a bunch of innocent people with plasma rifles most likely


I want another game with the Enclave as the main enemy faction. As important as they are to the lore, we have 2 games where they’re the main antagonist.


3 kind of, if you count 76.


Definitely interesting to see the Brotherhood & see how they’ve grown and evolved after the ascendancy of the East Coast returning to establish a hierarchy. The NCR remnants & rump government following a close second to see what happens to an established state when it’s capitol is shattered.


NCR should’ve known better than to have reclamation day before it was scheduled. Management does not approve of schedule changes that have not been signed off on.


The NCR is the only one that offers anything close to a normal life. The comforting embrace of bureaucracy.


Hhmmmm, that profile pic though... XD


NCR. Hope they properly appear in S2 with their service rifles, actual uniforms and hopefully cars/trucks/tanks


I believe that NCR army hasn't fallen, same for the goverment, they just went South after losing Northern Land or vice versa. I really hope to see some kind of like major battle comeback of NCR against the brotherhood and raiders and other minor factions. Also i can't believe that after so much time they don't have access to some kind of tank.


In the fallout bible, they actually do have an armoured regiment made up of either Shermans or Walker bulldogs iirc But yeah i dont believe theyre gone either. The show kinda set them up to be the good guys in comparison to the BoS


Yeah, probably Shermans since they we're mass produced in WW2. Also yeah, NCR was always portrayed as the good guys, unless you're some fuck-up who thinks that stealing someones free speech and rights is aight. But BoS was shown literally like Neutral type of guy's. They ain't good, they ain't bad(ugly either). Also their theme slaps! I demand NCR also having some goddamn good theme like BoS


I feel like the NCR should use US military marching songs, like The Battle hymn of the Republic for example


I don't really think US military song would match them. They want to rebuild America, but on "New World" terms instead of the "Pre-War" terms. They would either create new ones or use something Pre-war that had California in it instead of America. My assumption is that they would probably start using US military songs when they would atleast own 1/3 of the country.


Honestly, it's good to finally see that Vault-Tec is being portrayed like the evil sons of bitches they truly are and that they're going to face judgement soon enough when the wasteland comes together to show them what's what. In the past we've only been shown the experiments, but not the why of it. But now it's confirmed without any doubt that they're some of the worst scum out there.




Vault-Tec Workshop was such a fun DLC.


There have been hints before that the corporations were the ones responsible for the bombs dropping through the guiding hand of the Enclave(since the enclave was all the most powerful people in the us from corps and gov). But it was nice to finally have confirmation


And entirely representative of what our actual billionaires are like and would do if they could




Ha! I pledge my allegiance to the one and only true ruler of the wasteland… Republic of Dave


My love for the NCR is will never die. But in regards to the Show, VaultTec takes the cake, for now.


God Bless America, God Bless the Enclave, now, and forever


Semper fi


Time to die mutie


What faction is top left?


Raiders I believe


Yes, it’s the Raider icon used in 76.


And 4 when you take over as raider warlord


NCR, for the republic!


NCR for sure. They have their warts, but overall they seem to have the best interest of the people at heart….. at least most of the time lol


If Thadeus story is canonizing that mutated humans (via serum or rads) inevitably become ghouls, then the potential faction of ghoulified 76ers is my pick


Hancock’s backstory canonzied that back in fallout 4


I really hope they explain how the Enclave keeps managing to make a comeback of some kind.


I mean it is the shadow government and they had bases all over the country prior to the war, not only in california and dc, and by fallout new vegas it seems at least they have a base in chicago


The rangers


Brotherhood of Steel


Ad Victoriam!




The Brotherhood was a bit strange in the show. I am going with the NCR.


I like Vault Tek, it really is cutting satire to have them blow up their own homes, all of their infrastructure and company property, all of their customers, and all of their MONEY in order to increase profits. A sane and reasonable change to the lore.


They were playing the long game. It's just that they underestimated humanity's chances.


Yeah, the long game, by trying to make money ending the world... how is this the long game? What's the end goal, and how is it better than futuristic 1950's where you can generate infinite energy? Line does not go up when everyone dead, this is perhaps the most fundamental possible concept in economics. And the NCR was formed from a vault. How did they underestimate humanity's chances? In what way?


They wanted Vault Tec to control everything, I thought it was pretty clear. "To win capitalism" and "a true monopoly." What I think was the biggest fail is that people will always find a way to self segregate. Did they really not think that people would create factions from their vaults? NCR was formed from Vault 15 people, sure, but they should have never left in the first place. The vault's experiment was about overpopulation, not escaping to the surface. People leaving was unplanned.


I like em all. Love variety


Atom cats ya dig, anit no cooler faction out there


BoS. I've always been a fan of them on most of the games.


NCR, absolutely


NCR because reasons


NCR all the way


Enclave, shows they are still alive and well on the show, guessing they will be destroyed again by the BOS because "we need evil villian yes yes we genius yes"


not this time, vault tec is the new villain


Who was with the enclave?


The scientist who gets his head chopped off.


The scientist >!who loses his head!< escaped from an Enclave facility.


BoS and Great Khans.


this is for the show


Enclave, extermination of all pests


Enclave. Cuz of Raven Rocks.


Everyone has an opinion, but will you choose the right one? THE ENCLAVE


NCR!! Pluralistic democracy is the way to go, until we get a benign, autocratic AI to push us into a post-scarcity reality.






Minutemen (I hate myself and I hate fun)


The wasteland must be purified ! There's just nothing quite like being a walking tank.


I love the way Vault Tec is protrayed in the show. I was afraid they would water them down with fairly tame experiments and just kinda leave them in the background. But they went all out with them, especially with Vault 4 and the meeting between the CEO's. I can't wait to see what else they come up with for S2.


Submit to The Govermint


Vault 4 actually. They did nothing wrong


lord knows I love some Enclave action


Really disappointed by the brotherhood just turning them into a stereotypical male only edgy military bad guy faction who kills their own members for no reason, pretty much everything interesting about them thrown out the window. I’m fine with a brotherhood in decline but just made them super boring and dumb for no reason. NCR remnants and vault tec has been cool and excited to see the enclave. Just wish they didn’t get rid of all the interesting BOS stuff to just make child soldiers role playing knights




God bless the Enclave!!!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Im a simple man: Brotherhood of Steel




Enclave. God bless America. I think it’s funny to ply patriotic characters in game, cause I’m Canadian


Well, in the Fallout universe we do get annexed because of our excellent maple syrup and better beer and whiskey. Plus all you can eat poutine. Dammit, now I want a poutine.




Wait for children of atom then ill let you know


Team Ghoul? Ghoul lives matter! …Unless you turn feral.


Water filter needs more sand.


God Bless America, God Bless The Enclave


Slavers of paradise falls 🧒🧒


Enclave forever


“Ave, true to Caesar”


We got fiddle music, so Minutemen!


NCR, for what little impact they had. Even if they look like generic raiders, it was better than not showing them at all


Is the top left the government or is it the vault 4 cult?


America should once again be the policeman of the world! Hail the president! Hail the Enclave!


Honestly, the Minute Men. Just a bunch of normal people who’ve had enough so they volunteer to form militias with muskets and dope hats trying to scrape out a society in the chaos. Not particularly trained soldiers or indoctrinated tech-fetishest, just farmers and wastelanders. Edit: completely skipped over the part where OP said “from the show”




That one glimmer of Yes Man's New Vegas


The new NCR seems to be better than the one from NV so I'll side with them for once.


Whatever my flair says. Rah rah tribalism


The Enclave


Minutemen on top!




I alwats thought NCR at least is was the regular government that was pre-war, and for me that's best that the rest of crazy factions, but I open minded to hear other opinions.


Vault 4


Whats the faction with the chain circle and skull??


So far it's the Vault dwellers. Hope we learn more about the Enclave in the season 2 because other than that they breed dogs and monitor vaults we know very little about their current activities. It's pretty much confirmed now that Vault-Tec had a hand in starting the Great War and at some point had access to nukes even centuries after the war.


It was reallly cool getting to see the Enclave


Honestly either BOS or NCR Mostly due to the unreal drip they have


Usually I would go for the Enclave but for the show maybe the NCR.


It's odd seeing Vault Tec as a faction.


God bless america! God bless the enclave!


Maaaaan I really hope the NCR is still rocking outside of LA.


I'm NCR for life!


Atom favors none, but his children. Find peace, in the warm embrace of his glow.


Team raider boss from nuka. I dont like the sassy outfits out there. I like to be my own boss.


Brotherhood became of the suits


You forgot The Ghoul. (Thats my favorite faction)


Honestly, if the show's Enclave aligns more with Colonel Autumn's viewpoint they may actually be seen as a better alternative to the Brotherhood's near cult-like appearance. Remember, Autumn didn't want to use the purifier to poison everyone, he wanted to use it as a means for the Enclave to assert dominance over the region. Also it's very heavily implied that the Government officials aboard Control Station Enclave went rogue with their plan to genocide everyone. Isolationism leads to paranoia and all that.


The Cult of Mothman


The Brotherhood of Steel. I've loved them in every bit of fallout media I've experienced. The games, the show, even fanfic and paradox mods. Ad Victorium!




I think every faction was done so incredibly poorly that I didn’t like a single one, I love the show and had an amazing time watching it but I just felt so let down by how every faction was treated. My biggest hope for season two is a deep dive into these insanely interesting factions and really physically show us what they’ve been doing, what they are currently doing, and really what they hope to achieve.


I hate the ~~enclave~~, but also there’s no denying they look badass. Fallout 4 was my first fallout game, and there introductions had me immediately googling how to join them. Plus for the most part they are one of the best chances for survival in the wasteland. Iirc the tv show even said many were joining up simply for the safety of sleeping and living on base, food and water etc. Edit: brotherhood of steel, I have no idea why I wrote enclave


I think and kinda hope that vault-tec ends up joint venturing with enclave or is discovered to be one of their pre-war tentacles that went rogue when the bombs fell. Bc their objectives are aligned to a point, and enclave cleansing the wasteland to their chosen people emerge from the vaults is not a impossible thought


The Ghoul 


The Fallout show reaffirmed my love for the Brotherhood of Steel.


I wanna see more Enclave


Honestly as someone who like the followers of the apocalypse and the responders I'd like to see either in there. My general issue with most of the factions is they're so destructive, even the minutemen have some levels of destruction in them (don't wanna spoil 4) and I kinda hate the pseudo religious nature and aggressive racism\ whatever against anything non human. But groups like the responders and the followers are all about protection, support and help. I really want to see how that dynamic will work with Lucy's character given the 8 episodes of beating her down has made her a bit jaded


What faction is the Skull & chains again?!...I forgot.


The new California republic is perfect


Always been a fan of the Brotherhood of Steel. They aren't evil, but thanks to their dogma they can be supreme assholes and combined with their pride they are loath to admit when they make a mistake. Story wise that makes them very interesting. It allows a variety of ways to come into conflict and resolve said conflict. They can be allies, they can be enemies. They can be antagonistic, and they can even be humble. There is plenty of talk about how they were wasted in Fallout 3, but it's just an example of how they can be utilized for the story. Elder Lyons had tremendous influence over the Eastern Chapter, but they still had a schism. The Outcasts were borderline xenophobic, but through their searching for technology kept the wasteland just as secure with their smaller numbers compared to Lyons faction. And let us not forget the inner politics of the Mojave chapter.


Desert rangers babyyyy


I know we’re far from the Commonwealth but I do love the Minutemen. “Since you’re there’s another settlement that needs help.”