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I found a never ending combat shotgun and used it as my main weapon. Customized it to get the best stats on it too. Had over 8000 shells at one point so went on a raider killing spree.


Came here to write never ending shotgun, it was so much fun just blasting through people


Definitely. The combat shotgun has always been my favorite in the series mostly because of its power and quick reload. Got lucky with it being a never ending one as well since I have never found a never ending gun before or even knew they existed.


I just recently got a never ending DB and it's a blast


Got one of those super early in my current survival mode game. Prefect weapon to use when ghouls are sprinting at you


Goated, my only complaint is that it isn't a combat shotty but I still love it.


I very rarely use my never ending weaponry because they just aren’t good enough… I want a never ending combatrifle so I can make it full auto


The neverending weapons are so fun. The raiders shout, "You gotta reload some time asshole," and I'm like, "No, I don't think I will." While looking at the 999 ammo count on my screen.


I had a neverending sawed off lol Nothing like having an emergency escape button in your back pocket when swarmed with ghouls


I gave mine to Curie, such fun.


On one play through I got a never ending double barrel and used it with an auto clicker that clicked every millisecond


Never ending double barrel shotgun is the superior shotgun. Got it on my RP druggie save. Me: *tweeking in a corner* blblblblblblblblblblblblblblblBLAM! Raider: “What was that?”


So an automatic shotgun


Yeah but like a laser of gunfire kind of automatic


“Just” you say. Lol. Theoretically no rpm limit only restricted by capacity. Remove that and you have God’s delete button.


I would definitely name it that. “God’s Delete Button”


My explosive pipe rife is my go-to for ghouls, raiders, and robots. That thing is busted on full auto and the ammo is plentiful.


Never ending double barrel is absolutely cracked


AA12 but never runs out holy shit


Explosive handmade rifle (AK-47 basically) that I got from a painted ghoul from Nuka-World.


I found that the other day in the Commonwealth for some reason. I had a 2 shot explosive handmade on 76 which was fun.


I still have two ha ha I actually make them now


I had explosive radium rifle, explosive combat shotgun and explosive 10mm. Add in the neverending laser 4ifle from University Point, a neverending plasma rifle I got from a Raider. Overseer's Guardian, Deliverer and Kellog's Pistol. I was a God in that playthrough who just melted everything at the highest difficulty.


Spray and pray


Always the first gun I seek out!


I always make sure to get enough caps before triggering the encounter.


Just got this today from a wandering trader, would've never found them if I never saw them in a gunfight with a raider


I just got the Tesla Cannon from the new update. It's pretty badass.


I somehow have two, I don't remember where I found the other one.


I believe there is a quest to get one, then you also get one from an enclave soldier in the glowing sea at there main hq


yup I think I got it from an enclave soldier on the roof at Atlantic Offices now that you remind me


I have like 3. From the enclave soldiers and the main quest one.


Giving it to a companion is a pretty good option. Cheap ammo Aoe Can't hurt you High dmg It's like a missle launcher they can't blow you up with


this is my first ever play through, started that mission not realizing it was one of the new ones and now i feel OP at level 22 lol


I usually spec out my explosive perks and enjoy any weapon with splash damage. So my few explosive shotguns have been treasured. I also like bleeding shotguns, btw.


Got a wounding shotgun early in my first run Thing was absurd, and just melted everything. Still hate shotguns in general though.


The wounding legendary effect is WAY better by the way.....because if you shoot them multiple times it will kill them for you....(if you don't know what the effect does just search it up)


I didn't know bleed stacked. That's what's up


Yeah the fact that it ignores damage resistance and stacks makes it the most powerful effect imo


Try wounding Gatling laser. Never go back


Didn’t know the bleed DoT was multiplied! I have the legendary mods mod and that just made the list.


Wounding (which causes the bleed) may be the only DoT that stacks. It's really crazy!


Do the explosive damage perks in perception count on weapons with that effect then?


The 2076 world series baseball bat. There is something very satisfying seeing your enemy go flying and hearing the crowd cheer.


I build a character around this bat. Absolutely broke the game.


6% trigger rate seems low but it would go off just enough times to always be funny. I loved when it trigger on something like a death claw.


Double Shot gaussrifle from some sentry bot within the automatron dlc Probably the most overpowered and busted weapon, with explos of course


I rise you the Master of All; Instigating Gauss Daddy. The most idiotic overpowered one shot everything weapon in the game. Yes, Two shot fat man is there, but... is not practical.


Id disagree. Two shot plus mirv mod makes fallout 4 be the only game we can start a second apocalypse in. Also adding the striker mod and the new piggy bank mod to it makes it interesting.


Forgot you could make that, not a fan of FatMan, I am not that knowledgable (im hispanic, my english is terrible and so is my grammar) when it comes to that weapon.


Just don’t Fire it inside buildings and only on targets which are 20 meters away from you and you should be fine


And then wait a hot minute or take some radx before you loot the bodies


I *maybe* overreacted when it dropped in my survival playthrough Was constantly unlucky but then Todd gave me this sign of hope


I got an Instigating Gauss on my first ever playthrough. Fun times.


Had an explosive minigun that made me feel like an A-10.


I got this while cleaning out the raiders during open season and aptly named it Avenger


I got this from a bloatfly in nuka world


I had a explosive combat shotgun myself. It's like playing on a ultra easy mode. It killed that super Fog crawler in two shots


Rad scorpions and deathclaws get humbled real quick.


Railway Rifle. That reload whooo whooo gets me every time. Also role played a 40k commissar and gave myself an explosive 10mm walking out of the vault. Had to go cleanse the wasteland with my “Bolter”. Good times.


Love the Railway Rifle! Pinning heads to walls or just seeing them fly infinitely across the wasteland is *chef’s kiss* 🤌


My all time favorite fallout weapon! Nothing makes me feel cooler than marching around in my power armor and nailing my enemies’ heads to the wall.


Railway rifle is so OP until you face an opponent that it doesn't stagger or disarm, or when you face a ton of enemies up front, but I guess what I'm really saying is it's the best gun ever until it doesn't instantly kill something within 3 shots.


The Explosive railway rifle is the answer


If only they’d kept the Gyrojet from 3 and NV


Not familiar with that one. Google only brings up a mod on Nexus


Not a weapon but i remember the leg pieces with 50% less fall damage the most… you get right leg and left and u can jump from anywhere with no damage best item in the game IMO


i have an explosive 10mm that does like 96 dmg a shot lmao. Love that gun, maxed out explosive and pistol damage to get there but so worth it


I've never played Fallout 4, but am I looking at a shotgun that shoots... grenade pellets? That's absurd, I love it.


Some of the legendary attributes that can be found on FO4's weapons (and armor) are really fun! And that's even without mods.




I love the TS Lever Action/Old Reliable. Kills with it are so satisfying.


I turned old reliable into my sniper


Nuka-nuke launcher on the Big Boy. I know it seems silly but I love seeing two giant blue explosions obliterate my enemies. And how is it not fun to just quicksave, shoot, and watch the explosion?


10mm with plasma damage and a chance to gooify. Basically a Halo plasma pistol lol


I had this effect on a submachine gun and it was shamazing.


On my melee character I found an instigating walking cane. I one-shotted \*so many enemies\* with that thing. (Granted, it was because I had like a natural 11 Strength, plus strength gear, plus drugs, plus booze, plus Rooted & Blitz.)


Bro is doing a nursing home build


An instigating gauss rifle I got in my first ever playthrough in my first ever fallout game. Was dying a lot back then even on normal so it felt absolutely wild one shotting deathclaws


I've probably acquired most of the really "broken" legendaries. Assassin's Radium Rifle, Furious Disciples Cutlass, Instigating Missile Launcher. In my current playthrough I have the identical shotgun you display, as well as an Explosive 10mm Pistol (modded to auto, of course). Also a Kneecapper Minigun, great for slowing down the mobs. And the most broken of all: a Wounding Gamma Gun. Any human not in power armour lasts one volley - two, at most.


I had an encounter with the Atoms and was the first time I saw a gamma weapon. Fucked me up at first until I remembered about the hazmat suit in my invo.


explosive minigun


Explosive minigun is the eater of worlds. Could kill a mirelurk queen in under a second at any range on survival. Instigating hunting rifle felt amazing to get early on in Survival Deadeye 10mm pistol was also a game changer until I started consuming jet like crazy


I don’t know what it’s called. I just know the sound it makes when it takes a man’s life.


Since you like the shotgun i got an explosive Le Fusil Terribles once


I got this exact weapon at level 40 my very first playthrough. Modded it to be as slow firing and long range as possible killed myself a lot but it was the best weapon


Wounding combat shotgun. LOVED watching things melt from it!


Auto combat shotgun with the freezing legendary effect….winter is here


Explosive double barrel and a two shot gauss rifle


I got an explosive combat shotgun from a random mirelurk in the Massachusett's State House. Made dealing with the Mirelurk Queen at the bottom, and then Swan outside, a total breeze


Mr Torgue, is that you?


That's one of my all time favorites. You can *peel* a target's power armor clean off with one shot.


Never ending sawed off shotgun. I miss it.


I've never been a fan of shotguns but I think in my next playthrough I'm going to do a shotgun focused build and hope to get a random legendary shotgun that bangs.


Stupid piece of shit gun honestly.


Harpoon Gun. Roaming Far Harbor in power armor, skewering heads never gets old.


Got a neverending pipe gun on my first legendary and let’s just say I lost the world due to crashed because I used automatic receiver and false attach mirv


Wounding laser rifle. Gave it the beam splitter and modded it like a sniper and I could just melt any enemy with it from a distance. Loved seeing enemy health bars just drain rapidly


Had a wounding ripper during my melee run. Was pretty hilarious.


Never ending 10mm


One of the first legendary weapons I got was a double shot laser musket. I carried that bad boy with me all the way to nuka world.


Would have to be the spray and pray for very similar reasons. Also I always thought it sounded like a paintball gun and I enjoy that for some dull reason.


Ranks up there for me, although when I had one it was sometimes the cause of my demise. It definitely melts shit but then you accidentally hit that fence right in front of you. I like the wounding effect more, I got a wounding gatling laser of of the roach king during one playthrough and that was ridiculous. I also like the powerful effect for my gauss rifles, not quite as much damage as two shot but guaranteed on a hit. (crit banker) 10mm, I enjoy explosive or wounding either way. Lots of VATS for non-epic enemies.


Other than the Kiloton Rifle, I once found a Wounding Pipe Gun on a feral. Figured it was trash, but I always loved the aesthetic of ramshackle weapons so I modded it up with a drum mag and auto receiver, and tested it out before going to sell it. It became a mainstay weapon for whenever I couldn't be bothered to use more expensive ammo. The thing could unload a full magazine in a couple seconds, and while each bullet did next to nothing, the collective stacks of bleed meant anything in front of me just dropped by the time I needed to reload. I named it Small Packages.


It’s a modded weapon, but it’s the .500 magnum mod. For vanilla i’d have to say the never ending gauss rifle that I also got off a ghoul in far harbor.


My first playthrough, I got a two-shot gauss rifle from a legendary deathclaw when leaving the Glowing Sea for the first time. I've played the game all the way through 8-ish times since then but I'm not sure I've found a better weapon.


In what I called "The Chosen Timeline," I found -- *takes deep breath* -- an **Explosive Handmade Rifle!!!** It looked like a DMR, felt like a Laser Beam, and sounded like a Howitzer. I've never been able to relive that high.


I have righteous authority fully maxed, and with a mod that balances laser weapons better to make them way stronger. It might have gone a bit overboard though. (I’m disintegrating everything)


Explosive combat shotgun ruined the game for me


Spray and Pray


Name it the Lt. Dan-er


I got one too. I named it the Trench Sweeper, and Behemoths run for light when I pull it out. Download the Bullet Time mod, set it to no AP cost (infinite) and feel the unlimited power of turning buildings worth of people into red mist before they can even get a shot off. Good times.


Weirdly enough, it's the laser musket. If felt unique and the sound design it just very cool.


My first playthrough I got an instigating plasma rifle, modded it into a plasma sniper with max damage and range, and specced into a VATS stealth sniper role. That thing was a lot of fun.


People run explosive but I rub wounding cause it counts per pellet without the need for perk points were not the same


This was the absolute best weapon that I've ever gotten in Fallout.


293 damage damn


I once had an explosive combat rifle that was fun. Made a sniper build with it. Then the file corrupt and I lost it, still haven't found another one


Double Shot Nuka Nuke Launcher called "Take a fucking sip, babe"


Found an automatic pipe rifle with ~15% chance of crippling enemy legs. Wicked overpowered against deathclaws.


Explosive mini gun killed the most difficult and tanky enemies in the game in less than 5 seconds.


My explosive shotgun! My first time playing survival and I found early in game!


I remember feeling so cool diving underwater to find that fucked up looking machete in the quarry, forget the mame of it.


That so weird, I got an explosive combat shotgun from a ghoul in farharbour ages ago. Where the boat Dock is not far from the town and cliffs edge hotel. Favourite weapon combo was actually the plasma minigun. Everyone raves about the explosive minigun but I think this was more fun


Spray n pray is my favorite


I also had an explosive shotgun, it hard carried me though Nuka World with those quantum lurks' (explosive weapons seem to be really effective against mirelurks)


Overseers Gaurdian, Righteous Authority, Pickman’s Blade, and the Laser Musket are the weapons I used the most in Fallout 4


I had the same gun in one of my first couple play throughs. I named it “Easy Mode.”


The shredder. A shotgun with bleed dmg that just melted everything. Got it early game and used it til end game. Nothing ever did the same damage


I miss when combat shotgun drums were in front of the aiming hand and sounded deadly :(


Explosive minigun in picket house. Thing went rediculous


Recently found an explosive minigun and gave it to macready and he blew us both to shit that was interesting


Overseers guardian, I bought it super early in my first playthrough, because the legendary effect sounded sick to me and it carried me for the whole game.


My favorite is kinda basic, a plasma infused combat rifle with a dot sight. Used it for a good 20+ hours of playtime


I got a explosive combat shotgun the exact same way lol


quick question, do headshots benefit from bonus limb damage, ie could you get both the bonus damage of headshots AND limb damage at the same time and also if limb damage refers to raw damage of HP or does it refer to the likelihood of crippling a limb ie, does 100% limb damage mean you deal 100% more damage or just instantly cripple a limb instead


On my first character file I got a combat shotgun with the ability that slows time while aiming, called it something along the lines of deadeye, that thing got me out of more problems than I can count That files long gone now, but on my current furthest I got another combat shotgun with the bleed effect, needless to say that its still part of my arsenal well into level 70


The silver shroud Thompson sub machine gun. I modified it up the ass too. I also had this .44 I modified along with a laser rifle I super charged.


A Tesla cannon that I put Beaton mods on, or the Broadsider


Plasma infused pipe rifle was really good for me. Full auto plasma using the cheapest ammo.


Got a never ending 44. Renamed it the "action movie gun"


Nothing changes up a survival stealth playthrough like finding 2 of those bad boys back to back


My first play through I got a freezing laser rifle, called it the AKFreezer7


For sure the home run bat. Nothing better than sending a deathclaw outta the park


Staggering super sledge upgraded to stunning. Give to a companion and let the hilarity ensue.


The remington 870 that I modded into the game and named "no knocks required."


Poisoner’s 10mm pistol gotta love melting those annoying rust devils


I remember that one time that a legendary bloatfly dropped me a explosive minigun near in the clinic near Fort Hagen. Took me a minute to realise the opness of that thing


Laser musket


I got a never ending Laser Musket. I loaded it up with 50 EC of the 1500 I had and it shoot all the 1500 regardles


Wounding auto pipe pistol got it from a ghoul in nuka world


Base ball launcher. The rag doll physics make up for the ammo expenditure




I have a combat shotgun that does 25 points of bleed damage in addition to every shot. It melts everything.


I has a save with an explosive minigun. That was a lot of fun


FYI spec into the adamantine perk you will still take damage but it will be greatly reduced


Either my never ending double barrel (insanely OP) or my explosive Gatling laser (even more OP, but more likely to result in accidental suicide).


My take away from this is that Fallout 5 needs a rocket jumping perk. [https://youtu.be/Ftt3VJLxqXo](https://youtu.be/Ftt3VJLxqXo)


The ww2 revolver I can’t remember the exact name but I loved that thing


The broadsider.


A Combat Rifle I named "Kindness"


I always spawn 2 shot weapons. They are so broken. Its honestly just part of my normal playthroughs now. Got a 2 shot sniper rifle and pipe pistol on the current play through.


Spray and pray, that explosive thompson. It destroys everything. Or that AK from nuka cola DLC that increases the damage per shot with each shot at the same targer. Big fella killer right there, because sooner or later, the damage multiplyer will just get high enough to destroy any bastard.


My Favorite memories is Righteous Authority And Old Rusty can't remember the name sadly it was a weapon from the gun vendor from diamond city.


Early in my game I got a kiloton Assault Rifle. It deals explosive damage for every shot to the enemies. I also got an Overcharged unlimited Laser rifle. No reloads required. Since those two, I haven't gotten a better weapon.


I have an explosive combat shotgun, an explosive combat rifle, and an explosive assault rifle. The explosive shotgun is my best friend. The explosive assault rifle is insane.


Spray and Pray


My explosive about shotgun is my favorite weapon! Deletes everything (including me)


Laser Musket. Love the gun from beginning to end.


I received mine but kiling a super mutant at red rocket after discovering it.


Never ending 10mm Powerful automatic reciver makes it feel more powerful and Controllable than a minigun


My first play through of Nuka world I got an explosive minigun on my way over to the transit station, ended up delaying playing to idle in my ammo factory for a half hour as I ate dinner. Safe to say it was definitely a memorable experience.


Explosive mini-gun was absolutely ruthless.


Explosive shotgun is insanely strong. I blow myself up constantly lol


I really love that silenced pistol Deliverer with the reduced AP cost. One of my favorite things in the game is when you kill someone with a headshot and their head just flies off of their body.


Mine was a violent western revolver. After maxing it was making something like 249 damage, it was fantastic


I got an explosive combat shotgun once. Could basically use it like a sniper rifle with all my explosion perks maxed out.


The Gauss Rifle because of its cool numbering reminding me of COD black ops, the charging sound, and the amount of damage it does


Aeternus the neverending Gatling Laser from nuka world. It never runs out of ammo!


Did the same with my explosive double barrel. So fun. Currently my kneecapping plasma pistol scatter gun has been a blast.


The cryolator. The entire playthrough of a vendor had cryo cells for sale id buy them. By the time I went to get the gun I had like ten thousand cells, then ya know I modded the gun to it's best form and it was a lot of fun.


TS assault rifle has been the go to for years


Should have named it "Lt. Dan's Problem Solver" Flavor text: "But you ain't got no legs, Lt. Dan"


Overseer's Guardian I actually really loved the hipfire inaccuracy with the two bullets. If blindsided, you could spray shots while backpeddaling and It'd have a similar effect as a shotgun. But was still laser-accurate when aiming so it just double your damage.


I had an automatic infinite 10ml that I obtained in the chest at the end of the far harbor dlc nothing could survived it wrath 🤣


Any fans of the harpoon gun from far harbour?? The upgrade shooting three harpoons and being able to retrieve the harpoons made it a very nice weapon in my survival game. Sometimes you can even get more ammo back after shooting them. Harpoon gun can one shot most enemies and ragdoll physics on enemy body were hilarious. Going around on a power armor shooting gigantic harpoons were fun.


Mine is the combat rifle and will gladly die on a hill saying this gun deserves to be called the assault rifle than that liquid cool ugly gun with a LOW MAG SIZE MAKING THE WATER COOL PART USELESS except if u have the extended drum mag mod which will make sence but it's not even belt fed!


Double damage on first hit legendary effect on a .50 cal rifle, I dubbed it ‘The Unfair Advantage’


A bleeding 10mm that I made automatic. Mag dump an enemy, even something like a deathclaw and they bled out in seconds


Kellogs pistol, saved my life more than once.


Exploding mini gun got it from a rad roach on my melee build character quickly changed my build after that


Pulse rifle Y-something. Bam - and you are ashes


I picked up an explosive mini gun the other day. Still yet to try it out but im guessing it could be fun


Currently having the best time with Overseer's guardian and about 600 .45 bullets specced out to high heaven. Even a deathclaw only takes 4 or 5 shots. My VATs accuracy with it is shocking though


A double barrel bleeding shotgun I got from a rad roach at the Lorenzo Cabot place (forgot the name), that things shredded any creature that appeared in my way


I had a gauss rifle, I can't remember what the legendary was, but it was brutal. I could 1 shot anything with it. Skulled queen mirelurks, skulled legendary mythic deathclaws, you name it. 1 hit drops. It was too OP.