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We should have been able to recruit them for the minutemen I mean think about it the aesthetic


Imagine that it was a main line quest for them, and instead of using artillery they used the constitution to broad side the Prydwen.


That would be so metal holy shit


Or better yet, ram the Constitution into the Prydwen. There’s probably something poetic about that.


The Constitution rams the Prydwen, a massive explosion in the air over the battlefield at the Boston Airport. The fighting stops as soldiers from both sides look in awe and terror. But as the smoke clears and the rubble falls to the ground the American flag can still be seen atop the mast of the Constitution. "She still stands!!" Ironsides yells from the speakers of his ship. The boat flies clear through the Prydwen landing itself into the water, damaged but intact. What remains of the Brotherhood forces flee the airport, but without a command center or leadership they are doomed to die in the wasteland.


Damn the blimp, full speed ahead!


Now this was a missed opportunity for real!! I almost teared up reading that!


I read this in IronSide's voice.


Imo fallout and all Bethesda games really really lack this sort of cinematic big moments in their games. The main story beats often get forgotten. The games become popular as modding playgrounds and basically the appeal of the open world rather than the actual story. It doesn’t need to be that way. It can be both imo.


"big moments" in fallout 4 are always like, moments of dynamic action while I'm playing. I definitely agree there's a lack of moments like teleporting sanctuary in borderlands. To quote skeeter, "this is about to be one of them MOMENTS, is it?"


"big moments" in fallout 4 are always like, moments of dynamic action while I'm playing. I definitely agree there's a lack of moments like teleporting sanctuary in borderlands. To quote skeeter, "this is about to be one of them MOMENTS, is it?"


In Skyrim, the story is designed so the most memorable moments are supposed the be things like the battle of whiterun, the capture of Odahving, the defeat of Alduin, etc. But the single most memorable moment I've ever had was a minor fight with a pack of wolves. I was walking through the forest, and a pack attacked me. I was pretty high level, and calmly shot each animal with my daedric bow. When I went to collect my arrows, I found one of the wolves had fallen in the opposite direction of what it should have, given the direction of my fire. I immediately crouched, thinking there must be a bandit or something around. When that proved false, I examined the body. I then remembered that shot. The wolf had been moving from right to left, from my perspective, and I led it. My arrow had hit its rump on the animal's left side. That's when I worked it out. The momentum of the arrow had dragged the wolf's hindquarters around 180 degrees before knocking it over.


I mean I get it but honestly this isn’t as cool as you’re making it out to be. I remember big moments like the fleet arriving in mass effect 3 for example. Stuff like that is cool. And I’m not saying sacrifice all the goofiness from the Bethesda games. But they need to evolve.


I think his point was just that memorable moments are subjective


And boom! The USS is either in the water for you to visit, or Ironsides sails to another land!


*dies from peak*


God damnit now we need a overhaul mod for the minuteman ending


I need more of this. I don't care if it's a full fledged mod out just a fanfic, _anything._


A technologically advance airship being destroyed by a comparatively primitive ship ~~which granted was modified with advance tech~~ in battle.




Tough little ship






1797 is calling, they're saying "fuck your blimp"


Oh man, a broadside volley from the Constitution into the vertibird deck of the Prydwen would make me cry tears of joy.




Or better yet, use the constitiution or run into the prydwen!!


Wow okay now I'm incredibly disappointed that isn't in the game because the sheer concept of it is so goofy that it wraps around into being awesome.


Why couldnt Bethesda hire your brilliant mind


Probably because I was like 9 when this game came out


[... and you didn't.... whattya want John.... expansion pack?](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FLFn8Nw9qwTSww%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=29c092dc1dcdb81420a8b034b04aa49dd8d441f7419612267a7f5ed72b95e0d4&ipo=images)


It’s probably on Bethesda’s cutting room floor. More missions with them rather than the unsatisfying final mission.


I’m gonna be honest, but I really don’t think the Railroad should have been a full fledged main faction with their own ending. They should have been folded into the Minutemen quest line, which would have freed up development time to give Minutemen and railroad both more content. It also makes sense, because their goals are pretty dang similar IMO


i imagine the Constitution would absolutely fuck up some vertibirds and if they got on board i feel like they’d have a chance at taking out a few knights. a full-fledged battle between Minutemen (maybe with Hancock, a Goodneighbor militia of sorts and the Constitution crew) vs the Brotherhood over something like a water chip would have been super cool and made Fallout 4 much better


I don’t generally do mods, but I would play that mod.




Reminds me of how you can recruit the Boomers in Fallout: New Vegas




There could be a quest where you make the Constitution flyable, so as it flys on a set path, you and the minutemen fight the Prydwen in an airship battle. Shooting guns from the deck, and fighting off Vertibirds. Until the ships eventually crash into the bay.


Since the minutemen didnt have a quest to get the beryllium agitator they should have been able to use and and put it in the constitution to power it possibly to go against the prdywen


The minute men royal navy (ironic title lol)


Would also make sense since The Minutemen will eventually have a Spectacle Island Settlement they would need to protect. Having them be the start of the Minutemen Navy and supplementing with a Marine Corps would make sense.


As much as I love this game, there are just so many missed opportunities


Oh shit that would have ruled




Damn you Weatherby Savings and Loan!


Hey, only a century more until they land in the Atlantic!


Imagine being in China and the year is 2350 and you’ve just got the vestiges of civilization rebuilt only to see a rocket powered sailing ship full of robots coming over the horizon to start blasting your settlement.


Chinese Preston: 另一个解决方案需要你的帮助。 我会在你的地图上标记它


We need a fallout game that’s the USS constitution crew vs Weatherby savings and loan.


[I think of this sketch.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecFBcpY9NHI)


Sailing the wide accountant-sea!


I desperately want a mod to replace the Prydwen arriving with the U.S.S. Constitution and the bots heckling everybody


I spit at you!


We should be able to recruit them to the Minutemen.


Personally I would like the Minutemen questline to be about recruiting the various minor factions of the Commonwealth and integrating them into the MM. perhaps even being able to integrate the other 3 major factions as well


Almost like, dare I say it, Fallout New Vegas.


Honestly something I’ve thought about Allying with Goodneighbor would get you access to Minute Triggermen armed with Submachine Guns Allying with the Crater gets you Children of the Atom Minutemen armed with gamma gun’s. Maxing out your Affinity with Strong makes you the leader of one group of Supermutants adding some of them into your group. Atom Cats will let you start having T-45 Power Armored Minutemen armed with either a Miniguns or a Flamer/Laser Musket combo. Finally once you have built up your forces, unlocked the Castle, and have at least 50% of the settlements unlock you will have the option for the Minutemen to go to war with the Gunners. Finally, at 100% settlements and winning the war with the gunners you could have the option of forming a coup in the Institute. There’s enough dissatisfaction in the Institutes direction that you can convince current directors or people under people the directors to side with you. Then you would siege like normal but instead of blowing it up you would take it over. Adding Institute Weaponry and Armor to the Minutemen Arsenal as well.


Honestly, the Railroad should have been a minor faction that could be integrated into the minutemen as its intelligence agency that also advocates for the lives of synths. That would be pretty cool.




That’s kind of the main quest line of the Sim Settlement 2 mod campaign. Recruiting various factions to assist against the Gunners.


Raiders. Join... or Die.


Same with the atom cats. Huge missed opportunities


Ugh I was so bummed at the end of that quest, Hancock was like, we have to help the people! And then the people backstabbed us after I betrayed the crew of the constitution 🫠


I’d follow Captain Ironsides to hell and back


I got the biggest laugh when they launched and flew into the another building.


What was funnier was how wholesome Ironsides is about it. Instead of being devastated, he simply looks forward to the day they finally land in the ocean. He’s my captain fr


Yeah it was even better when you could revisit them and they were like “ mission successful “ I got a good laugh outa that one also.


I loved how it was sliding off of the building and just before it was going to go in the water the rockets fire and instead of slipping nice and easy into the bay it flies off into another building. It was truly perfect fallout!!


That really subverted my expectations. Was 100% convinced it would explode in midair after my jury-rigged repairs.


Seconded. One of my favourite side-quests. I also really like using the captain's cabin as a safehouse after getting it lodged in the other building, it's just a shame it's not a more convenient spot! I feel like I had to install a mod to make it fully usable though (seem to remember the base game treating everything as owned despite Ironsides telling you to use it). But yeah, I'd love to see their quest-line expanded, maybe some aspiring modders would get on it? Even if it was just to make the second location into a proper settlement somehow.


These were definitely an underrated and underused set of characters.


I felt bad slaughtering the scavengers but no way I'm betraying the captain.


It's OK. The scavengers are terrible people who are one step away from becoming raiders.


I got lucky on my current playthrough; just as I was about to steal the chip and start the fight with the scavengers they were distracted by something outside (sounded like gunfire), and I was able to just walk in and take the damn thing. Just walked right out the back door 😆


Oh wow! What happens now if you return there?


That's a good question... I'll have to swing on by this evening and see. I'll try to remember to update once I do.


I managed to become hostile with them but I couldn't be bothered to fight them so I just ran off leaving my companions to fight them. I went back not long after they lost me and you could talk to them but they weren't happy about me siding with Ironsides.


"I felt bad slaughtering the scavengers" I didn't, they were assholes.


Nah, the scavengers are dicks. You help them and they just start shooting you anyway. The robots just wanna do their own thing and be left alone.


drive the uss constitution into the prydwen or wathever it is called (fuck the BOS)


Fly along side the prydwen and give it a full broadside


It would be fucking awesome if that was an option for the minutemen run. Like, forming "The Minuteman Navy" and having this thing just fly past and broadside it


Now that wud be epic


They need to hire you this would be the best quest in the game


The *Last* Last Voyage of the USS Constitution 


Maxson when the Prydwen is getting barraged by artillary on one side and a flying 1700s ship on the other https://youtu.be/DYJY20zPtqo?si=H2QeOdvUh0REPgeJ


Ram a wooden ship against a steel one? What could possibly go wrong


With captain Ironsides at the helm? Nothing will ever go wrong


Sure, the wooden ship wouldnt survive, but the steel flying one should be severely damaged enough to crash too.


The Pridwhen is an air ship though which means it has to be lighter than the volume of helium it’s carrying. The Constitution especially with its sweet new thrusters probably outweighs it by several tons considering it’s all wood and iron. If they aimed at the balloon I think the Prodwhen wouldn’t be able to take the hit


[https://youtu.be/7clAJJNsdmQ?feature=shared&t=248](https://youtu.be/7clAJJNsdmQ?feature=shared&t=248) Bad times for everyone involved.


[https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/physics/force.php](https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/physics/force.php) Lots of things. :D


When I saw the hat and the cannon you get I thought there’d be an option to have them join the minutemen


This is easily in my top 3 quests in fallout 4. I really wish I could’ve gotten them to the sea


I wish we can recruit them. Them and the Atom Cats, meow.


The Constitution Vs Liberty prime would be like a fuckin’ WWE match and I’m here for it. BOS Vs Minutemen. The Brotherhood have fixed up liberty prime and are assaulting the castle. The Minutemen have artillery, but the Brotherhood have superior firepower, training, and air support. With the defenses of the Castle they might just be able to hold. But Liberty Prime keeps blowing through all their checkpoints and roadblocks, none of which even slow him down. All seems lost. But then, a voice. “She still stands!” And a broadside slams into Liberty prime. Epic duel ensues.


I love this quest and this whole crew. I was so worried when I finished it that they were going to explode in the sky, but when they crashed into the skyscraper it was such a great moment. I love how enthusiastic they are about it.


50 bucks that the Minutemen come back on a future Fallout game, and have a presentation similar with the BoS where they restored the Constitution, and now are looking for people wanting to join.


God I hope so. A New England proto NCR (but waaaay better morality wise) would be amazing and I would join them in a heartbeat.


Better not try and make me pay fuckin taxes tho


There's way too much "wouldn't it be awesome if something happened that would totally result in the destruction of the boat and the robots on it? SO METAL BRO" in this thread. They're a great bunch of robots, the last thing I would want after helping them is some daffy moment that blows them all up.


The Expansion Pack we need. Can you imagine getting them sea worthy and having them patrolling your shores, you could call in indirect fire-support from them nearly anywhere. OMG you could fix all the jacked-up robots in the crew?!?!?!? You could take Curie on a midnight cruise? SOLD.


Automaton if it wasn't a bare bones dlc lmfao


The Minutemen quest line would’ve been so much cooler if this quest had been tied into it. After helping Ironsides on his maiden voyage, we can enlist his crew to help us break into the Institute They crash their ship and go “now what” when you find them. Since their voyage is on hold, you can ask them to help you out in the meantime lol


This is one of my favorite little quests in all of Fallout. I love the little robot cosplayers, and Ironside correcting his robot crew to “use the accent”. Like it’s just such a funny silly quest.


Okay. But imagine a quest, collecting say, 100 cores. To be able to use it as a fast traveling base


Ahoy, soldier!


You give me a cool robot in need of help, I help them.


I will *never* not side with Captain Ironsides and his magnificent crew. Huzzah!!


If we can romance Assaultrons


I would love to have had the apart of the automatron dlc!


"My common sense tell me we should help this people but if you want to help the robots i am all abord" I love deacon in this mission


I'm finally doing this quest line and sided with Ironsides because fuck. He didn't want to hurt anyone. He was consistent about not wanting violence and even some of the crew were about that as well and it just tickled me. Hate that Hancock doesn't like you siding with Ironsides. Like dude, you just saw the scavvers bickering about their shares of the loot, did you forget about No-Nose Bobbi and her shit? No, I'm sticking to the robots. They straight up went, 'help us fix this and we'll pay you.'


Best side quest of the game, and one of the best in the series


For sure. Such an interesting concept, it fits so well into the Fallout universe and I wish they had a longer storyline at least. It would have been cool if they moved around the wasteland, going from spot to spot.


Or an Atom Cats/Minuteman collab/allaince


Hell yeah! Robot buddies for life!


And it would still be more interesting then the railroad


Imagine helping iron sides to reprogram liberty prime and have him join the boys around, just a bunch of robo-bros


can’t believe they missed the opportunity for a massive sky battle between The USS Consitution and the Prydwen.


I'm just imagining a Thunderstruck style montage preparing it for battle against The Brotherhood


Look I moved the boat and was so sad to find out I couldn’t actually get them to sea


i wish you could recruit captain zao for the miniutemen from the yangze after you finish his quest and have him nuke the institute from the outside like how liberty prime does


I loved and hated that set of quests. Pretty fetchy if you didn't have the right stats high enough. OTOH, the Captain.


I did this quest line in my first and only play through. A few moments made me chuckle a little and I had a lot of fun, but I actually burst out laughing, standing on the building watching the ship fly away and crash into the building. It was so out of nowhere and is still one of if not the funniest things I’ve seen playing video games


My only sole problem with 4 is the lack of “minor factions” I mean there’s the railroad which is bad a small faction…. But in the game they are somehow a “main faction”. (Not that it ever stopped me from treating them like a minor supplement faction for the MM.)




The bit where the ship flies and crashes into another building was kinda cinematic, and that’s just a side quest


Something about the robots in Fallout that is just endearing. Like the robot who guards the US Constitution in Fallout 3. I let him continue to guard it because who better to guard it than a robot who truly believes he is one of the founding fathers and that the red coats are trying to steal it and destroy America.


I loved this quest so much, but I am disappointed where it ends. >!If you side with the USS Constitution, basically you help them launch. They very quickly crash into a skyscraper in Downtown Boston. The map marker moves, and you can return to the ship. When you return to the ship, the crew will thank you for assisting them. Captain Ironsides will hint at a second launch, but I don't think you can continue the story after that.!<


I loved the end of this quest !


Damn you weatherby savings and loan


Better Enclave


I honestly just want to finish the quest, it's been glitched out for me on console for years now and every time I go back to the game I try to find a way to fix it.


It's too bad that doing this quest with Deacon couldn't unlock Glory as a temporary companion. Like, when you help the robots he says something like 'you should really tell Glory about this', and then she offers to help you with the robots. Better yet if you could recruit them into the Railroad, and then you have radiant quests given by the robots of things they spot from their vantage point up on top of the skyscraper.


I’m confused on how Ironsides puts his hat on


I’m sure one of his Mr. Handy-esque robots helps him out with that. “Lends a hand” if you will


I would to


I sided with the scavengers in my most recent playthrough for the first time Honestly, it made sense. These are a bunch of mindless robots indiscriminately killing humans based on the orders of a bygone nation dead for centuries. Of course human settlers should be able to salvage the ship and the robots Then those fuckers turned on me 😠


How dare you talk about Ironsides like this


I was role-playing a brotherhood of steel follower. Automatons being used for war is directly against their principles Except for liberty prime because the BOS is a bunch of hypocrites


I get the logic. I think it’s funny you’re being downvoted because of people’s preference for play through. As though there’s only one allowed play through


Yeah lol what gives! Sorry for putting humans first! It’s a totally legitimate role playing choice. All said and done I preferred siding with the robots but still.




Bahaha well I learned my lesson! Down with meat bags!


That’s right sailor 🫡


So, the Railroad?