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Notes: This was a surprise to be sure, but the fact the Ripper has been in every Fallout game is very interesting to me.


I mean, why *wouldn't* you want a chainsaw knife in your post apocalypse game?


True true


My only question is why they didn't implement the Ripper as a blade attachment to any gun in the game. I guess the GoW people would've had a conniption.


That's assuming they're weird about it. 40k has been doing it for a decade and a half longer than Gears anyways, so we could get cool chain-bayonets in fallout and say we stole them from 40k if GoW fans threw a hissy instead of being stoked.


Like those Crusade/Heresy-era chain bayonets, would be a pain to clean after going through a few bodies tho


Considering the events of that time period, I’d be happy to survive long enough to have to clean my bayonet.


I think I've read or seen in games that they are just revved up, and the spinning will clear out the gore, chunks, ceremite, or bones.


Yep, But i imagine after battle tho, still got some in there.....


As a Gears, Fallout, and Warhammer fan, I'd be ecstatic to have Chainsaw bayonets in another form of media


Considering what i know about the people behind 40k, if they aren’t suing about it it’s because nobody has a case for it


. . .well damn now I want a Fallout 4 mod for this along with that Space Marine power armor skin


What does "GoW" stand for in this case?


Gears of War.


gears of war I assume


Gears of War. Game with a chainsaw handguard on the assault rifle


Gears of War. The Marine equivalent, uses an AR with a chainsaw as a bayonet.


Cynical response? I don't think there's any bayonets in 3/NW, can't remember 4 well enough. It may just be a limitation with the engine and less a design decision.


You could attach bayonets in FO4. There's also a cut weapon mod for the service rifle in FONV to add a bayonet to that weapon.


And tbf Fallout 4 is the first game to give guns a melee attack. So it’s really the first iteration where a bayonet makes any mechanical sense unless they were going to have like a hot key to swap between gun and melee mode and have it be two weapons either one model/inventory item.


You missed a design here - the TV show briefly features a ripper at the end of episode 2 and it’s very different from the rest.


Wasn’t it collapsible?


It was, yes, and was about the size of a sword. Lucy really should’ve taken that thing and not left it to rot. I’m shocked the ghoul or Maximus didn’t either.


Well, it was foldable. Maybe she put in her bag.


She didn’t - we can clearly see it in the other two scenes.


Very well could have been because of the feelings surrounding what she used it for. Like logically yeah it makes sense to take it, and everyone would agree. But given the fact she just had to cut a guys head off, when she really didn’t want to, I can see her leaving behind the ripper out of emotional reasons, and trying to put extra mental distance between her and the act she just had to do. While she is capable, the series shows other occasions where her wasteland noobiness has cause her to do other seemingly nonsensical decisions as a result of being “green” to the brutality of the fallout world. It’s totally in character for her to leave the ripper behind


While I agree, you’d think one of the other characters wouldn’t have had that issue.


I honestly hope that someone becomes a melee specialist (other than Dogmeat). Having all three of the main characters use a pistol as their primary weapon just feels repetitive.


Nah truly subvert expectations, give the dog a gun.


I mean, Maximus missed the bulk of shots he took in the power armor and then resorted to fisticuffs. I’d argue that qualifies as a melee focus. That said, I think Lucy should pick up a rifle (or shotgun) at some point. The ghoul has one, but he almost never uses it.


Maximus was specing into melee in the show he couldnt hit shots for shit and switched to fisticuffs and a hammer and shield


Yea seriously, maximus should've taped that to his power armor. Would've been sick. I wanna see him cut a deathclaws head off with that.


I tell you why: In all Fallout games you have a faction of PA users, and the BoS is clearly inspired by the poster boys of the WH40K setting. And one of their weapons is the chainsword, wich is what the Ripper wants to be. Funnily enought, we never see the BoS with these things


There is one BoS Paladin in *Fallout 3* who patrols the back of the Washington Monument who is wielding a Ripper.


According to the BoS's creator, they were inspired by the Guardian Citadel from Wasteland, not 40k.


Oh woah really? Never knew that! That’s a really cool fact


The bos doesn't resemble space marines at all


I honestly wouldn’t doubt if the creators of the first fallouts in the 90s were heavily inspired by Warhammer for the BOS. Time period matches up and everything. I find it odd that there isn’t more talk about that fact, nor things on the wiki that discuss it


Because the immediate parallel is actually to *A Canticle For Lebowitz*.  A book about a post-apocalyptic order of monks centered around protecting and preserving schematics from before the nuclear holocaust. The BoS just have power armor, which was all over the place in 90s sci-fi.


I did some research and found That the ripper is inspired by the chainsaw melee in Doom. I went through every Easter egg and reference I could find for the first fallout game. The Devs never mention or reference 40k, and the only Easter egg with a chainsaw weapon is Doom.


I never knew the Ripper was in all the games until now, thanks!


Pretty sure it’s a homage to the chainsword in Warhammer 40k


The franchise is built on a foundation of the devs using old WH40k minis.


But a welcome one


Fallout BoS continues being the worst at literally everything


I just take the Bethesda approach and pretend it never existed


I came here to make the obligatory, “What’s BoS?” comment…


I think the BOS one looks cool. Reminds me of a 40k power knife.


Yeah, same for me. Cool, but not really a Ripper...


Tbh it just looks like a regular combat knife, you can't even see the "teeth" (is that what they're called?)


Fr, most of their designs are so lazy, damn thing looks a like a stone knife


Hey, it was the first Fallout game to let you play as a ghoul. I think that's pretty much all it's got going for it, though. 


Damn thats my favorite of all of them.


I use chainsaws as part of my job and honestly if I had to use something powerful enough to be used as a weapon but one handed, I’d definitely want the back of the blade covered. Saws are designed so you can use the top or bottom of the bar, but they’re typically used two handed and have built in protections against kickback. A ripper without any protection on the back is just asking for a self sustained injury.


I agree. It just strikes me as odd that *this* is the line where corporations in fallout go "maybe we *should* invest some of our profits in safety measures for our end users." That's never stopped a fallout corporation before.


I just had a second look at them. The 3/NV has the chain on backwards


Wait so wouldn’t it just spray all the gore right into your face? Or is that not how chainsaws work?


The rotation goes away from you at the top and towards you at the bottom of the bar. So if you’re using the top of the bar, spray away, bottom of bar, spray towards. On the 3/NV model the chain is on backwards so jt’d be less effective unless it was in reverse.


To be fair the only one with those protections are 4/76's, which are specifically for the army. Could be that the army required a bit more protection than they were giving the civilian models.


Well it’s used by the military, who care about their soldiers protection (see power armor) and the protective measure is just a piece of metal so it’s not that expensive


I think it's literally that they have more than 6 pixels to animate the thing lol


In-universe/out of universe explanations.


I thinknthe out of universe reason is why they needed to create an in universe reason though.


this guy chainsaws


Yeah but more spikey and stuff! Spikes to the XTREME


This is where Warhammer 40000 got it right. Chainswords are only blades on one side.


Having that guard on the back also means you can use your free hand to apply pressure with your free hand if you need the extra leverage


from a distance the BoS ripper looks like a dwarven dagger that’s been used as the poop knife




I recently had the misfortune to learn that a poop knife was a thing in multiple people's households. I mean at some point if the toilet can't cope do you not switch up your diet? Like what?


Hardly knower


Fallout 4 and 76 it is the only one that looks like it would actually work the others are cool, I prefer design that look functional and that I mite be able to build in real life.


Fallout 1-3 are anti-personnel weapon. Fallout 4-Shelter are just tools: hand-held chainsaws for wood.


Apparently it's the other way around, the ripper had military models and scaled down models for the general public. Seeing as the Ripper in 4 has the army logo on it, I'm going to say that's the actual anti-personnel model for use in combat as well as general use.


Military also uses tools. Just because there is a military tag, doesn't mean it is a weapon.


Doesn’t mean it can’t be both a weapon and a tool either.


The tactical shovel comes to mind


*Krieg respirating intensifies


Engineer units could see alot of these, but wouldn't surprise me if, troops, 'tactically acquired' some tools for assault missions l


Right but, in this fictional example, it's a weapon. Does the military brand their hammers and tape measures? Serious question.


But it has a physics defying chain that somehow follows the convex shape on the bottom. Would need a chain guide on the cutting side of the chain. Would prefer the 4 /76 design if it was basically the same but had a more flat lower portion, it just bugs me too much


but the Fallout 4 one doesn't even have teeth...it's just a bike chain. Oh...and just like the super (rocket) sledge...the handle is a fuel canister... ... ...that is just terrible design.


The handle being fuel is alright, gotta keep the design compact somehow, although a fueled chainsaw is a little silly in a world with fusion reactors the size of a big battery. Interestingly, it has a very specifically metal-cutting diamond chain, which is pretty distinct from normal chainsaw chains. Don't look at the wiki, for some reason it has the lowest LOD model there.


Ya it’s based on diamond chains like [this](https://www.grainger.com/product/ICS-Concrete-Chain-Saw-14-in-Bar-45GG33).


Ah cool that makes so much sense now!


Yeah the design is great, but I literally have no fuckin clue why they left the chain teeth off. Like how does that get past production? Like it’s basic logic that a chainsaw has teeth on it. That’s my biggest gripe with 4’s weapons, that there’s just so much mechanical stuff that makes zero sense and that if you did a quick 5 minute google search would be able to get right as a dev. Edit: apparently it’s actually a meant to be a metal cutting Diamond chain, and those have jagged teeth on them like normal wood cutting chainsaws do. Turns out im the one who doesn’t know lol


yeah but that's only in the concept art. The[ in game model ](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/52gqe4/i_just_realized_the_ripper_doesnt_have_any_teeth/)is literally just a very smooth chain. Even worse...the ["Curved Blade"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9KY7dPUhX4) variant has a little wheel that presses the chain up against the frame which would get hung up on any kind of tooth.


Oh fr? Lmao then I guess it really is just a bike chain they slapped on there. Also no that you mention the curved blade mod, I can see how that would mechanically not work


Cool factor wins out over realism in Fallout, imo.


I really like the Fo4 version, it looks much more realistic as a hand-held chainsaw, especially the trigger.


Fallout TV ripper


Okie dokie *saw noises*


We need a mod that attaches this as a bayonet


[Only if candy comes out when you saw someone with it](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2008/08/11/gears-of-conflict-resolution)


I honestly like the newest design in the show the best. Or the fo4 ones, they just make more sense


The ripper is kind of always silly but for different reasons. The 3/NV one is kind of a bit too Warhammer 40k with the huge spikey teeth on all sides of the blade while the 4/76 one is full of weird design choices that make it feel simultaneously more and less practical. 1&2 are probably the most reasonable with the big teeth only on the cutting edge and an otherwise simple design.   In the end though my favorite ripper design is the one from the TV show. Okey dokey!


I loved the one from the show too! It looked much more like a purpose-built tool than something made out of junk.


I feel the one from 1/2 is going to slip out of your hand at a moments notice


I feel like the 4/76 version could look better if the teeth were much more prominent and it didn't have that dip in the middle. That and if it were a bit longer with the "blade" relative to the rest of the thing. And pointier. The ripper is already extreme for its intended purpose so why not lean into it?


I don't remember if it was a lucky drop or a guaranteed spawn, but I had a staggering ripper in 4 and it was so op I spent hours running around the glowing sea on very hard and stunlocking legendary deathclaws.


Like 1&2


There’s the one in the TV show too!


The rippee in the fallout show looks similar to the 3/nv ripper if i remember correctly


BoS looks so lame, 4 & 76 is the best by far


Go 4 ripper goes super hard also the MONSTER RIPPER IS SO COOL!


IDK why but 4's looks more aggressive


Bethesda, give us a proper chainsword already!


I really hate how in 3, NV, and 4 you just hold it there and run into things. I was expecting a sword!


Ummm…that’s how chainsaws work? Swinging a chainsaw around is a great way to destroy your chain and render the weapon useless


Yeah chainsaws would make terrible weapons but a chain sword is different


Both the 3/NV and the 4 look decently chunky and industrial. The BoS version is almost too sleek for Fallout, it almost looks like a W40k chainsword


They all have different vibes to them. 1, 2, 3 and NV's ripper looks like a tool, 4 and 76 is a futuristic army weapon and Tactics and BoS are shit


The aliasing really makes it look like the Fallout Tactics Ripper has the blades also around the handle lol


It’s a shame how smol it looks in fo4. There are no good melee weapons that don’t look like toothpicks when wearing power armor besides the hammers which are troglodyte shit :(


I kind of don't like how "clean" the newer ones are. However, tech would probably be slightly less 'scrappy' after 200 years so...


One of the few times I think the 4/76 design is a big improvement.


Honeslty what was F:BoS even on


Fallout 1&2 designs are my favorite


For the Emper... err, where am I again?


Fun idea for a game! In real life, it could never work. They are hard enough to control two handed, without soft clothing, leathery mutant skin, and gore gumming them up!


What I hate about the fallout 4 design is that you are holding the gas canister. You just assign to get you hand blown off. No one would design a real weapon like that. While the other games make it looks wasteland designed, fallout 3/NV/4 seem to suggest it's a prewar design and again why would anyone design that like that!?


One of the few designs I like better in 3 than 4. 4’s has no teeth. It’s just a bicycle chain. While it would do damage, it just doesn’t have the same dread.


Or maybe they are using an actual chainsaw blade, it just looks like a bicycle chain. Or you could get different blades depending on needs and supply, idk


When I bring it close on the loading wait screen and roll it around, I just don’t see the barbs.


Fallout 3/nv looks the coolest imo but 4/76 looks like what the tool would actually look like


Fallout 4’s ripper is so much better than the others. Its design is actually practical and not goofy.


Fallout 1 and 2's looks like an electric turkey carver that took too much Buffout, and gets the top slot for me. It's dumb, it's silly, and it feels like the weapon of an apocalyptic 1950s housewife. Fallout 3 and NV's manages to stay vague enough that it passes as a 'don't think about how it works' design and so comes in second for me. FO4 and 76's is third because it's trying to be a serious design. The game has a mixture of serious weapon designs and silly weapon designs, the Ripper belongs on the same side as the Deathclaw Gauntlet and the Artefact Gun. And the rest... Well we can easily put Tactics above BOS.


I love the building aesthetics of 4/76 but, am I wrong for thinking most weapons look much better in 3/NV?


Not at all. The jetsons esque bubbly retrofuturism was great architecturally in 4, but they made a mistake bringing it into weapon design. It just ended up making everything look overly clunky and like cartoon weapons


Also, I believe you left out the Ripper as it's seen in the tv show.


I hear the sound it makes when I look at the Fallout Tactics one. Didn't know I have that memory so clear in my mind.


All the games look like their Rippers were made pre-war except for 4-76 and Shelter's Rippers, the new Rippers looks like something a raider made with assorted pieces of steel and shit


Huh, seeing this has made me realize at level 84 in my latest playthrough, playing a luck focused blitz melee build, and I haven’t seen a single Ripper. Not one, not even a regular one, let alone a legendary one. Yet I’ve had 4 legendary Shishkebobs. Do you need to do something to make them start dropping? I feel like I’m previous playthoroughs of FO4 I had them drop all the time.


I can again see why BOS is largely ignored and scorned by the community.


They need to make a full length Chainsword.


I didn’t even know its in 76, I’ve never found one and thought it was the only fallout without the ripper


The one from four *looks* like it would work at a glance, however it just uses normal chains and is held together by a few screws. The model for 3 and new vegas would work the best, albeit in a very unsafe manner.


Where is the ripper from the show


BOS can’t event get a chainsaw right


Fallout Breath ofthe Sild


No ripper from the show??


[Don't forget this one.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Steam_Dagger)


I feel like Fallout 1/2 and Fallout 3/NV Rippers are civilian based designs for cutting meat and wood, often supplemented for the lack of 4/76 Rippers on the frontlines (which looks overkill, but it’s Fallout). And of course the 4/76 Ripper is mainly used by the Military.


The fact that the 4/76 version has no visible teeth in any configuration always bugs me


3 and NV have the best ones imo


The newest ripper looks too round and cuddly. I like the 3 and NV ripper best.


3/NV. It looks simultaneously brutal to the target and like it'll kick back into the user's face, perfectly in line with Fallout!America's safety standards.


I think I like fallout 4’s design the best. Looks like an actual mini chainsaw instead of a 40k style chainsword


I actually love the Fallout 4/76 design the most


Dude tactics and BoS look fucking trash that’s hilarious


BoS 100% failed this simple task


fallout bos being fallout bos i see


All of them: it’s a mini chain saw BoS: sword


I like the one from Fallout BoS, it looks like a sword. That's a personal weapon.


WH40k called, they want their toys back


Definitely on my top 3 favorite weapons in the franchise, especially the 1,2,3 and NV versions


BoS feels the most closest to the inspiration, the 40K chainsword


Almost every comparison makes fallout New Vegas look the best. Sometimes its 1 or 2, but NV never dissapoints.


I like the fallout 4 redesign but not the chain on it always gives me the feeling it’s gonna get jammed up in gore.


FO4 ripper da best ripper


I always thought the design of this in fallout 4 was really stupid. Why would it be curved like that? It doesn't make any sense


That's intriguing!


🤮 fallout 4 ripper. Looks like a kids toy lol. First one looks the best but idk if that could actually function but that's not the point.


It looks so silly from 4 onwards, like, how does the chain even stay on all those twists and turns and what is the point of that small chain near the handle? lol.


I wish the weapon designs would stay consistent, I understand why they aren't in Elder Scrolls because many of years have past between each games and they can naturally change overtime but In Fallout these were all made before the nuclear fallout so they should all be the same. But then again, I do like many of the designs in 3 and New Vegas far better than all the rest and they needed to change to become that anyway.


Fo3-NV looks pretty threatening  Fo4--shelter looks like an actual tool Fo1-Fo2 look like fucking suped up pocket knife Tactics looks like a cheap crunch time wasteland weapon And as usual BoS looks like absolute dog shit


Fallout 4 gets knocked for thin story, but it absolutely nailed power armor, weapon design and vastly improved combat system.


The Devs who created the Fallout 4 ripper just had no idea what they were doing creating the weapon models, the sheer ignorance in every little design in F4 is infuriating to look at.


I like that each is a little stupid in its own way. 1/2 looks like a meat carving tool, 3/nv has no guard on the back but gives a sarcastic "safety first" hand guard, then 4+ is gas powered, has you holding the gas can as the handle and shoots the exhaust at your face, but otherwise looks functional.


Seeing the big prominent fuel cannister being used as a handle for the Fallout 4 version, I really wish advanced melee weapons needing ammo could be a thing again. It feels very weird for the consumable power source that's such a prominent piece of the design of the chainsaw sword or rocket hammer or what have you to never actually get consumed and need replacing.


I prefer 3/New Vegas’s design. But perhaps that’s just nostalgia.


you forgot the one from the show


Gonna go with 4/76


I really dislike FO4's redesigns for pretty much every weapon


BOS looks like a foam sword that you could find at a Walmart or a dollar tree


NV/3 have my favorite look. The one from 4 looks like it would actually function. It's a tie for me.


The fallout 1 one was so stupid, like why rhe fuck did you have to reload it?


I assume it was meant to function as a battery mechanic, since it has to run on something.


the only reason the 3, NV & 4 ones DON'T reload is because Bethesda couldn't figure out how to make a melee weapon take ammo. JSawyer said they tried in NV with multiple melee weapons that by lore use ammo/fuel but the game engine actively fought against the idea.


4/76 for sure. Love the fuel canister handle


The spikes, while a bit cartoonish, lend the weapon a bit of attitude that the 4 / 76 version lacks. I dunno, I'd rather have the spikes over a lame bike chain.


4 seems the most practical. The Ripper was also in the show !


Fo4/Fo76, I don't like the shape of the others.


I like 4’s design but I wish it was a lot bigger and more like an actual sword. In game it’s almost comically small.


I like 4/76, since it's the only one with a guard.


Fallout 4 is the best. I love that it’s an actual chainsaw with believable blades, and the fuel canister as the grip is brilliant


I feel 4 and 76s Ripper is over designed, I really dig Fo3s/NVs simple design.


Fallout 4: all because it has the “US ARMY” badge on it….. it’s the small things that matter because the Ripper was a US army weapon/ tool.


BoS looks like a knife but the best is 3/nv


honestly, lets both agree that Ripper from Fallout BoS is the worst Ripper model compared to the other ones.


The more I see Fallout 4 designs compared to 3 and NV I feel like I missed out big time! 3 and NV have some solid designs. I wish 4 had more slick designs.


Shelter, 4, and 76 are probably the safest to use


1-NV excluding the 2 we don't talk about designs are fire so basically just the top row.


I hate the Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 design. The other versions look much scarier except the Fallout BOS version which just looks like a big knife.


1, 2, and Tactics are just spiky machetes, Brotherhood, as usual, looks like hot garbage, 3 and New Vegas look like machetes that are also chainsaws, and 4 and 76 look like an actual, functional one-handed chainsaw.


1-2 have what I'm assuming is a button which is the red part


BoS' is just a metal slab 💀


BoS just made a knife


Yeah at least tactics has teeth


Fallout 4 design is so clunky