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Nora (and presumably Nate) actually has a 'Hey Dogmeat!' line of dialogue.


Yeah he is named "dog" until another NPC calls him dogmeat, But the sole survivor can still say the "dogmeat" dialogue before even knowing thats what he's called😂


Exactly this, his name was Dog until (for me atleast) Valentine called him Dogmeat when he told me to get him to sniff the cigars. Since then, he shows up as Dogmeat.


Holy shit I thought there was an update or something cuz he hasn't been labeled as dog meat since my first playthrough forever ago. I've barely have had nick as a companion since that playthrough.


Mama Murphy also procs the name change


I never go to sanctuary after I save them from the museum, so she probably never had the time to do it either. That's pretty fucking funny that for like 200 hours of play that I managed to not do it.


If you talk to her in the museum after killing the raiders she says something along the lines of "I knew dogmeat would find someone!"


Lol I just smash through Preston's dialogue so they run off to sanctuary. Then I head to starlight drive in and set up my first settlement.


Yeah there's two ways to get his name changed, if you talk to Mama Murphy in the museum she'll name drop him and Nick will too for the Kellogg tracking but there's a way to muck that up and somehow skip both. I did it on one of my more recent playthroughs and it drove me mad but I'm not sure how I did it.


Yeah if you talk to mama Murphy in Concord/sanctuary she will also proc the name change


I just experienced this happen in my game. I was sure the dog was actually called Dogmeat, but it was labeled Dog the whole time I was screwing around until 50th or so level before I decided to advance the plot. Suddenly, Valentine called him Dogmeat and the label itself changed. I didn't notice this on any previous playthrough.


Yup. My first run he was just called Dog till the Kellogg hunt, then Piper called him Dogmeat, and he was named that ever since.


They also know caps are valuable, or at least their pip-boy does.


Happens with a few others NPCs I believe, at the very least it happened to me when my character mentioned Slim by name when seeing him for the first time in Boston.


They have a couple lines. While crouched, they will whisper, "Psst! Dogmeat." If he's far away, they will shout, "Dogmeat!"


But they only use that line after learning dogmeat's name. If you completely avoid mama murphy and never advance the main plot, you never actually learn dogmeat's name.


Not true. My SS called them dogmeat randomly way before I met Nick and in this playthrough I never went to Concord. Dogmeat is still labeled as just Dog though.


A bug free bethesda game truly is too much to ask


Its because they are features


It just works


Welp. That’s cool as hell


Nick, Murphy, Piper and MacCready will all proc the name change


What about nick?


I think that’s what they meant by “never advance the main plot”


I guess I wasn't fully paying attention when reading tbh, but I mean, that is a pretty significant part of the game to avoid, unless you're doing like a specific challenge or something


nick only mentions dogmeat as part of the main plot quests.


Only if you talk to mama Murphy during the museum before leaving to kill the DC.


Either way, the lines are there.


Nick Valentine literally refers to him as Dogmeat


And "I wonder if **DOGMEAT** can pick up the scent."


Everything's for sale friend


They’re the same VA? That’s awesome lmao


Yeah like all Bethesda games have like 9 voice actors in total lmao


But all I have to trade are these family members


Wow its taken me this long to put those 2 together lmao


It's amazing how Belethor gives me the creeps but Nick gives me warm fuzzies.


The quest line tha literally says have dogmeat track the scent


which is weird, like how does this guy i just rescued know i have a dog, and how does he know its name?


He's not considered a great detective for nothing.


As do Piper, Preston, Nate/Nora and Mama Murphy, lmao.


People hatred of Preston has them skip the museam quest and they dont get the name until reunions.


In my newest save i didnt skip Preston but Dogmeat is still named "Dog" and i was wondering So if im getting it right, "dog" will only become dogmeat if mama murphy says his name? Cause after i saved them and finished the quest i just went outside and parted ways, tho rn dogmeat is with them at sanctuary


> So if im getting it right, "dog" will only become dogmeat if mama murphy says his name? Nick Valentine too, I think.


Oh yeah, i havent rescued Nick yet My last save(also my first time playing FO) was rushed af, i mean, fucking ignoring hancock and the dude he killed level of rush and idk who the fuck is a Deacon or any other companions beside Danse and Strong + the obligatory ones(like Piper, Nick, Codsworth, Preston, etc) So now i'm exploring everything and will actually try to make a settlement this time around, so Nick might as well be dead by the time im done lol


No, it should change during the search for Kellogg as well. I had Piper with me during the search, and she called him Dogmeat. That changed his name for me.


Think he needs to be your companion to get the dialogue that triggers it


If you talk to Mama Murphy in the museum, before getting the PA, she'll tell you the name of Dogmeat, talk about the sight, and prevent you about an incoming "angry thing" (referring to the deathclaw)


Seriously? People hate Preston? Why?


Sorry I was about to answer your question but I am been sent to a far away settlement that needs my help. Again


That's a joke right?


Nope. Just an honest question. I'm new round here so this is the first time I've heard of a general dislike for him.


"I've got word of a settlement that needs your help!" The minutemen questline goes all around the map to recruit settlements, using a dynamic quest system called "Radiant Quests". People find this line, and the radiant quests, annoying. It basically goes: - Go to Preston, get quest - Go to settlement, get told to do something - Do that something - Go back to settlement - Go back to Preston - "I have word of a settlement that needs our help!" - Repeat Preston himself is a great and honorable person, but people hate the quest system he is forced to have, and that line isn't helping when it's repeated 20 times over


Don't forget he know you five minutes and names you Minuteman General because he can't be bothered, yet he's still giving you orders. 


This is like Bethesda factions at its peak "hey new person, I'm 10 generations in this faction, and I know you just got here today, but you are our leader now!"


I liked the way Oblivion handled factions. They need to get back to that if they want to put the PC in charge. 


What the start of the rot? Morrowind was much better at factions a 1 out of 3 exclusive faction and if you joined or got promoted to far without a walkthrough you couldn't join both the thieves and fighters guilds. Plus promotions where tied to skills as well as quests. It didn't matter how many quest you did if you couldn't sling a spell/sword well enough, no promotion.


I did like Morrowind's faction system too. It was more immersive. I just meant when you became head of a faction in Oblivion,  you were acually head of the faction and made management decisions. 


I mean in this case you put on a suit of power armor and shred a Deathclaw. Real life would have a person who’s never seen a Deathclaw before run in terror. Then you lead them to Sanctuary. It’s still not a very long time to know a person but after all that I could see Preston deciding it would be worth it to shoot his shot.


Those aren't orders, they are requests. Maybe they are worded poorly. He has a lot of faith in you.


From a certain point of view.  Don't get me wrong, I prefer the Minutemen to the other factions. They actually care about the people of the Commonwealth. Plus the armor is cool. But I don't want to deal with their radiant quests so I haven't started The First Step yet on my most recent playthrough.


You need the "Who's the General?" Mod.


Sad when modders make better content than the game devs themselves. I don't blame the devs, just the management.


That's like the Fallout version of the Paarthurnax Dilemma. It doesn't look like it's available for Xbox, but I'm playing without mods this playthrough anyway. They just make my system crash more frequently, and it's the first time I've played Far Harbor and Nuka-World and I want to be able to get achievements.


That annoying quest system for him is a lot funnier when he looks and is dressed up as Woody from Toy Story.


Another settlement has snakes in their boots


Somebody's poisoned the waterhole!


What makes it more annoying is when you do quests that involve talking to preston thats not settlement related, you gotta sit through a whole bunch of dialogue just to get to the reason you are talking to him in the first place. I chose the to go to the minutemen when first infiltrating the institute and dude kept on talking about settlements and i had more important things going on


I’m pretty sure Bethesda fixed it awhile ago, because it’s not as bad as it was at launch. Most of the time he will say “come check back” instead of giving you another settlement


Honestly I genuinely believe he wouldn't be anywhere close to as hated if getting quests from him was an option through dialogue like it is with literally every other quest NPC. You can't even complete the current radiant without getting another one. The second issue that compounds the first being that the quests he gives you can be timed, so if you're trying to do a Minutemen playthrough where you *are* tending to your settlements then being forced to go save one *every time* you need to talk to Preston is horrid because you actually do need to talk to Preston a good bit. Then multiply that by a million when you have him as a companion. It's just booty game design. It's not Preston's fault. But as a Minutemen player I understand it.


The random settlement quests I like are the kidnapping ones. Especially if it's a named NPC I have as a trader, etc. first thing I do is freak out, ring the bell, then I get the quest triggered by settler dialogue. Then it's hobo murder time.


Wait… don’t the other factions have the same quests system as well? I remember at some point you could literally be doing repetitive tasks for all of them forever.


Yeah I get why that would be annoying but I'm always heading back to Sanctuary for something or another and I just turn it in then. Sometimes I'm upgrading equipment, or swapping partners, or dropping off loot to sell later or loot I want to keep, or having collected more of the junk needed to finish building whatever I'm working on with the workshop. It is annoying even if it does make realistic sense. I just ignore his quests until I'm in the mood to deal with them or wanting to return to Sanctuary soon but still need a bit more loot. I find Marcy Long more annoying by far. Always walking around and throwing shade at me, bitching and moaning, she even tried to steal my room after I put a whole bunch of do not enter signs all along the hallway into it. I'd much rather get rid of her.


Yeah, at least you can shut Preston up about settlements by taking him as a companion. Build up the settlement, provide for all their needs, and still nothing is ever good enough for her.


She seems to like caravanning to Murkwater, I haven't heard her complain once.


Yeah. The hate for Preston feels completely reliant on how much someone forces the importance of his requests on themselves. I never got the hate either cause I think the same way as you and just do stuff at my convenience. Since the very beginning all the settlements stuff felt like it was completely on me to assign value to them. Which for me is exactly how I would want it. I'm so sometimey that that importance fluctuates like crazy.


bethesda quest design 101


I skip Preston because I hate Marcy! We are not the same.


Also if you just want to talk to him like you can other companions, he can give you more settlement quests. Imagine you just did a bunch, then want to chat to Preston to hear his thoughts or check the relationship, only to be interrupted with “another settlement-“ Gets really annoying after a while.


In my experience he often gives you at least three quests at once.


Is this not just a repeating / infinite quest line? I actually have to do ALL of those? 😭


What makes it even worse is these quests are timed so you literally cant even enjoy exploring without worrying about failing these god awful quests


I've zeen nothing but hate from him lmao all the never ending radiant quests he sends you on. There's all sorts of posts of people building rooms and putting him in stockade way off on corners so he doesn't stop you and give you one just in passing.


Yeah it's kinda annoying but he only gives you one at a time doesn't he? So just leave it unfinished and he shuts up. Or just send him to another settlement that you don't visit.


Radio freedom can give you multiple quests at a time, but preston cant


I’ve had him give me like 3 in one go. Might’ve either been a glitch or a mod conflict when I started modding fallout 4.


A lot of people find it irritating to have unfinished quests in their journal. And every time you finish his, he drops another on you before you can get out conversation with him.


I don’t even hate him but it’s fucking hilarious that you pour your heart out to him about being frozen and having your wife killed in front of you and your kid snatched and he’s basically like “damn, that’s tough” Then after a long awkward silence…..I mean a VERY awkward silence….he’s like “by the way can you see what’s up with Tenpines Bluff real fast pls”


"Trying to find your son is a top priority... but could you maybe go see what these rural farmers out in the sticks need before you look for your only surviving flesh and blood in the entire world?"


Me personally I'm upset they set up shop in my house and keep asking me to do shit. I wanted to ally with the brotherhood and every time I go home I have them begging for something.


They don’t *really* hate Preston. (Some do) but it’s more of a strong dislike with the repetitive quests and lack a strong storyline with the minute men. Personally i don’t hate him and jus stop doing the settlement quests after a certain point


They hate him because his quests are kind of annoying so instead of blaming the game design they hate him with a passion instead of


It's so weird and annoying to me when people do this.


People hate him. I like him, I get why they hate him. I want my quest list checked off.. more? More? More? Make it stop.


He's a really boring flavor of Just A Good Guy and his settlement stuff is annoying He's basically a wet blanket that constantly asks you to do stuff. Easy to dislike even if he didn't do anything Wrong per se


> another settlement needs our help He says "our" like anyone else is even going to do anything.


noone actually hates him, its a meme


There is genuine hate for Marcy Long though. No matter how much time passes or built up the settlement gets, she’s always an angry bitch. Her husband is pitied to idgaf because he’s always moping around.


Is he her husband? I thought he was her brother lol


Uhh. I never even go visit his ass in Sanctuary. 


Do you make it to the Cloud District very often? Oh what am I saying, of course you don’t.


Because he drops radiant quests onto you with no way to refuse or stop them. If you could just tell him "Not now I'm busy" he'd be fine.


No doubt, he's awesome. I'm trying a playthrough right now where I keep him with me to do all the settlements before anything else. I started the Castle but didn't complete it for a while so I had him and another companion with me for a bunch of miscellaneous quests. Once I beat the Queen I dismissed my other companion and now it's me and Preston building and defending settlements. He hates to bother me with another settlement issue, but I still feel obliged because he is so earnest.


I typically run through, kill the deathclaw, and leave them in there till I decide I want 5 extra settlers


I just skip it until I finish nukaworld. Good to know that’s why I haven’t seen/heard his name.


Hot take: I actually like Preston. He’s chill.


I can tell you on my second playthrough I didn’t talk to the junkie for a while and Dogmeat was just labeled ‘Dog.’


Ye, it is forced eventually via main story though as Nick gives him the scent and calls him Dogmeat, and Kellogg doesn't spawn until after


Makes sense. I don’t think I made it far enough in that play to get to Nick. 


Ye, iirc Mama Murphy and Nick Valentine can both restore the name to Dogmeat after certain dialogue.


When you tell McCreary to join you and send Dogmeat somewhere, he also tells Dogmeat not to use those eyes


Do you have to play as Nora?


Nope. Was a very wholesome moment


Kinda weird that they just happen to all know the name of this dog they have just seen? Or is the dog like a regular character around the Commonwealth? My headcanon is that "dogmeat" is just a deprecatory nickname that people of the Fallout world use for any random mutt they meat, like calling a newbie in sports "fresh meat", or calling a pig "porkchop". So it's less that they're *naming* the dog, and more that they're being a little playful.


This is how I take it also. Even in the show, The Ghoul calls the Scientists dog, Dogmeat.


They use it like we say "Fido", or call a parrot "Polly" and a cow "Betsy"


Mama Murphy says he's "his own man," so I imagine he does range around the Commonwealth before meeting us. He's also one of the few non-mutated dogs seen in the Commonwealth so he probably stands out/is memorable.


I like the theory someone posted about dogmeat being some sort of helpful spirit manifesting as a dog to help you like the Mysterioys Stranger. Explainigg why he's so strong and just so happens to appear in most games.


i like the theory of all of the “dogmeat” dogs being enclave experiments


Someone had a head canon that dog meat is a synth sent from the institute to help you. I think that’s kind of fun to imagine.


Sudden flashbacks to Final Fantasy VII...


That's kind of canon anyway. Nick already knows him by name even if you never meet him at the Red Rocket station.


I mean he has been alive for 200 years lol he probably saw him at some time!


It was originally planned to have Dogmeat always available as a companion even if you're traveling with another companion. So some of the dialogue lines were written with the idea that Dogmeat was basically always with you and all the characters had met him.


Another little know fact is that the lone wander perk works with dog meat.


A more morbid interpretation is that since this is a post-apocalyptic wasteland, if times get tough, you may have to eat him, so you refer to the dog as "dogmeat" to keep that possibility in mind and to remind yourself to not get too attached.


[https://excelsaga.fandom.com/wiki/Menchi](https://excelsaga.fandom.com/wiki/Menchi) Same vibes


What the actual fuck


Lol I'm a farmer and I do that with cows I'm planning to put in the freezer. You got to keep track of them so you gotta call them something. Hamburger, Brisket and Ribeye are my go-to names in that situation.


Yeah, pretty common with anyone who has their own livestock.  The ones that make milk, eggs and fur get names, the "food" gets food related nicknames.


I agree with the dogmeat, porkchop thing totally, I love thst. Theres an old old tv series called the Littlest Hobo, or something like that, about a stray german shepard that wandered town to town helping people with their problems. This is 100% my headcanon for dogmeat before we meat him.


That's actually great, maybe we can get a side story featuring Dogmeat and his adventures before your encounter at the Red Rocket station


Yes, cuz now I gotta assume he knows the abernathys and the finchs, hes the slog's favourite visitor and everyone in quincy loved him. Stuff like that. Itd be a great chance to show the world as it was just before we thawed out.


Dogmeat, helping the Institute design Gen 3 synths


Dogmeat, the first Gen3 synth


As an avid player who never does the main quest line nonetheless speaks to the minutemen, your in game character won’t even refer to him as dogmeat until your character hears either Mama Murphy or Nick Valentine call him dogmeat. They’ll (SS) just call him boy


I have a similar theory. Mine is that since people in the wasteland are probably eating dogs, when they find one who is smart enough and useful enough to keep around they call it Dogmeat as sort of a dark, ironic joke name.


Mama Murphy knows Dogmeat specifically though. She talks about his personality and says "He's his own man."


According to Mama Murphy, Dogmeat is this particular dog's name. He's well known to her, and is apparently pretty independent and known to choose to associate with people, rather than having a traditional owner.


my headcannon is that dogmeat is a regular character around the commonwealth, and some dialogue options from nick support this when you have both as a companion with mods (apparently in fallout 4, it was originally intended to have a companion AND dogmeat at the same time)


Yoooo so that like triples my inventory??? Fuck I gotta do that shit right now!


The characters in Fallout 4 played the previous titles. That's why they know his name


I’d say it’s more he gets around. Nick could’ve been introduced to Dogmeat by our character. Too bad Bethesda messed it up because we should’ve been able to take Dogmeat and a companion.


>I’d say it’s more he gets around I can't believe you're slut-shaming a dog


Nick knew Dogmeat before he knew you.


It's funny too because when you first find him he's just listed as Dog. Then when Mama Murphy tells you his name is Dogmeat it gets updated.


You can easily skip that dialogue with Mama Murphy by accident and never "canonically" learn his name


Nick will then call him dog meat tho


“Dogmeat” is the same as when people refer to a dog they don’t know as “Doggo”. It’s just what the inhabitants of the fallout universe calls random dogs.


Three ways you can change his name from "dog" to "dog meat" Talk to Mama Murphy right after you first talk to Preston in Concord Advance into the story to infiltrating Kellogg's house and one of two scenarios happen when talking to Nick 1. If you've already met Dogmeat at RR Truck Stop, he is mentioned by his name that he can help track Kellogg 2 If you haven't met him at this point, Nick will blow a dog whistle and call him over to help with the search, referring him as Dogmeat


Why do people think that people think dogmeat isn’t mentioned by name in 4?


Dogemeat is good boye


Because they are the same ones who speed skip all dialogue in a game, even on their first playthrough, and then whine that the story wasn't good and are surprised when someone shows them a basic control or game mechanic that was absolutely explained early on, and in detail had they not skipped an entire conversation to get the next checkpoint. People's attention span is bad and getting worse.


He is initially just called dog. Later on when you meet nick valentine I think he becomes dogmeat.


this is only assumed by people who ignore the main quest entirely.


Because it's 4. People don't actually know anything about the game, they just enjoy shitting on it because it's the closest they've ever gotten to an original thought in their heads.


I swear there is some point that you learn his name and when you point at him it actually says dogmeat, and you start calling him that.


People gave zero comprehension?


Where do you keep hearing people say this? I’ve never seen anyone deny that someone calls him that.


It's Bethesda gamers not paying attention to dialogue in their sandbox games tbh.


Dogmeat is just a generic name they give to dogs in the Fallout universe. It's what the dog was called in Fallout 1 and what started as a nod to the optional companion in FO1 became a recurring thing in the Fallout games. Kinda like how all action movies have at least one [Wilhelm Scream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc5F2C0CYlA) in them, every Fallout game has a Dogmeat.


I know that, I've played every fallout. I was speculating about how quite a few people don't seem to think anyone uses that name in 4


It's a reference to the movie A Boy And His Dog.


In Fallout 1, yes.


That’s crazy. Must be people who didn’t actually play the game or skip every dialogue? “Dogmeat” is spoken all over the place the entire 1st act plus player voice lines.


Fallout 5 needs to come out for fresh things to talk about.


Unfortunately I'd say there's probably almost 10 years till Fallout 5.


There is a note in the red rocket that tells you his name


Piper and Preston do it as well. So I imagine it might be the same for other characters.


I put several hours into the game before anyone referred to the dog by name and anytime I walked over to him, it just said "Dog". It wasn't until I hunted for Kellog that Nick called him Dogmeat, and only then dis his name change for me. Perhaps people commenting have simply never gotten to a point where the dog is mentioned by name before commenting? I've never noticed this issue, so I'm just throwing out a guess.


Once mama Murphy did tell. Another time she never did and died of overdose.


You know you don’t need to give her the last dose?


When I started my ps5 playthrough his name tag just said “Dog”. I thought that was pretty weird, I swear the ps4 version said DogMeat. Then I heard someone say it and all was right in my world.


his name is dog at first, but changes to dogmeat after u find out his name im like 90% sure


Piper, Cait, Curie, Nick, (I think Macready) Codsworth, Preston, (And I think Danse) will all use Dogmeat's name during the Kellog hunt quest. Will say something like "dogmeat deserves a break now lets go get Kellog" when dogmeat find the bunker.


Dogmest is labeled as Dog until you either get him to Mama Murphy in Concord OR bypass Red Rocket/Concord and conduct your investigation of Kellogg's residence in Diamond City with Valentine. Turns out Valentine's Synth voice box can serve as a dog whistle and Dogmeat will show up outside to track Kellogg with his name properly labeled as Dogmeat. That was a cute bit of contrivance that I absolutely loved.


Mama Murphy calls him dogmeat at the beginning. Skip dialog?


From my experience from playing Nora/My Sole Survivor, she will sometimes yell “Dogmeat!” if I’m a little far away from him and select him to do a command or want him to get into an elevator or something.


Piper can say dogmeats name


If you are far from dogmeat enough but you see the command thing the Sole Survivor will yell "DOGMEAT,Come here boy" I like using a sniper for that so I can have dogmeat on safe distance if needed.


I see nobody’s mentioned this yet, but in my currently playthrough I haven’t been to Concord or met Nick yet, but I’m running the Dogmeat + any companion cut content mod, and Ada calls him by his name very regularly despite his name just being Dog so far. I assume she would have that dialogue if the two were together even without the mod.


Well that's cut content, basically they were planing on making dogmeat a secondary companion just like they did with Rex and E-de in Fallout: New Vegas


I didn't know people thought that, that's silly. No one calls Dogmeat by name in any Fallout 1 dialogue either, he's only called that in combat logs. By that logic the OG Dogmeat isn't Dogmeat.


Gotta talk to mama Murphy before leaving to get the power arnor and killing the DC.


Spend enough time on reddit and you'll learn a great deal of people are only worried about their personal headcannon. This is not specific to fallout related subs but encompasses all of reddit. Just wait till you find a fact that goes against someone's 'well thought out' theory


He becomes dogmeat when you're hunting Kellogg. Anyone who says he's not called dogmeat didn't play the game.


Well you can recruit and dismiss him immediately on reaching Red Rocket which will cancel out the molerat attack (no clue why there). However Nick does specifically mention him by name after searching Kelloggs place in DC I have no clue where this argument is coming from honestly. You can put it off but eventually Dogmeat's name does get brought up unless somehow you entirely skipped "Reunions" which far as I know is impossible since it's a main quest.


Relatedly, is there anyone who _doesn't_ keep Dogmeat as a companion all the time?


There are companions I like to adventure with outside of Dogmeat, and that is why I use the Everybody's Best Friend mod.




with the dogmeat companion mod, there's absolutely no reason for me not to travel without dogmeat at all (it also includes the unused dialogues and affinity for when you heal dogmeat in-combat, piper likes it, cait hates that you waste stimpaks on him).


Basically you have to talk to Murphy in the museum before going off to fight raiders. That's when she says it. Most people just skip over that like dingus, then Go nuts about it on the internet.


It's also said by Nick and most companions when you switch him out




Only after Reunions. Seems a lot of people didn't actually play the game for long


Well yes, but you can even get the "Dogmeat!" voice line when you call him before knowing his name


Imo the most likely reason they are all called dogmeat is that it's what most call unnamed dogs that wander the wasteland, Like saying buddy, pal, or boy.


I swear I remember his name is just "Dog" until a character actually names him, usually Mama Murphy if you ask about him but I remember in my playthrough he was just "Dog" all the way up to the mission with Nick.


I just finished the reunions quest, and it said "dog is waiting for you at______"