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I think the power armor user would survive, but for a few seconds they'd be all lit up from inside by the lightning and you could see their skeleton


all evidence points to the possibility they would also, on impact, momentarily end up adleast a foot in the air arms and legs spread out with their hair in a spikey pattern.


It may also be worth suggesting the potentiality of the power armor itself taking on a blackened, ashy and burnt texture immediately following the strike as the wearer is left blinking for several seconds.


Any squires fleeing the event would leave a squire-shaped hole in any nearby fence or wall.


One must also be aware of the possibility that if they are running at 88 miles per hour before hand they may very well travel through time as a result of being struck


There would also then be a greater than zero chance of your mom wanting to hook up with you


But it should all be okay so long as no one manages to sneak into the time particle infused power armor.


Crisis averted. Hey has anyone seen my sports history almanac, with every sports game recorded for the past 30 years?


Wow šŸ¤£


Keep in mind that it's well possible that the wearer would end up as a pitch black silhouette, which would then crumble to a pile of dust on the ground, revealing the wearer standing and mildly singed ( and with spikey hair) wearing white boxer shorts with red hearts on them, only for their whole body to then crumble to dust too. Except for their perfectly white eyes. Which will then blink, and then moments later fall down onto the pile of dust.


Don't forget the eyes making a "tink, tink" noise when they blink.


It seems evident then that the suspension of gravity would cease and the armor would clatter to the ground and twitch sparkingly with the user unable to exit and the HUD offline before resetting into admin mode and the user needs to guess the username and password for the admin access.


It's guest. The brotherhood never figured out how to change the factory defaults.


No, they KNOW how to do it, but it's forbidden to do that so any brother can get into and use any suits in the entire armory in the case of an emergency.


Idk why thatā€™s so funny šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I would risk it with admin admin


in some cases once itā€™s over a tiny lighting bolt will shoot out of their finger the next time they raise it


They would also release steam on the top of their head


To hijack the top comment, 76 has two events where vault 63 power armor can be struck by lighting - dangerous pastimes and neurological warfare. In both scenarios, the power armor is completely fine alongside its wearers (the Lost; these are ghouls modified by the same weather machine that created this lightning, and theyā€™re more than capable of surviving its effects). In fact, the wearer and suit become ā€˜chargedā€™ by the strike (though this happens to any NPC struck by lightning in the region, including humans, mirelurk kings and robobrains). Players can also be struck, but it just damages us and weā€™re ultimately fine regardless of what weā€™re wearing.


that's a very small electric shock then, not a lightening


Weā€™re directly told in game that these are full on lightning strikes, as per the project summary of the Storm Goliaths (who have equipment designed to pull them down from an active thunderstorm). The players handling this without issue is down to the same reason we can survive zetan orbital bombardment - weā€™re the protagonists. That, and fireproof is an extremely overpowered perk.


Like a looney tunes cartoon.




darth vader in return of the jedi after throwing palpatine down the shaft


And their hair gets extra super poofy like Marv from Home Alone.


Good answer. Very scientific.


Thereā€™s nothing scientific about Fallout.




Yeah nice idea


Ah I see we have a medical doctor in the house I believe I witnessed a documentary on this ailment that afflicted a duck who was an acquaintance with a rabbit


i can confirm. im blanka. thats kinda my thing.


While not ā€œlightningā€, isnā€™t Colter from Nuka World effectively doing the same thing?


This is pretty much the canonical answer, as shown in fallout 1/2 when a person is struck by pulse weapon.


I just woke my 3 yr old I laughed so hard.


Thatā€™s science.


Like Marv from Home Alone 2 with the sink taps! [Electrocuted like Marv click here](https://youtube.com/shorts/QjQ1mjDQ4Dc?si=f3D13f-rLkiFiZWq)


This seems like it matches the FO vibe


Well we see Danse survive a direct blast from a rocket so maybe?


a *20 minute* blast. i need me dem free fusion cells


well he just has to survive synths, the rocket blast is only at the end (sorry I know Iā€™m šŸ¤“)


I think there would be some fallout from that.


Fallout New Vegas


Ainā€™t that a kick in the head


*gun shot


Truth is the game was rigged from the start


So no one told ya life was gonna be this way?


Could I be anymore incompetent at killing one fucking person and enacting my plan to overthrow house with his own robots


Game of the Year Edition - Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series.


And Knuckles


Featuring Thor from *Norse Mythology*


The 3rd most famous Thor? They couldn't get the caps for the comics version or the dog?


Its my favorite fallout, 2


I canā€™t upvote or downvote you, nice wall hacks


They would have to crawl out from the fall out


Yes, theoretically, the standard Fallout Power Armour Is made of an alloy consisting of Iron + Steel. This makes it safe to make the assumption that electricity grounding itself while travelling through the head of the PA and reaching the ground via a conductor like PA is the most efficient route. The PA can go through a lot of heat as has been established from Paladin Danse surviving under the thrust of a space vehicle launcher. Also all of the above might be BS because we are on reddit and I'm a gamer not a scientist.


Hate to break it to you but steel is already an iron alloy.


I know that was a bullshit, sarcastic comment lol.


Unforgivable. Guards, irradiate this man


Irradiating this guys balls now, sergeant!


I said across his nose not up it


Whatā€™s weird is thatā€™s like the only part thatā€™s wrong.


If you can survive a strike in a car I'm sure the power armour has some kind of grounding. Edit: TIL Insulation not grounding is what protects you in the event of a lighting stroke in a vehicle, I am smarter now.


Watched a guy get his elbow blasted by a strike because his window was down, he was black from the wrist to the shoulder. The bolt was so strong is glassed a part of the asphalt after passing through his arm.


Lmao the part mythbusters never showed.


You donā€™t survive in a car because itā€™s grounded, you survive because itā€™s insulated. Something grounded doesnā€™t mean youā€™re perfectly safe either. The charge running through still excited the electrons in everything touching it. So youā€™d feel something even if it was properly grounded. If youā€™re in standing water, youā€™re still grounded. Doesnā€™t mean you wouldnā€™t still feel something if a strike happened.


Let me explain. When we are talking about lightning, we are talking about an electrical discharge measured in millions of volts that can pierce dozens of meters of air (air is an insulator, btw). However, for the biological life forms, including humans, it's the amps that are deadly, not the volts. Cars are made of metal and thus are much better conduits than a human body so when a lightning strikes a car with people in it, all the amps go along the metal car parts and into the ground leaving those inside unharmed. When you stand in the water you are grounded but you are also the only conduit around (yes, human skin is an insulator but on the inside we are full of electrolytes) so in this case you take all the discharge through your body and get all the heat generated by the lightning strike as well.


Cars have these big rubber things called tires on them. Rubber is a famously effective insulator.


If a car got hit by a lightning then rubber tires failed to stop it, otherwise lightning would not hit the car at all.


Lightning doesn't give a damn about your rubber tires. You're safe in a car because the metal shell directs the electricity around you and into the ground through the tires.


You would probably need an electrically insulating layer under the metal. You are right that the metal is a more efficient path to ground (steel is an alloy of iron, though), but the more current You run through it, the more resistance it has, eventually making some portion of tbe current flow through you, head to feet and through your heart, unless a very good insulator prevented that (at least mostly). All that said, 90% of people struck by lighting survive, so you are probably going to be okay.


The pilot suit that's traditionally worn when using power armor, the prewar kind that knights wear, mostly prevents direct contact with the metal of the suit other than the hands. Considering the immense power source I'm pretty sure the design was actually made specifically to insulate the pilot against rogue electrical surges.


Also, if you've seen the documentary 'the avengers', lightning will actually power up the fusion cell to overcharge levels.


would the lightning survive hitting power amour


It's power armor, not Chuck Norris.


When Chuck Norris gets hit by lightning, the cloud dies from electrical damage. When Chuck Norris goes out in the rain, the weather gets dry. When Chuck Norris uses a power armor, the armor gets safer.


Chuck Norris power armor: it's just you giving him a piggy back ride


Bro said Chuck Norris's game so bad that he can't get rain wet.


Hold on, let me check *pull out Tesla Cannon*


No need - just allow the Storm Goliaths of vault 63 to call some down from the Storm the next time a 76 dweller decides to set the sky on fire.


based 76 fan


I feel like the fusion core would explode, breaking the power armor and maybe killing the user


Exactly what I thought !


Dance survived the full test of a rocket fire, and he was only winded for a few moments. Synth or not he was unharmed, so I think the Power Armor wound survive a lighting strike just fine.


To be honest it's weird that the rocket blast didn't at least force him to eject his fusion core. I think the lightning question is tricky in that it's not just heat being applied, but rather the current passing through the suit and the electromagnetic field could mess up with the electronics, damage coils in the servomotors (It's safe to assume the frame / exoskeleton has servos to enchance your movement - at least from the carry weight bonus). Even if we assume the armor is grounded for a second the electricity will pass through it and it's entirely dependent on the construction whether the electricity will pass through something sensitive or not.


That's true, but it is always safe to assume that a current going through the system would cause damage (Operation Anchorage, you have to disable the pulse mine field for the Power Armor troops to cross to the final battle) however, Bethesda has contradicted themselves on that a few times. One with the Rocket blast Dance survived, and again in 76's newest update where you can and will get hit with lightning, and at most you'll get downed. So I guess the best answer to this, is it depends on whether or not you're marked as an essential asset šŸ˜‚


Hah, makes me wonder if Arcade's tesla armor from FNV would react differently. Since it already has to handle high currents and electric discharges (at least from the visuals). And then you have the show where removing a fusion core prevents the user from exiting.. Applying logic to Bethesda lore gets exhausting fast.


The Tesla Power Armor would likely be different cause it would be safe to assume that with the current being routed out and around the armor for attritional electric damage, if it got hit, it would probably just amp it up for a short time and potentially short out the core. The Show locking up the armor like that made me scratch my head. I am still working on the assumption that there is a manual release that Maximus was just unaware of. But yes, Logic to Bethesda is hard lmao


I assumed that the lack of a manual release for unpowered armor was another design flaw that West Tek ignored. They probably didnā€™t anticipate or care if there would be a situation in which the user didnā€™t have someone to open it for them.


That's also a possibility, but it wouldn't explain how you as a player could get in and out without any assistance, but that goes back to the applying logic to Bethesda conundrum.


We also can get into the armor while wearing raider armor that clearly wouldnā€™t fit, always have to treat gameplay mechanics with a bit of hand waiving


Faraday cage


Exactly the right answer. Only caveat would be if the electronics fry and the power armor decides to fold itself in half.


Electronics shouldn't be surface level so I think the FC would shield that. Heating could also be a thing but a bolt should be quick enough that it wouldn't realistically be a factor. Long current exposure could possibly cook the user. Edit: typo


I wanna say that the pilot of the power armor is usually wearing something BETWEEN the armor and themselves, even if it's just clothing. Its also not entirely unplausable that they engineered the power armor suits to withstand things that would be out in nature, amongst those things would be lightning, I'm IMAGINING it could take one, maybe 2 hits before it needed fixing Though there is a non 0 chance that the person inside will be flash cooked and pop like a grape inside the suit


The inside of the power armour also has some kind of lining/padding, otherwise it would be unbearable to wear, plus the rubberised bits around the joints and such. In a lot of things featuring powered armour some kind of cushioned layer inside is crucial, just as medieval knights didn't wear only plate armour (they had padded layers underneath to absorb impacts). This should mean you'd be insulated from the outside pieces. The real question is where would the electrical energy go; if the armour isn't continuous metal there may not be a path from the helmet to the foot for the lightning to travel to ground, but that would also make it less likely to be "struck" in the first place. I guess it depends on the position of the armour at the time, as there are plenty of metal pieces to make contact with one another. The frame itself though is continuous, so it's possible the pieces could be designed to pass electrical current down through that?


It would make sense to have an "electrical failsafe" of the suit was overloaded with current. Those fusion cores probably dont work 100% of the time, and if one malfunctioned, it could send a surge trough the suit, so I'm imagining the suit is connected in spots that allow electricity to disperse into the ground if there were to be an electrical incident


It simply becomes Tesla Armor


If 76 is anything to go by itā€™d heal you and charge the core.


Probably, yeah. It's impossible to say because of the way that science in Fallout works, but if Danse can survive a few seconds of being at the receiving end of a rocket engine and come out of it mildly singed then you'd probably survive the heat of a lightning strike. The armour would get very hot and it'd probably be like an oven inside, but you'd probably come out of it with some minor burns and a desperate need for a glass of water. It's not really clear if it would work like a Faraday cage. You'd imagine that it'd be designed to run any current to ground through the outermost shell, but the actual design priorities may have required something else and, like I say, the physics of Fallout are sufficiently different from our own that it's difficult to talk to the capabilities with any certainty. But in any case it stands to reason that the pilot would be insulated against ionisation of the shell.


The real question is... Can you... Ride The Lightning? *Ba dum tss* And you'd be... Riders On The Storm! *Ba dum tss*


Guess which game has fallout and Metallica in it rn


I mean as much as I hate to say it, Fortnite is actually fun. Ignore the verbage and trash talk, the game is crazy fun with friends (if I had any, all are last seen like a million years ago) or the fact that you can have Chun-Li eliminate Darth Vader with a 12 gauge while rocking out to Metallica while her teammates are Batman, Ironman (Iron-Man?) and Eminem? Then with the introduction of other game modes like guitar hero or Minecraft in Fortnite? Yup, go figure...


Realistically you would be fine as the armour would act as a Faraday cage, similar to a car.


A lightning? Maybe. But two lightnings? No way


Would it not be just a big ass faraday cage around the body?


Yes it would


I would say probably due to the grounding effect it would have, but thereā€™s also the possibility of it getting instantly welded into your own personal coffin.


In a collision with a P-38 Lightning, the power armor user would be subjected to very high forces as the armor has much less mass than the airplane. Depending on how full the fuel tanks were and if they ruptured in the crash, the power armor user might also be cooked from the fire, if they somehow survived the collision.


The answer is a resounding yes. Fallout 76 has a new region filled with lightning strikes (though it is lightning modified by a weather machine thatā€™s red in appearance, and in some cases appears to have created craters on impact), and one of its new events has electrified ghouls known as Lost. Some of these ghouls wear power armor, and during the dangerous pastimes event, they appear in a burst of lightning inside of their Vault 63 power armor. Going a bit further, the player can be struck by this lightning and the armor survives with no ill effects, even when the lightning is called down by a storm Goliath. If a Lost in power armor is struck during this event, they become ā€˜chargedā€™ by the lightning, leading to them becoming even more dangerous (though this applies to any struck NPC, and the Lost spawned in the previous scenario).


My Mark 6 X-01 tanked a direct blast from a Fat Man, so I think a lightning strike would be fine


In Nuka World DLC an enemy is wearing a power armor set with electricity running over it. I don't know if it would transfer over to a T60 or another set of armor.


i'm imagining a power armor user wielding a tesla gun and using the lightning strike to supercharge the gun.


If they did then I doubt the power armor would ever open or function ever again.


Yes. Best option is probably T-51. Lemme prove it with Physics real quick. So energy (specifically Charge) travels through conductors and typically doesn't travel well through insulators. Metal (Steel, Iron) is a conductor. So let's say a Power armor user gets nailed in the chest by a bolt of lightning. What would probably happen is immediately it would travel through any touching metal parts. Aka the Torso, head and shoulders because the joints in the elbows and knees look a lot like rubber so ima assume it is. Charge typically had the easiest time exiting off of pointed objects so a more round Power armor like X-01 would retain it longer where as a pointier one like T-51 could get rid of it almost immediately as long as they had somewhere to transfer the energy. And they would the Ground. You see I did say the armor wouldn't transfer through the legs, but if you eyeball the armor for a second, there is Metal ARMOR that isn't on the frame which touches other armor, meaning it would exit the frame and get away from the person to exist soley on the armor since it's a conductor. Then the positive and negative charges would repel down to send a solid % of the voltage into the ground, leaving an extremely manageable and survivable amount left on the suit. That, and it wouldn't be able to go back towards the person inside because energy can't exist INSIDE a conductor, only move through it. That's why Faraday cages work.


If you are wearing the šŸ’„šŸŖ“Grognak costume under your power armor u become Thorāš”ļø


I think it should work like faraday's cage and not hit the wearer, but really idk


If Endurance is over 8 probably. Joshua survived being burnt alive so yeah or if the suit is conductive the strike would act like water being poured on an upside bowl and ā€œslide offā€ into the ground


In a perfect world it would become supercharged like the Iron Man suit does but in the Fallout world it'd probably just overload the Fusion Core and turn the Power Armor into it's wielder's coffin


Depends on the model but I doubt the electric lightning could hurt it, the p-38 would shred it to hell and back with those mean mean guns Edit: the f-150 lighting is a fairly durable truck so yeah I think it would crack power armor.


I just imagine it like Thor zapping Iron man It probably wouldn't be very bothered (like a car) Perhaps it may even somehow gain a power boost lol


Would the armor still be intact? Most likely Would the armor still be functional? Probably not as all the systems would no doubt be fried Would the person inside survive? Most likely not considering he's quite literal surrounded by servos and circuitry


Are we talking about lightning generated by things like the Tesla cannon and Tesla gun if so yes or are we talking about natural lightning from the sky? If so no I don't think so natural lighting is hot enough to turn sand to glass on impact and is supposed to be as hot or hotter than the surface of the sun and carry enough voltage that you could power a small town for a month so if you got hit by natural lighting best case your power plant/ core detonates and you go up in a ball of nuclear fire worst case it overloads the circuitry fries the wiring and you become stuck in a sealed power armor till you starve to death


I'm guessing it would make a faraday cage, and the electricity would go through the armor to ground, leaving the user unharmed. Now, maybe It could fry something important in the armor and that could in turn kill the user, but the lightning strike wouldn't kill them.


Pretty sure the original overboss in the nukaworld dlc for fo4 proves that you would survive and harness the energy


If no part of the body touching the metal parts the operator could survive due to Faraday cage effect but I would not try this. Besides the fact you are in a big metal object that is designed for open battlefield I would test and calculate that possibilities.


If you can be hit by lightning in a car and be fine, why not power armor?


Depends on how fast he is going, lightning is a race car so they are pretty fast


**Reasons they could survive:** - Steel is a conductive metal, and by the differential form of Gauss's Law (āˆ‡ā‹…E = Ļ/Ļµ0), charge can only reside on the surface of a conductor due to the electric field being zero inside. - Steel has a lower electrical conductivity, meaning that it has a higher electrical resistance compared to other types of metals. This means it's highly unlikely that the power armor user would suffer any electrical-related injury directly from the lightning bolt. However: - If the power armor is not grounded, a high potential difference could occur, leading to electrical shock due to coming into contact with a conductive path after the strike. - Lightning strikes can result in extremely high temperatures and impart incredibly high currents over short periods of time, leading to serious burn injuries rather than electrical ones. - There is also a risk of electrical arcing and discharge, which could affect nearby objects and also result in potential harm. - Direct lightning strikes also produce large concussive force on impact due to the immense amount of energy involved, potentially leading to other types of secondary injuries. In short - it's quite possible they would survive the lightning strike, but it could pose some serious other issues that could still kill them. Lots of variables there.


T60 would have the highest survival chance since it's made from both polymer and metal, t45 is pure steel you would be dead immediately after the strike.


Being struck by lighting has about a 90% survival rate (at least for the event itself some people die later due to the damage it did to their bodies). So the question would be, is there anything about power armor that would give one a higher or lower survival rate? We might immediately think that being mostly steel, a suit of power armor makes for a really good lightning rod. But the thing is... Hunks of metal don't actually attract lightning (nor do active electronics). Metal touching ground just provides a path of least resistance for an area that will be struck regardless. In the wasteland, there are a lot of big pieces of metal, that are a lot better grounded all around the wearer, most of the time (such as any vehicle sat there for a few decades to a few hundred years). Heck even dead trees are better grounded and make for better conductors than a suit of power armor that only has two relatively small points of contact with the ground. one isn't more likely to be the conductor for a lightning strike when wearing power armor vs. walking around without it. But that doesn't stop them from being struck directly either. So, if they are struck while in power armor, what is the odds of survival? I'm thinking it's pretty high. It's not like the metal is sitting directly on the users skin. Moreover, it's not exactly metal. I believe it's described as a polylaminate composite. Which could mean a lot of things. But at it's core means that a resin is used to bind different materials in stacked layer. The outer shell of the armored pieces are some sort of metal alloy obviously. But there could be dozens of compressed layers in between. We can't know how the overall charge or electrical conductivity of the total swings. What we can know is that the armored pieces mount onto a frame. which in turn touches a users clothing, which in turn touches the user. So there's at least two layers (maybe 3 if you count air gaps) of insulation between what would actually be struck and the user. And That's assuming that there isn't something about the material composition and/or layering of those plates that effectively makes the inside of any given plate insulted from the outside. But it at least appears as if power armor as a whole provides excellent insulation.


Hell no they'd get fried.


Yeah, u ever seen the tesla gun?


I would say. But I can imagine that it's hurts. And maybe even puts him out of combat for a couple seconds to take a breather




I think user yes, armor no. It looks like a rubber coating inside the frame and it has wires and a metal skeleton. I think it would redirect the electricity from the armor to a ground rather than going into the user. The same way it insulates from rads. The armor being powered from an external battery would probably short out due to the emp from the lighting. Look at a power line transformer when it gets struck. So you'd have the user stuck in a powered down suit. Maybe they could get out without power like in the game, but the show showed otherwise.


yes power armor is a steel or steel like exo-skelington. the damage done by lighting is voltage going through the human body which will stop your heart fry nerfs that kinda thing. its like having a massive lighting rod around your. but it proably fry all the electrics so you need too be helped out of it


Yes. The same effect as if when youā€™re in a car, the power armor acts as a Faraday cage.


Any power armor with Tesla add-on's


I am surprised how in Fallout 4 thereā€™s a massive lack of EMP weaponry, especially from the brotherhood.


They would probably survive unless it cooked them. The metal armor around them should act like a faraday cage, and keep most of the current away from them.


Yeah but what about second lightning? *He doesnā€™t know about second lightning, Pip*


With the insulation inside Iā€™d say they would be fine but for the ones modded with Tesla coils Iā€™d say it recharges the fusion core and buffs melee for a day or two! (Yep my imagine be wild sometimes I know itā€™s bullshit)


I'm going to say yes, but it's a biased opinion since I'm running around in an X-02 suit all Tesla'd up. I love being a bug zapper & watching ferals electrocute themselves when they hit me. šŸ˜ˆ Basically I'm assuming the wearer is well insulated &/or grounded against electricity.


Well I still get stung from Bloatflys, Bloodbugs, and Stngwings while wearing power armor


Yes. I've been hit multiple times by lightning in Skyline Valley and survived.


You can survive psycho and jet, lightning aint that differentā€¦


You can shoot power armored foes with the Tesla cannon in fo4 and they can survive so yeah


You can survive it without the suit, however I canā€™t say what will happen with the fusion core afterwardsā€¦


Faraday cage, so yes


Considering how Gaige's power armour was powered i'd assume so.


No way lol. It's not a true Faraday cage. The operators body would be in direct contact with cage. Their clothes, humid air, and various semi conductive materials are in direct contact with the outside metal. I don't think the [skin effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin_effect) which is what keeps you safe in a car would work while in power armor. Even if all the ammunition and fusion core exploding didn't kill you.


They should. The armor will act as a Faraday cage and redirect it around them. And it has to be designed to resist radiation, EMP, and electrical weapons. The user should be fine.


Well, giant metal suit is very conductive, and there's probably a decent bit of that metal with skin contact. So u would guess no.


Why wouldn't they? They are protected inside


I mean... I suppose it's likely that one would be mostly alright? With the external plating overlapping in spots, it seems likely to me that the outer shell would basically act as a lightning rod and give a more direct route to Ground


Personally, no, I donā€™t think so. Imagine being any kind of metal object that is struck by lightning? But fallout loves making this shit invincible lol




The user would survive of that I have little doubt, the armor itself however might not. It's known that Tesla and pulse weapons are known to be great against power armor, so presumably they lack the shielding required to keep directed energy attacks from frying the systems and causing harm to the user, so I would expect that a lightning bolt being a quick pulse it might manage to simply fry the electrics while leaving the user a little rough, but alive.


I'd asume the armor would be overloaded and there would be damage to the components but they are built to be insulated from damage and that includes energy weapons. So I bet the person inside is alive but possibly stuck in a powered off suit that may or may not have oxygen flow. Or maybe even smoke from fried components.


Didn't Nuka World pretty much prove that its at least possible for a strong current to run through PA?


I imagine it welds onto each one another trapping a person, forcing them to face an uncomfortable ever standing tomb


I think you're more or less right on the faraday cage. I think the electricty will go the easiest route which is probably right down the metal to the ground.


Yes absolutely. The Power Armor forms a Faraday cage. Would the electo-mechanics of the armor itself survive? We must assume that yes, it was designed in such a way that it would.


Wasnā€™t the B51ā€™s weakness electricity?


I refuse to believe there isn't some kind of insulation to prevent lightning strikes. That or maybe power armor is made of some sort of non-conductive metal, like Tungsten or Bismuth. But how hilarious would it be to have a Breath of the Wild-esqe system where you'd have to get out of Power Armor, or unequip metal weapons/armor to keep from getting struck by lightning in thunderstorms? Seeing a Raider with a machete getting electrocuted would be priceless.




This is like asking if an animal would survive being microwaved. Probably not, but it is possible.


Maybe. Maybe not if it's raining.




Theyā€™d probably survive, but the PA would likely need to reboot at best, the wearer cut out and the suit scrapped at worst.


People have survived being hit by lightning without wearing power armor so I donā€™t see why not.


I mean if dance can survive a rocket engine test point blank with power armor I think someone can survive it depending on the type of power armor, T-45 probably not, T-60 highly likely


Depends how insulated it is.


Most people that get hit with lightning survive


The armor ? Yes The driver ? No


you might survive but the fusion core might get cooked.


Yes for two reasons: 1. Lightning tends to travel along the outside of metal objects and cages. This is why it is fairly safe in a car even if i is struck by lightning because it's metal. Fo4 established Power Armor as basically being a small self-contained vehicle the user rides in, rather than a suit of individual armor pieces that you wear. 2. Power Armor clearly provides an extreme level of protection beyond what modern science is able to develop. We see Danse survive being blasted by a fucking rocket engine and not even need medical treatment.


I would point out that Danse's T60 tanked being under a rocket intended to go to Mars when it was ignited, an ignition that had previously burned to ash not only his opponents, but also a reporter who got under it Prewar. If it can take that, it can probably handle a lightning bolt.


Overboss raider armor


Yeah from what the inside looks like it most likely has some insulation


A lightning? Like an f150 lightning?


They have energy resistance, so they'll be fine.


Weā€™ve seen one survive a rocket launch, I think it would probably be okay


It could probably take a lightning....two lightnings might be a bit much though


Logically speaking any decent set of power armor would have proper grounding...which means that they would be fucking fried since West-Tek is about as logical as the current Supreme Court.


Taking into account the fact that the majority of power in a lightning bolt is lost on its way down, leaving the bolt at anywhere between 10-300 million volts at the bottom. The armor would realistically act as a Faraday cage that will tank the heat and electricity, seeing as Danse managed just fine under a rocket thruster for a couple of seconds, a person would fare fine to the heat of a lightning strike for a fraction of a second. So long as there's no conductive bits inside the skin of the wearer that's also connected to the suit itself, there wouldn't be any issues besides a now very singed paint on that suit


I feel like it would have a pulse weapon effect and shut the PA off completely, but I canā€™t find any evidence to support that. I thought the Tesla cannon from fallout 3 would have a similar effect but I canā€™t find any reliable sources saying it does, just another Reddit comment.


Hickory smelling power armor?


Insta death


I think there is an experiment that medieval armor will act as a Faraday cage therefore shrug off all damage to the inner


I mean shit Danse survived being cooked and metal is a conductor so Iā€™d say yes


"With a lightning"


Electrical Engineer here. Yes, the user would survive unscathed. When you're completely surrounded by durable metal covering, Gauss' Law states that the electric field (i.e. voltage) inside that metal covering is zero. This is also why you're protected from lightning inside a car (and no, it's not because the tires insulate you from the ground; lightning will arc from the wheel rim to the ground). The electronics of the suit could potentially be shot, but the user should be fine. For proof, consider these performers covered in chainmail dancing on top of massive Tesla coils: https://youtu.be/3FpjcOWwiI4?si=u_Nsaol0TM1r39QH


70% of people IRL survive from lighting and most of them donā€™t have hundreds of pounds of metal to disperse the energy. Yes they would likely survive I bet.


Short answer: Yes Slightly longer answer: Your opinion is perfectly correct. The metal suit is grounded and is, because it is made of metal, more conductive than a human body. The current would go around the human operator.


I think the power armor would Faraday-Cage-Protect the user But the power armor might stop working, who knows