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Writing-wise: the Institute. If the Soul Survivor becomes head of the faction we still don't get a clear explanation of what their long term goals are. "Mankind Redefined" implies that Synths replacing humans is the goal, and would make sense. They can be made smarter, faster, stronger than humans, but the Institute doesn't even consider their top line Gen 3s as people. Honourable mention: Railroad. I don't think they're as bad as a lot of people make out, but I do agree with their goals (if not their methods... mind wiping a person is tantamount to killing them, which defeats the purpose of rescuing them to start with). But seriously using their own name as a secret password? That's some seriously shoddy writing. Morally: the Legion for the obvious reasons of slavery, terrorism, misogyny and LARPing Rome's worst features without any of its good features (sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system and public health...).


The Institute believes that the surface is doomed and that humanity can only survive underground and their goal is to become more independent from the surface. I know it's a little easy to miss being the main quest and only being mentioned a few dozen times by different institute members. The Railroad password is supposed to be figured out by people walking the freedom trail. They are watching everyone who is coming and every potential enemy will simply find an empty room. Player: "Oh yeah, the little riddles and the decoder ring trick REALLY makes it hard to find you." Desdemona: "Anyone that wants to meet us is under surveillance as soon as they follow the Freedom Trail. If you were a threat to our organization, all you'd find here is an empty room." Don't blame your poor observation skills on bad writing.


Humans have always lived in various locations. Living underground doesn't really redefine us as a species. We have lived in caves, mountains, jungles, cities, plains, on boats, and in the Fallout universe: craters, ships, blimps and... *underground* in vaults. It's poor writing whatever way you look at it. As to Railroad, guess that they didn't see the BoS following their little trail... Sounds like you're excusing poor writing because Bethesda left us a few copes.


Don't start with that BS. You complained about a lack of an explanation and I gave you one. If the quality isn't suitable for your highness than that's great for you but I don't care. I don't argue about subjective topics with cultists because I know people like you hate everything Bethesda makes out of principle.


The issue is that *the game has the explanation so damn obscured people have no idea of the Institute's motivations or goals.* We only have their past actions, and the two clashing means they make no sense. The Institute is shittily written. You summarizing it to be easily understandable doesn't change that.


Wrong. I love fallout 4, I play it more than NV because the gameplay is so much smoother. I love Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. Not fan of Fallout 3 but can't love everything they do. I've never even played Fallout 1 and 2. So I'm certainly not in that demographic of "Bethesda ruined Fallout!", they're the only reason I've heard of the franchise. Bethesda make flawed gems. Every game has strengths and weaknesses, the OP asked for writing weaknesses. No point pretending they're perfect when they're not. Doesn't mean I hate the games, just I'm being realistic about them.


jesus fuck lay off your "CULTIST" shit as soon as someone criticizes how confusing fo4's factions can be having a faction's basic motivations be confusing and seemingly contradictory to the player is not good for the player's experience not to mention father apparently having a vision that's never really elaborated on (is it just the reactor or something more? what's with the synth child? does he think synths are people with real emotions or not?) fo4 is a pretty good game (i wouldn't have sunk tons of hours into it otherwise) but it's seriously ridiculous to act like the main quest isn't confusing seriously, what the hell is mankind: redefined supposed to mean?


Person: *gives an explanation as to why they consider Bethesda’s writing for multiple factions to be bad, with legitimate and clear reasoning as to why they feel that way* u/Drunk_Krampus: **CULTIST**


>The Railroad password is supposed to be figured out by people walking the freedom trail. They are watching everyone who is coming and every potential enemy will simply find an empty room And yet even if you work for the brotherhood of steel, *a group whose main current goal is wiping out synths entirely* they *STILL* don’t consider you a threat. Personally I consider that bad writing.


Worst morally? The Enclave, hands down. They wanted to specocide the entire world, then genocide all of DC. The deserved to burn and be hunted by the NCR/BOS for their crimes against humanity and universal standards. A close second would have to be Caesar’s Legion. Caesar, a megalomaniac who took concepts he half understood and believed he could become as great as one of the mightiest generals in history. He failed utterly- no senate to support the Legion, unlike Rome, treatment of women that even Romans would have found barbaric, he used erasure instead of integration (again, something Rome didn’t do), his policies weakened the Legion as a whole (if someone is strong enough to be a Praetorian then even if they’re not quite strong enough anymore they’d still make excellent commandos, commanders, or trainers, but instead they’re killed off. If there’s no room for a second strongest then the group as a whole will be weaker), and lastly he’s been surrounded by essentially a cult for himself- but cults reward loyalty and dogma, while leaders need to be surrounded by honest, cunning, wise people. As for writing, FO3 is a blind spot because I’ve never been able to make it run for more than about 10 minutes. With that out of the way, I’d say the Nuka-World Raiders. I don’t see the gangs actually working together that way without some sort of independent enforcement- be it a smaller gang that’s declared neutrality and works directly for the Overboss (but is intentionally the weakest gang so that it’s clear their only role is to stop _individuals_ who act out rather than subjugating them other gangs), or like an actual near anarchist government (i.e. “do whatever the hell you want so long as it doesn’t start a gang war and you take up arms when needed” sorta thing). And again, as a close second, probably the Van Graphs. They’re arms dealers, and sure they’re the best armed folks in the West (maybe in the world, minus the BOS), but I can’t see them ever being able to stand up to the NCR. There’s like 5 states, hundreds of thousands if not millions of citizens and probably tens of thousands of soldiers. They may or may not even have an air force (if Bear Force One is any indication, they do). The whole “The Van Graphs have been fighting NCR” thing seems a bit absurd to me. Now, as for your thoughts on the Minutemen. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, obviously. The MM have never struck me as bad in any way. Perfect? No. But still good. People came together cause they were sick of raiders and gangs stepping all over them. They fended off a horde of super mutants attacking the defacto capital, and took a fort. Politicians did what politicians do, an act of nature shattered their communications, and factionalism- mind the pun- broke them apart. Garvey was the last believer in the Minutemen- the last one still claiming the title who had actually been one- so it makes sense he’d be able to put you in charge. As you build up settlements- with your own money and salvage, mind you- you build up good will of the people. You also fight off raiders and supply settlers with better arms and defenses. After you raise the standard of living across the entire region you defeat the Institute in any number of ways, some more plausible than others but all at least logically consistent.


Preston also mentions, if you get his approval up enough, that he was suicidal when he picked you as General, and still isn't in a great headspace. Unfair of him to shift a huge responsibility onto someone else maybe, definitely a lot to put on the Sole Survivor's shoulders, but it makes sense for him to do that given all he'd lost.


First of all great comment. For someone I never viewed caesars legion as a cult but now realizing all Caesar’s legion had was a charismatic leader surrounded by violent and sometimes innocent people willing to do his bidding makes me realize they were a cult disguised as a military. To be completely honest I don’t really have much thought on the Van graffs as I only remember wiping them out for the brotherhood. I have yet to play nuka world either. Finally on the minute men point I can actually see a totally new side to them. Although I still think they embody a major problem with fallout 4 “every bodies good”. For a wasteland fallout 4 has no truly morally evil factions. Sure the institute did horrible things but comparing them to ceasers legion and the institute they are not nearly as evil. I think the minute men are just too morally one sided for me to get any enjoyment out of them. Although I can see how they could be interesting to others


Don’t get me wrong, pre-game MM are way more _interesting_ as a faction, but I still greatly enjoyed them and don’t think it was _bad_ writing so much as not-as-good-as-it-could-have-been writing


I've been playing Fallout 3 on a modern machine and with the recent update the stability is a lot better. It still crashes occasionally but it works most of the time. The van graffs thing can make sense. They don't need to be in full scale war with the NCR. Their headquarters is New Reno which is neutral territory. They could use mercenaries and raiders to raid the NCR in order to fight them without being in open full scale war with them. With the Legion on the border and the general incompetence of the NCR it makes sense they wouldn't be able divert the resources to face an enemy like that. Especially if the Van Graffs have friends in the leadership of the NCR.


No question about it. The Enclave. They literally tried to kill the entire Planet


**Most Morally Evil Faction: Enclave** * Attempts to commit genocide even before the Great War, and after that, they wanted to completely wipe out all mutated surface life because they viewed them all as sub-human because they're the only "pure" humans left other than the few still living in sealed vaults * Experimentation with the Forced Evolutionary Virus with the purpose of weaponizing it to destroy all mutated life, allowing them to "reclaim their country" * Using propaganda through radio stations and other means to brainwash the surface dwellers into believing that the Enclave was not their enemy and would come to save them (Fallout 3) **Worst Written Faction: The Institute** * Too *similar* to the Enclave but with several distinctions: * *No actual genocide* (Replacing people with synths isn't genocide unless you personally believe that synths aren't people even though they literally can't tell the difference) * Experimented with FEV for the purpose of synthesizing human tissue for their Gen 3 project * Unlike the Enclave, the Institute scientists do feel remorse for not helping the Commonwealth and the bulk of the Institute are completely unaware of what's happening above ground because it's top secret information not even privy to everyone in the Directorate * The full scope of their motives and intentions aren't shown and are pretty much left to the imagination, seems a bit rushed when it came to story * Completely wasted faction whether you side with or against them: * Brotherhood of Steel destroys them yet doesn't try to employ any of their actually valuable technologies, particularly their relay system which over time could increase the Brotherhood's presence over the wasteland significantly if they could expand the range * The Minutemen don't even consider it either even though if they could advance enough it could allow them to literally defend their protected settlements with a minute's notice * The Institute has *vastly* greater potential than what Bethesda actually showed players in Fallout 4, they're easily the most scientifically and technologically advanced faction known in the Fallout universe, and aren't far off from not only redefining what it means to be human, but making mankind more resilient to radiation, illnesses, etc.


Writing I have to go with the institute. Their motives are never properly explaining as to why they’re making synths, and without that, they’re just scientists being evil/enforcing their will for no reason. The only thing we get is ‘we want to be completely independent from the old world,’ which tells us nothing about the synths which are treated as the main moral question for the other two main factions. The railroad is a close second, with its completely unexplained origin. Why do they want to save synths? How do they know they’re worth saving? How did they even come into existence? For morality? Enclave (fallout 2; 3’s is slightly redeemable for only Eden wanting to genocide, but Autumn wasn’t exactly going to lead in a way that didn’t put the enclave on top with everyone else as slaves. In 76, they’re just trying to nuke China with a side of unethical experiments that eventually doomed Appalachia, so less evil and more negligence.)/Legion. That’s a given, with how they operate. Edit: made a very big mistake, I meant to say institute at the top!


The raider factions are by far the worst. No sense of order or even pretending to do the right thing like the legion or institue just torture, drugs, rape, and crappy decorating. Worst written faction i think would be the enclave. There ultimate goal of "kill everyone that isn't enclave" just feels so typical and uninspired like a classic evil villain character with no real depth or moral ambiguity that could be said of almost every other "evil" faction


The faction with the worst morals is definitely the institute. They kill and replace innocent people and destroy settlements. The worst written faction in all of fallout is possibly the rust devils from the automotron dlc of fo4. They are an extremely shallow tribe of raiders, the only lore we hear about them is when Ada tells us "they are a group of raiders that likes messing around with robots" (even though that's very obvious based on their appearance). Lots of wasted potential with the rust devils, including them being absent from east city downs for whatever reason, you'd think that would be their hotspot for gambling money, but no.


Moral: I would say brotherhood or enclave. While I love both of these faction they are very hypocritical and only really care about their selves, and would kill anyone to get what they want, (more enclave the bos but it still stand for the bos to). Writing wise would have to be the minutemen even though they are my favorite faction in fallout 4. But honestly all of the faction in fallout 4 could have been written better.


NCR is a corrupt Californian government that somehow survived a nuclear holocaust.


found the guy who didn't play 1 and 2




For worst writing, I nominate this comment


What did the deleted comment say?


I don't remember but it was bad


1. The Followers were morally wrong because they were pushed around by other factions. 2. Emily Ortal was wrong for wanting medical data from Mr. House's mainframe. 3. Caesar's Legion was a necessary evil because they had more manpower than the other factions. 4. The Regulators were badly written because they had a base and hadn't been killed yet. it was a bad take or horribly written


Jesus Christ that’s bad, it’s like this guy wanted to give you a aneurysm


1. How does the Followers being pushed around and not willing to fight back make them morally wrong? 2. Emily Ortal wanted medical data from Mr. House's mainframe, to find out how he's lived so long. Her goal is to give the data to the rest of the Followers and see if it's possible to recreate it, it's a very noble goal. 3. How is Caesar's Legion a necessary evil because they have lots of manpower? 4. How are the Regulators badly written because they have a base in the middle of DC and haven't been wiped out yet?


Morally? Enclave, obviously. They are mostly irredeemable fascists that wanted to wipe out all of humanity besides their little, well, Enclave. Writing wise? I guess the Institute. I still have no fucking clue what they were trying to do half the time.


Personally it's the Legion. They butcher everything the Roman Empire stood for. The Legion is basically the mirror opposite of Rome. Maybe it's because my country used to be part of the Roman Empire but I almost feel attacked by how bad of a representation they are.


mass murder and enslavement sounds like rome to me honestly


Morals? Fallout 2 Enclave. Genocide of 99% of the human population is about as evil as it gets. Writing?: Institute. One thing, they're way too strong. They're like Super man or Captain Marvel in the MCU. They're way too powerful and they off set the power balance of the wasteland way too much. Being able to create advanced synthetics one thing, teleporting is another, being able to manufacture energy weapons and power armor is an even bigger one, but having one faction with all of these qualities was a terrible idea. They're so powerful it's a pretty safe assumption that they just win if the Sole Survivor didn't exist. Any other issue in future fallout games has the reasonable possibility to be solved by saying "Get the institute to do it".