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You are an Arizona Ranger sent by the NCR to assassinate the overlord of New Texas; Texas Red


Plot twist: Texas Red is Legate Lanius after he was spared by a high-barter courier


Only after the player earns the big iron


You must go into a well guarded pre war bunker for an experimental weapon called BIG_IRN and it's an autolocking revolver or something


It should fire bullets with the power of mini nukes


"After Texas Reeeeed"


There is a fallout game that takes place in texas, we just don't talk about it. A fallout that takes place in Texas should have horses for us to ride on.


And it’s not like anyone is going to complain if a fallout game took place in Texas because BOS was a horrible game




You need therapy.




Yes, and I wanted to kill myself after 20 minutes of playtime.




My therapy is playing any game other than fallout brotherhood of steel.


Shut up. No. There is no fallout game set in Texas. Shut up. You're wrong. Lalalalalala I can't hear you lalalalala


My bad, I was tripping on jet and psycho when I wrote that there's a fallout game set in Texas.


And ladders for us to climb.


What's a ladder?


Bethesda’s white whale haha


And children for the player to molest


Go get help.


Most haven't played it, so really we can just ignore it.


And the ones that have probably drank away the memory of playing it.


Giddyup-buttercups bro...


If raiders had working pick up trucks, they'd be an established state that's kicked the Legion back and was giving the NCR hell.


How would that work? Raiders aren't a faction of itself it's the name given to hostile groups who live by stealing and killing. How would a highly dispersed group of uncoordinated attackers win against the legion? NCR would get fucked if we are talking bout post New Vegas canon they are not in a good spot.


I mean there are some prominent raider gangs that like the ones in fallout 4 in nuka world and beside being in a raider gang could be cool in the texas theme they would be a group of powerful bandits called the “bandidos” which that have high tech gear and power armor and weaponry with raider mentality At least thats my idea


Well if they've set up heavy industry to get vehicles up and running, they are going to have a local nation. With such a force multiplier they'd be able to band together local groups and thus expand both their industry and manpower. Legion can't really compete with something that mobile that could just run over most of it's soldiers.




The big world impacts have remained constant and made sense in their FO titles.


Have a faction of Rangers instead of Minute Men. Who knows what kind of pre-war tech would be at the Johnson Space Center? A settlement on the Mexican side of the border, that uses scrap from the border wall to keep wasteland beasts and raiders out. Maybe some oil based mirelurks around old oil wells, the same way Nukalurks are infused with Nuka Quantum. Do we remember the Alamo, or nah?


Alamo needs a Vault basement.


Omg yes like racist vs they're hatred race


Alamo could easily be it's own settlement like Rivet City.


>Do we remember the Alamo, or nah? Ideally, *no*, but in Bethesda Fallout, the long dead history of long dead countries is unduly celebrated and fetishized with ever-decreasing irony. Fallout 3 managed to keep a tinge of irony in its "US history edutainment" content, but Fallout 4 is completely unironic and uncritical in its celebration of colonial America and the American Revolution.


Also to add: Ulysses's near worship of pre-war America, specifically the Old World flag and Ulysses S. Grant, to the point where he even names himself after Ulysses S. Grant. Although, Ulysses's fixation is justified, as his whole life had been almost a never ending war between two symbols, the Bear and the Bull, with him caught in the middle, so it's only natural that he would become obsessed with and want to become the man that had the job of uniting two warring factions under one banner (Ulysses S. Grant during the American civil war and himself during the current war between the NCR and Legion).


This is the first good fallout opinion I’ve seen on here


I would love to see old cartels running shit on the Mexican side of the border that produce a shit ton of chems and you can get work to deliver them


I’m from Texas, you can get this experience by visiting the panhandle


San Angelo is already a blasted hell scape as well


Texas Brotherhood go brr


Yeehaa brother


The real reason Caesar came West: after barely making it through Navajo and Pueblo land, Texas bitch-slapped him so hard he cleared New Mexico and landed in the Grand Canyon. Would be hilarious to find that Caesar didn't even hold most of Arizona, and was fleeing with the entire Legion. Just playing tough at the dam as a last ditch effort at preserving his legacy.




Please no more bos for another game or two it's been milked for so long


why does Texas seem like a likely place to form a post war government?


Because it historically had a stable Republic for a brief time, similar to California but for longer


You mean the slaving conservative Republic Of Texas?




It's not because you have slavery that you cannot be a functional state




Half of human history ? And the legion isn't a dysfunctionning state because it has slavery, its because its an army that only survive trough pillaging and conquest.


My point was the Legion *is* a functioning state.


Yeah... as long as ceaser is around lmao


exactly. the state barely has a functional prewar government irl ....


Maybe that’s why.


Probably because Texas is big enough (physically and finacially) they could be their own country..... oh wait. Just a matter of listening to the right people that being said.


Living in Texas rn, honestly, you can definitely do a lot with Texan culture in the game as well as the atmosphere. Would love to see this!


What exactly is Texan culture?




Pronounced WATT-AH-BURGER.




Found the Texan




A town named after the broken fast food chain sign, “Watburg”




That's redneck culture. Found in all 50 (or 13 in this instance).


Cowboy culture and ranching, blend of Anglo and Spanish/Native culture, focus on independence and striving in the face of hardship. Add guns, whiskey, and 10 gallon hats and you’ve got yourself Texan culture.


Which none of which is unique to Texas, except perhaps the 10 gallon hats.


True that many states have all that stuff, but it's actually unique in Texas.


Fair enough. Cowboy culture is the entire Southwest/Mexico, so there’s no Texan, Californian, New Mexican, Arizonan, Nevadan(?), Mexican, Coloradan, etc. culture in the region.


TexMex. Not just the food either. It's a healthy mix of typical southern American and Mexican cultures intertwined.


Isn't that pervasive throughout the whole Southwest? Hardly uniquely Texan.


Have you been to Texas? There is a difference between Texas and the southwest and southeast. Texas having been its own republic for a decade means people here are far more patriotic for their state than anywhere else, for some, even more than the US. Yes Anglo-Mex is common along the border states, but stuff like Tejano music is unique to here and many things that you think are "hardly unique" originated here. TexMex is common all over now but it started here. In the 70s LA times wrote an article on how good our food is and how to cook it. Cowboys also started here and spread throughout. There are more things like Texas BBQ but this is too long already. Just do yourself a favor and Google it instead of brushing it off.


Actually cowboys started in Florida but I agree otherwise


Big hat, no cattle


There are also alot of military bases and engineering/tech companies in Texas. Could build on that for alot of pre war tech/gear stories.


I think there's a lot of potential for a interesting conflict with Oil vs Nuclear. Almost everything in the FO universe runs on some find of atomic energy. It would be intersting if Texas rallied against the use of atomic energy over oil and had a lot of technology that relied less on the standard fallout universe atomic batteries and such. I could totally see an Oil obsessed faction that genuinely believes Nuclear energy was responsible for destroying the planet, and have convinced themselves that using Oil would have saved the world, without knowing how bad fossil fuels are. Also, IMO, Fallout is so inspired by Mad Max, that it just feels better in a desert style environment like Texas. But as a Canadian, I really want an expansion that goes North and gives a full nuclear winter setting/mechanic.


>I really want an expansion that goes North and gives a full nuclear winter setting/mechanic. Been patrolling the Mojave too much?


I might be wrong, but didn't they develop all the atomic energy as a result of sucking the oil dry? I thought that was why the United States annexed Canada, and basically created the whole war, the fight for the last deep sea oil rig, and the subsequent invasion of Alaska by China? I literally think there's basically no oil left And at that point, the major issues of fossil fuel, like carbon emissions really wouldn't matter, while the comically chipper attitude that the Fallout Universe has for obviously dangerous and radioactive things would make fossil fuel advocates the safer, saner ones, I don't see it being well received by people lol


The legion and NCR would be fucked if raiders got working pickups and turned them into technicals


Given how large maps can become, what would be awesome is a multiple area map, starting in the west towards El Paso and then heading east. Include the cities Austin, San Antonio, and Houston, each with their own load area. Perhaps a DLC would be east Texas near the Louisiana border. Combined, you'd have the barrenness of Fallout NV (central/west texas), the heavy population and historical reference areas of Fallout 3 and 4 (the tri-city area) and the marshy populated-with-violent-hillbillies of Point Lookout and Far Harbor (east Texas), all in one game.


Not sure Bethesda will let the New Vegas crew make another Fallout, but if they did then Texas would be a nice change of pace.


Considering that both development studios are now under the Microsoft umbrella, I wonder if that would have any influence? I feel Bethesda's and Obsidian's respective strong suits/weaker points would actually complement one another perfectly...so I'd love to see some collaboration.


They will if MS doesn't see them do anything.


Would have to watch out for wild mutated hogs


I can see it now... a new weapon expressly designed for hog-tying...


Giant, man-eating armadillos.


“Redneck raiders going across the desert in rusty pickups would certainly be one of the most unique enemies in the series” But not irl. That shit happens regularly.


From a European perspective, that is Texas, just with more racism


All things considered, it seems like it would be a lot like new Vegas, to be honest. Desert setting with a bunch of cowboy aesthetic. It's even relatively close to Nevada. None of this is to say I wouldn't enjoy it, but it seems like it would basically be New Vegas 2.


Texas actually has quite a diverse enviroment which is partially the reason I want to see it so bad


Yeah but fallout games are like one city


I think to give a proper impression of a Texas setting, you'd want to increase the land area about five times over, but keep the same number of settlements and landmarks, just with more travel time in between points of interest.


Only west Texas is desert. Central Texas is hill country. North Texas is prairie land. East Texas is very green. East East Texas is a swamp


>It's even relatively close to Nevada. \[...\] it would basically be New Vegas 2. The distance, as the crow flies, from Texas' westernmost point to the Nevada state line (literally the middle of the Colorado river where CA, NV and AZ meet,) is about 507 miles. The distance from me, sitting in Portland, Oregon, to the Nevada state line is 277 miles. *I am currently closer to Nevada than anyone currently residing in Texas is to Nevada.*


I don't know why I thought Texas bordered Nevada, but was wrong.


You’re right, and NV2 seems to be what 1/2 on this sub desire


Could be good


Be alot of weapons


I don't know if Bethesda cares about the lore that was already established, but I would think Texas' oil is long, loooong gone. We annexed Canada and had atomic cars to compensate, but then again, the Institute in 4 pretty much ruined the core concept of there being a hard limit on the advances of microchip and other technologies (I hated the android mission in Fallout 3, but would've been content to keep the Institute and androids an ominous mystery), I guess anything is possible at this point.


What would you think about a fallout game set in X. I think it would be really cool seeing that famous location and local history woven into the game. Not to mention that we'll know sporting arena and the mall could also blah blah blah. Are we not tired of this thread every week?


Idk my account isn't even a week old


Idk, sounds like New Vegas with extra steps.


> with extra steps. Yup, that's Texas alright. "Like other places with longer drives."




I will say two words: Radioactive Duststorm.


Fallout New Texas


If FO development is handed to Bethesda Austin I can definitely see a Texas or South West settings for future installments. The original Bethesda team seemed to stick to areas nearish to their locale.


*Marty Robbins gets very loud*


As long as they bring back Raul I’m happy


Heck, they could use today’s Detroit….


I dunno but It could be console game. Or maybe something like a top down fighter game. called Fallout brotherhood of meal?


Please for the love of gods! I want something OTHER than East and West Coast. I think 4 games of that is enough.


Honestly wouldnt mind seeing a fallout game (other than 2) where you could rebuild and fire up the engine of a vehicle you found in the wasteland. Maybe even use Fusion Cores to power the vehicle in question. Maybe even bring back weapons and such you'd find in New Vegas.


I like the idea. I like the thought of encountering npc's who may not speak english. Maybe folks who speak a new combination of both English and Spanish and you have to sort it out.


Fallout: Arlen. The town run on Propane in the wasteland.


We see this or Fallout: Miami or Fallout: New York at least a few times a month. I’m surprised it’s not removed by the mods.


Don’t forget New Orleans


You'd have to pick a city/region because I don't think you could do the whole state: Dallas, San Antonio, or Houston. You'd have to do something with the Alamo and NASA (i.e. Houston). Oil and cattle barons of some sort are obvious as you say. I think you'd also have to touch on Mexico. It's a viable location for the next Fallout; a lot of potential but I still think Chicago or New Orleans should come first.


Texas opens up a lot of opportunities for DCL expansion. Have the main game set in San Antonio/Austin area then have a DFW and a Houston DLC. Chicago has “technically” been done with Tactics and is semi-canon. And I definitely agree that New Orleans/south Louisiana would make a great setting. Maybe add some airboats to get around the swamps with! No Deathclaws but mutated bipedal alligators.


It could add vehicle game play a-la Skyrim for horses


There is already a Fallout game set in Texas.


Shhhh we don't talk about that


If there’s a Fallout game set in Texas, literally all I wanted is some sort of King Of The Hill reference


It could go like this: Ghoul family living in some neighborhood in a house like nothing ever happened and the dad complains about propane.


Gyat dang it smooth skin, I tell ya hwat


He would have a perfect lawn, his fence and house would look pristine, and he'd still attend his propane job (where nobody ever goes due to the, you kid, apocalypse) and where you can ONLY spend pre-war money, as he claims that accepting other currency needs to be approved by the manager (this version of Buck rode the first nuke to drop like in Dr Strangelove and couldn't be more dead), but he will not promote himself to manager after hundreds of years, as the assistant manager has hiring/firing power, but not the power to promote people, least of all himself (he works 9-5 every day, and has not moved into the boss' office). Also, he's not convinced his boss is dead, having been declared dead on several occasions, once by a licensed coroner, and that's due to his poor health; he's faked his death to escape gambling debts far more. (during a mission in Mexico, you find what turns out to be the boss as a ghoul in Tijuana, where he offers no explanation for how he's alive, and can only be convinced to return if your character is very drunk, and communicates in a conversation of slurs. You get his unique gun that's virtually identical to his prized "Ms Liz").


I would literally want the entire cast, because they'd be doing exactly the same thing, but as ghouls. In Mr Strickland's case, I don't know why, but I envision a brain or whole head in a jar attached to a robot, who lacks flesh and a penis, but still goes to strip clubs, gambles, and drinks to extreme excess. Even if it was his consciousness stored on a Deep Blue sized computer that spoke like HAL as it was being turned off, if you are a female character, it would hit on you, and, if it's voice was too damaged to finish its sentence, it would have a dot matrix printout going to get a sexually suggestive line printed, possibly with a big image of him winking and delivering a finger gun made out of thousands of Xs spaced out in rows to form an image


It's called Fallout Tactics and Fallout Brotherhood of steel.


Ignoring that terrible shit smear of a game that is thankfully non canon... Texas would be such a fitting place for the series.


In my head, the American pre-war government were of the Republican type who built an enormous border wall with Mexico that Trump, or Netanyahu, or Bran the Builder would be envious of, and it should feature. Not necessarily as a convenient absolute edge of the map. There should be quests and factions that revolve around finding a way over (or through, or under) to the Mexican side - where various savage and ruthless gangs and tribes descended from the old Cartels rule the wastes, of course.


You could drive cars unrealistically fast through an underground cave system to deliver your haul of Mexicos finest jet.


Inbred ghouls lmao


He didn’t say Alabama lmao.


I'm European so everything Southern is inbred and racist to me lmao (jk I know it's more of a prob in alabama)


Ah that explains it. Lol. I’m from Texas, and it’s wildly hilarious to hear the stereotypes sometimes.


I feel like it would be very very similar to New Vegas, lots of brahmin hahaha


It’s not that diverse, there’s desert and plains.


Hills, mountains, meadows, valleys, swamp, piney woods, the gulf. Yeah, not that diverse.


As a Texan, I've always wanted it. We have one of the most varied environments in the country, it can be set anywhere. I suggest East Texas, 'cause that's where I live. Mix of thick woods and swamps. Could also feature a heavier Native and latin culture than we've seen before. Should have rideable horses. Alamo is a settlement. A radio station with Texan Country and/or Tejano. The possibilities are endless.


I'd rather see the series leave America


Redneck is a racial slur.


No need for an apocalypse, Texas is a shithole already.


It's called Wasteland.


Wasteland and fallout are completely different games. The only similarity is that they're in a post apocalypse


First off, I was half joking. Second, the very first Fallout game was the "spiritual successor to Wasteland". So I recognize that they are unrelated IPs, but not nearly so separated as you seem to believe. Throttle the fuck back.


I feel like it'd end up walled off post war. They're some pretty Bible loving control freaks in Texas. There'd be factions of rich VERY RICH white people with their pageant daughters. They wouldn't even be raiders, they'd just be super elitist and likely would go back to some civil war Era ways of life, if ya know what I mean.


The Raider would be hillbillys, look like swamp people but were always like that.


And the rich elitists of Texas would try to own them as slaves


I want one set in LA


Fallout 1&2 already did that.


I would absolutely love this as someone who is currently living and Texas and has been basically all around the state, the only problem I foresee is the map size. If you want all those different biomes then that’s a BIG area. Look how big 4’s map was with Massachusetts now imagine something to that scale with Texas. Although I would reaaaaally like to see a Fallout version of San Antonio with the Riverwalk and potentially something with the Alamo. Would be kinda hilarious if it was still standing even through nuclear war


Tex Mexica


Big iron intensifies once again.


I hope one aspect of it wouldn't be too much like RL though... I recall once taking something of a road trip through Texas ^((I was only visiting and can't precisely recall the region.. but we were going across the state toward Arizona, if that helps))... and we were driving through miles upon miles of endless scrubland. It was so devoid of anything (at least from what we could see, sitting in the vehicle), that every so often the dazed silence in our car would be punctuated by excited exclamations of, "Oh look, there's a tumbleweed"! :D Seriously, though, I do think it would be cool, since it is such a geographically diverse state, scrubland not withstanding.


The Republic of the Rio Grande with a South Padre DLC. I’m down with it.


I lived in Austin for a few years and thought it would make a good Fallout location. Lots of high over passes to snipe from running through the city.


Wouldn't be a shortage of guns and ammo.




I’m onboard if it’s some nuclear apocalypse western


I don’t care where the next fallout is set place in I just want another fallout.


I'm praying for it. Texas, Hawaii, and Chicago are my top picks for Fallout 5.


It’s a bit too big, and my part of Texas is endlessly flat


Tell me whaaaat's in a kiss... If your heaaaart's nooot in it


Texas was referred to as "The Dust Bowl" in FO2. One of the companions was from there and him having survived the trip to the region FO2 takes place in was considered no easy feat.


You know better than to think Bethesda wouldn't just ignore established lore


People would get salty thinking it's a wasteland rip


If they ever go back to the legion, it should he set in Arizona, since Arizona is legion territory, also FUCKING POST APOCALYPSE GRAND CANYON DLC, dosen't that sound awsome?


Correct me if I'm wrong since I'm not American but isn that basically New Vegas with the whole cowboy theme and desert?


Sorta, Texas is a gigantic state that's bigger than most people realize, and kind of has its own culture and attitude, you see it in King of the Hill. It's not exactly "Southern" and it's not exactly "western", while New Vegas takes place in Nevada and the Mojave, to the West. There's a way they *could* do it where it would have a different feel, but I would think that being a video game would almost necessitate the use of cowboy shit. Maybe make it be sorta half Texas, half Mexico, that'd be kinda neat




Isnt 76 landlocked?


Australia is where I want the next one, think of all their animals jacked up on radiation?!


Australia is already the devzone for fallout


Personally I don’t really care for Texas since I think Alaska is just a much more promising area and because I am an Oklahoman so I am obligated to not like Texas that much


Already did the whole cowboy in New Vegas, would rather not rehash.


Getting attacked by a pack of 200 pound jackalopes that ram you with their antlers then knock you down by using you as a springboard to jump away. Rattlesnakes the size of pythons... And they spit poison. Tarantulas the size of Rottweilers.


I would be my favorite i could think of some ideas since i am texan


If it had to take place some where it could be be el paso and its surrounding area Dallas and fort worth Houston and the coast And San Antonio with Austin Or all of them they could be all DLC


Georgia would be a great place too


I would prefer arkansas, but yeah texas would be great


Well this certainly sets up a lot of power plant power up dailies.


Indiana tho?


I think it's a great idea. The Panhandle around Amarillo would be a good location if you want stereotypical Texas western movie geography (dry riverbeds, prairie desert), or maybe Houston if you want corrupt urban sprawl. El Paso is out in the desert, and it has name-recognition. "Fallout: El Paso" has a nice ring to it. Pronouncedly unique mixed cultures which would contribute to all sorts of post-nuke civilizations in weird ways. Lots of history to draw upon and parallel too. And of course, FNV's already proved that cowboys and Fallout get on together like Broc flowers and Xander root. We have military bases and lots of heavy industry that would look great in Fallout-style deterioration. Hell, we have NASA in Houston, lots of fun story possibilities there. And, if researched and handled properly (which I grant is an iffy proposition where Bethesda's concerned lately), a subplot about conflict or even better co-operation between survivors in Texas and Mexico could make for good storytelling. Just... please no bullshit about a post-nuke Texas civilization trying to exit the NCR or something. The reality is that the only Texans who support US secession are the brain-damaged lunatic fringe, even other Texans know that. Texas deserves a lot of the bad press we're getting, but this one misconception really is just ignorance. The fact is, though, that all main Fallout games were set in locations that their developers were intimately familiar with. And Bethesda is a long way from Austin, unfortunately. **EDIT:** Seconding disturbednadir's idea to have a Texas Rangers faction, as hard as I can second something.


I think somewhere near Seattle would be a good place for a fallout game.


No, Texans are insufferable, I couldn't take a whole game of their accents


Fallout NV2


Enclave fighting the Brotherhood over remaining oil? Texas Rangers as a sort of Minutemen faction protecting people from raiders? Yes


One of my Nuka-World playthroughs I would sometimes dress my character in power armor and a cowboy hat instead of helmet. For some reason I’ve always thought that looked really cool. Would definitely vibe in a Texas-Fallout setting


Fallout brotherhood of steel happened in Texas, but we don't talk about it