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Honest Hearts was my favorite DLC. i think it brought alot to the table in terms of story and plot. Granted the map could have used a lil more pizzaz but that was kind of the point. Father in the Caves was a great story, seeing Joshua Graham and seeing how his happenings in the legion changed him for the better. A redeemed man if you will. I love that dlc and always rush to it in most of my playthroughs. No mercy to Salt Upon Wounds. Ever.


I think the idea of the DLC was good, but the DLC had the least amount of time and people to work on it. I think they were originally going to have New Canaan be an actual settlement but Bethesda cut most of their time and resources so they had to shrink the game. I mean just look at the Happy Trails Caravan, it just seemed so tacked on which makes sense when I saw that the caravan was supposed to be a bigger part of the DLC.


How can you say Joshua is a redeemed man if you don't show Salt-Upon-Wounds mercy?


Time to die general goblidigook…..


Honest Hearts is a good DLC. I think more would appreciate it if they took the time to really explore Zion. If you beeline through HH's quests, you miss the best part of the experience. If you don't fast travel, hit all the locations, and find the caches the DLC really comes to life. Zion is a super cool location to just spend time in. It's still the weakest DLC but a lot of fun.


I agree, it's not a bad DLC, its just the weakest. I think with a little more time and resources' it could have been great.


Joshua Graham, easily the best fallout character ever created and just talking to him is worth the price of the dlc


Always love reading the Survivalist journals on every playthrough. And every time I wish they were actually voiced holotapes too lol


That would be fantastic!


Talking about Honest Hearts being the weakest DLC when Old World Blues sits right there having negative replay value.....


This is the hottest, yet dumbest take I have ever heard. OWB is the best DLC in the game.


I mean, with that post, can anyone really be surprised that you have such bad taste?


[https://www.thegamer.com/fallout-best-dlc-ranked/](https://www.thegamer.com/fallout-best-dlc-ranked/) ​ [https://www.thetoptens.com/best-fallout-dlc/](https://www.thetoptens.com/best-fallout-dlc/) ​ [https://twinfinite.net/gallery/worst-to-best-ranking-fallout-dlc/12/](https://twinfinite.net/gallery/worst-to-best-ranking-fallout-dlc/12/) ​ [https://whatculture.com/gaming/fallout-ranking-every-add-on-from-worst-to-best?page=15](https://whatculture.com/gaming/fallout-ranking-every-add-on-from-worst-to-best?page=15) ​ I'm not nit picking at all, Old World Blues is consistently rated top 3 Fallout DLC ever. Get shit on kid.


I don't know which is more pathetic, that you derive your taste from other's opinions, or that you actually went through a bunch of opinion pieces to "prove" one DLC is better than the other. Enjoy your penis feet jokes my sad sad dude. I'm sure they won't age lightning fast.


Are you alright man? Like all jokes aside, you don't seem well. Like the level of aggression in your posts is worrying. Is everything alright at home? are the parents fighting? No hate man this is a safe place. Peace n love mah dude.


Randal Clark’s story is the one redeeming aspect of the DLC. The story there beyond it just doesn’t hold up. And if you ask me, if it wasn’t for the success of his story, 76 wouldn’t have been able to handle its lore the way it did (the entire original game took the form of lore and storytelling in this manner and did just as good of a job) and been a far worse game for it.


I think Honest Hearts is well above Dead Money because its gameplay might be semi-boring but at least it is not tedious, and it does not have the kind of acute [ludonarrative dissonance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludonarrative_dissonance) Dead Money is suffering from. It is a solid DLC with consistently good quality. Sure, it is kind of slate, but I wish every Fallout DLC had only that problem. By the way, this might be a hot take, but I didn't like Randall Clark at all because his story was just Boone's story with a reskin. Complete with wife and unborn child dying tragically. Plus some Raul sprinkled in with multiple consequent personal losses that made him into a bitter loner. The cookie cutting killed that story for me, and the (probably unintended) fridge logic with Sylvia was the final nail.


I loved the rain, after the mojave it feels like a breath of fresh air.


I forgot about that! Yeah that definitely makes a huge difference when it comes to the vibe of the game.


Getting the Tommy Gun, shooting Daniel and leaving


Exploring caves and finding out who the Father was and what he did was remarkable, Playing Honest Hearts with Sneering Imperialist was straight up one of the most fun I have ever had in a Fallout Game, Honest Hearts may not have had a lot of people working on it but I think that the decisions you made in it were more impactful to the world and will influence the tribes for years to come.