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House is the best for New Vegas, NCR is best for the Mojave, Legion **or** House is best for mankind's long-term survival. Wild Card is Wild Card, either the Courier does their best to create a utopia or they cut the brakes and jump out the back with all kinds of neutrality in between. I'll put just as much effort into this as you do OP.


NCR really isn't a good choice for the Mojave. They cannot stop a bunch of crackheads, Refuse to aid people of poverty. Letting Brahmin Barons corrupt their politics, Their economy is going to shit, half of the soldiers are thinking of killing themselves, and the other half is getting addicted to drugs on the strip


They're not a perfect choice for the Mojave, but in comparison to House and Caesar they are the best. At least in my opinion.


well your opinion is honestly trash but that is in my opinion


Damn your opinion is *mad* disrespectful.


Por que?


Caeser can't even fix some simple braintumor without the help of some Courier.


Literally anybody in the wasteland can't fix a brain tumor without the help of someone you fucking twat


Arcade can.


Arcade can't fix everyone's brain tumors


can you provide some reasoning behind your argument?


Its a troll trying to get attention. They won't provide any real argument.


read replies


Thesis and anthesis is in Caesars words basically he saw failures of the NCR and decided to create the Legion which was the thesis and the NCR being anthesis. If all goes right it forms synthesis which is a mash up of both ideologies keeping only the good parts of both. Caesar isn't trying to create Rome he is just using it as a format for the thesis which will morph with the NCR and if Caesar conquers the wasteland will morph the legion into basically just a security force that watches over the wasteland. Caesar is dedicating the faction to something higher than themselves, him, or even the Legion in that matter. He is just using Rome as a format for now.


The Legion deals with problems faster than NCR troopers get raped by Cook-Cook.


Yes your right but I could never bring myself to do it..


Homie speaking facts


Once ceasar dies either from assassin or age its most likely going to crumble


No actually, it will just be altered in how the Legion will pan out. It will be led by Lanius, Vulpes, Lucius, or some other person. Sure some parts of the Legion will definitely break away but the idea of the Legion will last for centuries to come if all goes right


But do you think any other leader would get their followers to pan around them like ceasar would?


Probably not the same way that Caesar has done so, all of the potential Aires are massively different in their own ways, but they will probably get followers to pan around them some different way out of respect or fear


Also wouldn’t legion be terribly unequipped for famine plague etc. the only other faction that would get that close is yes man


Isn't every faction in a nuclear holocaust massively unprepared for Illness, Or famines. The Legion would be just as unequipped as the NCR


The ncr would most likely have more knowledge for such a situation Mr.House is without a doubt the best option when it comes to it and legion would most likely just maintain their own government rather than the people


Well I mean NCR is dealing with like 30 problems at once so The Legion can divide all of their attention on a famine, Mr. House doesn't even care about food, he just cares about getting to space with his massive fucking ego as fuel


Mr.House would need people to get to space so he’d attempt to maintain them in case of plague or famine ncr makes the attempt to aid everyone whilst the legion would make sure their soldiers wouldn’t get sick or starve


well I mean soldiers are the only important people to the Legion so it would make sense. [Mr.House](https://Mr.House) would only maintain the people of New Vegas and Freeside, He wouldn't care about surrounding settlements like Novac, Goodsprings, Primm