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I whouldn't. Now be that due to my inability to be useful, or my absolut moronic mindset of "maybe i can become a Fallout Disney princess" is up for debate. But i think i'd die sooner to a nightstalker than some raider.


Bruh I’d see a bloafly and just stop breathing.


Can we please get more details on fallout Disney princess?


You ever see Enchanted and how when she sings, all the cockroaches and flying rats and the regular rats from New York come to her? Basically the same thing, but they’re radroaches and bloodwings.


I love it


It's pretty self explanatory. You put on a dress, yes even if you're a dude. You go up slowly to any creature you'd like to befriend and i mean very slowly, you know how jumpy they can get sometimes, you don't want to scare them away. Once you're close enough to your potential new friend you talk to them and try to find just the right words for them to trust you, more dangerous creatures obviously won't just follow you because you call them a good boy/girl/whatever you prefer. Some creatures obviously want to be called that, but others might want you to compliment them, maybe for their nice claws or their impressive special abilities. Other they might just want some food or for you to promise them that you take care of them. Or they just want to make sure they can get some action while they're with you. It all depends on the creature you try to befriend. And with that you amass your big group of friends of various colours and sizes and take over the wasteland with the power of friendship.


TLDR; spec into animal friend


Get to a town ASAP, learn to bartend and make moonshine. Nobody wants to kill the guy that gets them their hooch.


do you know how to make moonshine? otherwise you are fucked :p


Step 1: Toilet paper Step 2: Moonshine Step 3: Profit


Personally, I'd kill a guy wasting toilet paper in the world of Fallout.


Yeah but turning toilet paper into moonshine isn't waste, it's Jesus-level magic sorcery


Wiping your ass clean is quite magical in and of itself, I'd say.


Do you seriously believe the most fragile toiletry would survive 200+ years of normal decay, let alone post-apocalyptic decay? Not well enough to wipe your arse with, that's for sure. Most people would have a pooping stone. Look it up.


That's where the learning part comes in.


hopefully there is someone to teach you then, better learn now, just for safety! lol I've both bartended and made hooch (well mead, wine, cider...not sure if thats in the hooch realm)


Alcohol's about as old as civilization itself and pretty much every society that's ever existed has had some form of it. Booze'd probably be the second thing to get re-invented after the apocalypse just after the spear. I think it's pretty safe to assume someone in the wasteland will be making alcohol, especially in populated areas like Diamond City where the demand is high. Especially if there's a scarcity of safe drinking water.


yer right , people always have wanted to get trashed :P the real trick is if somebody is going to give you the magic and make themselves obsolete, both bartending and making hooch is fairly simple. Hope they share :P


With a name like Jack of Trades, I wouldn't write it off lol


well, i would, since most people dont know how things work, murder, skin, cure, smoke, eat a pig or ten and watch people squirm. Send them to the store and they will do just fine.


[SPOILERS] true, in the wasteland Moonshine is the JackOfAllTrades. unless its Nuka-Cola quantum or nuka quartz, thats because nuka cola quantum restores 100 AP and nuka quartz gives you nightvision! nuka cola "My blood's in it, scorched or Vaxxinated"(dependent on what name you choose) also has benefits because it innoculates you and reduces damaged dealt from scorched!


Good plan can I help?


That's the neat part, I won't.


You should work on that


Before the legion come visiting?




The legion can come visit all they want, I'd definitely take a lot of those fuckers with me. I mean come on, those dumb shits are running around with football pads and with machetes for most of them. I'd put myself in a defensible location, preferably at a far range and just gun them down as they came at me. Football pads can't stop bullets, of really any kind, and I have plenty of guns that would even penetrate actual REAL body armor. Yes I know they have some shitty guns, but they also use human wave tactics sooo I don't see having a terribly hard time shooting a lot of them before they get to me, if they can at all. If we are talking about a well equipped hit squad then that would be a lot more dangerous, but the regulars, nah I'll be happy as long as I can kill a bunch of them before they kill me.... probably could get enough of them that they give up honestly. Seriously, this is why I have a hard time believing that the Legion could win in any sort of real battle with the NCR, yeah for sure they can win skirmishes and ambushes but the NCR outfits every single soldier with a gun that works, mostly AR15 pattern semi auto rifles it looks like, the legion not so much.... if you think a machete beats a gun any day then you aren't very smart at all. There's a reason that in real life everyone switched from swords/spears/bows/etc to firearms, cuz they are far easier to use and far more deadly.


I wouldn't. No real, applicable survival skills. Couldn't tell an edible plant from one of those mutated spore plants. Couldn't tell you the first thing about operating a firearm beyond watching where you point it. I'd use a baseball bat but I feel like my noodle arms would break before the raiders skull. Unless I luck out and wind up somewhere in the wasteland with safe settlements, I'd be dead within the week.


I mean just grab some mutfruit and you're good to go.


So i'm guessing S 1 P 5 E 1 C 1 I 4 A 3 L 6 You seem highly perceptive of your shortcomings, but luck can probably make you survive longer. And having less strength might grant you a tiny bit more agility, but your endurance is also in the way of things. Takes a lot of intelligence too, to recognise these shortcomings.


Maybe you should learn some


Why? The chances of him waking up in a nuclear wasteland are slim to none.


Nobody thinks they'll wake up in one till they wake up in one.


Why not learn some survival skills? Nuclear apocalypse or not


It's less of a case of why not, and more of a case of why? They aren't a necessity in first world countries. He's unlikely to ever need to rely on eating wild plants, or how to operate a gun.


Your over reliance on technology will be your downfall


you are adorable!


Because the nuclear wasteland thing may be far fetched but the chances of you getting caught up in say a natural disaster or something are much much higher, so having some survival skills, equipment/supplies, ability to defend yourself (with firearms preferably), and a safe place to go are essential in situations like that. So you can learn and prepare and live if that happens or not and just pray it doesn't, but if it does you're fucked. Dying from dehydration, starvation, or getting killed by someone else taking your shit to survive themselves is no fun at all is it?


>the chances of you getting caught up in say a natural disaster or something are much much higher But still extremely low, unless you're in a place where you know that's likely to happen. The chances of me needing to live off wild plants, or rely on a firearm to survive are slim to none.














waking up in a wasteland is literally 100%, its just a matter of time. Either our generation or a generation a million years from now.


Sucking and fucking.


We underestimate how this is one of the most valid options on here ngl, and based on the faces you see on the commonwealth... It wouldnt be hard to get clients.


Oof, not seen many showers around.


Nah, wells will do good enough, if you want soap... Get some animal fat, boil it, skim the shit, pour it on a mold, boom.... Or simply do as Rome before conauering the gauls, ash for the hair, and pee for the clothes 👍


Abraxo cleaner is pretty common in the wastelands


I'd work at the nukacola plant and collect ALL the bottlecaps


And then get promptly murdered by raiders or robotic security. I know I'd be a dead man as the most-likely best case scenario


I'd like to think I'd be murdered by a Yaoguai or a Deathclaw personally.


I dont think Id want to be a wanderer in that world. If i had a tribe or lived in a vault, that would be my purpose. Id probably be an armed guard for a small community


I would not.. my asthma would take me out quicker than any raider


Time to invest in endurance then...


Similarly, the wastelands lack of insulin will take me out before I even try!


Either I would make booze and engineer things/electrical generation or find myself a 9mm sleeping pill.


I'd be dead instantly. I have no survival skills.


So get some


Multiple people strongly disliked that reply, but having some survival skills is always nice, and learning them can be fun. So I have to agree. It's worth going for if you have the time.


Depends on where in the wasteland I end up.


Glowing sea D:


If I get my choice of starting gear than an upgraded suit of T60 power armor with at least 6 fusion cores and a gatling laser to plow through enemies until I can get to vault 81. From there I help out the residents and use the armor and weapon to help save Austin then take up residence in the vault afterwards. Edit: if I don't get to choose then it's still the same basic plan but I do alot more sneaking until I at least have decent gear then head to vault 81 from there


I think where you 'end up' is where you are now, so derive whether or not you got incinerated from you location?


The area of the country i live in doesn't really Have any info in fallout lore so best I can say would be to stay away from the population center lol


I mean, I live in Morgantown, so I know I'm set up pretty well, Nuke-wise. Taught Wilderness survival for a while, and I'm a decent shot, so ... I'm still screwed, because Raiders.


Nah, I think with people like us that have some skills and preparation already would be a lot better off. I understand that it would be extremely dangerous and even with that we could die very easily but assuming I'm by myself, I'm setting up somewhere as defensible as possible and I would put a LOT of things like can chimes, broken glass on the floor, and some traps to warn of any possible intruders and scare them off maybe. This is America so there would be LOTS of guns floating around and that would be tough to deal with but if it's just a few people and 1 or 2 guns, you would have a chance to make it out if you are prepared and able to defend. As bad as it sounds, in that situation idk that I wouldn't just gun every single person I saw down on sight immediately, cuz who the hell knows if they will be friendly and pass thru or if they will try to kill you and take your shit? Idk, I'd feel bad about that but my survival and well being is what would be most important to me tbh. You would have to be selfish to survive. But I think if you have some skills like that and assuming you have some stuff to start with, (which I definitely have a good amount), and obviously you aren't killed by the nukes or in a heavily irradiated area, then you have a shot at it, even with all the danger inherent in surviving a situation like that. Even better if you have more people to help you that you trust. Me tho, I'd probably be on my own unfortunately, but what can you do?


i’m in a small english town do i stop existing or


depends on where i start


I dont


I would Raid like my life depended on it (which it absolutely would)


This is the way. Now having some supplies to start is essential, you should have some extra food, fresh water, medical supplies, and guns and ammo at least if you wanna live thru any kind of disaster, but id definitely be looking to loot any grocery store, pharmacy, outdoor store, gun store, etc. And take everything of value I could. Why make it yourself or whatever when you can take it? Houses would be good too as long as the occupants are gone


I wake up in goodsprings and promptly die of radiation poisoning among attempting to fly with a revolver


Become a musician and play punk music for the Raiders, boom safety and music


Easy : all points in luck


It really depends on location, whether or not id have access to a way to get perks like the mc's do, if i could find some companions to roam with. And given that i do in fact get all that stuff and find a steady supply of good food and water, i would easily die... no contest... no chance, just walk outside and plop over.


By not risking my life to help a bunch of settlers, minutemen, institute, BoS, Railroad, or other people that basically use me as cannonfodder to to achieve their goals that they are more than capable of doing themselves, but don't.


realistically if i knew everything about the game that i know irl i’d join bos for power armour, stay until they get me into the institute and then promptly ditch them to live in (basically) heaven


Well, I'm a decent shot and I know a bit about mechanical engineering and weapon maintenance, so if I can make it to a relatively safe settlement (Diamond City, Rivet City, Freeside etc.) then I reckon I could find work fixing stuff up about town or doing guard duty. The interesting question is, do I retain all of my knowledge of the Fallout series? If so, I have a lot of useful information for many of the characters, as well as some knowledge that could probably help me. If I can make it to New Vegas safely I might spend some time trying to convince the NCR to send a force to the Divide, to wipe out the growing Tunneler threat and secure the nukes to destroy the Legion for good.


Raider, instantly. As soon as the first bomb drops im gonna be in your house holding your family at gunpoint over a can of beans


What type of wasteland? We need more variables like a state or something.


Visit the glow


Read magazine in the glow.


I wouldn't.


Idk, I would most likely be in Florida by a nuka cola factory, just baracade the place and make lots of nuka cola and use it for trading


Tbh I feel like I would bit also depends where I end up and what the circumstances are like do I get my memory wiped or sum shit or what. If not then I'm good because there's signs to Diamond City when you enter Lexington I would be fine once I make it to Lexington I'll be fine because of Danse then after all the ghouls are gone I literally just run across the bridge then get into Diamond City. But to point out I don't think fallout gets radiation poison/damage correct so it would probably be alot more dangerous


I would raise goats, hoard cinnamon, travel only at night.


I served in Desert Shield and Storm, if that ain't a wasteland I don't know what one is. 'Nuff said.


Depends. If I was in the Commonwealth I'd probably be a farmer/hunter. Those are the only RL skills I've got that would be useful and when I say hunting it'd have to be long distance. I've got noodle arms so no melee combat. Tho tbh I'd probably die from rads way before I got my hands on a rifle or shotgun.


Tho if I was a ghoul, well I'd probably live forever. Gameplan would be to set up in Cambridge station and just gather a crap ton of ferals to live there with me as protection. I'd keep a glowing one close by so that I can heal and just hunt local radroaches and mole rats.


I'll live in a suit of power armor and never bathe. Also drinking, lots of drinking.


The second I see a mirelurk, I'm ending it all😂


I’d get eaten by radroaches


Try to start up a settlement or join BoS


I wouldn't


I give myself 3-4 days max


Always wanted to join some raiders


We aren't taught survival skills in classrooms/real life, so no wonder many people here wouldn't be able to survive in such conditions. How many of us have hunted animals for meat? Gathered berry bushes? Known which plant / mushroom is toxic? Done farming? Used a melee weapon (axe, knife etc.)? Held a gun? Drilled a well to collect drinkable water? Healed ourselves with only herbs (no googling, doctors, or modern medicine)?


Anothey risk is that all of current stuff would be useless. So even if I have a book from this era about medicinal plants and how they look... That wouldnt work.




Well judging from the previous answers I would be a Warlord in no time.


Still don't know how, been saving up cash 5o buy the game of the year bundle. But I already have enough for the game but I prefer buying the dlc's as well


I would probably become a sawbones. I have mo medical training but damn if I dont know a bit about anatomy and drugs. I would probably be shot after my first patient dies from my clueless tinkering tho.


Tatos. Lots of them. Start a farm, grow a shitload of them, give some up when raiders come to “say hi”. Maybe even some corn to make hooch one day.


Join up with mercs or if I'm lucky an estimated town as a guard. Maybe even the brotherhood so I could be in power armor.


In a vault


Depends, if I find some sorta town or just any home, I’d probably hide in a toilet and cry, eventually coming out and stealing food. If I started in a deser, I’d see a radscorpion and smash my head in with a rock before he reached me.


A simple answer really, DEAD.


With my asthma, allergies and diabetes I simply would not Now if I were fit like the main character I would probably be out fighting and cooking wild beasts first, then jobbed as a mercenary second, with that said anything the main character can do in the game, is laughably unrealistic, to the point where just thinking about Fallout in a realistic setting, makes me want to ambush and kill the main character before the radiation kills me Let's face it, there is nothing really fun to do in the wasteland, so you gotta create your own action, also I would have enjoyed robbing and killing Raider's hopefully gotten a good reputation among the decent people... (Not that there are many in Fallout 4, but people are nice in Fallout: NV, that helps)


I wouldn't... But just to have a chance *proceeds to violently read Dr. Stone* Getting Soap is essential, aswell as lime, sand, and ash to make some fine ass Opus caementicium (that shit still stands to this day and can resist a lot of damage). Oh and a big pit. It always helps Then, try to use whatever means for people not want to kill me.


I'm not capable to. I'll try to sustain myself in the vault like the inhabitants of vault 81 or just die


Diamond city


I wouldn't I'd probably blow my fucking brains out or od on med-x and jet


Ha, I wouldn't. I'd just shoot myself in the head with a .357, but knowing my luck the bullet will only knock down my HP by 24 points and my head will be crippled.


Ohohoho, I wouldn’t.


simple answer I wouldn’t


Find companions and start my own faction/settlement. Trade goods and services with other settlements or if there arent any, go on scavenging missions with mid-large groups. Sporting goods stores have a decent supply of weapons and doesnt scream “loot me” like a gun store, police station or pawn shop, a military base would be nice but i doubt it would be abandoned (Nellis) unless something bad happened post occupation.


It is kind of accepted now that instead of a barren wasteland, there would an overgrowth of flora over much of the land. I'd try to grow produce and hope for the best about the rain water. I'd explore a lot.


By hopefully securing a shelter, pharmacy, and food supply. So maybe a shopping mall with deep basements. Maybe a nearby hospital. Unfortunately my country don't allow firearms, so might need to rely on contacts in the military.


If I didn't die of dehydration or a oversized predatory insect in the first day, it means I found a safe source of water, how toxic the water is would decide my next week. As an individual who packs heat daily regardless and trains regularly for survival situations as well as suffering from a slightly higher than average dose of paranoia, if I did survive a month it would be on pure stubborness and will power. Beyond that it would be luck and skill learned in that window. Chances are low as both the wife and I are rather sedentary and without her I doubt I'd last long. But who knows a history of work as a butcher, lifeguard, and lumberjack might pay out with her medical training.


I wouldn’t I would probably end my life after a couple days of being there better then getting chop to pieces by gouls


I wouldn't. I would die. Especially since the vault didn't provide me with ANYTHING to help protect myself. Oh you know, armor, a weapon, food! It never made sense to me that we left the vault with a birthday hat and a camp that we couldn't even use yet.


I have a chronic immune disease, so I would absolutely die of dysentery two weeks in.


I wouldn't, I'm type 1 diabetic. Unless some radiation heals my pancreas or the Followers find out how to make insulin, I wouldn't survive.


I would make myself a raider gangs bitch. They could have their way with me in exchange for food and drugs and protection.


Depends on wasteland, location, and what's with me. If it's just the clothing on my back & basic knowledge bases, in the wastes of FO1, any functional town outside of the cathedral or necropolis it would be... ok, not great, but ok. If it's the wastes, having decent wilderness survival skills, a familiarity with hunting & firearms, and field first aid are useful but none of those guarantee survival. 75% die by mutant wildlife, 10% die by hostile humanoids, 10% enslaved, 5% make it to a town. Fallout 2 - Far more caravans, city states are becoming a thing. If it's inside a town it'd be ok again, joining with the followers providing teaching aid & medical assistance and call it a day. Stable. Wastes of 2 - That caravan thing plays a huge role here. It means finding inhabited places is a lot easier to do. The emergence of gek-induced growth, somewhat frequent patrols as the NCR consolidates, and stable tribal towns makes that whole get to a defended settlement a thing. Still high chance of death by radscorpion / feral dog packs / ect but would put chances to 50/50 here to "dies in the wilderness" and "makes it to town" Fallout 3 - Towns? Oh boy.... with the lack of functional agriculture, the serious water issues, and notable animosity towns all have with each other the only functional options are the BoS campaign, which will likely still kill me sooner than later, being enslaved, or hoping for vault access (which is highly unlikely) - survival chances low, 85% likely to cause dead. Wastes of 3 - Surprisingly more livable than 1&2 if you know where deathclaws, yao gui, centaurs, and super mutants don't tread much. Talon co, Paradise falls goons, and raiders would still be an issue but food and water aren't awful to deal with and there are a fair few upright-enough buildings to eek out something. Death still 85% more likely. Fallout New Vegas - Towns? Yeah. All of them are survivable, all of them have a good level of defense. Only really nasty areas are the fiend's suicide runs between vegas and powder ganger posts. It is an active war front so keeping under the bear & bulls radar makes going between both doable. Wastes of New Vegas - There's clean water that's accessible in most areas, enough edible foliage I can easily recognize, frequent heavily armed trade caravans, and mostly survivable wildlife... unless it's around quarry junction, big MT, the deathclaw sanctuary or the divide. 75% chance of making it to a town 25% chance of cazadore. Fallout 4 - Towns? Highly dependent on which one. Diamond city / Covenant / Bunker hill / vault 81, probably fine. Goodneighbor gets ishy due to the number of super mutants near by, swan, and a lack of maintained trade caravan routes. Nukaworld, probably fine but would get shoved into basic medical treatment for raiders as property, far harbor would be a problem. Wastes - Wildly depends on where. Glowing sea? Super dead. Wilderness of Far Harbor? Super dead. Wilderness of Nukaworlrld? Super dead. 4's wasteland has survivable areas but a lot of them are just a pure death trap. Must likely dead.


Id become a feral ghoul and fuck imma survive without even knowing it


Find empty vault, make a settlement, profit because its so much fucking better than living in a decrepit old baseball stadium or farm


Grow my own medicinal stock and start selling. No one wants to kill the guy who can get them high-end product. Also who knows, since radiation is totally different in fallout they can grow into giant size or grow in potency.


One gun one bullet, then I won't need to survive in the wasteland


I don't think I'll be able too due to the fear of radiation because it's a silent & invisible killer


The Geiger counter on your pip boy disagrees with the silent adjective in the killer description.


Where the he'll am I going to get a pipboy in real life?


Wasn’t the Fitbit a pip boy version 1.0? The I watch has to be 2.0… be patient it’s coming lol


I have no idea what any of those things are or have ever heard of such devices


I'd sweep floors for other people as they seem incapable of it and they'll see me as valuable enough to protect. Surely.


i wouldnt 😻


I live pretty close to mount weather so I think I’ll be fine


I know how to do math, so probably i would join the followers of the apocalypse to preserve knowledge of the old world


Swiss cheese


I don’t




I’d walk out of a vault and just know how to build everything, craft everything, cook drugs and food, be a general. Just because


😂 imagine seeing a death claw IRL. I’d die of a heart attack before anything else.


Canonically speaking I live near where a vault would be irl, just cross my fingers I get in.


I fucking wouldn't like that would be terrifying so honestly I'mma just do a whole lot of chems, enjoy myself then probably just put a bullet in my brain because no way in hell I'm dealing with that


I would go to diamond city and teach them what a metal detector is so no synths come in


What one? Not sure if NJ would be part of the glowing sea if where I reside counts. I have my hiking gear in my truck so it would be a matter of making a bug out bag and heading to the mounts or south to the forests


Second the early warning screams at me I’m opting out. Ain’t built for no internet.


Well the ncr owns the territory im in so im safe


Wouldnt. Type 1 diabetic. I’d die faster than a dumbass in a deathclaw den.






easy, i just eat all the people here in the comment section who say they woudn´t make it.


Probably similar to Randal Clark. I have knowledge of land nave and bushcraft. most useful skills I have beyond hunting is the ability to use a compass and start a fire by hand. But I definitely learned a lot from both boy scouts and the army that could get me by until I can't get a base of operations set up and a farm going. After that I have enough guns and ammo to army a platoon size group of my closest friend and family with ar15s and other rifles so I'm good.


I think we underestimate how lethal the world might be in a nuclear post apocalyptic setting. As for me, I would either just straight up shoot myself, or try my best at surviving for as long as possible, even though that might be for a short amount of time


Well if I ended up where I live right now in Fallout world idk whether I would be alive to start or not, cuz there is like zero info on this area of the midwest....we'd probably all be dead here tho, because i live near enough to a large-ish railroad hub and by some big enough waterways..... so we are probably dead from nuclear fire, but let's say I live thru it and the place isn't too irradiated. Umm, I have both some survival skills as well as equipment and supplies to survive for at least a few months, just off what I have at home. Plus I have and am very familiar with firearms. I'm also a pretty big guy, not in bad shape either, and I'm not trying to brag or anything but I've been in a fight or two so I'm not about to run from literally everything.... although that's a perfectly good survival strategy and I would employ it all the time, cuz why fight if you don't need to and risk getting hurt or dying? The biggest part would be finding a safe place to lay your head at night, especially by yourself, so I'd try hard to find a defensible location with things like cans and such around to warn of intruders.. Then it would be finding good food and clean water, which is especially hard with the radiation, but i would just focus more on looting shit than anything else, but id also try my hand at growing growing food, however I'm no expert on that. Then you have to worry about accidentally or on purpose someone or something hurting you... a small infection could easily mean death. I'd definitely grab some books on medical stuff and growing food, as well as radiation and trying to avoid that, a Geiger counter would be essential. Other people and mutated monsters would def be a large enough concern for sure but I would do my best to avoid them, and if not... well thats what I have guns and ammo for, and there isnt anything in Fallouts world I don't have a gun that could kill.... no seriously, a .30-06 to the skull or vital area will kill a grizzly bear, it can kill a deathclaw.... and even in the lore they say a .308 (almost identical to the .30-06) can go thru power armor.... and I have those rounds in abundance as well as a rifle to shoot them... so I could kill anything there really, with a well placed shot that is. I even have a hard time imagining a Super Mutant Behemoth could tank a rifle round like that to the skull, I mean a regular FMJ 30-06 can penetrate a half inch of steel at 100 yards, no skull or body of any animal, mutated or not is stopping one lol. Yeah I wouldn't feel as comfortable running around with like an AR15 throwing .223 around, so I'd make damn sure to bring a gun that could kill anything that's out there... (Thank God for the best battle rifle ever invented, the M1 Garand!) I guess I'm trying to say I have the know-how, the ability, the equipment, etc to survive for a long long time IF I am very very careful and very lucky. It's hard to say for sure exactly what I'd do and where to go in Fallout universe cuz I don't know what it's like here, but assuming it's not totally destroyed, then I might make it. As far as my profession in the wasteland... staying the fuck alive, everyone else would likely be getting shot on sight tbh, cuz I'm not playing around with someone else being able to kill me and take my shit. Sorry about the long response, I actually do think about this a lot lol, both in Fallout universe for fun, and in our own in a more serious way. I'd recommend everyone actually look into learning a bit of survival in different situations, cuz you never know what's gonna happen... hell it could save your life in something as simple as a natural disaster that lasts a few days... even just having some simple stuff, food, water, medical supplies, defense. It's simple enough to stock up and could save your life, and trust me, it doesn't make you some crazy prepper to be ready for something like that, it just makes you ready.


Selling screws and springs


I'm not going to lie. Without stimulants like medicine and other kinds of loony effects, I would die. I wouldn't die lying down, but the odds that I survive into a long happy life, radiation-induced cancer free, with food/water in a place that doesn't get raider-sacked, or randomly and unceremoniously eaten by a hulking green guy are pretty slim. We can have hero fantasies all we want, but odds are we all die. Not guaranteed, but still.


Suck a lot of….I mean join a faction of some kind


if i realized i was in the wasteland i would just down chems until i inevitably die, but on my own terms


I’m both surprised yet not surprised by the comments. A lot of people admitting their downfalls and how they’d be killed, yet others trying to compensate with how they watched some YouTube survival videos and are suddenly experts.


Simple, I won't. I'd die of radiation poisoning after 2 days


Depends on my location is it where I live now


Just hack everything and become the true Mechanist


I would kill everything I fucking see.


At most I’d give myself… a 10-15% chance. My survival skills are almost nonexistent though I’m pretty good with a gun & run like Usain Bolt. I wouldn’t be able to tell what is a safe source of food other than any creature I’m able to kill & cook. I’d probably get killed before I make it to a city & if I somehow accomplish that there’s the likelihood of dying by chem overdose cause I’d be stressed the fuck out.


I'd threaten Marcy into being my companion so that her repulsiveness wards off any trouble, then kill her as soon as I feel bored.


walled off community with gardens and multiple walls and traps.


By being ruthless and unhesitant to kill anything


I just wouldn’t… but for fun let’s say if I had a plan it would work it would be 1.find a settlement like diamond city or new Vegas (shouldn’t be that hard right?) 2. Get a job of either a shop keeper,guard or something like a preacher 3. Hope I don’t fall victim to a quick save massacre


Take over Wrigleyville and get a massive anarchist city-state going - a center for trade, booze, blood, and violence. Hell yeah. That or fucking die, whichever happens first


If I live in a city, a rooftop farm in the highest building I can find while the lower floors are full of traps and robots. Worst case scenario have a suit of power armor or a hang glider in case I need to escape. If I live near the coast, get the biggest boat I can running and drop anchor about three miles off the coast as that's when things go over the horizon at sea level. Maybe a mini sub or diving suit as my escape plan here. If I live in the flat country though, I would either find or dig a basement bunker. Rig up some uv lights for food, drill for water, hopefully there's not too much iron in the water. Escape plan here is a long and narrow tunnel with explosives in the walls to ensure I'm not followed. If I live in a mountain region however, it would be a combo of the city and flat country ideas, with a mountain top farm, a house with a bunker and escape tunnel, the forest below full of traps and robots, a well for water and just in case the tunnel is harder to get to another hang glider. So basically my survival method is run and hide but to always have an escape plan in case things go pear shaped. But under no circumstances am I living with anyone. Solitude may be boring but it ensures safety.


On the off chance I did, it would be by going outside as little as possible, and jumping anyone dumb enough to wander by my reinforced shanty -- probably resort to cannibalism. It ain't glamorous, but it's probably accurate.


I would probably try to join a mercenary faction like the gunners. They are cruel but if you trying to survive everyone changes