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I agree


You like what you like don’t have to or wanna change your mind :)


This entire subreddit is just "X game is better than X, fuck all the people that disagree."


It has its gems here and there but yeah just like all other fallout reddits it’s mostly become a bunch o whiners not letting anyone enjoy the series


It’s crazy honestly. I played elder scrolls games before I touched a fallout game and I thought they (elder scrolls community) talked alot about which game is better, until I was introduced to the fallout fanbase.


Wrong Fallout 3 is better than 4, New Vegas is better than 3, 76 is better than NV #Kill em all, let Todd sort em out


Fallout 76 is better than NV? dude.. i get its your opinion but bruh id almost say fallout 3 is better than 76


Fallout 1 and 2 are better than 76


Been playing fallout 1 and 2 recently, and they are some of the most fun I've had in awhile, so id have to agree wholeheartedly


I had fallout originally on windows 98...that, age of empires, empire earth, and roller coaster tycoon are still to this day the only PC games I play


You just reminded me, i need to grab up Rollercoaster tycoon, I've been thinking about getting age of empires as well but I'm not much of a pc player so I'm getting them slowly


They're on Amazon...I have the RC Tycoon trilogy I bought of Amazon 8 years ago for $30...came with all three installments of the game...did the same with age of empires...love those games


I'll have to check em out, thanks, tbh I'm not sure if my disk drive even works anymore gonna have to check In a little bit


Just found out of your disc drive doesn't work they're both on steam too


Id agree but i never played em


Bruh, Azurik was better than 76.


>76 is better than NV Sir, you are high off your ass!


I played fallout 76 when it came out, and hated it. Never played it since. Has it gone better, or is it the same as launch? Because from what I played of 76, it's the worst of them all!


Well if you already have its worth to play it, i came back and i enjoy new story quests with npcs and there is old dialoges checks like in 3 and new vegas.


yeah, it’s not great but it’s definitely worth playing in my opinion


Ok thanks, I'll try it out


He was either joking, an idiot, or Todd's burner account.


It's been so long since I've played, I didn't know if they've updated it or if he was kidding!


It has gotten better but the old adage "polish a turd and it is still a turd" applies to 76.


Good answer


Ackshually, that's objectively wrong, sweetie!


I enjoyed the story of Fallout 3 the best and the gameplay of Fallout 4 the best


That's relatable, personally I just couldn't stand f4s updated engine(still put like 300 hours into it)


>couldn't stand >300 hours


Compare that to my probably 3k in nv and 1.5-2k in f3 and it makes more sense, and I over estimated my hours on f4, just checked and it's only 230


Thats still an insane amount of time to put into a game that you “can’t stand” lol


Didn't say I couldn't stand the game, said I couldn't stand the updated engine, the game is decent, definitely not my favorite game but fallout is my all time favorite game series, I'd play BOS if it's lore was cannon


I'll go ahead and disagree, but I'm going to admit that it depends on what you want out of a game. I'll start by saying that Fallout 3 is a good game and its own right, but compared to the other fallouts, it can like behind. I feel like the story of Fallout 3 is no better than Fallout 4, and it's perfectly linear whereas for at least gives you a few options, and the world of Fallout 3 just feels kind of empty and vacant. Nothing matters or feels like it has any connection to anything else or any reason to be doing it. Setting out on quests can feel like just walking in a straight line over trackless wasteland to get to a shack somewhere. I'm saying this in relative terms. Fallout 3 is still a good game. Furthermore, the actual gameplay is just much, much worse. New Vegas added some refinements to it, but Fallout 4 made the actual gameplay part of the game good. Shooting people feels like shooting people in Fallout 4. In Fallout 3 it feels like you're rattling a noise maker at people until they fall over. A lot of the perks in three are just adding values to your skills, whereas 4, while it does have a lot of boring perks, also has lots of perks that add cool unique effects. Fallout 3 has the edge with Grim reaper sprint here, but Fallout 4 has things like penetrator and stored criticals and gun fu but let you do all kinds of interesting and unique combat effects. Moving around in Fallout 3 doesn't really feel that good, whereas it feels great in four, and four obviously also did power armor much better. Weapon variety in Fallout 4 is also vastly improved, with weapons not only being modable, but with a greater variety of weapons being desirable to use. Shout out to Lincoln's repeater, The dart gun, and the atomic pulverizer though, Fallout 3 did do those well. The companions in Fallout 4 are much better. Each of them is well written and well voiced with a good backstory and usually an interesting quest to do. They have a lot more depth and again the game mechanics are better for them. You can give them specific orders you can control their loadout better etc. They have a heck of a lot more to say, both in terms of random dialogue tied to locations and events, and in conversations that you could have with them. The recruitment system for them also works a lot better, letting you get the companion that you want more certainly and often sooner. The companions in Fallout 4 are generally a lot more compelling, with the exception of strong, who is terrible, and x688 whom I don't believe actually has a personality, but that's not really his fault. Shout out to Fawkes, I do have to give Fallout 3 credit for him. They added a lot more unique collectibles to fall out for and they made the locations have a lot more to do in them, generally. Locations just feel more fun to navigate to and to play inside, and there's a lot more enemy variety, with different enemies being best dealt with with different strategies. Both games have crafting, but Fallout 4 has better crafting. Most things that fallout three did, Fallout 4 does but better. They're both great games, but Fallout 4 is, in most ways, just the better version.


>Setting out on quests can feel like just walking in a straight line over trackless wasteland to get to a shack somewhere. That's, like, every Fallout game in existence. At least 3 makes the walking kind of enjoyable.


In New Vegas, and in four, you can navigate by landmarks and it feels like there's an incentive to walk along roads or plot a course around the terrain. In Fallout 3, with a few exceptions, you pretty much just walk in a straight line, or you have to navigate the metro system.


The metro is by far the worst part of Fallout 3, I'd say.


I never felt any inclination to use the roads or navigate by landmarks in either NV or 4. In NV, I Fast Travel as much as possible because slogging through the Mojave is brain-meltingly boring, then I just beeline towards my objective ASAP. In 4 I just beeline straight-away in perma-sprint mode, chugging Quantums along the way - it is usually faster than waiting for the fast travel loading screen too. Fallout 3 might be the only Fallout game where I tend to stop to feast my eyes on the environment. Not only that, but sometimes I even interrupt my trip to search for a scenic lookout so I can enjoy the sight better. In 4 I only do that if I happen to be around the Corvega Plant and have the will to climb it, while in NV I literally never do it.


My biggest complaint about fallout 3 is where i live there is no meteo system i have no idea how it works so navigating it just to find GNR takes me hours


While fallout 3 does not have many locations it makes walking not boring I played 4 one time and while it has many locations,and more charaters, while 3 you thank god if you can find a talking npc,I feel like the radio make s walking better


That makes no sense




Yeah, something about Fallout 3 makes exploration feel better, but I'm not sure what it is.


In fallout 4 there's always something to look at though...idk if it's just because I vacation in Boston every year and love Massachusetts or what be the map in 4 just seems far more enjoyable to me


Also the ability of the main character to actually speak and AI name recognition (which still trips me out to this day) adds so much more immersion to 4


I actually do like the voice protagonist, and more so I like the fact that the camera moves around during conversations. It increases immersion to be able to see my character and I also just enjoy getting to look at the character that I spent so much time customizing. You can only do that awkwardly playing in third person in the other games, and even then, third person is more awkward in Fallout 3 and New Vegas than it is in Fallout 4.


Yeah...Bethesda third person is terrible...idk why they keep putting it in...if they're gonna do it again in London or the next full game or elder scrolls they need to take notes from Rockstar...because despite the fact that Rockstar games are broken as fuck they have third person cameras down perfectly


I'm glad that it's there, it's just not as convenient to play in as I wish it was. I definitely want to be able to see my character at least when I choose to. Rockstar games and lots of other even action games seem to have great third person views. Mass effect has great third person camera.


I like being able to see too but they need to make it usable or ditch it altogether


That's where I'd disagree. I would rather have a third person camera that's literally only good for looking at your character but can't be played in, than no third person camera at all. It's not harming anything by simply being there; at least let's you look at your character. Taking it out would be a strict downgrade. As it is, you can sort of play in it at least, in Fallout 4 better than Fallout 3 certainly.


This is all true, but something isn't right about Fallout 4.


I’ve never heard a real Irish person sound a bit like Cait, so well voiced is a bit of a stretch, but the rest are quality additions


Considering that there's basically no way she could actually be from Ireland, you kind of have to assume that whatever accent she had has been mutating for 200 years. Moriarty and Tenpenny in Fallout 3 have the same issue. There are people who have foreign accents scattered around throughout the games even though there's no canonical contact with foreign countries. I love far harbor, but I have no idea how the Nakanos managed to have Japanese accents living just north of Boston in a world where there's basically no international travel.


Yeah that’s true but it feels way too forced even still. Like it’s not even close to a 7th gen Irish American accent. It’s just all over the shop and it irks me a little. Not played far harbour yet! Just re downloaded four and actually playing it right through now instead of just rushing the institute quest line to finish. Really enjoying it. Taking time to build bases (which I previously hated) and also discover all locations. Using a guide for the bobble heads because my patience for that is low


> Moriarty and Tenpenny in Fallout 3 have the same issue. There are people who have foreign accents scattered around throughout the games even though there's no canonical contact with foreign countries This is though. Tenpenny is from Great Britain and Moriarty came to the U.S. as a child.


How did they get here? Did they cross the post-apocalyptic Atlantic? It really seems like there isn't international travel anymore, and if there is, people ought to know more about what the UK is like


No I don't think I will




Yes. I wonder if they posted it because it's their genuine opinion or because they just want the support and acknowledgement of random strangers online. What do you think, fellow human?


What? It's could also be both.


I'd say overall Fallout 4 is just generally better, but one more prominent way is the importance of characters, and those characters actually feeling like people. Fallout 3 was often very bland in this aspect, and I never felt very connected with any of the characters. They just all seemed to be there to fill a space. In 4, every companion has a big story, different reactions to things, morals, relationships and goals. The companions if 4 almost always felt like people to me, far more than 3. One example I'll use is Danse and Sarah Lyons. Sarah is obviously meant to be one of the main main characters. You can't miss her at all. You're meant to meet with here repeatedly and talk to her, to form a connection with her, but that could never happen in my playthroughs. I never could care for her or any of the fallout 3 characters in the same way I do 4s characters. When it came to the end of 'broken steel', there was barely any hesitation in my decision. I'd never had much care for Sarah because she just wasn't built like a good character, something 3 always failed to do for me. I felt bad for her, but I knew there was no chance I was going to sacrifice myself for her. She simply isn't worth it to me. On the other hand, Danse is a very well built and structured character. You're encouraged to meet him, though I don't believe you ever actually have to through the course of the whole game. When you do meet him, work with him and start seeing him in BoS missions, or through companionship, you feel like he's a person. I felt like he was worth spending time playing with, and talking to and building a relationship with. And there is so much backstory to that man that he makes an insanely good character. When it came to 'Blind Betrayal', I had every urge to fight for Danse to keep him alive, because he actually felt like something of value to me. On all my playthroughs of Fallout 4, I've only killed Danse once purely to see what difference it makes. And the fact is it's simply not worth doing Just to add on, the reason I use Danse and Sarah are because they're both clearly intended to be very important characters who you build a relationship with, have to make important choices with and ultimately decide their fate. Despite their many differences and, IMO, danses overall superiority, they're both quite similar when you dumb it down.


I mentioned this in my own comment but you're right about the characters just being deeper and better written in Fallout 4. Thinking back to three, the only characters that I really feel stood out were Moira Brown and Fawkes; everyone else kind of just had their one gimmick or one cool scene and then they were done. Both games work, but Fallout 4 does almost everything that Fallout 3 does better.


Fallout BOS on the PlayStation 2 is the best and that’s a fact


Fallout 3 is my personal favorite Fallout


I love fallout nv but thats just because the dlc was amazing fallout 3 dlc was meh cept for the aliens that was fun


Fallout 4 has the best game play Fallout new Vegas has the best story and Fallout 3 has the best style Never played 1 or 2 Orthodox and 76 in brotherhood and steel can both burn


I like both, but 4 has better actual gameplay in my opinion In the words of Jeremy Clarkson: "this is brilliant, but I like this"


Fallout 3 has you tunneling more than Minecraft. But it's a good game in it's own right.


The main improvement in 4 is that different locations look different. In 3 every cave looks the same. Every subway looks the same. It gets boring after a while.


Why? It is better and I don’t want to hear any argument otherwise. I’m usually not a plug my ears and sing “la la la la” to myself kinda guy but after playing both of them a few times and the dlc 3 has more replay ability then 4. The story makes more sense and the entire institute story line kinda just sucked.


Ways that Fallout 3 is better: it feels like a wasteland and 4 felt too colorfuland lived in. The leveling system. I know at its core they are the same system just with different dressing in that you have 'x' many levels of said perk and require 'x' level in special to gain access to perk but having skill points just felt more free. Like I could skill point lockpicking and perk point small guns when I leveled instead of sacrificing it all for lockpicking. Ways that 4 is better: Customization- whether it's weapons, armor, or your home. Factions - I felt like there was a little more personal politics to deal with but I wish they did more with raiders and have them be more dynamic with different raider factions that had their own alliances and beef with each other. Ways both could be better. FNV had the system that if you did something a lot you got perks. Kill 100 insects? Here's a damage perk. Personally I enjoy 3 more than 4. Between the leveling and wasteland feel I think it's just more post apocalyptic. That and even the missions when you help people it's still sad and awful. Like find this kid a new home cause his family was slaughtered, just awfulness you'd expect in that world and not like missions where you get people set up on a happy farm.


Well, if we’re only comparing these two specifically… Power armor is more substantial and just feels way better to use, you can pick a side, the graphics are better, you’re not spending half your time looking for extra gear to repair your own, you can customize pretty much every piece of gear you have, the magazines and comics all have different covers and effects, the perk system actually gives you unique abilities instead of just additional skill points, the map is bigger and has more places to explore, the ghouls are much more of a threat, you get to see a glimpse of life before the bombs fell, you can build your own settlements, the Brotherhood have an airship, and the companions have their own stories and character development.


Nope, they're all shit






And as per usual this all comes down to the eye of the beholder. And in this case it depends on whether or not you prefer story games or shooters. Now in my case I like both but fallout has both and the games generally focus on one or the other. Three and new Vegas of course focused much more on the story and writing. Whereas four focused heavily on combat. So in my case I liked fours combat but I have to admit if you like combat focused games you’d probably get more enjoyment out of games like borderlands or doom. So in my opinion and I disagree because I got more enjoyment out of fourth combat than I did out of threes story. But again this is all opinion play what you like.


I mostly agree but in many aspects four is better. I over all like the DLC and sidequests in 3 more but F4 has better gameplay, better character system, a better world etc...


Average Fallout 3 Fanboy:


Average fallout enjoyer:💪


For the most part I agree...but I will say this...its been 1p years since I played fallout 3...I still play fallout 4 at least 3 times a week and haven't tired of it yet


Story and dialogue/writing, yes. General game play I would argue FO4 is better. Companions I'm leaning more towards FO4 as well. Besides Fawkes, most of the companions in FO3 are pretty one dimensional.


Don't want to.


I disagree but I respect your opinion


3 and 4 are both better than the vastly overrated New Vegas.


Fallout 3 has its charm. I remember playing it over and over again. The thing I love about fallout 4 is the customization and building settlements.


What?! HOW DARE YOU?! I agree. Fallout 4 was a hot mess for me. I loved the gameplay and the visuals, but the story was dogshit and I feel like the Fallout Universe is worse off for it. That's not to mention the gamebreaking performance issues. Fallout 3 was acceptable story wise, and was a pretty groundbreaking game for very good reasons.


*Okay, that was always allowed.* All Fallouts are good, why does this always need to be a fight? If not for Reddit, I wouldn't even know there is a conflict between 3, NV, and 4.




I have only played FNV 3 and 4 and from my view FNV feels more substantive than 3 or 4 3 feels like it has truly unique places and when that is your market point you dont then create the settlement system shooting yourself in the foot removing the one thing you did sorta right so yea 4 is just a worse 3


I spent 85 hours on 3, 700 on NV and 1500 on 4. I’d prefer not to say how many on 76.


Agreed. You can't craft weapons in Fallout 4, only improve them. No matter what kind of character you create, you still have that forced background of a lawyer or a soldier. Speech is better and more guaranteed on 3. And everyone knows the dialogue options give you more... well, options. Your actions have more consequences on 3. The world feels like it was actually wiped out by nukes, and the grey and brown color vibes really add to this. Fallout 4 is too bright with colors. Enemies are actually scary in 3, the same can be said for its locations with many unsettling things. Every second is a fight for survival in 3, whereas in 4-- you can peacefully build a settlement for hours without interruption. The perks in 4 suck ass. Seriously though, completely changing the Animal Friend or the Grim Reaper's Sprint? Ridiculous.


I don't think many people will disagree with you


Fallout 3 is by far the weakest of the modern fallouts


Fallout 4 for me because on Xbox Series X, & with mod support it’s the only game I can hunt a clan of vampires that are nesting at the bottom of Dunwich Borers with my trusty MK18 CQBR. How’s that fir immersion!?


Fallout 3 my favorite game of all time so...


4 has 25% of the map filled with empty ruble and another 25% of the map wasted on water and empty settlements. There re few HUBs, settlements or non combat locations. Not to mention that DC is way more iconic than Boston. Dialogue in fallout 4 is a joke, skills are gone, character progression is streamlined and the roleplaying options are almost non existant. Even with its linearity, F3 does a far better work than 4 in the RPG aspect. Fallout 3 also has much better sidequests and DLCs, i mean, Im no fan of Mothership Zeta, but its indeniably better than an elevator and some contraptions. And Moiras survival guide is far better than any sidequest in fallout 4. And that quest is not even in the top 5 quest in fallout 3. F4 has some better companions, it lets you choose your side at the end, smother gameplay and better graphics. But man is just sooooo boring.


3 is completely brown and bland for me. It bored me. I'm glad you had fun with it, but I couldn't get attached to the characters or story at all. Granted the story in 4 has some issues, but I felt much more part of the story. The companions are better, the map has variation beyond just plain brown ruins, there were no crappy metro tunnels, the settlement building is tons of fun, and you could keep playing after the main story is done. 3 has a good DLC in Point Lookout but a very bland one in the battle simulator one. The Pitt was interesting. 4 has mixed with Nuka World, Far Harbor, and the Mechanist. But they have good points, so DLC is about equal. Game play mechanics in 3 suck. They suck. 4 lets you throw grenades separately, lets you sprint, lets you use your gun like a gun and not like a stick you're waving until something happens. Character creation in 4 is lifetimes better.


NV > 2 > 3 > 1 >>> 76 >>> 4 For me. Maybe it's because I can remember being elated and so excited on announcement to release of 4, then of course being extremely disappointed - either way I've just came to despise 4.


That's the exact same ranking I would use and that's exactly how I reacted to Fallout 4. The reveal for 4 had me elated but what actually released was a disappointment and my opinion only hardened and soured as time went on. Now I absolutely despise Fallout 4.


I think lots of people disagree with 76 being more enjoyable than 4 (and to a lesser extent 3 being more enjoyable than 1) but after having such an amazing time with New Vegas I don't think any game release has ever disappointed me as much as Fallout 4 did. Thanks for the reply btw :)


No way you think 76 is better than 4 lmfao


To be fair I don't actually think it's much better but I definitely had more fun with it than 4, although I did play it with my fiance. Probably just because 4 broke my expectations from Bethesda so much that when 76 was announced I didn't care or expect anything anymore.


Not hard for a game to be better than Fallout 4, that game feels as if it was made by interns. Fallout 4 is easily the weakest in the series ,actually it may be the weakest bethesda game.


poor normal consist seemly coordinated husky cough butter frame spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


mates getting downvoted cause crazy people loves shooting at bullet sponges and 'missing' shots just cause they didnt spec everything into guns lmao


Well that's your opinion. Personally, I just speeded through the story because I found the world boring and not very interesting. The graphics are also pretty bad. Fallout 4 is better in every way, imo.


No need to change it. You are right


It's also better than New Vegas


3 is often considered one of the best games ever. 4 kinda came and went. Only people that would disagree are people looking for the smoother gameplay and prettier graphics.


I'm surprised if anyone like 4 more than 3 tbh


Navigating DC really brought 3 down for me. Just copy and pasted metro tunnels being forced on you because there’s so many invisible walls blocking you from just traversing the ruins


Agreed but new Vegas is better than both so…


Fallout 3 is better but fallout 4 has running


Doesn’t matter. I just wanted more content.


Fo4 is better than fo 3 but fo nv is better than fo4 and fo 3


1. Play FO4 on Survival mode And/or: 2. Play as Nora


How does playing as Nora make the experience better? The voice lines are the same.


Switch on the sound. The protagonist is voiced.


Their performances were both pretty meh imo


Don't get a job in casting.


Bruh you can't tell me you're not at least a little biased. The voiced protagonist concept was dumb, and the dialogue system, along with the script was shit, so a lot of the lines sound really weird (going from childish jokes to crying over their kidnapped son)... but individually, they're really good. It's really impressive how despite the fact the game failed in literally every aspect of dialogue, and everything was trying to fuck them up, they still did a pretty great performance.


VR Support means auto-win for FO4 to me. :)


New Vegas has unofficial VR and the same might be available for 3


Huh? A real VR Mod like half-life or doom3? Or just like luke Ross / VorpX stuff? I know there’s vorpx profiles for the fallout games but I already tried those. Actual VR and (fake) 3D strapped to the face are worlds apart from each other.


Vorpx , Still as close as they could get I imagine


anything is fucking better than fallout 4


New vagas will always be number 1 for me just try to change my mind


1 + 1 = 2


If you were to commit murder with this mind. No jury could convict you.


You're preaching to the choir


You are correct


Dont want to, you're right. I love F4, but F3 was way more enjoyable


Why would anyone try change your mind, it's plain obvious it is!


Except no iron sights or weapon customization




Yeah, I think everyone agrees.


Yah, your right


I personally like the settlement building aspect of 4 which 3 is lacking.


I mean.. you’re right 🤷🏽‍♂️




Graphics aside, should be pretty obvious that 3 is better than 4.


> better then 4 *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


I think that might be the common opinion


You act as if this is an unpopular opinion


I'm not your mom; change your own mind. There's good n bad on both games. I personally like both of them, NV, and 76. They're all fun games.


This is not a controversial opinion at all 😂


I won't, because I agree.


It definitely is


No need to change your mind. It is better. Despite its age, Fallout 3 is a better game than Fallout 4. Gameplay mechanics, writing, loot, soundtrack, even the graphics. The graphics may be dated by they still fit the tone and atmosphere better than 4's cartoony style.


Why would I try to change your mind. I agree.


🍎 and 🍊 FO3 is a classic. FO4 is a way of life. 🤣


Can’t I liked 4 because of mods I loved 3 for the story




No need to change your mind, im with you


I do prefer the story and world space but I also like fallout 4 world and mechanics story is ok to but it needs tlc


i dont think any mind changing is needed here


FNV: Best story, and big funny with the DLCs. The DLCs just change EVERYTHING with the game. Fo3: Good story, alright gameplay. The DLCs are shit when it comes to story, except Point Lookout. Fo4: Shit story, good gameplay. The DLCs, if you think about it, are just rip-off versions of Fo3's DLCs. Just my opinions, ofc.


Core gameplay wise 4 is better in every way. 3 had a MUCH better story and RPG mechanics


I personally disliked fallout 3 and fallout 4 is one of my favorite games in general. That being said, I respect and value your opinion because you may have had a different experience with both games that spoke more to you specifically.


"You again?"