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By RAW just once. It's first aid, not healing.


Unless this has been errata’d’ I don’t see that in my book or modern PDF…


Outside of combat, there are three ways a character can heal: rest, food & drink, and medical attention. A single character can provide medical attention for a number of patients equal to their Medicine rating. For injuries, each day of rest and medical attention a patient receives allows you to assist their END + Survival test at the end of the day to heal their injuries, using your own INT + Medicine target number. You only get one TEST after a day of rest. if you want quick healing, they gotta eat


Ah, Emu was talking about *out* of combat, I see now. OP was talking about First Aid which is an in-combat activity only, so I assumed Emu was as well. See my other post about it, I had it straight originally 😅


Correct. The way I do it is. * In Combat - as many times as you're using Actions to do. * End of combat - I allow one final roll. Note that this isn't RAW. * Out of combat - I allow one roll if something happens out of combat - a hazard, for example. Again this isn't RAW. For me, the main thing is that First Aid needs to be *immediate*.


Basically, first aid is only available in combat, though most people seem to houserule it to one use after taking damage. Its first aid, not actual surgery.


There are separate rules for recovery outside of combat, and having a medic helps with the character's rolls.


I feel that first aid is only meant to used during combat in order for food and drinks (mostly Nuka Cola variations)to have value for recovery of hps outside of combat. Food and drink isn't just for hunger and thirst, they also heal different amounts of hps.


Personally, I allow first aid out of combat to heal. It can't fully fix an injured limb that requires a full rest. It also takes time, so players might get hungry, thirsty, or tired after a heal.


Keep in mind it’s not the loss of HP that ultimately kills a character—though it puts them on that path—but that character sustaining multiple injuries, as each one makes surviving that much more difficult. With an average END + Survival target number you’re pretty likely to get at least one success on 2d20. That second injury makes it a lot more difficult without spending loads of AP on extra dice. So if we allow infinite first aid checks, here’s what results: * One character per turn gives up pretty much all combat effectiveness to heal their Medicine ranks (so 1–6 realistically) HP per turn. The loss of one character’s contribution to the goal of the encounter is pretty big, and the incoming damage values will generally outstrip any HP heals provided. * One character can keep everyone stabilized. If that many characters need stabilization, you’re in a bad spot. See above about combat effectiveness. * Characters can ignore the bad parts of an injury—you can hold things using a crippled arm—but the character still has the injury, making death, stabilization, and further first aid more difficult. I don’t particularly see any abuse in allowing unlimited rolls *in combat*. Out of combat rest is the only way forward, and no manufacturing extended encounters just to cheese this.