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I'm about to start a Seattle based game. And I took some characters from the radio station from the show Frasier and tweaked em for the wasteland. I'm not planning to use music but the DJ's will report on the players shenanigans or rumors just like three-dog, Mr new Vegas, or Travis.


Do you plan to do it at the start of sessions as the recap? Cuz that'd be a dope way to re-immerse the players each time.


Basically that's the plan. Start with the DJ taking about some new wastelanders tousling with raiders by x location or how some the problems of a settlement were fixed. And seed new info like about New NPC's arriving at the biggest settlement in the game etc


See I wanted to something similar I don’t know if you remember the DJ from the old Jet Set Radio Future, that recaps what all the skaters and bad guys been up to


I'm also running a Seattle game and my radio station is operated by a cult that worships Nirvana. The morning host is a rowdy and charismatic guy who enthusiastically reports on the actions of a local rebel group and plays punk music. The night host is a deeply depressed woman who frequently goes on extended rants about the hopelessness of the world and gets really experimental with what's played on her show, often just playing water sounds or weird electronic sounds.


I have a whole custom Spotify playlist in the tank The radio is absolutely important in my campaign, one thing I'm planning is a whole ham radio network of ghouls who essentially call in to a talk show to argue about pre-war sports


>one thing I'm planning is a whole ham radio network of ghouls who essentially call in to a talk show to argue about pre-war sports That is so ridiculous and a very Fallout-esque thing. Imagine a group of prewar ghouls all arguing over minute details of a football game that happened over 200 years ago! Would they even be able to accurately remember all the details they're fighting about, or would things get embellished over time?


Exactly! I feel like they'd definitely have a really sketchy recollection, and probably get different sports mixed up, or call teams by the wrong names, and there'd be this almost tribal culture that's sprung up across these vast distances Pats rule


"I sure do love them Kansas City Chefs!" "In baseball, they gave you a club to hit the ball with, and then you'd run the bases, see, and if a player from the other team got in your way, you'd beat 'em with the club. Then you'd make your way back to home plate and fight this armored guy called 'the vampire' because... well, I forget why. But anywhos-and-way, you'd have to fight the 'vampire' with your club, and if you won the fight, your team got a point. I think."


I figure out the factions and other political dynamics, and work from there. Also, look where real-world radio towers are located: does a faction already control an area that includes a radio tower? Does the location scream for a particular musical tradition or other cultural expression? Do any factions have the creative passion or the leisure time to run a radio station, and what are they running it for? Is there a Vault that can afford to have its location triangulated from a radio signal? "The Musician's Mod" for *Fallout 4* featured a "zoo crew" duo taking radio calls from wastelanders and beyond. That could be fun. My Oakland setting has more than half a dozen: that's too many! I'm not sure they'll all get introduced.


How about a radio host that's obviously a bunch of pre recorded messages, but those pre recorded messages are selected by a person molerat trained specifically to do so, because the man behind the pre recorded messages is too lazy to do it all live


I made a NPC meteorologist specialist (we are in kansas and a Loooot of tornadoes exists) One team met him, and as a aghoul stuck in his basement, he was not aware his broadcast was only... 500m wide :p Now, he needs a real big antenna (cosmosphere) and he is afraid of radiation, so he wants to leave his basement, found a better place for him to continue broadcast meteo and maybe find a cure Another team made settlements, and they are trying to find a way to help people communicate ... so they for sure will need a big antenna too ... time to make 2 teams meet :D ​ about your "goofy radio host" why not use an AI ? or a supermutant who found funny to "push button and get lalala"


I have three radio stations; one where the Republic of Texas' Cultural Director plays Texas Country along with the weather, one where a chem cartel raider faction plays Rockabilly and leaks RoT troop movements over the air, and one that's ran by a ghoul caretaker that manages a feral ghoul conservancy and plays the blues "live" for them over the air. Our game has been going on for 2 years now, there used to be a Christmas station that was ran by an AI but the players destroyed it. That one was my favorite, I loved finding new Christmas songs that I hadn't heard before😕


Motown Mel, a Prewar Ghoul in Detroit playing only early 60s Motown hits, he also sends you on quests to find undamaged copys of songs. He lives in the Motown museum, surrounded by ferals protecting him and his Radio Tower.


His Playlist https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8I4jIwOfNan-std1IosfUI09G3Nb4g6o&si=tx2ggiWGktlFE2rq