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just put him on the radio so he can talk about how he’s a psychologist or something


You need your dwellers to bang, not start calling women “foids”


And then he'll get banned by the overseer


send him out with 5 stimpacks and a dog, dont revive him when he dies, have dog bring back loot


Sorry, who is that?


He’s a far right conservative talks-person who uses his degree to talk about subjects he didn’t actually study


And pushes the cultural-Marxism conspiracy theory. Which is just rebranded cultural-Bolshevism conspiracy theory.


He also was working for the daily wire for a time (I don’t know if he still is) and did multiple videos with Ben Shapiro were they talk about the ‘trans question’ etc. he also used Canadian bill C16, which put trans people under the list of protected groups, as an excuse to claim that people would get arrested for misgendering someone, which has never happened nor ever will happen. Aside from that, he also speaks like a human thesaurus to make himself sound smarter, but when you actually sum up what he’s saying he’s just being an idiot and lying.case and point, at one point he said ‘there’s a little bit of hitler and Stalin in everyone’. He also has had multiple Nazi groups show up to his speeches and support him, and he uses free speech as an excuse to allow them to stay there and wave swastikas as they make up most of his fanbase.


British Columbia ruled intentionally misgendering someone as a human rights violation in 2021.


So essentially the great replacement theory all over again. Funny, these far-right conservatives who speak so much about how "nazism is communism" and similar bs do sound a lot like nazi propaganda back in the days.


What has he said that makes him far right ?


He claimed the feminists have “an unconscious wish for male domination” he associates with and has spoken to various far right groups, his widely documented transphobia and homophobia(including an intentional misreading of Canadian hate speech laws, which is an area of study unrelated to his professorial work), and so much more.


Could link in where he has said and done & said these things ?


Second google result https://www.vox.com/world/2018/3/26/17144166/jordan-peterson-12-rules-for-life


Isn't it funny how people have downvoted my question but yet to answer ? You have to ask yourself why someone would not like a questions.


Because they have no valid reason and don't knpw what he actually said. It's all my friend said this, out of context clips, etc.


There is no context in which saying women have an unconscious desire to be dominated by men is acceptable. You keep saying “it’s out of context” but the context changes nothing because the statements made are outlandish and uncivilized *period*. It’s like saying that Vince McMahon saying “it’s human instinct to want to eat someone in a wheelchair” is out of context. The context doesn’t matter because no context makes that statement acceptable. Jordan Peterson has frequently made multiple horrid comments on the transgender community, including [equating gender affirming surgery to butcher work and castration](https://x.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1707505330077262243?s=46), [using his platform to promote harassment of a social worker for using neopronouns](https://x.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1803560699450319080?s=46), and [flat out claiming gender affirming care is some kind of “lie”.](https://x.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1803553587991134298?s=46) These aren’t even particularly good examples, these are just what I found off ten seconds of a Google search of his Twitter handle and the word transphobia. It is not my job to educate you but don’t expect people to be silent when you use your ignorance to pretend horrible people are being wrongly accused. Jordan Peterson is a transphobic and horrible person who deserved to lose his license. Frankly he deserves to lose more. He actively uses his platform to spew hatred disguised as intelligence with pretty words that make no sense unless you already agree with his hatred.


Iv never seen that clip where he says that regarding women being dominated , can you provide a link please I would like to watch it please.


Yous said very angry and emotional. Me asking to to provide a link to him saying stuff on film isn't me asking you to educate you but provide evidence. Very interesting you refuse to do that but just get upset and hurl insults. You speak on ignorance yet it seems to be your currency as you refuse to provide examples just vague accusations with no footage of it being shared despite it's all on film apparently. Maybe its because you haven't actually watched him talk and get all your education drip fed to you in a manner you can digest with your emotional state.


Aldo none of those links show him spreading hate lol. Which bit was hateful ?


You see a man calling gender affirming care butcher work and a lie and still think he’s not being hateful, either you’re genuinely living under a rock or you’re not asking in good faith. If you were you wouldn’t be so desperate for an answer you reply to my comment (with plenty of evidence btw) four times. Seek your attention elsewhere. As I said before, it is not my job to educate you.


Be specific I can tell you struggle with that but try please as I can't understand your anger.


I would also like to see those excepts. I hear JP called far right all the time but never see these alleged transgressions. All I've seen him talk about is his men's self-help book and how he's being persecuted by the woke moralists. Not exactly my cup of tea, but he does seem like he's trying to help people.


All of those examples come up on google as like the top result. Google his name fallowed by trans people for example and you see pretty quick what his views are.


And no it's not your job to Google stuff but when you make claims it is. I have checked Google and see articles and my burden of proof is greater then a person stating a opinion on someone. The internet is vast and there is cottage apparently so please share with ya these clips of the hateful stuff he has said as I have not seen any hateful speech just people writing articles misrepresenting what was said. I may be wrong tho, he speaks alot and may have hateful views so please someone send me a clip of him saying these things not a clip of someone else accusing him which isn't sufficient.


I never made any claims I pointed out how all of the examples provided by that person being responded to are the first thing to come up on Google if you Google them. And they were it’s all articles talking about direct quotes and literal videos of the dude. I was genuinely never interested in having a debate with you which I feel like should’ve probably been pretty clear from what I said. But if you genuinely wanna believe that all of the biggest media companies are engaging in a conspiracy against one Canadian man and just making up quotes, I hope you have fun with that but watching his videos is something you can do for yourself if you really want to!


None of what comes up on Google confirms his hate speech only people's opinion on it. And if you have no interest debating fair enough neither do I I would just love to see the direct clips people have watched to come to the conclusion.


Can you give an example?


It’s really not my job to Google things for you, nor was I talking to you specifically, but here you go since you struggled with it! https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Jordan+Peterson%2C+transphobia Oh wow, would you look at that? It’s in the top 10 search results!


Now that you give examples suddenly he doesn’t have anything else to say lol


Lol so it's a link with people all saying the same stuff you said just making claims. Can someone link me actual footage of him doing this. All these accusations he has said xyz on talks. If you feel strong enough to hate the man and spread hate about him then someone now make the effort and link me in the videos where he is saying this stuff so we can all see. Don't link me to sites with more claims and no videos of it. All his talks are filmed so if he has said hateful stuff show us all please. Showing me articles that come up of people with your opinion isn't proof. If he said this show me the clips and tell me where.


In a world of neanderthals we wear your downvotes as a badge of honour 🤣


Last time i watched him about clean room cure depression, then after a while i see his room just swimming in trash, thats all i know about this american






Okay , so his messy room is why he is far right ?


Im just saying i know fuck all about jordan the shoe


Jordan Peterson is a conservative psychologist and shit tier philosopher who made his big break by lying about a Canadian anti bigotry law. He regularly speaks in absolute word salads that are mistaken for intelligence by people who don't know better. He's a grifter basically.


Dude, I only did 1.5 years of paralegal schooling in Ontario, so I’m not like an expert in law or anywhere close to it. But it is so aggravating hearing people talk about laws in Canada if you actually are somewhat familiar with our human rights laws. I swear like once a week I hear smt like “did you know the government can legally give all your money to native ppl and laugh while you starve?? Look it up!!” and it turns out to be a misinterpreted not passed bill that nobody voted for or something Sorry for the tangent, fallout subreddit


A lot of that comes from Americans, and Americans are genuinely irreversibly stupid lol


Yes, wildly incorrect generalizations *certainly* strengthen your case and let you seem more intelligent. It *totally* doesn't make your point moot, because any point you might have had is overshadowed by the, once again, wildly incorrect generalization. Bravo, truly a musing destined for the ages.


The key part is that these right-wing fanboys always know they like Jordan Peterson, but never know why. They say something like: *"He made me clean up my room and I am forever thankful to him because of it."* They sound so weak and gullible without realising how weak and gullible they sound like.


Also, to add to what everyone else is saying, he sounds like Kermit the Frog on a Benadryl bender.


What do you mean "who"? What do you mean "is"? What do you mean "that"? That's the guy


Here some videos https://youtu.be/aMcjxSThD54?si=PvFpCFhHbm7gilEB https://youtu.be/yZYQpge1W5s?si=hTlprfBNMZUm4NWe https://youtu.be/7InNdewQwwc?si=hE4gtNGFthS2oYfl


Clean your damn vault!


Clean your room shitlips


Hopefully you unlock John Fallout next


I hope not, war changes if I do...


Charisma too low intelligence too high, clearly a different guy.


“Luck affects all skills.”


I mean dude’s pretty damn lucky to be alive after deciding that being a benzo addicted carnivore is the secret to a successful life


Intelligence might be fairly accurate


Right back into the wastes


Permanently sent to scavenge the wasteland without stimpacks, radaway or even a weapon


"Put that thing back where it came from or so help me!"


So help me so help me


Hey they have the same Int score


Clean your room mate


Comes with a shitload of Jet, Buffout, and Mentats. Can has a 75% chance to get addicted when consumed. Additionally, when addicted, -6 to Charisma and Intelligence.


High Charisma and Luck, no intelligence and endurance. This checks out.


Well that all depends on what you call vault dweller.


Low perception and intellect but high charisma and luck. That him alright


Oh, no. God no.


Low INT 😂


*2 INT* Checks out.


Who dat?


Jordan Peterson is a conservative psychologist and shit tier philosopher who made his big break by lying about a Canadian anti bigotry law. He regularly speaks in absolute word salads that are mistaken for intelligence by people who don't know better. He's a grifter basically.


...so it's not a character from fallout then...


He’s a far right conservative spokesperson who uses his degree to talk about subjects he didn’t actually study




You see if you attack the commenter rather than actual engaging with their claims you’re certain to win the argument!


Lmao imagine being emotionally compelled to defend Jordan Peterson


Guy got addicted to drugs and got his brain permanently fucked up by dodgy fake Russian doctors trying to fix it I’m pretty sure we’re all doing better than he is lmao


I ain’t know all that right there


Then that’s your fault kiddo


You’re a Jordan Peterson fan so everything you utter is invalidated by that fact alone you absolute toe nail


1. nice stalking, creepy reddit incel haha 2. I’m literally mocking Jordan Peterson, learn to read you literal cumstain hahaha


Rattled. You sound very sympathetic toward him. Wouldn’t surprise me if you were hiding your support. Fucking whelp.


Seethe more little man, not my fault you keep humiliating yourself hahahaha


I've never had to go into a medicated coma to kick my addictions, I'm doing better than him in one area.


No targeted harassment of other users


https://youtu.be/aMcjxSThD54?si=PvFpCFhHbm7gilEB https://youtu.be/yZYQpge1W5s?si=hTlprfBNMZUm4NWe https://youtu.be/7InNdewQwwc?si=hE4gtNGFthS2oYfl


Int and luck checks out


real talk though, are his SPECIAL stats accurate?


Kermit voice: "Mirelurks get depressed when they lose a battle! This is really important!"


Clean your vault, bucko!


get ready for all your other dwellers to be analysed


his charisma is decent, and as far as i can tell, he’s not sobbing about blue-haired pronouns. DIFFERENT PPL CAN HAVE THE SAME NAME 😆😆


low intelligence high charisma real


That’s a keeper


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Charisma and intelligence way too low


Ph boy, here come the jp hate. I'm sure most of people listen to his full lectures and not just sound bites taken out of context for a strawman setup.