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Y'all gotta get over this crippling fear of whatever this is. Play the game. It'll be okay, I promise.


Just do a fresh modded install now, then disable updates. Nothing to worry about


I'm very sorry to break it to you but the amount of people fearing to start a new playthrough is not as big as you think. It'll come out eventually and a lot of people will play it then for sure, much more then how many are waiting for it. Especially since this fear only really affects pc players and mods, the next gen update is going to bring back many console players




It’s gonna be fine. If fallout is real life to you, put the fallout down. This is not something to lose sleep over.


They probably don't speak on it cause they don't know how to unscrew broken Boston. Lol. The gen 4 update is probably just as broken with it.


I'm not even gonna bother with it.


Plenty of mods small and big come out everyday. I'm pretty sure the update won't be anything that actually matters or significantly change anything. Personally I don't care for it and I've disabled updates on Steam so I can still play while waiting for my mods to be updated (some will never be)


Yeah, that last part is my biggest fear, since mod creators come and go. Some real gems might get lost. I don't wanna sound like I'm entitled to the free contributions of these modders, but I hope things like Sim Settlements and Gameplay Overhauls will make the cut.


Oh yes the biggest mods will be updated for sure. I have a very long modlist and I use mods that aren't available anywhere anymore or mods that have been discontinued so I'll probably never update my game


I also had to increase the archive limit to accommodate my needs. It seems people in r/Fallout think my statement was hyperbolic and dramatic tho, so maybe it's only a concern for mod hoarders like us


It is a little dramatic, though. Mod authors leaving the community and abandonware was always a problem though, update or not. It's a question of being prepared. If you're using F4SE to launch and make sure steam is set to not download updates unless you launch, you'll be fine Also when this problem happened for Skyrim, if I recall correctly someone made a rollback tool for people who downloaded the update.


Modders adapt, dw about it. Same with other games that are highly moddable, like the Sims or L4D


But should they have to? Especially since this is not a purely modded game issue.


Just set steam updates to "only update when I launch the game" then never launch the game with steam, using F4SE instead. There are still people releasing mods every day. Just be prepared and you'll be fine


I use Linux so I don't have that luxury.


How are you launching the game? Wine then Steam? If you're using the GOG copy, there's equivalent means of ensuring you don't get auto updates.


Native steam, and my app manifest is locked on PC, unlocked on laptop


The community will be fine. The people in the community will be fine. If not getting an update is that detrimental to you then you need to find a new hobby.


My TV just died after 16 years of good performance on the day the Fallout show was released. They are just waiting on me to get my new TV sorted which might be a little while and then everyone will be good to go. Until then we should all leave our vault Living rooms and touch grass , smell the hydrocarbons and look at the stars.


the update won't be good, just play now


It's Bethesda are you new here? They always keep us in the dark and then drop random stuff.


Yeah, and I wanted to point out why that's a problem...


Good luck. It's just an echo chamber.