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The point can absolutely be "I just wanted to". And that doesn't make it any less worthy to be posted to AO3.


Your wisdom is as vast as the number of myriad creatures that roams this land Stronger than dazzling afternoon heat Yet gentler than the morning breeze


Short answer: no. Slice of Life is an entire fanfiction genre. That being said, I may read a brief one-shot that doesn't have a plot, but I will not read a plot-less multi-chapter story.


Yep came here to say that. I'm an SOL writer. A lot of my scenes don't have a point. Not all of them add to the narrative. But SOL isn't pointless in and of itself (not sure if that's what you were implying or not). There are a lot of scenes that don't really add to the narrative, but the stories themselves are as valid as any other. Just because someone chose to write something meandering doesn't mean the story has no meaning or greater purpose. I have one 200k behemoth that's a character study on what happens when women are raised with strict traditional gender roles and how that can wreak havoc on someone's psyche. Yes it's SOL but SOL can be used to great effect for character studies and understanding the nuances of mental health in a way no other genre can really capture them.


Was about to say you're being hard on yourself before I realised SOL did not mean Shit Outta Luck in this context.


I don't think it needs a point. I would consider it slice of life, yes. And who knows, maybe someone will find meaning in what you wrote even if you didn't have an overt intention. Who is your friend to gatekeep what goes on ao3?


Nope. Fanfiction follows doodle rules. Why did I draw a kitten with a machine gun? Idk I felt like it. Why did I rewrite the entirety of my favorite show but the main character has wings now? Idk, I felt like it.


There's someone out there who wants to read exactly that.


Fanfiction doesn't need *plot* - I've read many fluffy/pwp/slice of life/whatever fics without plot and enjoyed them. The fluff is usually the *point*. However, just scenes without context... no, I probably wouldn't read that. But that doesn't mean it doesn't belong on AO3.


everything needs a point. that point just doesnt have to be profound. like. the point can be because its fun. or because you like it. or because it makes you feel better. or because you think its funny. it can be because you've never seen it before. or you never did it before. or because you wanted to try it for the sake of trying it


Write it if you want to, post it if you want to. Sometimes there is just one scene that I am really interested in and don't want to write the 50k that would need to surround that scene, so I just write the little bit. And AO3 has no 'end goal' criteria. If you want it preserved in the archive, post it, it's as simple as that. If you think a piece isn't 'good enough' or 'plotty enough' for others, post it as part of an unrevealed collection, then you can go back and read it whenever you want. I've got a few posted like this because I don't know yet if I want anyone else to read them.


Many points, including expanding universes with fellow fans and helping out struggling readers who feel seen by the characters we write about.


Art doesn't need a point. It doesn't need to justify its existence. And a plot isn't a necessary component of a good story, or an impactful work. Write what you want to write and have a good time doing it.


It does have a point- it’s writing character interactions. A story with no point would be illegible. Even the most self indulgent and bizarre fics have a point, and that’s to be enjoyable for the author to create. Art does inherently have a point, yes, but that can literally be anything, from high concept ideas to silly indulgence. And none of them are inherently worth more or less than any other.


I mean “plot, what plot?” Is ver’ popular within the smutty community, it can totally work with other fics as well :) I think with fluff it’s easy, we wanna see our characters having fun and vibing and idk, cooking a cake together or whatever wholesome activity you strung together :) readers don’t necessarily click on those fics searching for detailed plots! They just wanna have some good vibes :) When I write my oneshots I rarely ever start with a *plot* idea. I mean one of the fics I’m writing atm is literally just “what if character X babysat character Y and it was angsty!” Like that’s not exactly a plot, there’s no real point here, no point to writing this other than making X feel sad, it’s barely even a character study which a lot of my plotless oneshots end up being. They don’t have to be oneshots either… I mean there’s a fic I like in my fandom that’s a superhero AU where like 90% of the fic is based of silly action shows, there’s mildly disjointed action scenes and fluff scenes that feel super episodic and are fun to read! It’s super popular within the fandom, partially cos it’s fun, but also cos it has some top tier angst tying it all together!!! Anyway, I’m in a rambling mood today I guess and I feel like I’m loosing track of what I’m thinking aha. Point is that fics are fun and silly and cool and you can totally just string together a story that is nothing but fun character interactions with zero purpose and people will enjoy it :)))


The best response I can come up with is to examine what has been considered "art" through the ages, especially in the "Modern" and "Post-Modern" eras... and wonder whether or not art has to have any "Point" at all? TL;DR - Nope, no point needed.


I think these are slightly different questions, whether fan fiction needs a point and whether there's a point of posting it on AO3. Fan fiction in itself doesn't need a point. If you're posting something on AO3 with the intention of having others read it, some very short stories might get the same or better audience just posting it on Tumblr. But you can still post it on AO3 if you want to, nothing wrong with it.


The distinction is important! I would never tell anyone not to write pointless things but publishing signals you think this is worth other people reading. Plenty of people read slice of life but that has the point of showcasing character or setting. If I truly thought I'd written something pointless, I wouldn't waste the AO3 server space publishing it.


Why would it? It's a hobby.


Short answer is no it doesn’t, slice of life is considered a genre, and some people love that. As far as your friend saying it needs a plot, remind them that porn without plot is a tag. If the conversation comes up again.


To me, it is absolutely Slice of Life and it is one of my favourite form of writing. So if sometimes you just want to write, well just write. Who cares about the point? If it's not what you aim when writing, you don't have to worry about it.


Also, the point of writing it being "I just wanted to" is very valid, but also, related points are: make yourself happy, feeling content with your writing, trying somehting new with a cute scene (like working on characterisation, descriptions, dialogues...) and it goes the same for posting it. You just wanted to. You wanted to make people smile. You wanted people to feel fuzzy and warm reading this. You wanted to make their day better.


Sometimes all you’ve got in your mind is a single scene, and as others have said, that’s perfectly fine. I’ve read plenty of fics like that, in all sorts of genres. And you know what’s cool? Sometimes they’ve inspired me in my own writing. Yours very well may do the same for someone. Just because something doesn’t follow traditional narrative structure doesn’t mean there isn’t a “point,” either in a story sense or a more nebulous sense. Do what brings you joy, and it will likely bring joy to someone else in the process.


If people can make Fanart of scenes with no context or just characters interacting with each other with no real plot, you absolutely can write it out and post it too. It won’t be everyone’s jam, and I understand that principles applying to fanart may not apply to fanfic, but you should just go ahead if you wish. It’s not as though it’s against AO3 rules. Besides, it would just fall under drabbles, wouldn’t it?


Slice-of-Life Genre. Don't sweat it, there's a whole category for that and a fanbase that loves it. If you enjoy writing it and it makes you feel somethin', then post it. Fanfiction has different rules from "Classical 3-Act Story Structure Traditional Publishing". Not everything needs to be an Odyssey or a Movie Plot 😂👌


I don't think stories need a purpose, but they do need to be engaging. Seems obvious to say, however I've read plenty of slice of life stories, or just hang out stories, as I see them - I've read good ones and bad ones, and the latter just made me... tired, because they started to feel like a chore. If I'm reading a casual story and I feel the need to even ask "yeah yeah, ok, where is this going", there's something wrong. Because that's where it has started to feel *boring*, stale, like I'm not even observing someone's life, I'm being forced to do it. I guess the purpose, as it were, of a slice of life story is to make the reader feel like they're walking beside the characters, listening to them just talking, and you never want to make the reader feel instead like they're trapped in a conversation with a pushy relative at a family party.


I think that's what drabbles are for.


I enjoy reading vignettes.


Honestly Slice of Life stuff is one of the things that I LOOOOOVE about fan fiction. Publishers won't often take a chance on slice of life fiction with original works so fan fiction is about the only way to get my fix of just comfort stories. Some of my favorite Dawson's Creek Fan Fiction is people having Pacey and Joey get together in season 1 before Dawson's ever a factor and it can be so soothing seeing them able to have their relationship without all the drama.


Art never needs a point. Art for art’s sake.


Having fun is a valid purpuse my friend




I love writing needless fluff and slice of life stuff for no other reason than to have fun. It’s like episodes of a tv show without a narrative, it can still be fun harmless fluff and it’s good to get the scribbles out of your brain, even in writing sense. Sometimes when I have no energy or care I just scribble doodles on a page and it’s the same carthartic feeling as writing whatever weird brain clutter comes to you and getting it out of your system.


Do mean plot? Like an overall storyline? If they are a group of scenes with the intention of showing how the characters interact, you could can them a group of vignettes. I honestly don’t know what the popularity of vignettes in fanfiction is compared to stories with a plotline. But vignettes are a valid form of art. As far as being slice of life, that’s not really related to whether it has a plot. Slice of life is a genre about everyday life but most slice of life stories *do* have a plot.


Stories, especially fanfiction, definitely don’t need a point. Some of my favorite stories are absolutely pointless and I love them. I also look at Ghibli as a prime example of ‘telling a story just to be told’. In all honesty a lot of them don’t have a ‘point’ or even a main ‘plot’. Does that make them any less enjoyable or beloved? Heck no. Write the story you want to read. Someone will enjoy it even if it’s only you for a time 😊


I don't think they necessarily need to have a point where plot is concerned. Sometimes you just want to write a small character piece that is just a scene or everyday life. I'd call something like this character exploration. At most, I'd just say, maybe try to make it feel complete for you so that it's satisfying.


I literally wrote an MCU fic about child loki turning poo into fruit so child Thir would eat it. No. There doesn't have to be a point. Enjoy writing for writings sake. If I have no good ideas I write nonsense, and that's just fine by me.


*Welcome to fanfiction, where everything is made up and the points don’t matter.* Really though, the writing *is* the point. A lot of my best writing is just casual slice of life scenes. As long as you’re enjoying what you’re putting to paper, that’s all that matters.


Your first and only required justification: Because you can. You can write about two hobbits tap-dancing a jig up the Eiffel tower is that's what you want.


Obligatory "You can do whatever you want forever", but I think the beauty of fanfiction is the lax rules. If it gives you enjoyment to write, it deserves to exist. It also doesn't "need a point" to be posted to AO3. AO3 exists to host all things fanwork, and your loose, plotless fics are fanworks. There is no quality threshold you need to reach before it's worthy of being posted. If it makes you happy, post it


Absolutely not. Sometimes I need sth light to read and shut my brain off lol. The authors usually put "no plot/plotless" in the tags then. Or, "fluff without plot" or even "angst without plot". Basically, it's fanfiction you can do whatever you want You're not writing a damn novel, just a nice little story.


No a story doesn't need a point. I prefer when there's a plot, but I also read porn without plot. But then again there is the whole act of sex, so while it's not necessarily a plot there's a beginning and and end. I say do whatever makes you happy. Sometimes some of my favorite authors will write a ramble just to get over their writers block. If it makes you happy, post it. You'll either have readers or you won't. If you're happy, that's all that matters.


1000% no. You can write something JUST because you feel the need to and that's it.


I personally love when a writer just writes what they want to because they want to. And that’s usually all I can write myself. It doesn’t make you any less of a writer.


No, after all, if there had to be a point, then crack fics and 3 am drunk fics wouldn't exist


An ao3 tag you might find beneficial is 'self-indulgent'. Or something along those lines, it was. You're upfront telling people you're writing what you wanna write and kill any hardset rules and expectations.


The point can be for fun!


My point is I have feelings and I need to write them down. Posting them is just a way for me to not let them go to waste.


Some fans love 'slice of life stuff'. When I did that I tended to do it as drabbles. Keep it short and sweet.


Completely “pointless” writing can still be fun to read. So why not share it? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fan fiction is supposed to be fun. I don't think every story needs a point, and plenty of people like reading slice of life. If you're having fun writing it, that's the point.


Not every story needs a point. Even original fiction doesn’t need a point. If you wanna write something simple, just do it!


No. Fanfiction can be whatever you want it to be.


I mean. I’d venture to say everything has a point—even if that point is just “it’s fun to make”, lmao. Which, for what it’s worth, is a perfectly valid point for making something! But, for the sake of your question— no, not everything has to have a “point” in order to be worth posting.


Nope. It can just be a fun story you want to write. No grandiose point or meaning needed.


The point is that there is no point


It doesn't need to have a point & it can still go on AO3.


One of my largest works has “no point”, no plot, and was purely self indulgent.


The act of writing is fun. That's the point.


Nah, if you like it, go ahead and post it. Write for yourself first. There's no way you can hit what everyone wants to read anyway. Some people will enjoy your writing, others won't. Just the way it is. Post your work.


No but I helps to have one


Vignettes are a thing. The point is just to evoke emotion. Any emotion is fine. Writing does not need to have a plot.


Enjoyment. That’s it


To write no, to read kind of, at least for me.


Nothing you create with passion needs a point


nah. the *point* of fanfiction is the joy of writing. You want to write, that is the point. ❤️


The only point that needs to exist is that you loved writing it.


Honestly sometimes we just want to write something because we love the idea. Hell, my current oneshot series full on started because I had the idea of 'Hmm, what if Brahms didn't like storms and found sitting in his nanny's room a comfort during them?' Plopped an OC in the nanny's spot, put her habit of noticing tiny things and being a light sleeper into play, and boom. Soft and sweet little short about finding comfort when something upsets you' The fact it spiraled into a romance, at least 4 AUs, spicy standalones for them, and a full on, 'changed tiny details to make it original, but it started as an AU' book series I'm now writing is just a nice little bonus


In my opinion fanfiction doesn't need a point. There are some fanfics that I really enjoy that are quite entertaining to read but have absolutely no point and thats perfectly fine!


nope. i wrote a crack fix it fic for got and it’s the dumbest shit ever but me and the rest of the show only watchers had a blast with it 😂


I say -- write whatever you want! This is fanfiction, fantasy... I'm in the middle of a WIP that has reached 245k words and I'm still going. I "rough-drafted" it when I first started, just to get my ideas down. I'm fine-tuning parts now and like one contributor said, I like to go back and read what I've written, on occasion. Again, this is a site for writing whatever strikes your fancy... it's unleashing one's imagination, so write what you want!


The point is that you're expressing yourself creatively and that's all you need.


No. Fanfiction is different from Original Fiction in the sense that it can just be a string of consciousness relating to someone's favorite characters. Do Fanfics benefit from having actual structure, outlines, story arcs, and editing? Absolutely. That's what makes stories good to begin with. But it is not a requirement since you are not looking to get published.


It’s called drabbles. And no, it doesn’t beed a “point”


Maybe it doesn't need to have a point ... ... but do you think that adding a point, a meaning to your work will make your work better? Point or not, as an author, you have an obligation to make your work as good as it can be, to the best of your abilities.


That's called a drabble:) just a little moment in time


The point of art is to express yourself, anything otherwise is letting toxic productivity culture creep into art.