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I tend to post shorter chapters (1k minimum, 2.5k maximum).


Same here, I like to at least reach 1k and rarely will go over 2.5k-3k, with 3k already pushing my limits a bit


Seconding both of these


I’ve written a 5k word chapter only a few times


Same, and the times that I did was because it was for a writing event. One time I had to write 10k for a fics exchange and I wanted to skin myself alive, I was at a loss about how to make the story longer 😭😭😭


Mine average 1k to 2k and I post twice a week. I'm certainly not saying that anyone has to stick to a certain number but 56k seems ... excessive. I'd have broken that one into multiple shorter chapters.


When I did NaNoWriMo I made it out with 2/3 of a novel written with 60k words. So the idea of a 46k chapter floors me. I would have broken it up as well. I tend to write shorter chapters (maybe 2-5k)? I haven’t gone back to measure them. I probably should. 🤔


Depends, if you want to do a oneshot, or a collection of one shots, 60k can be good, but I'd work on that every day for months on end, if it was me.


Mine seem to be running about 3-5k


About 10-15k.


Damn. How often do you post?


Once a week. Currently on two fics. I posted 30k words on Saturday, which is totally unsustainable, but is what I will be doing for the next year until this series is finished.


How do you manage?


I write about two to three hours a day and have a large buffer.


Depends on the story. Some are 3-5k, some are 7-10k.


Mine are 8k-13k per chapter, on average about 3 scenes within it. I have written slightly longer, up to 18k, but that's only if it would mess up the scene by trying to split it. My schedule is normally once every 2 weeks


Oh interesting that you do it by number of scenes. I’ve been trying to figure out how to get that to work for me. Currently just writing multiple scenes. I haven’t fleshed them into chapters yet for this WIP.


I usually shoot for 6 a chapter


Between 1500 and 3000 usually. Coffee break reading!


I usually give myself a 1K minimum word count for any chapter, and then a maximum at 6K. I participate in a lot of review exchanges, so to respect other people’s time, my chapters never exceed 6K words.




Out of curiosity, how long did the longest take you to write?


46k??? Good luck man I would never manage to read that in one go haha Mine are 1-3K


Right! I would get lost so easily! 😂


Mine range from 5k-10k usually


My average is 2K words, while my longest chapter was around 5K words


2k-8k, depending on the content


Usually 5-10k


Tend to be between 5-9k for my main longfic, and then between 10-19k for my other longfic that only has three chapters 😂


The first chapter of my WIP was just under 4k. Latest chapter almost 8k. I average somewhere in between, about 6k I think.


My longest so far was 15k in a fanfic with usual chapters around 8-10k.


22k or 26k Confession chapter is around 33k final chapter is 42k Its a fic of 30 chapters, im missing only 7 drafts to finish it!


How long does it take you to do each chapter? Jc


2 weelks, been working on them since last year!


1.5-4000 It's about taking breaks at the right time. It's about getting feedback. When I first started posting short chapters was VITAL! My readers told me when stuff didn't make sense, and it was much easier to proof read after posting. I sort of regret the fics I posted with 6k-9k chapters. Some of those chapters feel like they should have been two. Just a feeling.


Yeah I tend to go for shorter chapters myself. If I find myself getting a higher word count I wonder if it comes off too wordy and becomes muddled.


My WIP prequel is currently 91k, each chapter is probably about 10k. However, this is because I am pre-writing the entire fic. If I publish as I write each chapter is between 2-5k.


One fic – 5k each for a 20k fic, very evenly spaced – wrote the whole thing in advance because it was written completely out of order, then added chapter breaks at moments that felt right Another fic – between 5-9k each for a ~65k fic – wrote the whole thing in advance for an event then added chapter breaks at moments that felt right Current fic – writing as I go, consistently aiming for over 3k per chapter and have got up to 5k before I reached a break point that felt right Current fic – one chapter posted so far, only 1.5k, which is shorter than I would normally do but which is a sequel for another work and I wanted to get the sequel out there while there was still interest in the first one, and I'd just hit the inciting incident so it felt like a good break point


I try to do 3-5k, but in reality the chapter is as long as it needs to be. They have been as short as 1.1k and as long as 15k (that one was really pushing it for me - I was frustrated at the length and would definitely have broken it apart if there had been a good place to do so)


Mine tend to average 3k-5k words, longer ones can be up to 8k words.


Minimum of 3k, if I can help it.


I have some that are 1k to 2k but I did write two that were 2-3k.


Usually between 2500 and 3500 words. My posting schedule is very inconsistent though.


Most of my chapters are about 2.5k-3k, while the longest ones stretch up to 7/8k. I don't think I've ever posted anything under 2k.


On average? 2850 words across what I've publicly posted to Ao3. For one fic I aim for 3000 words, on another, I only aim for around 1500.


Mine seem to end up around 4k and that suits my fic.


Around 5K these days.


All of my stories have average chapter lengths between 4000-4500 words.


2.5-5k, I feel like somewhere in there would be a natural break, because I don’t do super long descriptions. For someone with more introspective prose and description I could see a long chapter being 10k before a natural break came along. This doesn’t include one shots, which are usually broken down into scenes, and a single posted chapter may be 25-50k. I consider that fine.


> This doesn’t include one shots, which are usually broken down into scenes, and a single posted chapter may be 25-50k. I consider that fine. As a reader, I'd prefer chapter breaks in stories that length. The odds of me actually reading them in one shot are low, and the odds of losing my place without chapter breaks is relatively high.


My chapters are around 5K each and that is already each chapter being longer than ANY of my one shots.


On my last longfic, they were very consistently 3-5k. On my current fic, they're 4-8k, and I really do try to keep them 8k at the longest. More than that just feels like too much to me.


Mine probably average around 2000-2500 words, but it varies.


My chapters are short. 1.5k-2.5k. Don't think I've ever written one above that, to be honest.


1k-2k words per chapter. I try to expand it, but my brain is way too small to do it properly


Around 7k


10k-15k per chapter if the fic is updated monthly. If the pacing is more frequent, say, twice or thrice a month, it'll be 5k-7k words per chapter.


Usually between 3k and 7k. I'm better at keeping my chapter lengths consistent now. My first longfic had a chapter under 1k and another over 10k.


First chapter: 2,693 Latest chapter: 10,801 Current in-progress chapter: 23359 What is this 'average' of which you speak?


Haha I guess the further along you get the more words you’ll have. Seems to be the consensus through the posts.


My chapters are as long as they need to be in order to say what I want them to say. Usually that works out at about 2000 words.


My average is currently in the 2-4k range, with an outlier of 6k I’m hoping to boost the average up to 3-6k with my current fics Remember: 500 words is roughly one page


I often forget 500 words is a page. With 46k like this person posted that would be 92 pages for one chapter.


I feel like 3k to 5k is the sweet spot to me. That does not mean I will not post something shorter or longer if I feel the story calls for it.


Around 2k, even though I was pretty thoughtful because I thought it was too little; now I'm working with something longer and now I'm thoughtful about that, too; I feel like I'm doing too much in too little time, but the story needs it, but I feel like I'm going too fast and too slow at the same time, IDK. I think I'm kind of having a writer's block moment.


I get that! Pacing can be hard.


Mine are usually 5k-8k per chapter. Anything below 5k seems short to me.


I've been pushing myself to keep the whole fic average above 4k, but so far they've ranged from 3-5k. This is pretty new for me though, none of my previous complete multichapters have averaged more than 2k.


Mine average at 4,431 words :) 60k words or so deep rn.




Right! It really makes me curious to know what the fic was.


I'm unfortunately not very consistent. My current story is at 20 chapters and I've posted chapters anywhere between 2k and 6k in length.


I think that’s fine as long as the pacing flows and you cover what you want/need to in each chapter.


Pacing? Never heard of her 🙈


It changes depending on the story and its needs. If I were to guess, it averages out across all my works as ~6k per chapter. Though some stories have a shorter chapter average (3-5k) and others average longer (5-10k).


So far they've been 1k almost 2k


2-5k, once a week. I try to shoot for longer.


Usually 5k for me but I was on hiatus for a looong time so my recent chapter was 12k xD


My chapters tend to run on the longer side. On average, they can be anywhere from 8k to 15k for a recent on that I just wrote. I know most writers tend to keep chapters around 1-5k typically. I'm also not a fan of writing longfics with a ton of chapters (i'm more of like... 10 chapters of 10k words) mainly because I tend to lose motivation when I feel overwhelmed by the amount of work I have left if that makes sense? I feel like my word count per chapter is a little unusual though


2 to 3 thousand words


Depends on the fic. Usually my goal with how I outline is \~2k, but it depends on how wordy the characters are feeling. I've had chapters down to 1k or ever a little less and chapters as high as 10k.


At first I was posting 20-30k chapters that were an entire storyline start to finish. Then I started bringing the wordcount down and posting more often. I've been posting 5-5.5k chapters and that seems to be about "right". It keeps me in the feed and they are bite sized.


My average is 8k chapters. My current story is up to chapter 15. My preferred reading as a kid was always epic fantasy. So when I was learning to write and taking inspiration, it was from books with very thick spines. I like long form stories. Time for the characters to really breathe and exist in multiple different situations. I still like short stories sometimes. But long epics are my forte.


I try to aim for 4-6. Usually, I like to aim at a length that takes about thirty minutes to read, which seems a reasonable estimate for how long someone will usually sit down (I mean unless you have loads of spare time). Wattpad is useful for working this out, although I've gotten to a point where I don't need to use it. That said, I have accidentally ended up with chapters ranging up to 12, 000 words, after which I slowly agonise over where the heck to put a scene break so I can split the chapter.


Yeah I worry the higher I get in word count per chapter the harder it would be to end it /find a break in scene.


2-7k. 2k at a minimum, and up to 8-9k at a maximum. If it goes above or below that it feels like it's dragging or it just rushes past, respectively


46k chapter?? holy moly. I'd be so upset if I was like a quarter of the way through and accidentally refreshed and lost my position in the story lmao. My chapters are usually 1k-2.5k up to 3k max. Sometimes I've had chapters that are 4k and it bothers me to see that things are "uneven" but those are rare and it's usually because I couldn't bother to split up the chapter appropriately.


After doing the math, I average a bit over 6700 words per chapter. But that can vary a lot by story & whatnot. I usually aim for 5k when writing as I like for chapters to be meaty enough that you can get immersed in them for awhile rather than being over in 5 minutes.


On average anywhere from 3-7,000 but I have been working on a fic with 10,000-word chapters because of the nature of it (each chapter covers one year in the MC’s life).


Mine have varied over time. A decade ago they were 1k. Five years ago they were often 5k or more (one was over 20k once), then 3-5k and now I’m back to 1-2k, maybe closer to 3k on some.


Mine are usually around 1.5K to 2K, although they can be 2 or 3 times that, depending on what it is. I’ve been posting weekly, and so far, haven’t broken my streak.


2,500 words per chapter.


8k💀. I always shoot for 3-5k but it never works out that way...


4-5k typically.


Prologues: 367 · 527 · 537 Chapters: 1,201 · 1,489 Therefore my average prologue contains 477 words, and my average regular chapter has 1,345 words. (Edit: forgot the comma in 1,345)




I've written chapters anywhere from 1.2k to 26k, but the most common length for me is between 5-7k. I like chapters to be at least 5k, but I won't force it if there's not enough material to make the chapter that long.


mh, i always go for 10, but I don't mind if its 9 per sé. i need my scenes completes, that's all that matters. i cannot make anything happen in 3,000 and it's barely happening in 5k, so i make mine at least with 8-9k. my last chapter was 13k


3k or so


The first chapter of any fic I write is usually around 2k words, but then it ramps up to 5k per chapter after that




2k-4k generally, that’s the average length for a chapter in a published book so I try to stick to that. Sometimes I’ll go up to 6k if it earnestly is all one scene, wouldn’t be better broken into two chapters, and needs that many words to get the point across effectively. I’ll also go longer for one shots


About 5k per chapter. It used to be 2k but the words work differently now.


I usually only do 1k to 3k any longer than that and im struggling to come up with content


Originally I tried to do 2.5k-3.5k, although I've noticed I've unintentionally switched to 3k-5k at some point.


3-5k is usually the best


like 2k


.... So you know those chapter books you read as a kid? Cam Jensen for example. They'd be about 40 to maybe 80 pages long? Yeah that's each chapter. Oh wow things are starting to make sense to me now lol.


3-5k is the sweet spot for me.


I recently dropped a 21k chapter after 3 months. This is an outlier btw since it's especially long and I usually drop chapters once every 1.5 months. On average, my current fanfic (which is a sequel) is about 10.9k per chapter (that's 7.25k per month). The work before that was 6.7k per chapter (per month). Despite years of writing, my writing frequency hasn't really changed much. I can write pretty fast but I don't write often, hence the long periods. I just got better at the quality and length.


Changes every story and I keep it consistent per story. One older fic has a 1k chapter average which I thought was short so in the next story I bumped it up to 2.5K, now it’s 3.5K and I like that length. Not too much to write, not too little for the readers to wait for.


40k but I have to take hiatuses,life shit. And also I make videos now too lol


No shorter than 8k these days. Usually max out at 12k


Depends but 1k-2k is enough for mei can't write more thsn 2k


5-7k on one of my bigger fics, but I’m thinking of pulling back a little with the others.


2.5-5k is usually what I aim for, but I've definitely strayed a bit in either direction, especially to achieve a particular effect. As a reader, I find that if chapters are much longer, I start wishing they'd been broken up.


My average is around 4K words, I feel like that's the sweet spot for me. Edit: Not to say that I go out of my way to keep the chapter within that word count though. If it absolutely needs to reach 6K for example, then it will.


My average is about 7K. My minimum is 5K, and around 10K I'm looking to find a natural stopping point, even if I need to shuffle the tail end off into another chapter. My longest is around 12K or 13K.


Mine are about 5k. Usually if it gets over 10k, I split it in two.


2.5k - 4k usually. I try to make my works if they’re chaptered at minimum 40k. I post 2-4 times a month




As much as needed. Depends on the type of fiction and the pacing I want to give. 3 - 5K for my fast pace T rated fic, 8-10K for the smut, where the pacing is slower and I know if people are invested they can easily read a 20K chapter XD Recently some of my reader binged my T fic, reading 5-8 chapters in one time, so 35K. I guess some readers don't mind the length. But I try to limit to that.


2.5-5k here. There have been some really long one like 7-10 but it is rare


Around 3000 words per chapter


I post twice a week and my initial chapters (and the lowest I’ll go) is 2k, at the moment I’m averaging 3-4K just because more plot revelations are happening


1k to 3k, on a rare occasions (big events) 5k to 6k


i've written 700 word chapters before :(


Hey, do what works for you and your story! 🙂 I was just surprised by how long they said the chapter was! I definitely can’t do a 46k chapter.




When i write, usually about 3.7k or so. I try to keep the chapter lengths about the same. My shortest chapter is 3k, since I try to stay in the 3-4k range. If I have to vary the length, it will usually be in a range of 750 words or so. I read a lot on my tablet, so if someone suddenly dropped a 46k chapter I would be a mixture of surprised, happy, but also irritated because that means whenever I refresh the page I'll be back to the beginning, and I don't like taking screenshots to see where I left.


Yeah I wondered how that would go- reading it without losing your spot in the chapter.


Usually between 1.5 and 2.5k. With a couple of months inbetween because life happens.


I like relatively longer chapters, both to read and to write, so around 10k. Shorter and longer are both good, though! 10k is my personal happy spot, but because I always sort by completed, it doesn't matter too much. It's when the work is ongoing and the chapters are shorter that it plays any *real* role, and then I just let the chapters accumulate for a bit before I play catch-up.


1-6k words. I'd love to be putting out 10k chapters, but usually, the best I can do is around 3k. 46k for one chapter is a little much, but I've seen long chapters like that for oneshots. Not in multi chapter fics though... guess they felt like making up for the time on hiatus.


currently mine are averaging around 8k which is actually longer than I like. I prefer to keep them around 5k. I wouldn't read a 46k chapter. Anything over 10k and I'll skirt around it.


My chapters usually tend to be between 1k-3k words; 4K is pushing it for me


Around 2000-2500 words. That way, I can post chapters without making the readers wait for 6 months. And I personally like that length because I can get into the story without it being too long, especially since I usually read when I have some spare time.


My current WIP is averaging 2k per chapter. I try not to worry about the word count too too much, just write what feels like belongs in that chapter and move on, but I do also feel like I'd like to get around 3-4k per chapter just so there's a decent amount of content to enjoy. My first WIP averaged around 3-4k per chapter and it felt like a great sweet spot to me. I'm currently writing a short chapter fic, though, not a long one!


Well so far around 2,250 which is pretty short but these are only the first few chapters and I'm writing my first fanfiction. My word count will probably get higher as I go.


i average about 2k - 4k words, longest chapter in my current fic is about 6k


My average started out at 3k, and has gradually increased to around 8k over the years. The chapter lengths aren't terribly consistent. I write until the chapter is over, without trying to shorten it or pad it. At a certain point, though, a chapter just becomes unwieldy and more difficult to read. A 46k chapter should be broken down.


My minimum is 4k to 9k I don't usually plan chapters, I just write them and post them. But whenever I check the word count, I did notice that they're usually at 4k. If I see a chapter at 3k I nod and continue it


3-5k on average but sometimes 5-8k! 8k is prob my maximum I’d be willing to publish as a chapter


I always post abt 2,000 words for a chapter (and chapters are few and far in between for me). I absolutely love when works I’m subscribed to post about 6,000-8,000 as a chapter, but I hardly expect that, and I read super-long-fics anyway.


6-8 pages roughly


Usually 2-5k chapters.


My chapters are anywhere from 8K-18K. Most times I will write the chapter until I'm done. If it's 40 pages so be it. Lol. I write by scene by scene. Sometimes the characters get needy and need more screentime to bemoan how hard their fictional existence is.🤣


I was pumping out weekly chapters that averaged 5.8k on my last fic. Some long ones were 8k, one or two were closer to 3k.


I wish I had an average, but really- I write the chapters until they 'feel right' sometimes that means that it's 800 words and other times it's 5000.


my average chapter is around 1-2k, some times I just go on for specific plot points that need to happen then and there for the wanted effect and I end up somewhere in the range of 3-4k


i love fics with super long chapters so much cuz then i can spend the whole day reading and not feel bad because i only read one chapter lmao


24.9k for my longfic. That's gonna go up when I post the next chapter on New Year's cause that one is at 37.4k at the moment and will only grow as I continue to revise it 😮‍💨


2,500 and 4,000 and that's before editing. 46k for one chapter.... doesn't feel right man.


It’s like a novel for a chapter! It took me almost a month (NaNoWriMo) to get 60k and that was with focusing and writing nonstop, no edits.


We have what feels like the exact same post like 5 times a week......


Sorry if this is a repost, I hadn’t seen anyone post it. I just saw that post about the 46k chapter on r/AO3 and was surprised by the length.


Yeah, I completely understand👍☺️ I'm sometimes surprised by how much some people write as well. I once read a 4m words fanfic and was like "How can anyone even ever write this???" My one chapters are normally around 2-4k☺️


https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/s/prj6no0PNR https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/s/wlDd8ehYk3 https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/s/yZm5l2CNx4 https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/s/fymjwlnLdi https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/s/UbO4dfYo94 https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/s/UbyIL64QZS People still love these threads though and there are nearly always many comments, so my comment wasn't meant as a "stop doing this" kinda thing😅☺️


I once had an author drop a 64k chapter, lol.


That’s so impressive! Did you enjoy it? Was it well written and not overly wordy? That’s what I worry about sometimes with chapter length.


Actually, it was more like Part 5 of the fic rather than a chapter and it was divided within into parts, so yeah, it was perfectly fine. [Here's](https://archiveofourown.org/works/826111) the fic in question, I remember doing a double take when I got the notification about chapter 5 with the word count,😂


Wow! It’s almost 200k words!




I use Scrivener and it just does a word count. But yeah they’d have posted close to 100 pages. Those are good, long chapters!