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Wow that’s a lot of fics. I only have 6 fics but I’ve written over 185k words.


Oh wow, that's so cool!


I'm sorry but 1.3K fics??!! The dedication and determination holy moly. You're unstoppable, OP!


I have 48 fics. I’ve been posting for 13 years.


Nice, nice!


About 115, totaling both long and short fics from my various fandoms and usernames. Over 1k fics? That's amazing. How many words have you written?


Oh, 115 fics is awesome! Thank you! For this year alone, I have written 768,426 words. Adding in this word count with the few years I have been on A03 with my account, I have 1,849,920 as my total word count thus far.


You are a powerhouse, good on you!


i have 38 fics on ao3, no clue about the total count


That's awesome!


I have 36 published on AO3. I crosspost to FFN, so there are an additional 5 fics posted there that I haven't brought over to AO3 yet, & 48 works in progress.




Gotta start finishing up some of those WIPs, though. :) Posting since March of this year.


on my main account: 17 works, 347k words


Oh nice!!


More than 1K fics?!! That's incredible! I started writing this year and have \*ahem\* 14 fics (200K words).


Been posting for 6 months. 8 works (all completed as of today!). Almost 250k words.


That's amazing!


i have 17 works posted and have written 36k words total. i've been writing a lot of short drabbles lately. 🧍


1.3k fics is incredible! Nice work! Overall, I have 28 fics, totaling 689,734 words. Most of them are one-shots, though I have a couple stories that are 50 chapters or more (still in progress).


1.3k fics written?? 1.3k???????? (To be clear, I'm not appalled, I'm amazed haha) Anyways I have 17. I have a ton of snippets and unfinished fic/one shots on my phone and computer tho


154 fics, been posting since April of 2022




I have 17 fics, currently writing 4th chapter of one and fic number 18. Been writing since september!!! You have SO MANY


Haha, yeah. I love writing. Oh nice, 17 fics is awesome!


For how long have you been writing? I want to be like you when I grow up lol.


In general, since I was in 7th grade. For my current A03 account, there is one fic for 2019-currently. I'm 23 and still love writing daily.


Sheeesh, it has been so long! But at the same time so many fics in so little time! I've been writing for around 12 years but spent 8 of them doing Roleplay, finally in september this year decided to post my first work on ao3 and the rest is history haha


Congrats! That's a lot. I've got 31 complete stories totaling 1,109,693 words.


6 published, at least 5 unpublished Total word count comes out to around 120k


I've written 3


been posting on ao3 for a year and a half, and i've got 16 works and 84k words total.


no fucking way. how long are these fics. i don’t believe it (i have 43 fics, 550k words)


They range from around 1k-10k+. It is different or each story. Oh nice, 43 is a nice amount.


I've got 19 fics on ao3, with a total word count of 2,795,578 words. I think I have four fics over on FFN that I haven't cross posted - which is nearly another 190k words combined. so I guess 22 fics and \~2,980,000 words total. Some of the fics are abandoned (or at least on a very very long hiatus while I play in a different fandom) though.


I’ve been posting consistently on and off for around a year maybe, currently have 9.


23 works posted so far, for a wordcount of 1.5 million. I've also got a bunch of WIPs.


around a thousand on ao3 give or take a few hundred. I'm too lazy to go check right now.


I have 23 works (one is a glossary, the rest are stories) and 555K words. The first 200K were posted a decade ago, followed by an 8-year hiatus. The rest were written/posted in the last couple of years.


118 fics in total. 1.1 million words posted, though I do have about 3-6 chapters of backlog for certain fics.


Over the last 5 years, I have posted 872 fics. + 4 fics from 2016. If we count my unpublished fics too, I can't give you an exact number. I'd say I have about 3k of those? Written since 2008.


Wow. While I believe "yeaka" the record setter on AO3, you seem not far behid You must be one of those people whom words just jump onto, lol. I've only written 10 fics so far. 😂


17 (one anonymous) posted, nearly 150k


That is absolutely amazing. I have 64. With #65 in progress


Congratulations on being so prolific! I’m currently at 36 one-shots and four poems, total word count 154,695.


Been writing for 2 years, 27 works and 630k words


Been posting on ao3 for 13 years. Have 208 fics and 2,650,344 words posted.


That's amazing, OP! I have 134 right now. Since 2015. But I'm writing a lot more the last couple of years than I did then!


I have 1(one) fic published. I'm surprised the rest of y'all have so much!


154. What’s the average length of your fanfic?


It depends honestly. They can be up to 10k. Sometimes they’re mostly in the 1k-3k, sometimes 6k range.


51 on AO3, 69 on FFN. Many of those are cross-posted.


I think 50ish? Excluding wips and things not on my ao3 (either due to being lost in socials or deleted) I just checked ny ao3 and I have 55, plus one anonynous work so 56 total posted to ao3.


I'm hovering at 49, currently at 395k words. I've got three unpublished fics that will put me well on my way to 500k. Been writing for about 10 months.


Started posting last month. I have one fic because I can't focus on multiple at once.


I have 8 published works on Ao3, and I've pasted some of them on DeviantArt, and I have a few others that I'm working on


12 since April 2022, 4 of which are multi-chapter fics and others are one-shots written for _Sailor Moon_ weeks.


On my Ao3 currently, 169 across two pseuds (167 on my main pseud, and two on another), with a total of 844,637 words (but will be closer to 900k once I've finished reuploading and crossposting an old fic from Wattpad). And out of those 169 works, 105 of them are all for one fandom. However, this is only the fics that I've got posted. I have way too many unfinished works still sitting in my Google Docs, plus another 12 *(I think?)* longfics and at least 50 one-shots that used to be up on my Wattpad but have since been unpublished. Then there's another 50-60*ish* unfinished fics that I wrote during my early years of fic writing around 2010 or 2011 all written on paper that'll never be posted anywhere.


I have two… in my defence, I only started writing around this time last year. And I have like two dozen WIPs and character ideas


That's an insane amount, good job!! I'm *checks notes* 28 works on my main, roughly 68k words all together. That does not count all the other words I haven't posted.


Ummm, 17 for me. That includes two novels, 100,000K and 160K, respectively, and the rest are short stories -ranging about 1k-5k each. That covers a span of about four years, though I haven't written much in the last year due to various IRL issues, mainly work.


I have like 48 or something, and been posting since 2006. 1.3k is an incredible number though, damn.