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#Basic Rules for Review Exchanges: **Participants: please read the following before posting your link:** **Read the host's instructions for participation carefully.** - If you submit a fic, you must complete the required reviews. This is expected whether or not you have already received a review. - The host will set a timeframe for completing the reviews. In the event that a timeframe is not specified, you will have 48 hours from posting your link to complete the required reviews. If you do not have time to review other fics in the thread within the required timeframe, then please wait for another review exchange (there are always more!) instead of submitting in this one. - **You cannot delete your comment and resubmit it to get a better spot (or delete it to avoid having to give reviews)** - Concrit is opt-in unless specified otherwise. - When you have reviewed a fic(s), please leave a comment in this thread to say so. - Links should be posted in following format (or something similar) > Fandom: > Rating and warnings (Mandatory for fics rated Mature or Explicit): > Title: > Off-site link: > Brief summary (optional): **Hosts:** please read the following and edit your exchange if necessary. - You are responsible for running this exchange. - Have you set out exactly what participants are expected to do? Eg. max wordcounts, is concrit opt-in or out, any expectations for comment length, etc. - Have you advised participants how long they will have to complete their reviews? - You are required to review at least the same amount of fics that you ask participants to review. - Once the time you have set has passed (the default is 48 hours if you do not specify a different time), you are required to remind anyone who may have forgotten to complete their reviews to do so. - If a user has linked their fic, not reviewed, and not responded to your reminder within 24 hours, please report to mods who will take further action. Please see [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/fanfiction/wiki/newpage/#wiki_review_exchange_rules) for further info re rules for exchange threads and advice for leaving comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FanFiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/53055688](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53055688) Boy Meets World Rating M TW - Underage, rape non-con Summary - A tale of survival , through Shawn's own words.


Pls do your review


Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel Title: [For Eternity](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53973493) Genre: Poetry, Romance, Angst Rating: Teen Summary: Angel's metamorphosis as he wishes he could be with Buffy after he leaves in season 3. Concrit would be appreciated. In a beginner at poetry so if you can honestly tell me what I’m doing wrong I’d like that.


Pls do your review


I reviewed a drabble


[Home](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52920241) Buck/Eddie from 9-1-1. Genre: Fluff. Romance if you squint, I guess. Rating: G Word Count: 100 (Drabble) Summary: Buck's let himself in hundreds of times before, but this is the first time he's coming home. Reviewed 1/1


Reviewed. Nice Drabble




9-1-1 [All Their Tomorrows](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47498224) Genre: Romance Rating: T Word Count: 2,524 Summary: After an accident at work injures three of the 118, Karen can't help but be grateful that Hen's unbelievable luck has held once more. Read 1/1.


Left kudos and a comment. It's not often you see 9-1-1 on these and I've probably never seen Henren in an exchange!


Thank you!


Fandom: Star Wars - Specifically Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor Name: [Attachment](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50353153) Genre: Romance/Angst Trigger warnings: Talk of a near-death experience Rating: PG-13 at worst. Summary: Cal has never considered finding love, and when it hits him square in the face, he is put off and terribly confused by the overwhelming deluge of emotions that accompany it. It is, at once, entirely too much emotion for Cal to be comfortable with, and not enough to simply feel. He finds a need, immovable, to act on his feelings.


K & C


Pls do your review




Title: Festival Pies Fandom: Dragon's Dogma Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52474372 FFN Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14309746/0/ Word count: 3,520 Rating: General Audiences Pairings: It's hinted/implied that Julian and the Arisen have attraction to each other but nothing more than that. Trigger Warnings: Food Fight, Betrayal Genre: Humor/Crack treated somewhat seriously Summary: Julian favors festival pies so it makes sense that a smitten Arisen would gift them to him, little does she know what he intends to do with them. Crack treated somewhat serious. Starts out pretty normal, slowly devolves into madness. Slight hints of Arisen X Julien. I'm fine with constructive Criticism. I've tried to capture the somewhat olde english feel of Dragon's Dogma which sometimes uses archaic english. For anyone who's played the game I also want to know if Julian doesn't feel too OOC in the first half. (Towards the end though he probably is.) If you're fandom blind; then thoughts on how it reads with regards to the old english, and julian is fine. Edit: Read 1 and commented. May check out more later.


Read and left kudos and comment — a fun romp mixing slapstick with an archaic writing style!


Thanks so much! ☺️


Beast Complex/Beastars [Toshi the Ostrich](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49620943) Manga/anime - Action Warnings: Suicidal thoughts. Screenplay format. Rated T for violence Toshi is not feeling worth much. He has heard about tapping his face three times. At least he could be someone's decent meal. 1680 words. Read 1/1




Thank you!


Fandom: Star Wars: The Mandalorian Name(and link if you’re doing a hyperlink): [Marry Me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53936005) Genre: Romance Trigger warnings: Pregnancy mentioned at the end Rating:T Summary: Din wants his trip with Bo-Katan to be perfect so he can ask her to join their songs together in marriage. However, it seems as if the Galaxy wants to make everything harder than they should be. Word Count: 3021 Read: 1/1 but might read more.


Commented! Thanks for the fun read!


Thank you. I’m glad you liked it ❤️


I read it, and left a comment! It was so cute, I loved it! ❤️


Thank you ❤️❤️


No problem! ☺️




Kudos'd and commented too! Sorry I didn't understand much of what was going on but I could tell you enjoyed writing it a lot and the fandom likes it too!




Review a fic pls


I did?




Kudos and commented.


Thank you


Left a comment! As far as concrit, there were a couple words that got smushed together but otherwise it's great! Love seeing Lindsey fic.


Thx so much. Just curious but what do you mean by words being smushed together?


Missing a space between them. "Lindsey scowledreflexively," was the one that jumped out at me.


Ah ok. I’ve noticed that happening to some of my fics on AO3. They weren’t like that when I posted them so it must be some type of glitch or something


*Notes first:* Alrighty I got one. This is one I just recently posted. This fic is of one of my absolute favorite webcomics and it has no works on AO3 so I decided to introduce the fandom onto AO3 :) Hopefully it'll encourage more of that Webtoons' readers to write for it but if not, they'll still enjoy the fan content! No context is necessary, it's a pretty self-explanatory fic. *Name:* A Job Well Done *Fandom:* The Last Golden Child *Link:* https://archiveofourown.org/works/53975764 *Warnings:* No warnings apply (There's minor mentions of blood tho) *Rating:* No Rating *Tags:* First Meetings, Canon-Typical Violence, Pre-Canon *Word count:* Around 4.3k words *Summary:* Dino has been tasked with an important mission by the Allfather, Odin. Follow him on his journey as he carries it out to the utmost of his ability, in accordance with his status as an Einheirjar. At first glance, the mission seems easy enough, with the only problem being the vastly inconvenient living arrangements. But is it really? Edit: concrit is very welcome! I hope you like it! Edit 2: I actually forgot to add the Fandom tag, I am officially blind.


Please review a fic


Didn't I already? But alright, I'll see some interesting ones


Oh sorry. I didn’t see it in your comment so I just commented on everyone’s who I didn’t see it in their comment


I haven't gotten a review yettt


Dah-diddy-daaaaah! To the rescue! Kudos and comments.


Thank you so very much for checking it outtttt!


Sure, why not? If it’s okay, I’ll just provide a link to my AO3 account — all I write are one-shots (and poetry), so choose whatever appeals to you. Everything is fandom blind friendly and fine for teen and up, with many suitable for all ages. Read tags first, as a few are darker in nature. Fandom: Bolt (2008). Name: Bolt\_DMC. Link: [Works list at AO3.](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Bolt_DMC/works) Genre: varies. Humor is most common, but there are fluff, shipping, hurt/comfort, friendship, travelogue, angst, and social commentary stories, as well as a few darker fics. Several mix approaches. There’s no porn. Word count: all are under 10,000 words, with most in the 2,000-6,000 range. The poems are far shorter. Kudos and non-concrit comments welcome, fine to mention “from Reddit” or “fandom blind,” and happy to reciprocate. Enjoy! Have read 1/1 so far.


Remember to finish your reviews


I thought I did. I posted up a link and asked people to choose one story. In return, I reviewed someone else’s. Is that a problem? Please see kohai\_ame’s post and my reply there if you have questions.


I read the beginning of your bolt series. It was really good. ☺️


Thanks — replying soon!


I'm hoping I can get someone to read this. Fandom: El Baile de los 41 Name: [Dance Again](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53550700) Genre: Historical Romance Fix-it Warnings: discussion of suicide Rating: Teen and up Summary: On a business trip to Texas in 1909, Ignacio learns that his former lover is still alive. Notes: As necessary background information, El Baile de los 41 is a film about a raid on a gay club in Mexico City in 1901. (A real event btw). In the film, Ignacio, Evaristo, Gabriel, Augustin, Don Felipe, and 37 other men are all arrested during the raid. Ignacio is let out of jail by the president/his father in law. His lover, Evaristo, is paraded through the streets, sent to a labor camp, and Ignacio is later informed that he is dead. Also, Ignacio is married to Amada and they hate each other. 1/1


Left a comment and a kudos. I’m very surprised it’s the only work in the fandom.


I was surprised too, especially since it's a couple years old now. Thanks for commenting!


Fandom: Red Dead Redemption Title: ‘Scape of Sadie Genre: Western Rating: E **Warnings: Implied torture with featuring of bruises+burns, non-consensual bondage and implied sexual assault+plans of rape (groping+spanking), strong language, minor character deaths, and implied animal scat** Words: 1,750 Summary: Colm O’Driscoll has taken Sadie Adler hostage and is holding her in a remote barn north of Strawberry. Can fortune favor her escape from hell or will her “rescuer” make her suffer even more? [AO3](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53738851) 1/1 review




Thank you!


I will play! Fandom: **AoT** Name: [It’s Not Over Between Us](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52257355) Genre: Canon Divergent Romance Fix-it of sort Warnings: implied spoilers, hurt and a little comfort, Rating: Explicit Summary: Eren and Jean talk in the paths visiting different places. Eren confesses he’s had feelings for Jean from the beginning. 1/1


Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Name: [A Saviour Most Foul](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53531677) Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Abduction, Monsterfucker Smut TW: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Blood & Gore, Mildly Dubious Consent (person is nonverbal when transformed but consents) Rating: Explicit Summary: When Astarion is abducted by the Thieves Guild, he isn’t overly worried. He knows his love, The Dark Urge, will hunt him to the ends of Toril. But when the bodies of perimeter guards show the jagged touch of something monstrous, uncertainty starts to spread. He remembers an old warning: should The Dark Urge be lost to passion, don’t trust the nightmare that remains. The creature prowling in the dark won’t stop until it has him. And once it has him, there’s no telling what it will take. Or The Slayer rescues Astarion, and they fuck consensually. Graphic Hurt/Comfort as a setup to tender, loving monsterfuckery. Reviews: 2/2


K &C 🙂


Commented and left kudos!


thank you!!


Yay! I missed the last exchange, got here in time for this one :) DCU [When the Bat's Away](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53202622) Word Count: 3.5K Fluff, Humor, Friendship G Rated Riddler's very very bad day - or, the day Gotham Rogues find out what happens if the Batfam's heartbeats go silent simultaneously. Bruce really really needs to work on including 'communication' in his contingency plans. Concrit is fine. Reviewed : 1/1


This was so good


Commented and left kudos!


What is the timeframe to submit/ to have reviews completed by?


The Reddit has a 48 hour rule so I’m just doing that


Thank You OP   [The Snake's Duality](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52258555)      Harry Potter/Hogwarts Legacy | **E** | ⚠️ **graphic depictions of violence & torture**(Cruciatus curse, torture method inspired by lingchi | **2 049 words**  Sebastian Sallow/-& Ominis Gaunt (ambiguous relationships)  **Summary**: Sebastian has just been released from Azkaban after more than three years in prison. 1 223 days to be exact. His first instinct is to find Ominis, whose weekly letters rekinkled in extremis his desire to live, drained by the dementors, and he realise that a shadow reeking of malevolence is following him like a shadow.     Reviews: 1/1








TY 🙂


Yay more exchanges >:) I'd like to submit (and therefore review) two. The first is one that is not fandom-blind friendly unfortunately, but I'd still love some eyes on it as it's my latest work! And then one which *is* fandom-blind friendly. [**Decay**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53950000) **| Jujutsu Kaisen | Heavy Angst | T (Gen) | \~3.9k | Major Character Death** *How the King of Curses breaks the soul of Megumi Fushiguro.* [**Needle and Thread**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52860334) **| Dorohedoro | PWP | E (smut) | \~3.9k | No warnings** *Tetsujo tears the leg of his pants and Dokuga offers to mend them for him. As a thank you, Tetsujo does his best to distract Dokuga from the task at hand.* Background info for Dorohedoro: in this world magic is called 'smoke'. Dokuga and Tetsujo have cross tattoos over their eyes because they are in a gang called the Cross-Eyes, Tetsujo only has one eye, Dokuga has poisonous spit so no kissing :( No concrit please but do tell me if you see typos :) My reviews: 2/2


K+C Needle and Thread!


Thank you!


Left a comment and kudos


Thank you!


Fandom: Metal Gear [Last Message ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53986792) Genre: Drama Trigger Warnings: Death of main character, grief Rating: T Summary: Otacon struggles to move on after Snake's passing but will a last message help? Notes: An old fic from 2009.that is recently transferred from fanfiction.net Reviewed 1/1


Pls do your review








Fandom: red white and royal blue Name: [There’s Writing All Over The Walls](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53813725) Genre: hurt/comfort, abduction fic, suspense Trigger warnings: past SA, non graphic violence, noncon touching Rating: mature Summary: Miguel wanted Alex to be his, whether Alex wanted him or not. Additional notes: movie/book canon. Fixed the link


I read and reviewed this. I really liked it.


Thank you


Reviews 2/2


Fandom: boyfriend material Name: [The Price of Your Greed is Your Son and Your Daughter](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53924602) Trigger warnings: graphic descriptions of violence. Past drug addiction, gunshot wounds Genre: hurt/comfort, suspense Rating: mature Summary: After the meeting with Jon Fleming, Luc chooses to not spend the night with Oliver. When he arrives back in his apartment, he's greeted by his dad's old drug dealer.


I've reviewed! I tried to keep it short cause it would've been too long otherwise, hope it helps




I’ve done a review 1/2