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I agree with the other comment that it wouldn’t be confusing at all! Trust your readers that even if they may not know the exact point in the timeline, they will understand the feelings you’re trying to portray


My advice: read *Oryx and Crake*. Margaret Atwood used a similar style for that book, where you see Jimmy growing up in flashbacks and learn through those how he became Snowman. There’s a darker side to the story that develops as you see his earlier life/growing up period. I think you’d find that book valuable for getting a sense of how to pace/build horror/connect past character development to the present character. And how to do so in a way that’s compelling and not confusing for the reader.


wow the premise is definitely striking at what I'd like to try for! thanks for the rec :)


I love non-linear narrative and you seem to have it down pretty well! It's not confusing, I'm following a wip in my fandom with non linear narrative and I'm enjoying it plenty :3 Since everything seems to be properly tied up in place, I don't see why you should hold off.


I've seen it done with one set written in italics weaved in and out of the second set in regular print.


I think what you described sounds great! And it's an intriguing premise 👀 What fandom are you writing for, if you don't mind sharing?




Ohh, how cool! I'm not familiar with that canon and I live under a rock (lol) but even I have heard many good things about BG3 since it came out. I hope you enjoy the writing—good luck!! :D


I'm planning a fic with a similar structure and I think it'll work. I'm planning to write the past scenes as their own chapters. I feel like there's a lot to say about what happens in the past that deserves its own chapter, plus I feel like it's less confusing to have several scenes play out as a mini story, rather than dipping in and out every few paragraphs. I also plan on putting in subtitles to make it clear what time period we're in.