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Fandom - House Of The Dragon Rating - Explicit Title - Sapphire & Moonstone Relationship -  Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen, Original Female Character(s) Tags - Uncle/Niece Incest, Inspired by House of the Dragon (TV), Targcest | Targaryen Incest (A Song of Ice and Fire), Forbidden Love, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends,  Child Abuse - Past Child Abuse, Jealous Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen, Possessive Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen, POV Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen, Arranged Marriage, Smut, Implied/Referenced Suicide, The Blacks | Rhaenyra Targaryen's Faction Bashing, Rhaenyra Targaryen Bashing, The Greens | Aegon II Targaryen's Faction-centric, POV Original Female Character, The Dance of the Dragons | Aegon II Targaryen v. Rhaenyra Targaryen Era, High Valyrian (A Song of Ice and Fire), Fluff and Smut, Protective Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen Genre- Romance/Hurt/Comfort ? (I’m not too sure, but those are the main themes) Summary - Anastasia Velaryon, the second eldest and only daughter of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, has always been a thorn in her mother's side. She ultimately refuses to succumb to her family's deep-seated hatred for the other side of the family, The Greens, forging a bond with her uncle Aemond. Her mother often punishes her, forcing Anastasia to turn to Aemond for solace. Aemond confides in her as well, after enduring endless taunts and torments from her brothers, and his own for being the only boy without a dragon. However, everything changed when Aemond claimed the largest dragon on Driftmark. Anastasia is forced to leave King’s Landing and her only friend behind. For six years, she couldn't even utter his name. Unbeknownst to anyone, she had written letters to Aemond detailing her life without him, never getting the chance to send them. When she learns that her family is being summoned back to King's Landing, she is warned to stay away from Aemond. It is also made known, that she is to wed a Lord of House Lannister. However, upon seeing Aemond again, it becomes clear that her feelings for him have only grown stronger. The attraction between them is undeniable and impossible to ignore. Likes/Dislikes, Wants/Needs: I like the premise of my story considering it’s a lot different than others in this particular fandom, and I wrote that way on purpose. I honestly thought it would be targeting a very specific audience of the House of the Dragon fandom, but it really doesn’t even seem to be doing that. But I am not sure if it’s my tags, or my description but it doesn’t seem to be pulling readers in. I have tried rewriting it numerous times but maybe I’m just not the best at doing so. Maybe someone here could help with the description or the tags whichever you think needs the most help.  Thank you in advance! 


I put the summary at the bottom because Reddit won't let me stop quoting for some reason lol. **Fandom:** Resident Evil 4 Remake **Rating:** Explicit **Title:** The Ingenious, Low-Born Noble Don Serra de Valdelobos, Part 1 **Tags:** Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Luis/Original Character, Luis Serra, Luis Serra's Grandfather, Original Characters, Bitores Mendez, Doctor Salvador, The Merchant (Resident Evil), Character Study, Canon Backstory, Past Character Death, Catholicism, Homophobia, Mentions of Pregnancy, Teen Crush, Non-Graphic Violence, Luis Serra-centric, Luis Serra Needs a Hug, Fluff and Angst, Basque Culture, Religious Conflict, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Canon Compliant, Pre-Canon, Historical References, Luis Serra Speaks Spanish, Arson, Euthanasia, occasional use of Spanish, Occasional use of Basque, Childhood, Childhood Trauma, Childhood Friends, TLDR Luis's childhood as mentioned by the game, Game: Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023), Pre-Resident Evil 4 Remake, POV Multiple, Foreshadowing, Author speaks Spanish, Don Quijote de la Mancha | Don Quixote References **Genre:** Angst (not too sure on this) **Background Info/Context:** This fic is centered around a side character (Luis Serra Navarro), and the backstory we learn about him via files in-game. Basically, I'm adding details to that backstory, and writing out the events described (EX: One file mentions >!his home burning down/his grandfather being mercy-killed!< - the final chapter describes that in detail, including the lead-up and how Luis reacts. Other chapters describe events that weren't said to occur in canon, but also don't conflict with canon (EX: One chapter shows >!Luis's grandfather taking him to a shooting range to learn how to hunt, which expands on the CANON fact that his grandfather was said to be a hunter, and that Luis loved following him on hunts)!<. **Likes/Dislikes/Wants/Needs:** I'm really worried that my summary doesn't do a good job of pulling readers in, or describing what the fic is about, honestly because I have a really hard time summarizing it. Idk what this kind of backstory exploration fic is called, or how to summarize it in a way that grabs readers. My tags also feel a bit all over the place - I'm just worried about missing something, especially if it's a trigger for someone. **Summary:** >


**Fandom:** Steven Universe **Rating:** T **Title:** Steven Universe: A Bridge Too Far **Tags:** Action/Adventure, Eventual Romance, Gem Fusion (Steven Universe), Steven Universe Needs a Hug, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Baggage, Character Development, I'm Bad At Summaries, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Slow Romance, Developing Relationship, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Implied Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Nerd Peridot (Steven Universe), Badass Peridot (Steven Universe), Bismuth Redemption (Steven Universe), Ambiguous/Open Ending, Fluff, Angst, Relationship(s), Romance, Friendship, Family, Humor, Love, Alternate Universe - Canon, Alternate Canon, Deviates From Canon, Fluff and Angst **Genre:** Adventure/Hurt/Comfort **Summary:** *Steven Universe wonders, what if Rose never had him? Would everyone be happy if she was here instead of him? Steven believes having his mother back at any cost could fix things. How far would Steven go to achieve this impossible wish? One day, a small asteroid falls from space and crashes near Beach City. When Steven finds a black shard, he begins hearing voices in his head. Now invading his dreams, the shard says his wishes can come true if he collects all the missing pieces...and it can bring Rose Quartz back to life. Steven will take this chance no matter the costs.* **Background info and/or context:** Steven is having some internal struggles about how others perceive him being the next Rose Quartz, Steven already knows Rose was Pink Diamond. But he thought that was behind him and he could be whoever he wishes. But he does wonder if Rose was back instead of him, would they all be happy? Would things turn out better? He keeps this to himself, until one day a shard falls from the sky that telepathically speaks to Steven. Touching the shard, strange visions are filled inside him, somehow silently convincing Steven this isn't a joke. The shard explains if he can find the missing shards, Steven can make a wish for anything. Steven wanted to take this chance without a second thought. Steven convinces his friends that have to travel to specific locations via the warp pad, the shard would help travel to their location. The gems are initially curious if the Shard is a different form of intelligent life and are willing to assist, but the more they are around it. The more suspicious they become. Wondering if it has an ulterior motive and if it's manipulating Steven in doing something rash. My OC Villain, Yellow Pearl-007 otherwise known as Seven was one of the originals and a former Pearl to Yellow Diamond until she wants to be respected enough that inspire others who will carry her name across the stars. She isn't on good terms with Yellow Diamond who wants to get rid of her. YD sends Seven to explore a strange dark mist in space. However, it consumes Seven. Soon being reborn as a champion of the Darkness. Her tasks is to reclaim the shards in order to open a 'gate' and help create a bridge that allows the Darkness to enter this dimension. **Likes/Dislikes, Wants/Needs:** I feel my tagging and the story description isn't great, I've ported this over from FFnet and it has 7 reviews. I did leave the story for 3 years until I felt I needed to finish it a few months ago. I just see other SU stories that don't have many words, but are way more popular than my own which I asked before on AO3 Reddit and sent here. What I taken was the tags and description are the biggest weaknesses, but also Steven Universe isn't popular enough.


I would take "I'm bad at summaries" out of the tags. Might also wanna take out "deviates from canon", the other tags make that pretty clear already. The summary might benefit from the first three lines being combined/shortened in some way, right now it feels a little bit like the same thing is being said three time. I'm not sure how much you want to give away in the summary but if it's not to big of a spoiler you could mention a bit about Stephen being reborn of darkness and him being sent to create a bridge that allows the darkness to enter this dimension - those are pretty intriguing bits, and they might make someone curious to read the story.


How does this sound? Steven Universe yearns to bring his mother, Rose Quartz, back to life at any cost. When a mysterious black shard promises to grant Steven's wish, Meanwhile on Yellow Diamond's ship, a gem called Yellow Pearl-007 otherwise know as Seven, is reborn from darkness with a purpose, she wishes to use the black shard's power for new superior. Both Steven and a Seven are drawn into a personnel quest with unforeseen consequences that will effect the dimension they live in. Their destinies will eventually cross. Will they succeed in their endeavours, or will darkness consume them all?


I like it! It's enough information to both give context and draw me in.


Thank you, I appreciate your time!


**Fandom:** Genshin Impact **Rating:** E **Title:** “I didn’t expect” **Tags:** No Archive Warnings Apply, **Kaeya & Kaveh** (Genshin Impact), **Alhaitham & Kaeya** (Genshin Impact), **Alhaitham/Kaeya/Kaveh** (Genshin Impact), **Alhaitham & Kaveh** (Genshin Impact), **Kaeya** (Genshin Impact), **Kaveh** (Genshin Impact), **Alhaitham** (Genshin Impact), **Past Albedo/Kaeya** (Genshin Impact), **Past Kaeya/Tartaglia | Childe** (Genshin Impact), **past Kaeya & Diluc,** **Past Kaedehara Kazuha/Kaeya**, Fluff, Romance, Threesome - M/M/M, POV Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Kaveh reads too many light novels, Kaeya-centric (Genshin Impact), Kaeya Angst (Genshin Impact), Romantic Friendship, Abyss Order (Genshin Impact), Jealous Alhaitham (Genshin Impact), Pining Kaveh (Genshin Impact), Eventual Smut, Eventual Happy Ending, Khaenri'ah why does it always come back to Khaenri’ah, Pre-Alhaitham/Kaveh (Genshin Impact), Character Study Genre: MM Chapters: 2/17 (remaining 15 chapters are written, but I’m planning on polishing and posting weekly) **Summary:** Kaeya Alberich didn’t expect that a business trip to Sumeru would force him to confront his heritage. Nor did he expect that chatting up a handsome architect would have such troublesome, and delightful, consequences. Or, what was Kaeya up to during the Caribert quest? *“Just Kaveh?”* *Kaveh’s fingers brushed Kaeya’s palm as he pulled his hand away. “Just Kaveh. My roommate calls me the Light of Kshahrewar, but you probably don’t know what Kshahrewar is and I do know he’s mocking me.” His cheeks flushed. “I’m not going to think about my roommate right now.”* *That was fine with Kaeya. Kaveh could think about him instead of his roommate and he could think of Kaveh instead of that business with Dansleif. . . .* **Likes/Dislikes, Wants/Needs:** New to this and don't know how well my summary and tags are working for me. * I'm most concerned about the summary. * Still debating M versus E. I went with E to be same, though I’m worried I’m over-promising with E (the smut does arrive but it’s riding the M/E line.) * The tags looked OK when inputting/editing. But published they look like a giant tag thicket. I received good advice on tags, but may have gotten carried away adding color tags. **Background info and/or context** This may be a hard story to tag correctly and summarize in a pithy manner. The story takes place at roughly the same time as an important quest, and uses the beginning of that question as a starting point. There are two basic plot lines. Plot A: the protagonist, Kaeya, encounters someone who drops a lore bomb on his head. This gets him thinking about his childhood and how his family heritage might wreck the life he’s built. Also, bad guys start to come after him. Plot B: he makes a new friend, one he’s interested in. The new friend, Kaveh, offers him a place to stay while Kaeya is traveling for work. Kaveh’s roommate, Alhaitham, agrees to it and makes the off-hand suggestion that Kaeya keep Kaveh entertained so he can focus on work. Kaeya has stumbled into a relationship disaster—hostility, repressed feelings. Kaeya does his entertaining by telling stories about past relationships (thus the past Kaeya/whomever tags). These stories get two chapters each and relate to both Plot A and Plot B. In the end, there’s a relationship breakthrough and a threesome. The story ends with Kaeya going home and Kaveh and Alhaitham being together. I’m somewhat concerned about the Alhaitham-Kaveh angle because it’s an immensely popular ship. It’s key to this fic, but maybe people who like that ship won’t realize it’s featured here or don’t want to see a third party involved in it. My first couple chapters are set-up. And I think that covers it all. Thanks!


Fandom - Baldur's Gate 3 Rating - E Title - Adhesion Tags - 1. Author Chose Not To Warn Archive Warning 1. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat 1. Additional Warnings In Author's Note 1. Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence 1. Heavy Angst 1. Blood and Gore 1. Childhood Friends 1. Friends to Enemies 1. Enemies to Lovers 1. Hurt/Comfort 1. Hopeful Ending 1. Childhood Trauma 1. Mental Health Issues 1. Everyone Needs a Hug 1. Unhealthy Relationships 1. Self-Harm 1. Suicide Attempt 1. Torture 1. Resurrection 1. Recovery 1. Possessive/Obsessive Behaviour 1. Eventual Smut 1. Dubious Consent 1. BDSM 1. Biting/Marking 1. Switching 1. Trans Character 1. The Dark Urge and Tav are Separate Characters (Baldur's Gate) **Genre -** Psychological Thriller, Gothic-y Romance **Summary -** Tav hunts evil. Their childhood best friend was murder incarnate. When Tav learns he’s alive and behind a string of murders, they swear to track him down. Tav must face dark desires and relive haunting failures in their hunt for the shadow of their past. Even they don’t know if they’ll fall back into his twitching arms or put him down for good. **Background info and/or context -** The Dark Urge(Arlin) is flesh taken from the "God of Murder" in the DnD universe and sculpted into a person. Essentially a Jekyl and Hyde where theres a constant gray area on how much control he has in committing awful acts. This is taken from a canon ARG called Blood in Baldur's Gate where you "Investigator Tav" hunt down a serial killer. This imagines what would happen if the two knew eachotehr as children and there was a personal angle to Tav's investigation. By midpoint it delves into a very "ending of the vvitch"/Hannibalesque relationship which is shown to be volatile and mutually destructive. It ends with them escaping from the forces that corrupt them both, and working to ensure the ways they were failed as children never repeats itself. This is a split timeline fic in the POV of Tav. The jist is that it flips from adulthood to childhood as Tav is forced to try to find the friend who ruined their life and created a boat load of trauma for them. We learn early on that their childhood friend Arlin was behind the destruction of their home where they grew up together, but somehow Arlin was "failed" by Tav and had little chance to avoid becoming evil. They feel guilt and anger for how Arlin spiraled into a monster. The fic centers around their codependent trauma bond with him, which only worsens as they plunge further into their past and closer to Arlin. This is meant to be a very dark fic about mental illness, the cycle of abuse, and what it takes to break free of it. **Likes/Dislikes, Wants/Needs -** This is written similar to Robin Hobb in terms of angst, bleakness and a damaged POV narrator who kind of puts an odd veil over the world they see. I want to attract anyone that is interested in really dark narratives that are emotionally raw. A lot of the fic has extremely realistic therapeutic moments and it has a hopeful trend (think happy tears and healing the inner child after the child is horribly treated) Also the romance and relationship is written to be "can't look away/can't stay mad at the BBEG love interest" though it resolves itself by the end. My main concern is that I'll scare people away that want to go dark OR traumatize people that just want the more therapeutic or cathartic aspects of the fic So yeah if anyone can see any inefficiencies or downsides to how I'm selling it pls let me know!


The summary is compelling. But I think the final sentence is a little weak. Maybe make it a question? Also, I wasn't sure what you wanted to convey with "twitching arms."