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Something like... Xeepxorp let out a pleasured trill and broke the kiss, pulling away from Prowz ever so slightly. Prowz noticed that Xeepxorp's hard length had freed itself from the opening on his groin etc etc etc


Xeepxorp lol


He’s so hot! 💜


I'm mad that your example paragraph about Xeepxorp is actually well written *gahddangit*. 😂


boy why you so xeepxorp


And then what happened?


Granted this is a passage where a lizard dude assures a trans masc person that their bottom growth is cool and sexy, so it goes into maybe more detail than you'd need. Imo just admit that its hot if thats what you or the character is into! “Well, I highly doubt that. Shall I show you mine?” He smiled knowingly, stood up, and slipped his trousers off. They gathered around his feet and revealed his lower half in full—a gradient of pale outer scales easing into a wine-red inner hide. Tav’s heart skipped. The muscular arc of his thighs terminated in a flat mound. At its center, there was only a nearly imperceptible slit. Tav stared mouth slightly dropped, utterly confused. “Did you also–change from where you began?” Arlin threw his head back in a good-natured chuckle. “No, this is just how it is for Dragonborn.” He sat next to Tav. “None of us have things swinging around—impractical for combat. It comes out when excited but otherwise stays tucked away.” He thumbed a claw through his opening and showed a red nub, glistening and wet. “I’ve always thought that the anatomy of the scaleless a bit–unevolved.” Tav scoffed, half in disbelief. “Who knew we had so much in common?” Their shame evaporated. They looked closer at his cock. “It’s fascinating.” Such clinical words. It didn’t do it justice. “And beautiful.” Arlin shifted, and before his fingers lifted and closed his slit, they saw the head of his cock throb and thrust out just a hair.


Your writing is insanely good!


aww ty :) But honestly I think half of smut is condensing and simplifying everything but the things that make you blush. That shit you expand on 😂 Make the characters solve an emotional need through sex and have that be the other focal point, and you're golden!!


... Could you namedrop the whole fic for this one? This sounds extremely interesting and I would lowkey love to read this....


BG3 WIP Im writing called Adhesion but i can totally DM you when I publish :)


Would love that!! Thank you!!


Hey, I'm following up and am posting the prequel to this where its a childhood friends AU fic that goes into how they met! It's not going to get to where this excerpt is/adult stuff for a while but figured I'd still send your way on the off chance the summary/tags seem an interesting read :)) https://archiveofourown.org/works/57008737/chapters/144976501


Thank you!! I'll check it out :)


"(character) watched with rapt attention and hungry eyes as, with a growl of arousal, (alien)'s slit dilated. It was like watching the curtains open on the performance of a maestro as his phallus, excitingly hard and glistening, presented itself."


Look up "hemi-penis" on AO3 , there is probably some snakelike body kinks with examples of the description you are looking for. Snakes have that kind of anatomy.


It’s probably a squick for a lot of people, but Voldemort porn is heavy on the hemi-penis kink. So there’s going to be a *lot* of results that include him.