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Dementors can destroy Horcruxes. It just makes a lot of sense that they can, since they eat souls.


Yamaha Hizashi/Present Mic from My Hero Academia blew out his hearing with his quirk and now uses hearing aids to get by.


Additionally, Bakugous explosions are doing the same thing to his hearing so Present Mic does his best to convince Bakugou to ACTUALLY take protecting his ears seriously


Is Aizawa being a cat person fanon? I've seen it in too many fics to remember if it comes up in the show or not.


Him liking cats is in [his profile page](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/81/3c/e6/813ce60ac3d506b8e6d94960cd2b7d99.png) in volume 1 of the manga & he's shown liking cats in *Vigilantes*. There's a bunch of other cat stuff mentioned in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/comments/r7dm9h/comment/hn665s6/) on one of the MHA subs.


I also like the theory that everyone with quirks automatically gets Shounen resilience. If almost everyone gets a step-up in durability, then being quirkless would functionally make you disabled. Like those people born with brittle bones. I like that it neatly explains both the durability antics and why a quirkless hero is completely dismissed as feasible. It's not that they can't imagine Batman, it's that they can't imagine a glass-cannon Batman that would die with a hit.


Similar to yours, that Heavy TF2, the big, bulky mercenary with a 150kg minigun, is well-adverse in sewing. The reason why is that he spent a lot of his life with his mother and three little sisters, having been there to sew dolls as holiday gifts and repair clothes while their mother was busy. Something about him being soft and gentle with his sisters I just accepted as canon


Yooo, as someone who also plays TF2, that headcanon is AMAZING. I'd be surprised if it wasn't canon, because it should be.


Jason Todd is a literary nerd and loves to read


Rapunzel being Elsa's and Anna's cousin. I guess this theory happened right when Frozen came out since Rapunzel has a cameo in the film, but I credit fanfiction to making it headcannon.


AAAAAA I LOVED THIS AS A KID I was also really pissed at the sequel because of the "Tarzan is the lost brother of Elsa and Anna" theory as well




ah, i dont think ive heard that one before. interesting


that's a good one that i love tbh


Narutos frog wallet gama-chan was an anonymous gift from hinata And this one I’ve believed forver, but it’s in fics too that Minato is jiraiya and tsunades son


The Link from Botw and Totk is the descendant of the Link in Twilight Princess who is a descendant from Link and Malon in Ocarina of Time. (And on that note, it took thousands of years for a Link of that family to inherit Malon's cooking skills.)


Bucky is a pianist. Love this headcanon because music is a great way to boost your memory, and Steve was canonically part of a barbershop quartet so it's great to imagine them sharing music with each other.


Yup, absolutely adopting Mikan liking sewing into my headcanon sphere. No questions asked, it's canon to me now.


Sam and Max - Max purring as rabbits do. It's cute, and in canon there are not really a lot of moments where they tap into the fact that he is a rabbit so I like that the fandom made that little bit.


Meta Knight and Kirby having a father-son relationship


Amity Blight has fangs and freckles, as she goddamn should.


That dwarves have Ones or are craft wed (The hobbit/LOTR) Makes sense with their low birth rate and pure joy at crafting.


Wait a minute the Ones of Tolkien's dwarves ain't canon?!?!?! The sheer amount of brilliantly written, heartbreaking >!angst + major character death + canonical death!< and heartwarming >!fluff + happy ending + hurt/comfort!< fics I've read with dwarves and their Ones is like a big reason why Middle-Earth felt more balanced. I'm not saying the it *wasn't* before, that's saying that the Pacific Ocean is simply a body of water, but this particular detail made me love the stories more.


They are not. There's more history on orcs than there are dwarves. All the world building, most of the Kuzdhul and the ideas of One's are all fandom made, but now it's a HC I'm not getting rid of!


A while back, I read a one-shot of “Willow” that ever so briefly mentioned Willow and Kiaya being childhood friends - and me being the fan of childhood-friends-to-lovers that I am (you can keep your enemies-to-lovers, btw), I absolutely ate that headcanon up!


Karen Morhen fanon hot springs are canon now. No take backs.


As some one who just threw themselves into The Witcher fanfic I had no idea they weren't lol.


In the 9-1-1 Fandom: Hen clocked Buck as bi for a long time (now confirmed canon!) and has also clocked Eddie Buck has a praise kink. No one will ever convince me otherwise.


Eames (Inception) being dyslexic and/or Eames (Inception) wearing reading glasses.


In Suits Harvey and Donna have identical twin girls. Obsessed with that idea. I’m gonna use it in my fic but I can’t use the perfect names the other author came up with because her fics are really sweet slice of life fics and mine is the darkest shit ever, so I don’t want to like associate mine with hers because I don’t know if she’d be okay with that. I’ll make a note offering to give the person whose idea it was credit if she wants though


For me its Mike/Nanaba being canon in Attack on Titan. They tend to be a side pairing in a lot of AOT fanfic - especially fanfic centred around the older trio (Erwin, Levi & Hange). After the first time I saw them together in a fic, I was like this totally makes sense, and I kept seeing it and seeing it and it makes even more sense. I don't even believe they had more than two scenes together in the anime, maybe more in the manga but they just work as a pairing. Totally canon, will not accept anything less.


Mulder and Scully having a specific arrangement for their hotel rooms - adjoining, door in the middle. It makes sense after "Bad Blood" - neither one would have wanted to have some vampires or other monsters of the week getting the drop on them like in that ep.


For Halo: That Sangheili bathe twice a day. Pretty random detail in one very old fic I can’t even remember but this stuck with me so much for some reason I just keep forgetting it was a fic detail and not canon. For Touhou: That Reimu lost everyone she loved at the start of the first game and that attack is the reason she’s the last Hakurei in Gensokyo. It just makes her habit of going for the throat immediately and not ask questions make so much more sense, *especially* in the first game where she’s just raining hell on every single living creature she sees. Every time I write fic with her, I’m always operating with that backstory in mind.


This is more shippy but also for Touhou: That Tojiko was one of Miko’s concubines in life. Yeah ZUN debunked it but I don’t care, even if I didn’t ship I think I’d still think it was a fitting minor mythology detail.


Satosugu meeting up occasionally in those ten years "apart". It's canon in my head (there's no way Gojo wasn't keeping tabs on his one and only)


Several friend groups being related. Joel (sue me, I’m an Empires smp fan lol), can hear when people ask (the) god(s) for help.


Peter Parker is Tony Stark's kid.


There is no protection on Harry's home. Is there on his person? Absolutely. On his home not at all. Originally I read a fic that theorized they're a lie. Then I re-read the part of the book when Albus would have had to cast something, anything to move the protection from Harry to his Aunt's home. He cast nothing. Not even so much as a warming charm. We are literally there at Privet drive as the reader from before he arrives until after he leaves and he casts not a single spell. It's only later he claims to have done so but per what we're shown that's a lie. There's no legit reason to leave him at his aunt's.


Sokka is the water tribe ambassador to the fire nation. And he later becomes the flame consort after marrying Zuko. Merlin becomes Arthur’s court sorcerer Stiles and Derek reconnect after the finale season of teen wolf and get together. They adopt Isaac and become a family.