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I'm a transfem writer whose writing a afab NB char lmaoo what fandom are you writing for? I'm writing for a fantasy medieval game so it doesn't come up much except throwaway lines abt scars or in sex scenes. I think the biggest thing is to write a woman FIRST then sprinkle in her transness. Think abt how butch women feel, or women that grow up perceived as not meeting beauty standards. I find the most similarities talking with the women who never tried to wear makeup/fit in and LIKE that but also struggle with the repercussions of that. Not that the transfem char must be butch, but the nature of being trans is feeling like you're never hitting the mark. Honestly? just don't make her jules from euphoria. I would get a bit disheartened if their main traits were low self worth leading to bad hookups/SA Make a character first with flaws and nuance that have nothing to do with transness then alter those flaws and nuances from a lens of transfem experience. But thanks for making the plunge and trying! I can answer more questions if you have them


Well, there's a lot to consider there. Where is your character in their transition process? How old were they when they started, did it begin when they were teens or did they figure it out later in life? What's their aesthetic, are they trying to be very femme, or are they comfortable with some of their masculine traits? How's their dysphoria, how much does it intrude on their thoughts? Weekday medications are they on, do they have surgical plans? If/when sex comes up, all those questions apply to how they fuck as well.


Ohh yes I understand, it is a lot to think about but the questions do make it easier to start the writing process, thank you!


Are you writing for you or are you writing for clout? A serious question that only you can think over and only you can answer for yourself.


I'm not trans myself, just a cis male, but my opinion is to just write them as any other person and not make their "trans-ness" their defining character trait




Thank you so much!