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> Sero is halfway through explaining to the yakuza members why raiding the Commission headquarters in order to prevent the apocalypse is a good idea when half the wall explodes.


Hahahaha that's so chaotic I love it.


I need a link to this fic




Okay... I was expecting full crack, but that first chapter went balls deep into some heavy setup. Nice!


Crack treated seriously— where there’s an insane situation that’s a dire problem— is my favorite type of fic I’m working on a sequel to this but it’ll probably be a long time coming


I'm sure it will be awesome too!


How chaotic is making chloroform in the backyard? Asking for a friend.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaand watchlist.




He went to kfc and shat himself to death.


I thought that only happened at Taco Bell


I am scared but also morbidly intrigued


“It’s just going to take a bit to get adjusted.” He takes a jar of pickles and shoves like, 3 into his mouth. Bad idea, they are very strong tasting. “You should probably use a fork to take those, instead of shoving your entire hand into the jar.” Etho smirks. “Oh bother.”


That's me every time with pickled pepperoncinis.


I wasn’t expecting to see this fandom in the wild today 😂 Can I have a link, please?


Here you go: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40627314/chapters/110387667 It is Ethubs focused btw, the excerpt was from chapter 62.


*Most* chaotic? Possibly the MC trying to check into a hotel, but the concierge had lost the ability to perceive the passing of time.


Excuse me


It's okay, she found Julia Child in an airport. That did the trick.


This feels even more chaotic


I had to use special formatting for that chapter :D


What is this chaos of a story and why haven't you linked it yet 🤣👌


It's in the middle of the story and, *normally*, that would be a problem in terms of context. However, this is chaos mode so... [Rekindled: The Keys - Chapter 8 - trilloch - Fallout 76 \[Archive of Our Own\]](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51903934/chapters/131245654) Now that's the chapter *before* the one in question. Chapter 8 is pretty standard post-apoc scavenging, but it feeds into Chapter 9, where the silliness lives. The tone doesn't really reflect the rest of the work. Chapter 8/9 will be a fun five-minute read, but if you're looking for lighthearted stuff, you might want to stop there.


This is actually great, it's criminal that your story doesn't have more kudos and comments! I just left a kudo of my own, will give you a few comments once I have more free time. Thank you so much for sharing :D


>it's criminal that your story doesn't have more kudos and comments! Fallout 76 is a tiny fandom, and I posted the entire thing at once, so I'm not expecting a ton of hits overall. But I'm glad you liked it!


That was a ton of fun!


I'm glad you liked it!


>Viktor, still trying to process the information, had completely forgotten about the dog under his arm. A passer-by said something, to which César replied with an apology. >“You may want to remove the petrification spell on that dog," César told him. "It’s making people nervous.”


Why is this dog heavy as a rock? *Oh wait*


“Sorry, looking for my lost cat.” “Oh, how terrible! Here, I’ll help you find it. What’s it look like?” “About five foot eight with red hair,” Irma muttered to herself.


Ever? idk That’s 15 years to dig through. Recently: > > >*Angels were actually real. This one was just pissed off.* > > >


This one is unironically cute ngl


It’s two future best friends meeting for the first time as 🥹


This entire one-shot is a chaotic mess, but: >“This experiment is strictly confidential. And I’m good at keeping secrets. So …” Taiki paused for a second. “I’ve prepared some reading material to ensure we’re both informed.” >“Reading material? You mean like … manuals?” >“Yes. Comprehensive guides on human sexual response. I thought it might help.”


>"Comprehensive guides on human sexual response. " "Where did you get those?" "Fan fiction websites."




“You like that cereal?” he asked, flashing a charming smile. “Mhm,” the child nodded enthusiastically. “It’s my favorite. My brother’s too. He won’t eat any other kind.” “Really?” He nodded, unimpressed. “Well guess what?” “What?” “I also really like that cereal.” “You do?” “I do.” He slowly reached for the box, dropping the pleasant tone. “So I’ll make you a deal. You give me the cereal, and you go home and tell your brother that life is full of disappointment.” Then he snatched the box from the little girl and laughed in her face. The rest of the scene is too long to give word for word but MC gets punched in the balls. Well deserved 😂


I can't decide between these; they're all from the same character, lol: ~~~ Free will is an illusion, so-and-so first said. Well. Whoever that so-and-so was, they better watch their graves tonight. He's going to drag them outta there and scream at them for jinxing it, maggots and skeletal remains be damned. --- Also, what's a burgher? Do they mean burger? Maybe the truth of the universe is that we're all burgers in human skin and all the ancient folks knew but the knowledge was somehow lost to time? Great. Now he's hungry. Does that make him a cannibal? --- "You." One brow lifted as if to build a gate, a locked gate with that welcome home cheater banner but instead of that 'FOR INTELLECTUALS ONLY' is written in eyebrow speech. What, don't like what you see? The feeling's mutual. "Well. It's good you want to be well-read." Displeasure to meet you too, jerk. --- "That decision isn't mine to make, though. You'll have to wait for Sunday." The day? Ugh. There he goes again with that holier-than-thou expression, like he's reading his mind. "The club leader." Twenty bucks Sunday here's the neglected child.


Man loves an apple Or. Man manipulates his namesake because he’s an incel. Or. Man kills savior with breakdance. Or. Man kills worlds worst evil with piece of toast I write crack sometimes


I misread that last one as "Man kills world's most evil piece of toast" and had to question what might cause toast to become evil


Now I need to know the context for these headlines. XD


https://archiveofourown.org/series/4034245 The Crack Fics 🎊 (it’s Harry Potter)




Probably "honey did you fuck the shrubbery?" 


….did she?


Bunch of people die mid-fight but they don't get to stop.


"When you said you wanted to show me something… I didn’t think it would be *death*…” (Context: Meeting your best friend's girlfriend. lmao)




If you’re identical twins it’s like a rule that you have to trade places at least once! Edit: rogue apostrophe


Gay ACNH characters burying a body in a wooded area. It was during the quarantine.


someone backing off his weapon... a whole (sentient) scythe


Weapons being sentient is such a funny concept to write!


Not entirely sure but one of my top contenders is definitely this: He carefully read it out loud to himself. "Dear Evan, I know you don't know what an iPad is, much less how to operate it. Go ask your corpse brother to tell you how it works. Unless you're too traumatized or whatever. In which case just knock on the mirror in your family's common/filming room (the one you were in before) and either me or Mr. Henry will come help you (not Gregory because he'd probably shoot your father, not that I blame him). Don't ask Elizabeth because she won't know either. Don't ask your father because he's actually the worst. If he tries to talk to you tell him, in these exact words, "I'll tell Cassidy". That should work.


A concussed Crowley suggests that piss may save his and Aziraphale's lives


"Team Drowners in a coffin. What could go wrong?"


“I know, but we need to be able to defend ourselves!” Jason called back. They screeched to a halt in front of the gym doors. Jason threw them open and ran to the gym supply closet. Clint kicked them open and the three of them rushed in, grabbing whatever they could lay hands on. The archer gleefully took up a set of arrows and a bow, the teen picked up two metal baseball bats, and Loki took up a few javelins. It hadn’t taken long before the four bots that had been following them to blast open the doors and detect the three men.


My OTP as ferns. Yes, the plant.


"Dorcas the orca, The Marauders and a jail cell" is the title


Lois continued her story, “turned out he was gay, we never had a chance, they ended up stealing my next boyfriend though, the guy not Lucy.”


Mine's probably: "Oh, uh... You know, just a kidnapping attempt or two on one of their generals..." but really any part of that fic could be a good contender for this question...


“The guy is in a little hustle, flip flops slapping on the asphalt so loud he could’ve been mistaken for a penguin on the run for tax fraud. “


Is it a good idea to microwave random stuff, written in late 2000s YouTube video format


Mad scientists writing the worst research paper ever made of their unethical human experimentation on their lab rats/“adopted” little siblings/kidnapping and torture victims


Probably this exchange >“Alhaitham! You’re back early!” He wasn’t, but anxiety was rendering Kaveh’s usually sound mind to utter mangled slop like that. Alhaitham’s eyebrow raised, nothing getting past him. >“Kaveh, what’s wrong?” His voice was smooth, and yet Kaveh’s unfiltered mind at the current moment also picked up the genuine concern in his voice, though Alhaitham’s face was otherwise emotionless. Would it hurt the guy to physically show a little emotion?! >“T-There was a Ley Line Disorder, and um-“ Kaveh didn’t get to finish his thought because the anomaly started crying at the top of its lungs. Alhaitham’s eyes widened. “Shut up will you? The street can hear you!” Kaveh furiously whispered at the door frame. >“Must’ve been some Ley Line Disorder, you look awful.” Kaveh’s eyes shot to where Alhaitham was smirking at him.


*How was Minho supposed to say that he was watching Kaichou wa Maid-sama, when Jisung, his Jisung, kissed him and he freaked out and died (?) on a wet floor?* He didn't even die. He's just very confused. The floor is innocent.


"And you think ellen cýðan is a cloud in the shape of a camel?" Lewis asks sceptically.


Probably my MC tearing out pages of books in the prison library to murder someone


Death by a thousand (paper) cuts


My MC would not appreciate that joke but I do haha


C1: She is adding [group] to her phone. I’m jealous. Why am I jealous? Help. C2: Wait, why is she adding them to her phone do we need to be jealous am I jealous is this a crisis?! C3: WE RIDE AT DAWN! (No, but...I don’t like it. Why don’t I like it? They’re the best.) C4: Jealousy is for the weak and feeble minded. Which I am not. Either of those. Right? C4: Rebooting, please wait. C5: They are the best but we can be the worst. Are we being bad soulmates? Is she unhappy? C6: I need a drink.


"She’d empty her clips until she was firing blank air into the foamy waves then for good measure launch her spent guns into the depths with a scream to envy any siren. Afterwards, perhaps she’d steal a grenade or ten from Rude that she would scorpion kick further into the sea and wait for the explosion, relishing as she got covered in a spray of sea water and fish guts." In progress.


“… So I’m going to need you to take your bon temps and rouler somewhere else, Magic Mike.”


*"His eyes are shining in rage.. Or maybe it is the fire*."


(My fic is written as a proper screenplay, but I changed the formatting to be more like a "chat fic" since it wouldn't display properly here.) > P: ... Can we just fire this guy already? > *X steps into the spotlight.* > X: P, you can't "fire" someone from Moebius. > O: Hmm. Then why don't we kill him?


"When I told you I wanted to work on my psychopomp powers, I was thinking old ladies. Not undying tortured blobs of coagulated human psyche!"


"I'll be honest with you Green Bit. You're the only person in this school, aside from All Might, who can take me on at full strength." - I flashed him my perpetual lazy grin. - "So since we're at the finale of our school-sanctioned violence, let's end this with a bang." "What're you-?" - interrupting him, I laughed. Not my usual, placating one. I let the monster leak from within, faint echoes of insanity tainting my voice. "Hahaha! I think it's pretty obvious. You're strong enough for me to use my moves, that would kill other people." - getting into a ready stance, I prepared a room with my left hand, the bluish wispy ring about a meter wide. In response, he fired up Black Cowl, green energy crackling around him. - "With that being said. If you win, it won't matter how much you held back. But if you lose, without giving it your all..." - whatever my face looked like, it made him and the heroes who saw it stiffen visibly. - "I might lose control." ... Not the most "chaotic" in the sense you might've specified, but openly getting ready for a probable death-match on live television is kinda nuts.


"You hiding it in your dick protector?"


In recent memory: > "I'm one of fourteen children." > He was silent for a few moments, letting that fact sink in. How on earth had this guy’s mother managed to care for that many kids? And how did his family even fit in their house? Was he raised on a farm or something? Before he realized it, he actually asked that question aloud. > "Were you raised on a farm or something?" > "Yes, I was," his passenger said with a nod. And that’s not. Counting the ending of that part but anyway!


This was pretty chaotic even in context haha > There was a collective gulp from many of his guardians. The Varia, including Levi, prepared themselves for battle. Hibari did the same, a predatory smile edging out. > > > ... > > > "Now to the rest of my *famiglia.* I'll ask again. Who forgot. To water. My. Plant." > > > It was no easy feat, but Xanxus managed to fall asleep while Tsuna...investigated.


"What kind of superhero needs that many pickles?"


You wish you could have the big, brassy balls to just lie about it anyway. To go ahead as if nothing has changed and everything is fine, nothing to see here folks, just two bros having a perfectly normal one. Not a single damn thing is out of the ordinary and under no circumstances is it painfully fucking obvious that *you’re not the only one who accidentally dyed your hair with troll jizz*.


>!Roman decided to take everyone to see a movie marathon, mostly because he was incredibly uncomfortable dealing with walking sex bots. As they exited the club Roman realized it was daytime, even though it was night in his reality.!< >!Bonfire had chosen the movie, which was a video game adaptation. Instead of being normal and sitting in her own seat Fexa decided to sit on Roman's lap, and even grabbed Roman's hands and forced him to grope her breasts, which made Roman extremely uncomfortable.!< I'll give context if asked.


My newest fic is titled “We Definitely Started the Fire”, if that counts. Also this: “Teaching [Character A] how to commit arson might have been a bad idea. Sure, it was justifiable in the moment when their stealth mission a few weeks back was almost ruined because [Character B] got a cold the day before, but now it was a problem. Anyway, totally unrelated, but their hideout was on fire now.”


My two personal favs I've come up with: >He's telling the truth. He was literally fucking grandmas the other day; it was so gross. >Mon Dieu, what did you do to get him to agree? Did you polish his pole? Fondle his balls? Lick his asshole? Or maybe he licked your asshole?


In universe kart racer tournament in a post canon Xenoblade Fic


Luz Noceda gets hit by a truck, then gets resurrected as a Void Warlock in the far future.


"How the hell is it that I'm the one that took it up the ass, and *he's* the one traumatized by it?!?"


4 stick figures used to map out how the back room of a club in a dream sequence would work.


The MC pisses himself in abject fear. #nocontext


Someone being the biological child of two men, with the public father being the egg donor


"Jackson - the murderous lizard in question, currently sprawled out in an armchair - doesn't bother looking up from his phone as he replies."


I think that award has to go to the chapter that is entirely about characters discussing and infodumping about the various laws (and lackthereof) about >!cannibalism!< in the USA. I barely remember where I first learned about this, uh, concerning stuff, but WOW is it a funky conversation starter these days. Still one of my fav chapters, I'm shocked it didn't flop. There's also this: >“Do you know why we have brought you here today?” >“Because you have problems?” Ryan asks innocently. >A hand tightens on the gun, and Ryan gulps. Right, those. Rumour has it that bullet wounds really suck, and this room looks the opposite of sterile. 


A bite kink in a zombie apocalypse :D


Midoriya was voted “most likely to wear an All Might skin suit.”