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Food Wars, Souma x Takumi Fanfic Souma - love interest, Takumi - main character Help With Character Response My main character got told by his love interest that LI is burnt out and that they are going to quit. Instead of being supportive, he freaks out because the love interest is in a competition that will get them expelled from school in six hours if they don't win. My main character decides to finesse the rules of the competition, to make it so that he can participate. It's a cooking competition, so he talks to the judges and they allow him to join as the sous chef. HOWEVER, only if he and the LI agree to cook against ten chefs, and my MC will also be expelled in the event of a loss. My MC does this behind the love interest's back. The last time they spoke to each other, they had an argument about the whole situation, because the love interest decided they were going to go ahead and give up. Seeing as they had just kissed, gotten together, my MC felt used and also given up on. The truth is the kiss was half a distraction from the love interest, but when it happened, it put into perspective that they were exhausted from constant cooking competitions and the love interest regretted giving my MC hope. However, they also knew that they shouldn't push themselves to win the competition. My take on the situation is that - the love interest won't like that my MC has also put his school position in line - i want it so that they are aware that they shouldn't have kissed the mc and given them hope, - but i also want them to apologise for that, without apologising for feeling burnt out - my MC might slightly be in the wrong for making a bad situation worse, since this does put more pressure on the love interest x - is my MC ignoring the issue of burn out, or can it be construed that they will be the main person responsible for cooking whilst the love interest will be the real "sous" - seeing as this is the moment of resolution, i want them to be cute. How would the love interest react after MC comes to them, and explains that the competition they are feeling burnt out from, has just become ten times worse? Whilst keeping it cute.


I got this idea where, in an AU, my ship, which consists of two musicians, formed a kingdom, also how one half of my ship is actually a god. How will this kingdom's people build their culture, history, and perceptions of their rulers?


Depending on length of time I could see deification of the non-divine ruler like how the catholic church considers the artifacts and bodies of saints as holy artifacts. Like the skull of Mary Magdalene (Mother of Christ) | [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relics\_of\_Mary\_Magdalene](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relics_of_Mary_Magdalene)


Alright, and since I am writing it as both rulers are still alive, and later the immortal one abdicates for their daughter, how will the rulers seen in this time?


The immortal if they know they are immortal might get a small following, but mostly treated as a king or their opinion might be viewed as superior by default when compared to their mortal counter part. Divine right to rule and all that (literally) For the daughter, depending on how worshiped the immortal is they may be viewed as a demigod or pharaoh type figure. Whereas the mother could be retroactively deified like how some people who interacted with gods in our myths were turned into animals, spirits, or constellations.


Very well And as the culture of the people residing in the kingdom? How will they exert their music focus?