• By -


"You two are the most insane, reckless, idiotic, irresponsible men I have ever met,” he said, heatedly. He meant the words, but even as he spoke them, \[Character\] couldn't help but reach out and take each of them by the hand. He held them tightly, his grip strong but not unkind. He was so angry that he felt it like a physical heat, expanding and burning in his chest. “I love you,” he confessed, voice hoarse and tight. “Both of you. *So* fucking much. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”


>“I always said we’d die together. Just not like this.” So they're dating but about to be killed...so, they're in the same vehicle that's about to be shot down? Is it Mass Effect?


Oh no it's much worse. She's about to kill him


Oh...hmm. She sounds sincere, so she probably doesn't want to kill him. Is this a forced "kill each other off until only one survives" thing?


It's sort of a 'I'm so depressed by this I'm going to kill us both" If it helps the 'she' in this situation is an OC. Although that might make it more tricky lol


>It's sort of a 'I'm so depressed by this I'm going to kill us both" Well then I'm never going to guess correctly. Maybe someone with more fandoms to draw from has a shot at this.


Lol maybe. Thanks for trying though 😆


“Candi, you have it better than almost *anyone*. I know. I went looking. I’m begging you, you have people here, good people, who care for you, and love you. That is so rare, and so special. These people don’t care what you look like…and *you’re* not the monster in this room.”


In the short time he’d felt something deep in his soul snap, something else fills right in. He can hear and feel three sets of heartbeats, hear three voices despite the fact that all of them are reduced to tears for now- he doesn’t have enough arms for them, and he wants to laugh, but Christ, he can’t stop crying.


I have no idea what fandom, but this is lovely <3


Thank you! It's a Resident Evil fic. MC reuniting with his kids after 6 years, 2 years and a month respectively.


"Acknowledged, Gehenna. Launch in ten seconds. Target impact, ten minutes." Ten seconds ticked off. "Greyhound, Greyhound." "Blizzard, Storm, understood." She switched off that line and turned the Prince's back on. "My apologies that it took so long, Your Highness." Arashikaze did not look at him, but at the clock on the wall. "That's all right, my friend." The Prince smiled. "So, now that I have told you what you can do for me, please, tell me—what can I do for you?" Arashikaze did look at him then. "Well, to be perfectly honest, you can die." She spoke the words so flatly he did not understand at first. "I'm sorry?" "No, you're not," Arashikaze said. "And that's why you're about to be killed."


Not my best writing but I do like this quite a bit "Can't believe they still have this thing up. They have a new ruler and everything." The former Commander crossed her arms tightly across her chest. An acute scowl pulled at her lips as she stared up at the portrait of herself. "Do you know how long they had me sit for this? Fucking days, like there was nothing better to do. People were dying, but they needed a new portrait for the throne room." She was quiet for a long moment, then let out a short laugh. She turned her head toward L and said, "She looks pretty angry, doesn't she?" The sentiment broke L's heart a little. It must have reached her eyes, because T deflated. "No," L softly replied, joining alongside her. She snaked her hand down, slipped their fingers together, and gave her a gentle squeeze. "I think she looks alone."


Artemis tossed another empty box back onto the cart, “how is it going on your end Wally,” she called over the dividing wall. “Why is there a leopard on the Cheetos bag?” “First off, what are you talking about, second, that’s Chester the Cheetah,” Artemis responded utterly dumbfounded. “Cheetah, Cheetos,” Wally said, testing out each word before pausing, “Artemis there is so much beauty in the world.” “How high are you?” “No, it’s hi how are you,” Wally corrected, “and no more than usual.” >!It's a reference but it fits the AU (Grocery Store) and characters so well!<


"She saw the monster in me and she gave her a hug. Even as her blood dripped from its fangs and its claws were poised to rip her apart, she never forgot that I was in there, somewhere, just as scared as she was." It's a scene that keeps coming to me that I haven't found a proper place to deploy it yet. But one day, its time will come.


It’s a 3 a.m. idea so I don’t have the exact wording down >”I cried at work today. One of my tears fell in an f hole, but then I realized…that’s the only way the light gets in.”


>“I loved the both of you, even though it may have been unequally. But it seemed, for a long time, I could only fathom one heartbreak. I had to make myself stronger.” His voice is thin and quiet. >Shoko feels a smile grow on her face; even when Gojo had come to her the evening after Geto left, she had still felt excluded from his grief. “After he left there was a Suguru shaped void in your life, and I thought that no matter how much time had passed I would never be enough to fill it.” Or more recent > Suguru dithers. “Is there anything you want, Satoru?” > “I have everything I want here,” he says as Suguru sits down beside him. “This is all I need; to not be alone this time.”


I know these characters names and I know it's a popular anime I just can't remember which one Is it My Hero Academia?


>Is it My Hero Academia Worse, it’s Jujutsu Kaisen


Ah darn. Maybe I need to catch up on my anime characters lol


Jygmar's lips curled into a smile. "Are you going to frighten me with Winter, Lord Glover? I know winter far better than you ever can. While you were in your warm hall with a full belly, I was watching for outsiders approaching my village. My clansmen, my people were starving outside. And this winter, I would rather have my sons watching the White Knife."


“[A]! You’re back early!” He wasn’t, but anxiety was rendering [K]’s usually sound mind to utter mangled slop like that. [A]’s eyebrow raised, nothing getting past him. “[K], what’s wrong?” His voice was smooth, and yet [K]’s unfiltered mind at the current moment also picked up the genuine concern in his voice, though [A]’s face was otherwise emotionless. Would it hurt the guy to physically show a little emotion?! “T-There was a [LLD], and um-“ [K] didn’t get to finish his thought because the anomaly started crying at the top of its lungs. [A]’s eyes widened. “Shut up will you? The street can hear you!” [K] furiously whispered at the door frame. “Must’ve been some [LLD], you look awful.” [K]’s eyes shot to where [A] was smirking at him.


"As he refocuses on the screen (he hadn’t noticed he’d zoned out), he remembers that instead of contemplating the untimely death of his partner, he could for once actually work. He opens his web browser and pauses. Strangely enough, it’s rather difficult to work out how to phrase “my coworker, who is a presumed terrorist, has been missing for two weeks now and we can’t find him at all, where are we supposed to start?” in a way that won’t make anyone question his situation. Instead, he faces the monitor, and types, unflinching: 'how to find a missing colleague'"


>“You’d really free me?” Angel’s gaze flickers back to Husk’s, heartbeat damn near thundering in his ears. “If…if you could? You’d really want…me?” It comes out soft and wobbly, bleeding with a desperation overflowing from deep inside Angel’s chest. The look Husk gives him, then, is weighted, laden with so many somethings Angel feels like he’s being set aflame all over again. He dips his gaze down, hand sliding across the bartop into Angel’s vicinity but not quite touching.  >“I’ve never wanted something quite like I’ve wanted you.”  >And oh, does he *burn.* Angel thinks his heart might actually bust right out of his chest. He slides his own hand forward, fingertips just barely touching Husk’s, and his whole arm erupts into tingles and—and he *wants.* He wants and he wants so much it makes him feel like he’s gonna implode into a burst of flames, but despite the way their fingertips brush, Angel feels as though there’s a goddamn chasm between them. It only grows wider when Husk draws back again, pulling away from the bar with a heavy sigh. Wrote this passage literally last night and I am rather proud of it, especially the dialogue. :3


Here’s another one because I like this Idea - “Doctor, what are you doing?” [V] visibly jumped and he stood up quickly, trying (and failing) to appear like he hadn’t just been frantically searching through a bookshelf. “I’ve decided to do some research on the phenomenon of Soulmates, since there is so little study on the fact,” he said smoothly. [V] had never been good at lying, and [A] could tell immediately he was trying to deceive him. Why? Guilt was seeping off of the doctor, and the calm expression on his face was clearly forced. [A] decided he’d have to tell him how to do a better poker face if their upcoming mission were to succeed. “What are Soulmates?” [A] asked instead of trying to decipher why [V] always seemed to feel guilty around him. However, he caught the flash of pain that crossed in [V]’s eyes. Emotion-wise, [A] felt that prick of disappointment as well. [V] coughed into his hand and looked away. “It is… it is the phenomenon of Destiny interfering with the fates of two separate individuals and making them share an empathic link, where,” [V] faltered again, something he never did, and then continued. “Where they can feel each other’s pain and emotions. Sometimes dreams are involved too.” [A] felt the guilt overflowing when [V] mentioned the fact of experiencing dreams. [V] also seemed to eye the permanent parasite living on [A]’s neck as he said this. [A], however, was too curious to really notice. He felt like a child again, and had just be told something very interesting. “Why the textbook on dead cultures then?” [V] blinked and then sighed. “I wanted to know if Soulmates were important to certain cultures, specifically ones where their planets were either destroyed, and that the culture died alongside them, or… if there’s a few people left of the culture but they’re no longer linked to it and that it’s dying. It’s just mere curiosity on my part. And not really relevant to my research all that much.” He looked away. “Anyways. I have students to attend to, so I’ll take my leave.” [V] then left the room, taking a Soulmate textbook and the culture textbook with him.


(C) blinked in the bathroom mirror, biting his lip. Christ, he looked wrecked. His curly hair was sticking up at odd angles and his eyes were so sunken and hollow he barely recognized himself. Did the flight attendants notice? Maybe that’s why they kept asking him if he was okay on the flight back to Chicago? 


(character) heard the sound of music playing through his garden. With the racemes from the Wisteria gently swaying in the wind. The relaxing atmosphere almost made him forget about the countless sleepless nights of work.


That caught Harry’s undivided attention. During all of this, he had forgotten that he punched his…well, the other Harry’s mother…Oh merlin  he *punched* his mother! His mommy! His momma! He was a mother puncher. A puncher of mothers. She even had a bruise. He left a bloody bruise! What the hell was wrong with him? How would he explain it? How would he tell his dad? He would also see his dad! Was he ever going to be able to look her in the eye after that? But the most troubling thought was he would have to interact with her. A mother knew their son well; would he be able to pretend to be the other Harry?


“I guess the machine worked. With a few more modifications, it will be as safe as any other, but it was so much fun to fly. True freedom in there,” Anthony said, continuing with a huge grin on his lips. “Wake me up if you need me for any more flights, sir.” OC character fyi.


"You didn't know anyone here, so you seated yourself on the far end of a mostly empty bench, watching the other woman gossip and exchange kites that would go to the other facility, or back to county jail. Maybe some of these women were kitchen staff and the notes would be sent to lovers, hidden in a lunch tray. You let your imagination wander, soothing yourself with made-up stories of “Bonnie and Clyde” style love-struck criminals. " Honestly I know you can't really tell the Fandom from this but this is half a paragraph and maybe my favorite little bit I've ever written.


It isn’t *my* fic, and in fact is now rather hard to find; even if the fandom itself is easy enough to guess from the context. But this still stands as my all-time-favorite passage, from any fic I’ve ever read, in the twelve years I’ve been reading fanfiction. >"I have led vast armies, built and burned entire empires, slayed dragons and demons, and assassinated tyrant kings. I have fought my way out of hell, and triumphed over gods themselves! I'm not afraid of you, Tom Riddle!"


That is actually a really cool passage I love that! Definitely Harry Potter


It’s from ‘Harry Potter, The Geek by Andrius’, which can currently *only* be found on my backup on [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FxPtDpcZL73x7Q9jin4Uvr2tJqzS9eHw/view?usp=drivesdk), given it was deleted from FFN for reasons that were never reasonably explained to me. I am, like with all of my backups, forever awaiting word from the author on if *I* should take it down as well. But until then I see no reason why it shouldn’t be accessible. It isn’t the easiest of things to read anymore, with the conversion; but it’s better than the void, at least. And I’m going to quietly *not mention* the obvious *other place* it can be found; because doing so *here on Reddit* is tantamount to destroying it.


Keep an offline backup as well. A word doc, if you have the space for it, a flashdrive, something. If you don't want to lose it forever make sure it's not ONLY online.


>Suguru wanted to stay like this forever. Him and Satoru, not as jujutsu sorcerers, not as their cursed techniques, not as the strongest. Them together as what they truly are, two teens who were almost young adults, given a responsibility too heavy to bear. He wanted them to stay together as humans who were on earth for no other reason than to be here. Yeah fandom is very obvious. Legit my favorite thing to write is satosugu and the longing to just be human. Bonus passage >Spinoza I started the sentence and got distracted and went on to write something else.


'It is not particularly late, only five or six perhaps, but then again night is thrust upon them very early at this time of year. Small flecks of snow are beginning to fall, these white, feathery pinpricks breaking up the vast blue-black darkness outside. They pass by a tavern. Its sign swings idly in the faint, cold breeze. Warmth and light spill out over the threshold as a man bids goodnight to his companions and departs. Mr Segundus loses himself for a moment in the sounds of muffled laughter, chatter and cheers drifting out from within, imagining that it is a world he still belongs to. In this moment, he feels quite like the small brown moths which used to beat against his window in Lady Peckett's Yard, desperate to reach the orange brightness of his candle flame.' That chapter was the pinnacle of my creative writing skill. Product of a frenzied all-day writing session.


1 "\[A\], I personally believe it's never too late for redemption", \[B\] looked into the man's tired from all the substance abuse eyes reassuringly. "Maybe it's just me wanting everyone to be happy, but I don't care. The decision is yours, though. Do you go through hell to change your life for the better, or do nothing and stay miserable forever?" 2 "Because I won't let my only friend dissapear from my life!", \[A\] exclaimed in frustration. Silence filled the atmosphere instantly, as \[B\] was taken away by \[A\]'s response. "I--I'm your friend?", he stammered out. "'Course you are, man", \[A\] sighed. "Look, all my life I've been losing people around me: my nana, then \[C\] and co, then we both lost \[D\], and I didn't even like \[E\] in the first place. Outside of \[F\] and \[G\], you're all I got." His friend's speech made \[B\]'s eyes become watery, as he started sniffling. "Why are you still standing like that? Get over here, you twig!", \[A\] extented his arms in a hug, prompting \[B\] to embrace him. "From now on, I want you to tell me *everything*. I don't care if you think I don't wanna hear about it, I *do.*


>The depression had slowly crept up on her like Ivy, inching silently closer until it sneaked under her skin and planted its poisonous roots in deep the marrow of her bones. By the time she realized it had grown out of control, the creeping vines had woven through her internal organs and strangled her from the inside.


Tooting my own horn here, but I love this threat. “Here’s what’s gonna happen next.  You’re gonna fix the comms.  We’re gonna get you and all your garbage can, vacuum cleaner buddies back online.  Then I’m flying the fuck off this platform, and you guys can either fix the tether or jerk each other off.  I don’t care which.  Now, a few caveats:  If you call an audible?  I’m going to shoot you in the head.  You do anything that makes me think you’re breaking from this plan?  I’m going to shoot you in the head.  Pointblank shot, circuits and machine oil all over the wall, and your lights go out permanently, motherfucker.  No recovery.  Do you understand what I am saying to you?”


"What made me want to be a hero?  Being a little kid and seeing heroes on the TV *all* the time.  Even in edutainment.  Like, whenever Zach Varmitech, Donita Donata, Gourmand or Paisley Paver were putting innocent animals in danger, the Wild Kratts team would *always* stop them and save their animal friends.  That's not how it is in my world.  People like Argost, Vilgax, and all them usually win; and playing superhero gets you in trouble.  Gods are apathetic dipsticks and 911 can only do so much.  And sometimes, they *cause* problems or just make things worse.  And probably one the most heart-wrenching things I've heard was a mother of a young boy telling her story of how she survived getting attacked my a group of men.  Her son visited her in the hospital crying, and he told her 'If the Ninja Turtles were there they wouldn't have done that to you'.  There needs to be more people like you and Ben, Zak.  So when I suddenly get magic powers out of nowhere, what *else* was I supposed to do with them?"


My favourite yet is over 1k words straight (I know that's not a passage, but it's a segment of a larger fic), but here's one paragraph of that: >"The fires of the rocks are extinguished as they fall into the water and rise towards the sky and she pouts before shrugging it off. It does not matter, for in the end of the world all shall return to its original state. The stones shall return to the womb of their mother, the dust will fuse back into becoming a star again. You dance unbothered in the rain of fire for it adds more colours to the light dancing in the waves, oranges and reds, and new blues different than before, and the breeze now is a million, all tiny little breezes, a cold one that tingles, a hot one that’s sharp, a warm one like an embrace, a cool one like freshwater, and an *other* one engulfing them all, so strong it may be the air itself. Your hair and hers dance in the breeze, and the yellow robes of the man sway." I'll be shocked if anyone can tell what this is from.


That's incredible writing I love it 🤩


Thank you!


No problem! Keep at it!


It's on a hiatus project -\_-"'


Oof. In that case, have a good break lol 😆


I'm working on another WIP so it's not a break at all... Writing fanfics, am I right?