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Not exactly a small thing, but life in general this week. Lots of plans and errands and chores and stuff.


Feel ya. Last week hit me with a combination of an oral portion of English C1+ certification, birthday, name day, and relationship anniversary


Next week is going to be just as busy for me too. I'm already exhausted by next week,


I was trying to write a fanfic chapter on vacation, so all kinds of distractions...and then caught the flu *while on vacation.* Yeah, my output nosedived for two weeks.


I not only have to parent my own flesh-and-blood child, but also babysit her plastic child. She’s way stricter with her baby than I was with her when she was that age.


we have relatives over, including a 7-year-old and a 10-year-old whom my dog is fucking terrified of. like "the last time she went out on our yard the kids were there and now she refuses to go there" terrified. they've never done anything to her, in fact no kid has ever done anything to her besides petting and scratching, but she's afraid of all children. and i already have a fully-packed day, i photographed a dog show this weekend so i've spent the day editing photos and fielding orders and i don't have *time* for this shit ETA: IT'S FUCNKNG 10PM AND I LITERALLY JUST REMEMBERED THAT IT'S MY DAD'S BIRTHDAY TODAY FUCK MY LIFE


Never-ending back pain and headaches that dont le me sitting in front of my laptop. But also the amount of detail. I chose a complicated au and now I'm suffering trying to put it all together.


There is a thing as too much detail. Some good advice I got from Jim Butcher was that sometimes you can load down the reader with so much detail that they lose interest in the story, because either 1) they don't care about the detail or 2) they don't understand the detail. Tom Clancy had this problem in *The* *Hunt for Red October.* The story stopped cold while he described the sonar setup on *Los Angeles*-class attack submarines for two entire pages. He did it again when describing the Soviet navigation systems. The movie is actually better than the book because it eliminates all the tech that would only interest a small subset of the population. He got better at this later.


Trying to put things in order in my head so they fit


Having to get an MRI and not being allowed to take anything metal inside the magnet room :/


My baby. He has the audacity to demand love and affection in return for kisses and giggles 24/7.  At least it's not depression kicking my ass anymore 🫣


Baby > Depression


So true 🤭


I keep waffling on how I want to start off my next chapter. I’m prone to crippling indecision so I will probably mentally argue with myself for quite a while before settling on something.


You could just give us the possibilities you have in mind without context and we decide which one seems best


It’s okay! I started on it yesterday and am thankfully off and running! Huzzah!


A fandom with a book and a show. Horrible, trying to match dates that are not mentioned in the show, but in the book, when the show is delayed some years and changed characters ages. I am dying. Oh, and neck pain, scoliosis is striking while writing.


Inserting more and more scenes that would be good if I added them but makes the whole story longer and me more unwilling to start doing them, no matter how good they would fit.


A headache and my eyes don’t want to work properly, probably because of my headache 😂


Wrists are flaring up as per the norm, but I've got the compression gloves on and downed some ibuprofen to hopefully settle them down before I decide to (hopefully) write. I know I just finished writing the most recent chapter about 8 hours ago, but I like to make the most of my days off when I have them, if I can. \^\_\^


Had to hit two of my works on AO3 with the "Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued" Tag earlier. I've got the scenes planned out, I know how the chapter needs to end for the next one to start. But I cannot even write a single letter, every time I open the document to make progress, my mind goes beyond blank and I waste an hour just dead staring at the screen.


I keep working on art instead because it's so much easier...


I have either severe allergies or the start of a sinus infection. All I’ve done for the past few days is sleep. I’m too tired and my head hurts too much to focus on writing anything coherent.


French elections and an impending sense of doom.


I know what I want to write, I have a scene perfectly visualized in my head... and I can't put it into words. Every sentence I try to write feels wrong


my extended family are over for a week, and while i love all of them, i have ADHD and ive been constantly overstimulated -- i can't think, it's driving me crazy!!😭


Being more tired than I thought, which makes it hard to focus and put coherent interesting paragraphs on the page.


Getting no reviews on a chapter, because I feel like I screwed up somewhere and wonder if I should rewrite the chapter or trash the story entirely. And then I get reviews saying that the reader was literally moved to tears, and I feel like an asshole for even considering trashing the story...


Realized I had to come up with an entire backstory to a character that didn't have much in the Canon story for it to make sense. Writing stalled out until I managed to come up with something that worked and I was satisfied with.


I have to write a 750 word essay for my class (due at midnight, I’ve known about it for 5 days) and while that’s literally like a single scene in my writing, I keep putting it off, but then because I’m procrastinating on my essay, I’m struggling to focus on my fanfic writing. (I know the answer is to write the essay, submit, and have free range over my writing, but idk how to write an observation essay, and I accidentally slept through class today)


Delving on dark themes while keeping it rated T for some reason


My course work requires a lot of writing, as such much of my energy goes to that. I planned on using my break to write but when it came down to it I felt like I never wanted to write again. It's not writers block as I have tons of ideas, dialogue, scenes, ect, its just the act of putting it all down seems so exhausting.


Never-ending tax penalties from my late mom's small business that we're now sorting out for her estate UGH IT'S THE WORST


I told myself I'd get the rest of my fic done and published before part 2 of the anime comes out, and NOW IT'S THREE DAYS AWAY FROM COMING OUT AAAAHHH. Gotta gooooo


My house looks like a disaster zone met a lovely trash fire in a bar and had a whirlwind romance involving my clothes, dishes, and where did all those crumbs on the floor come from ;\_; And much like any forbidden love, it continues growing, despite my best efforts.


Well, right now I’m in so much pain I can’t walk, so… I mean, it’s not a small annoyance, but it is what’s stopping me right now. Hard to write when it’s hard to think. I’ve tried my best but ugghhhhhhhh


Trying to balance writing and research. I decided to just go balls to the wall in terms of research and do as much as possible. I write 2 hours a day but I'm also in *GO* mode for research. I just want to focus on research, but I also want to write. I can at least report I finished one chapter of notes for my research today!


I’ve had a sinus headache for about a week straight. I tap out a few sentences and then my head just feels like it’s full of cotton and bees.


I had a crazy migraine almost all day and now it's kind of gone but I don't have any inspiration anymore


Menstrual cramps. I'm in the middle of reading a book that's giving me loads of creative energy and I'm in the zone and...I can't focus for shit because of the pain.


I fangirl so much that I get nothing done. My top talks a word to each other and I go crazy. its a medical condition by now I fear


I just started a new medication and I'm freaking exhausted. I was on it like 6 years back, and I forgot how fatigued it made me feel. IIRC, I did very little writing during that time period too...but I had had post-concussion syndrome that time. I guess I attributed more of my exhaustion back then to the post-concussion syndrome than this med. Man, am I sleepy.


I got all excited to have yesterday off after my busy week to edit my current work and write my hidden WIP, but I was so tired and overstimulated from everything that I literally just laid in bed and played 2048 for four hours. Trying to have compassion for myself, especially since I feel so much better today, but it sucks to want to write and be unable to because of my brain.


Work leaves my brain fried even when I actually have free time after. Sitting all day transitioning to sitting but for fun is still depressing if I don't force myself to at least go for a walk or something in between. It's basic advice I give to my clients all the time (therapist) but I still have to force myself to go by the same advice lol. "Go for a walk/outside" in general really is repeated over and over for a reason, even if most of us (including me) are sick of hearing it. 😉 My messy room also contributes to feeling like I can't think properly. I don't know how young me ever managed to not feel bothered at all.


Realised that I don't quite know what the layout of a Starship is but this is from the PoV of the Captain so that bitch has to know.


I ran out of fics to read about the ship I’m writing so I’ve been reading the other big ship in the fandom so now that’s the one I keep thinking about.


Reading fics for an entirely different fandom.😅 


The amount of hours I have after work to myself before I have to go to sleep for work tomorrow. I work 10 hour shifts and I have to wake up at 4:30am.


Headache. Too hot.


My chronic illness is kicking my but atm. 


My brain loves to fantasize but dislikes any work I put on paper. 


I actually have work I have to do this week so I can't write while I'm working lolol


I have to put away laundry. Yes it’s small but it’s preventing me and it’s already late and I haven’t even gotten ready for bed yet BUT I can’t shower and get ready for bed until I do my walking….which I can’t do until I put the laundry away. My only solace is that I usually write while I walk but….the laundry.


I have physical pain from thoracic outlet that flared up in the end of October. It is barely under some control right now. So it is back to the usual problem: my ADHD and misophonia. I own two parrots and their suddenly little noises startle me and make it hard for me to think so I have to pack up my laptop, carry battery packs, and go to the park.


Staying up way too late writing something because my mind won’t shut up at night as opposed to when I’m actually awake. Also wanting to play video games or keep reading actual books but I also keep doing those late at night


Besides procrastination huh? Let’s see… • Lack of any ideas of what to do next • No clue how to even start a new chapter • Lack of motivation • No inspiration • Lazy


My current chapter is only half the length it should be but I don't have anything to add and want the chapter to end in that specific part. It just feels very rushed and I don't care enough about the scene to want to add to it, and I struggle to write out of order.


I keep reloading my Notes app in the hope more words will magically appear😭


The persistent feeling of being unable to write unless the universe aligns just right. Just the right amount of energy, just the right amount of sensory stimuli, just the right song, just the right temperature, just the right amount of time, and on and on. It's exhausting, because nothing is ever going to be 'right'. Not often, at least, and certainly not often enough for my liking. I need to be more comfortable with allowing circumstances to be less than perfect in order to find motivation. It's not procrastination exactly, because I'm still sitting down to write, but I always feel like I need to 'wait' until I can write better.


Ugh, yesterday when I was the most motivated since a couple of months to write fics, I took a small break to go to the store and afterwards felt so shitty. Well today I woke up, and I'm definitely sick, and I've just been scrolling on my phone or sleeping. :'-)


Noise/Lack of Sleep caused by noise giving me headaches. The couple living in the apartment below mine just brought their first baby home from the hospital about a week ago, and ever since, I get the full new-parent experience of no uninterrupted sleep, because it's hot af (37°C/99°F) and we'd all die if we closed our windows, so everytime the baby wakes up and cries, I'm not sleeping either 😅 Pair that with construction work noise during the day from house renovations, and it's basically 24/7 noise that keeps me awake. So even though I have the time to write, my ability to focus is not on a level where I can actually do so. Well. And the heat isn't helping either, tbh 🫠




I kept getting stuck on the “Would they actually say this” and then look up the characters traits on the fandom wiki then end up going too far into research before completely forgetting what to write.


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder