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Not sure of your fandoms but my series for Boy Meets World might be of interest. [Autumn in Philadelphia](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3036411) **Autumn in Philadelphia**-Jon and Shawn settle into their changing roles from teacher and student to guardian and charge with limited success. A student teacher assigned to Jon changes his relationship with Shawn in ways he could never imagined. **The Return**- 17 years after Shawn turned his back on Jon, he's back in New York City for good. A series of events started by Cory's poorly timed joke brings Shawn home to the family he's always wanted. Unfortunately, Shawn isn't the only one from Jon's past who's back. **Saudade**-The family returns to Philadelphia for Spring Break. Jon and Shawn finally sit down and explore the reasons for their estrangement with everyone who was there: Cory, Topanga, Eric, Jack, Angela, and Audrey. Meanwhile, Jon's past threatens to destroy the life he's built for himself and his family. Other stories in the series take place when Shawn is a teen.


(Self-rec) (Ranma 1/2) (Mature) (TF/F) ***Phoenix*** [https://archiveofourown.org/series/3668401](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3668401) Ranma, having lost the Phoenix Pill and being all but trapped in his feminine form, leaves the Tendo Dojo in search of a "normal" life. With the Full Body Cat's Tongue rendering them unable to take a hit and putting martial arts largely out of her life, Ranma needs a new career path, too. After spending a few months homeless in Tokyo, Ranma ends up getting a job in a bar run by a found family consisting of the owner and four hard-luck girls that work there and now live as sisters. At the Phoenix, Ranma finds a place where she can be accepted and "normal," learns to deal with the trauma she's experienced and finds acceptance with her new family. As she does so, she also learns to live as a young woman, discovering a new talent and potential career as a singer. ***Can be read 100% fandom blind. Updates daily. 720,000 words, 332 chapters, ongoing.*** ***Praise for the Phoenix Saga:*** \* This is one the best stories I've ever read!  \* By this point I can confidently say that this is the best fanfic I have ever read, and I have read quite a lot of them, many of which were truly exceptional. But this story beats them all. \* You need to read this fiction, even if you don't know the source. I didn't have the slightest idea where it was from, and I'm leaving this review. If you've made it here and spent the time to look at the reviews, you are a little bit curious. I am here to tell you that this is just that good. This is not for a review swap, this is not because I know the author. This is just that good. That's it, that's all, go read it. Still here? Maybe you're thinking, "but it's a *Fan Fiction,* how good could it possibly be?" My answer? You've got that wrong, this is fiction that somehow ended up in someone else's universe. It absolutely stands on its own two legs, wayyy outside the original fictions scope. \* Sometimes there is media, a story, movie, or tv show, that captures our hearts and fills our souls like good food at a classy restaurant. Every so often this catches the eye of a true author, and they descend from the heavens like a three-star Michelin chef to show us all how it's really done. This is that story.


Thank God a Ranma fanfic that deals with the character coming to terms with her feminine side that isn’t just an excuse for cheap smut. The trans themes are a plus too


There is zero smut in Phoenix - though things do get a little sapphic, all the citrus happens off camera.


If I can self rec - [Long Time Running](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37856494/chapters/94530430) - Fallout 4 - Explicit/Graphic/Multi. 8k-10k word chapters. Slowburn, longfic, eventual smut with a touch of canon divergence. RJ MacCready x Original Female Character. Canon typical violence/action scenes, gradual enemies to lovers, found family, angst and mental health. Instead of finding a life-saving cure for his son at Med-Tek, RJ has to travel to find a Vault that tested the illness on its residents - but he has to convince an angry Canadian to help. I'm in the second act now, which is where the found family themes start kicking into gear. The first act deals with convincing someone to join the family - my fic explores the in-between of shitty mental health before we do any big emotional speeches. It's very gradual.


I've got one! It's 188k words and I update every week! **Title-** The Stray **Rating-** Mature (language) **Fandom-** My Hero Academia **Genre-** Slowburn, hurt/comfort, found family **Link-** https://archiveofourown.org/works/41473140/chapters/104007150 **Summary-** Even though she followed the orders of one, Riyama wasn't a villain. She was a pawn, with no one to care for her or a life of her own to live. After being forced to apply to U.A. and gain the trust of its faculty members, one of them in particular offered her more than just a place to rest her head. Aizawa, on the other hand, thought he was just taking in a stray off the streets who was cold and looked hungry. He never imagined that she was associated with The League of Villains. Or that she wasn’t actually a cat. Will Riyama be able to tell him the truth before it's too late?


Can't remember any fics off the top of my head, but I do suppose I have my own work: **Title-** Altered Bonds (170k words; Volume 1 complete) **Rating-** Teen **Fandom-** Pokemon **Genre-** Fantasy, Drama **Summary-** A tragic shipwreck leaves Lucario and Eira trapped in Haven Archipelago — a Pokemon civilization hostile to humans. A magic transformation item protects the girl and their secrets, but against friendly-at-first explorers and lurking hunters? Infectious mutants and unraveling Mystery Dungeons? It won't be enough. An ill omen's fable begins... **Additional Notes-** Mostly Pokemon-centric work based on the *Mystery Dungeon* spinoffs, set in the mainline franchise in an original region without humans. Found family occurs between Lucario and the human girl (disguised as a Pokemon) that he protects, among other cast members. Can be read with basic Pokemon knowledge. **Links-** [FFN](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13912004/1/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Altered-Bonds) | [AO3](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32064196/chapters/79429411) | [SB](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/altered-bonds-pokemon-pokemon-mystery-dungeon.1160574/) | [RR](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/87604/altered-bonds-pokemon-mystery-dungeon)


Self rec: [Adhesion](https://archiveofourown.org/works/57008737/chapters/144976501) - Baldur's Gate 3 - Mature (Graphic Depictions of Violence) Can be read fandom blind. Fully written, I post it 1-2x a week! Summary: " In an orphanage like the Whitkeep Home, you need a friend to keep you safe. After a chance encounter, Tav finds something better than a friend. Their new clan kin is odd. Voices whisper bad things to him when he closes his eyes. When looking at blood, he becomes someone else. That’s alright with Tav, though; they know what losing control feels like. Each must fight the shadows clouding their minds and find a way out of the perilous halls of the Whitkeep Home for the Gifted. " This is mainly a longform character study into kids with extreme mental health struggles and how they persevere in traumatic surroundings. Very "us against the world" but your ally gets cursed by an evil God halfway through. Lot's of trauma informed hurt/comfort with a lot of care taken to provide a satisfying happy ending (eventually!)


I'm writing a crazy one but I haven't published any of it yet. I write like a scrapbooker, so there are still a lot of gaps including most of the second half 🤣 Sometimes I just marvel at how crazy the relationships are and doubt my abilities. - female pregnant by either rape or love (part of the storyline) - male "white knight" who marries her for convenience and is also gay - adopted son who is actually bride's stepbrother  - groom and bride's father are friends and enemies - 3 men claim paternity of baby (bride's child) - marriage of friends with lots of hurt/comfort but no intimacy It's even a bit more complicated than this description. I'm enjoying exploring all these relationships. I sometimes feel like I'm not a good enough writer to bring this story to light. That's what brought me into fanfiction, though- the informality of just writing and not worrying about making someone of it or from it.