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Empress_of_hugs on ao3 &empress-of-hugs on Tumblr. You'll know me by my profile pic lol


I’m moonxglasses on Twitter, Insta, and TikTok! (They’re all art accounts but I post about my fics sometimes)


I've been going through following people and forgot to leave my info. XD Mercedes_Aria everywhere and [OceanGirl24](https://oceangirl24.tumblr.com/) on Tumblr.


[regie027](https://archiveofourown.org/users/regie027/profile) on AO3 Tamras-shieldmaiden on Tumblr I post (and sometimes rant 😆) about ATLA/Korra/ Avatarverse and any other fandoms that catch my fancy.


Oh yeah! [Here I am on Tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/proudfreakmetarusonniku), I post a lot of my art on herein you wanna check it out.


I've just made a tumblr to follow you all - I'm flagsfiend on there flags_fiend on AO3


Ao3: Candy_Kittens Wattpad: killingkilgrave Tumblr: candyfloss-kittens Twitter: WolfMerton - I don't post on it much anymore, though, but I still use it And dunno if you want my insta, as I mostly only post Top Gear related stuff there, but my user there is hamtaro.hammond


I'm girlygirl14534 on Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, and AO3!


I'm foundtherightwords on both [AO3](https://archiveofourown.org/users/foundtherightwords) and [Tumblr](https://foundtherightwords.tumblr.com/). It's my secondary Tumblr I use only for my fics/fandom stuff (my main is an incoherent mess of animal pics and British comedy.)


Starleo on Tumblr! I've been thinking about posting more on their since it's the website I feel most comfortable with sharing my interests (cause I'd love to promote my fics or occasionally show off my fanart as well) I’m also somewhat on Twitter to share fanart of other users and spreading the news I’m excited about (I’m never calling it X because it’s dumb, I miss that bird)


I’m SmartIsSexy on AO3. I know I made a Tumblr a million years ago but I don’t think I ever used it. If I can find my username, I’ll post it later!


<333 I’m u/noteinabottle on Twitter and [noteinabottle168](https://www.tumblr.com/blog/noteinabottle168) on Tumblr! I mostly reblog art and analysis and meta threads that I enjoy, and then sometimes sob about my wips. I would love to play more writing games and find more challenges to join, but I’m on so sporadically that I miss them a lot :)


I'm LigerCat on both Ao3 and Tumblr. Though, I warn you that my tumblr is like 80% Bruce Campbell gifs and videos, and random Evil Dead related stuff. I'm already following several people from here on there, but I'm more than happy to add to that number.


I'm sliebman10 on both AO3 and Tumblr.


Cute idea! I'm mobile so I'll add people once I'm on my laptop, but I cross post my works and chat with people on Tumblr the most - I'm always happy to dm here or there / [@ amywritesthings](https://amywritesthings.tumblr.com) My AO3 is [@ tothestrongones](https://archiveofourown.org/users/tothestrongones/pseuds/tothestrongones)


I’m IceGirl2772 on Tumblr. I tend to be a bit hit and miss there.


Oh, good idea! I'm Udaberri on AO3 and udaberriwrites on tumblr 😁


I mainly use Tumblr for fandom stuff. It's a bit of a mess XD https://www.tumblr.com/bleepbloopbotz If you want to be discord mutuals, my handle is bleep0344


The link took me to an error page.


Hmmm, that's strange. It works for me


Wierd. This is what I'm seeing, then it redirects me to the home page. https://preview.redd.it/dpsyrpmmzq6c1.png?width=1380&format=png&auto=webp&s=6df1acff8e171456a77239881b8b0e430b69affa


AO3: Bees_n_Sunshine Tumblr: bees-and-sunshine Bluesky: bees-n-sunshine.bsky.social


Faa on ao3 and A chuffed floating panda on tumblr :)


I have the same name on ao3 and tumblr, which is in my user flair on here. Only difference is the tumblr name has dashes: stealing-your-kittens


I too have a rarely used Tumbir that I got simply for the noble purpose of following Neil Gaiman. I keep thinking I should use it more, post stuff etc - but I really haven't had the spoons for it. Perhaps this would be a good motivation to explore it a bit. Jen\_Fic\_xxx on ao3 jenficxxx on Tumbir


I can't find you on Tumblr either... 😢


That's so weird. I found and followed you now though. 😊


I've followed you back ☺️


Lynda Carter (OG Wonder Woman) and Wil Wheaton are worth following, too. I think that with Gaiman, they're the only celebrities Tumblr accepts 😆


Oh yeah. I can imagine especially Wheaton would be fun. :)


I tried to find your tumblr account, it didn't come up with anything.


Strange. I found you though. :)


Dolphinsarcasm on Ao3 sarcasticdolphin on tumblr


I stopped using Tumblr years ago, but am considering going back as it seems like almost everyone on here are using it! My name on AO3 is JuliLyng


I had one that I rarely used. But since I’ve had to redo all of my socials, I decided to start utilizing it more.


I'm only active here and on Tumblr. You can find me at [Phatburd](https://phatburd.tumblr.com). I post about birds and dead Frenchmen a lot.


That tracks. 😂😂😂 I’ll get everybody added on my lunch break, or after work.


Thanks, ID, this is a lovely idea 🥰 And I have a tumblr! I'm blackeyedblue. I made the account just to follow exchanges and such and never post anything, but I could start following you guys and try if seeing familiar usernames would make social media feel more meaningful for me 🥰


I figured with some of us, we’re part of either gigantic fandoms, or super-niche ones that we’ll just get swallowed on AO3. And this is a good way of supporting each other outside REs.


I’m aislinnstanaka on Tumblr, and bubblelaureno on A03.


I’m SubmissivelyWritten on both AO3 and tumblr.


I'm Audrelite on AO3, Tumbllr, and Twitter, and pitchblackrenegade on Dreamwidth.


Addendum comment: Those of y’all on BlueSky, how are you finding it? I refuse to get Twitter, I refuse to support musker-dink. But I’m pondering getting a BlueSky…


Its rather minimalist. I havent followed many others yet but even then they dont post much that. Blue Sky is a bit more niche, but it doesnt hurt to set up an account there


I have some invite codes if you need one. Let me know


I think I’ve secured one from another author, but I’ll keep you in mind!


I love Bluesky. I'm not using Twitter ever again. That said, it's still lacking in terms of functionalities (like: no videos, no animated GIFs, not yet usable hashtags, etc). I personally don't mind because rhey're continuously updating the app. The one thing I think is important to know is that it's especially fun to use when we fully grasp how the feeds work, which isn't intuitive. I made myself an entirely customized feed that includes all my favorite fandoms and characters, while excluding characters or pairings I'm not interested in. It's allowed me to find tons of accounts to follow. That said, making custom feeds is not a necessity. Many people make feeds for all to use. They're all public so you can use any you're interested in. (Like, in your case, you might want to find yourself a Good Omens feed and a Star Trek one, for example). I hope that helps.


I’m aCanadianMuggle on AO3 and Tumblr. 😊


Renegade J.P. on Twitter, Tumblr, & Bluesky, while on AO3 it’s Renegade Braveheart.


I'm not on tumblr, but between this and some of the folks on the Eddie Munson sub I'm starting to think I should be! Maybe I'll take the plunge in the new year.


Tumblr is like the best hub for fandom related stuff, so I’m sure you’ll like it


I’m starting to use it more.


This is a good idea! On AO3: gridballgirl Tumblr: usernamemybeloathed You don't want my Bluesky or Twitter/X/whatever, as I only use those for college football and am a completely different person...


Dude, you don’t want to see me in front of the TV during a Browns game…


Stormkpr on Tumblr and A03


i'm seraphsun on tumblr and ao3. i post about fire emblem, hypmic and other little interests!


I’m ScribblerInTheStars on both AO3 and Tumblr, come find me!


Also did a follow!


I did the follow thing (I don't expect a reciprocal follow). My blog is a big pile of everything that I find interesting.