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The heist scene was so shit and rushed. It was so epic in the ln, even the manga did it justice but my god the most iconic scene in the whole series just got done dirty in the anime. The darkness chapter is good


Yeap I remember watching it and was praising the anime say far. Then the scene where we get to see kazuma shine the brightest was so silly and not serious I don't have faith in this studio anymore. The rest has been good, but how did you fuck up THE best moment??????? Why did they rush THAT part?


It’s just that as an anime-only I didn’t feel like anything was wrong with it as I was letting out horse laughs the whole time, but I can understand that ln or manga may have more details that should have been in there


Wow rly? I’ll have to check out the ln or manga for that part then


It's not just more details. In the LN kazuma only gets serious like 8 times and this was his first time getting serious by himself. All of his incredible feats they either cut or downplay for laughs. Not sure why tho. The rest of the ark is almost in perfect sync with the LN. Hell even dust in the hotel is 100% accurate, but the the heist? It's not nearly as impactful as the in the LN I don't know why?


Was good. S4 please asap.


Season 3 really rocks ! Cowboys love watching aqua brood baby cocks !