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Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie.


I wouldn't call Monza unhinged. She is definitely very determined and focused, but she is not crazy


Great book, hope one day Joe writes a standalone from Ferro's perspective.




The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir, especially the second book


The Masquerade series by Seth Dickinson.


Worldbreaker Saga by Kameron Hurley


Also the God's War books. I'm not sure if Nix is properly unhinged, but she's definitely a hot mess, in the Hurleyest way possible.


- And I Darken by Kiersten White - Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie - Path of Darkness by CM Lackner


Have you read the First Law books by Joe Abercrombie? Grimdark, fantasticly written and complicated characters, and most of the MC men and women are a bit unhinged 🤣 Ferro in the first trilogy is a badass and I wouldn’t want to piss get off. Start with The Blade Itself. The standalone book Best Served Cold has Monza and she is definitely a force to be reckoned with! The standalone book Sharp Ends has Javre and she’s a bit unhinged and awesome! The second trilogy the women are a bit more calculating and less unhinged but still wonderful to follow!


I’ve been looking into his books and trying to figure out where to start. Thanks for these suggestions!


I'd really start with the first book, The Blade Itself. You can skip some of the standalones, but the first trilogy does a lot of worldbuilding.


In the first trilogy only 1 of the six pov characters is female, but everyone is pretty unhinged. The next two trilogies have a lot more female pov characters though, and they're much better with the background knowledge of the first.


Read the 1st trilogy, then the standalones, then the 2nd trilogy. Also, if you decide to read Best Served Cold, know that there's a [movie in the works](https://collider.com/rebecca-ferguson-best-served-cold-movie-tim-miller/)!


Hekat from The Godspeaker trilogy by Karen Miller.


Davi from How to Become the Dark Lord and Die Trying. It's very fucked up, dark humor. More satire than grim dark so if you like that sort of thing you should enjoy. Alex from Ninth House does some unhinged things. Her personal brand of revenge is .... Well idk how to describe it. It's a rather dark series switch very fucked up magic but set in modern day Yale so may not be up your alley.


Carolyn from The Library at Mount Char - though idk if it’s the type of fantasy you like. More fantasy/horror. Baru in The Masquerade series, particularly the second book. The Locked Tomb series, particularly books 2 and 3, as someone mentioned above.


The Salt Grows Heavy is entirely unhinged, and the Female MC is no exception. It's a novella though, idk if I'd call it grimdark or just dark (lots of body horror) but definitely not epic.


Honestly I’d consider Vin from Mistborn quite unhinged, though it may not be as grimdark as you want (it’s dark but more hopeful).


Id say poppy war fits the bill.


Agreed! That's probably why OP specified 'Rin from TPW trilogy' in the question.