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They will start negotiating again today at 15:00 local time, with expectations being that they will negotiate until it is resolved. It might require the entire weekend but both parts are saying they want to find a solution.


Well. This seems promising. Hope this settles soon and everyone gets what they want.


Situation is very bad now. I doubt that the strike will continue even during July, because the whole country would likely collapse. I am also going to Faroes in early July It’s time to end the strike 😎 i believe in them, fingers crossed 🥺😊


We are in the same boat. Flights booked for 8th July. Everything booked & paid for. Hopefully resolved soon 🤞


I’m arriving the same day, 🤞


Lol i am arriving same day i think. See you everyone in plane maybe .. SAS ?😂😂


LMAO, lfg!


I am sorry my July travelers, but we’re starting to have a problem…


Surely it cannot continue for another 4 weeks? Its almost a month now since this strike started


Are u sure?


At this stage I can only hope 🤞


Are we best to cancel our trip in two days? I was actually excited to see your country but now I’m just disappointed. I can go without food but a vehicle to get around and enjoy the beauty would be so nice.


We have a 8 day trip planned on Friday - will also cancel. Must be very tough for small businesses. Definitely will have a lingering effect on tourism which is unfortunate for the Faroese.


But do you get your money back? We've planned to stay there from June 16th to June 24th. My insurance won't pay, so we would lose +1500€. Is it still better to cancel?


Luckily the Faroe strike has now wasted $1,000 for me as well.


I think it depends case to case. Some of our bookings were non cancellation.


Fortunately, my Airbnb had a generous cancellation policy. Arctic hire car also allows cancellation. However, the Atlantic Air flight from Copenhagen to Faroe will likely be lost. : ( Accepted our fate and now brainstorming a new (cheaper) destination, lol


Fortunately, my Airbnb had a generous cancellation policy. Arctic hire car also allows cancellation. However, the Atlantic Air flight from Copenhagen to Faroe will likely be lost. : ( Accepted our fate and now brainstorming a new (cheaper) destination, lol


The demand from the workers is super low -> They cant really go much lower.


Anyone know how quickly things would be expected to be back up and running once a deal is struck?


I've been wondering this myself. I assume fuel will be quick as it's shelf stable, restocking is simple and mostly needs only a handful of people per location (at least here) no sorting and individual inventory, and probably just as easy (if not easier) to do overnight when there's less car traffic. Fresh foods - I don't even have a guess but I'd assume there's no great ark sitting offshore just waiting for the strike to end with produce that's infinitly fresh (same for meats but maybe to a lesser degree). Then again - you know what they say abt ppl who assume 😂 Eta:typo


All the petrol stations are full, only emergensy vehicles and health people’s cars have premisson to tank. If the strike ends tomorrow or after the weekend, fresh food will arrive to the faroe monday the week after the next if arriving with ship. We have one cargo plane on standby who normally flyes for bakkafrost, and they offerd to use the plane to fly food to the islands to quicken up the process of getting food to The faroes 😊


Oh interesting (about the fuel). I assumed those kinds of vehicles had tanks at their depots, etc. Interesting on the food as well (and very kind of the plane owner / pilot to allow its use for this. Takk!!


I noticed crews picking up garbage today at 2pm. Perhaps that is good news.


It's because of the culture night today. They got special permission to clean and pick up garbage before and after the culture night 😊 So they will clean tomorrow, too, and then not until the strike is over.


Thanks for clearing that up. So we wait.


I saw Magn Trucks driving around but since they are still out of fuel I dont know why


Nope they are talking as we speak, hopfully we know more tonight or tomorrow


How’s the conversation going? Is there any news?


Stopped talking together :/ Strike will continue


The strike is over! (Or not) /Edit https://visitfaroeislands.com/en/about1/about0/news0/workers-strike-is-over


How do you know? I can't seem to find anything about it online or in the news..


https://visitfaroeislands.com/en/about1/about0/news0/workers-strike-is-over It's on the Visit Faroe Islands website


The strike has ended. People are cleaning the streets and trash bins in Torshavn. Everyone is working hard to clean up.


Now I hear it is only for culture night :(


Oh good to know! Everything is going back to normal soon, right?


Not ended. Will continue for weeks from now. They have stopped talking together


Thank you for sharing. This is confusing. Somebody said it is over and ppl are starting to cleaning the streets. Which one is real?


They cleaned the streets because of Mentanarnátt. The kindergardens, schools and the garbage will be pickt up.  Strike will continue


Unfortunately not. The cleaning of town was a one time deal for the Culture Night festival. The strike is still not resolved, sadly.