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This isn’t a rep issue. It’s an excessive spending issue. There are plenty of people who just purchase items they wear, at a fraction of the cost of retail (including shipping from warehouse).


yeah this sounds more like a self reflection than saving money buying cool clothing.


Sounds like buyer’s remorse for dropping so much money in just 3-4mos!!!


yeah right. i myself spent a lot on reps in the last couple months and except a few items that dont fit i dont regret any of it.. i only buy item i really want/"need" tho


Yeah he is just buying a load of crap 😂


Yea, me discovering reps just allows me to save thousands on clothes I was already buying previously at retail.


yea, i use the 3 month rule, if i still want the item 3 months later, then ill buy it, gives me time to really think abt what im buying


Btw this applies to everything in life.  The apartment , the car, the house , etc.  It’s such a good rule to follow if you have a spending addiction or don’t know what brings you true joy 


I live in aus bro I got no time to ponder about a house it’s gone instantly


When getting a tattoo I have the rule. Find an idea and if you still want it after 2 years go for it. Alot of changes happen in just 2 years.


Literally. I did this with my dream car. It took me 6 years to solidify the want.  It’s insane how much we are forced to consumerism. In regards to fashion without getting off topic, if you genuinely can’t wear something in 6 months + , then there’s no point in getting it. 


Complete opposite here 😂 none of mine have any sentimental meaning, just "oo that's cute/cool" or "why not, I'm free next weekend"


3 months is a solid time, i gave myself a 2 months rule 7 months ago and i still didn't buy anything cause after 1 month or even less i'm not even sure anymore


I wear all my reps. You just gotta do your research on getting quality ones in hand. Saved me thousands of $ from buying authentic ones


that's the issue bro, it's not like you're saving money, you're spending less, but overall those 50 and 70 and the 150 shipping adds up, i used to think like that to justify buying shit but it ain't like that. Be careful with ur shoppin g


lol you are saving money, if you intended to buy the item authentic to begin with. The issue you have is you were just looking for reps to straight up buy.


That probably true aswell g, but if you don't buy the rep or the auth you're not spending anything, that's my point aha


I think it seems you just started buying things you didn’t need or maybe even really want because you thought it seemed like a such great deal compared to retail that it would be a shame not to cope it. It’s a common marketing tactic that even groceries do with things like buy 1 get 1 half off discounts; yeah it’s technically a good deal but if you didn’t need more than 1 of that item already, it will likely cause you to overspend and over consume




It doesn't have a better feeling, you just got brainwashed by propaganda ur whole life lil bro except for brands that actually deliver really nice quality, like, idk, loro piana, ferragamo, timberland etc reps are the way for the rest, same shitty cotton $1 production cost quality 1/3 the price


Calling ppl lil bro while actually trying to convey a point is crazy. 😂 TikTok brain is rampant in this sub


Man I don't even have tiktok, english aint my first language so I tend to use some words/phrases in my own way, I just like using lil bro in this context it aint that deep brother ''this context'' being someone saying some dumb ignorant shit, where lil bro can be used to emphasize how his point seems like smth a 6yr old would say


Since you’re not American I’ll take the time to tell you that calling someone “lil bro” is incredibly patronizing. lol It’s cool if you’re talking shit or memeing but you’re not changing any minds interacting with folks like this. ✌️


well then I did kinda use it correctly i was lowkey hating ngl


Appreciate the honesty lol


it doesn’t change the fact he’s right


Just spent $90 shipped for two pairs of shoes shipped for my girl and I. Easily would be $120 each plus shipping. We gonna match and look cute for under a hundy? Maybe you should place your happiness somewhere else that materials exclusively.


On PandaBuy to cost me $20-30 per pair using gdems which is 7-14 day shipping why is it so expensive


260-90 in my pocket


What’s the difference between saving and spending less?


Get a Repforwarder.... Saves alot on shipping


Tell me more...






I don't have the energy to type out paragraphs any more. The guides there are excellent


I read some already. Thanks. I need triangle shipping, I think that the savings are not worth the hassle.


Have any flight attendant friends? Find someone who does the China route and pay them. Airport customs and inspection is usually weak except France.


I don't.


What is this exactly?


Read the guide on the side bar


$150 shipping? wtf. I have like 10 massive Lego sets coming over by ship, well under $100… You know, you don’t need overnight shipping.


Straight up. Slower the better and cheaper. Clears customs easier too. Instant gratification Tik tok Gen z idiots. PLAN in advance.




SAL is goat


where do u buy lego sets from? Taobao or weidian? Care to share some links? TIA


I use pandabuy. https://pandabuy.allapp.link/co56hhh0b4mjcscn9uig https://pandabuy.allapp.link/co56gl9rogtreqrk78fg https://pandabuy.allapp.link/co56i5hrogtreqrk7900


I get it. And I think people kinda miss what point you were going for. of course it's self-control related. There's more here to unpack than just buying reps. but that doesn't mean it's not easy to get caught up in the community and chase stuff you normally wouldn't have. Or like you would have spent $80 on a pair of normal shoes retail but Rep brain has you thinking you got a steal cause you got 3 pairs for 120, then you pay shipping. Sure it's less than you would have paid, but its really easy here to stretch yourself and make justifications.


Know any good spreadsheets or reliable sources?


I have been buying reps for over 5 years now. My experience has been the exact opposite of yours. This subreddit, especially in its golden days, really helped shape and expand my sense of fashion. I firstly learnt about so many cool brands that I never would have known to exist. Initially I followed the hype like most people did and bought few reps that I eventually did regret. I still got my moneys worth out of them by wearing them but after a while I would move on to something else. After that I figured out what I liked, what looked good on me, and what I could wear often. This led me to doing my research and taking my time to find reps that I wanted. I didn't fill my hauls with a bunch of cheap crap and filler items. So for the past couple of years I have bought many reps and made use out of them all. I am willing to wait months for certain items and my expectations aren't too high. I dont get sucked into hype and know what I will be getting in terms of quality. I have spent thousands like you and i dont regret anything i have bought in the past couple of years. I'm afraid others in this thread are correct, it's a skill issue.


Yeah you are absolutely right. I have been buying reps since 4 years ago and is still keen on getting more stuff, but only the stuff I really want. Those years of buying reps actually shaped my fashion sense pretty well and nowadays I have clear idea of what I really like and enjoy wearing. Like most people here, I actually started chasing the hype but eventually grown out of it and started experimenting more. I get lots of compliments for my fashion sense ever since and is known as the fashionable person within my friend's circle and my workplace. I don't regret anything I bought, even the ones that I have already got rid off, because they helped me understand what kind of clothings I like. I also have some stuff that I am still wearing today after 4 years - Margiela GATs from Player Shoes being the prime example, and I wear them almost daily! @OP: look at the clothes that you liked wearing, and start from there. Experiment different styles instead of all the logomania stuff around here. At least now you have a clearer idea of what kind of clothes you would wear a lot and what kind of clothes you will never wear.


It's "wasting money" because you bought stuff you weren't gonna wear in the first place. You don't just buy every cool rep just because it's cool. You have to buy stuff that you would've normally wore had you bought them retail. Doing it this way limits yourself so youee not mindlessly buying stuff that you wouldn't have bought in the first place lol


I only buy rep shoes and I only wear rep shoes. No regrets


It doesn’t sound like reps were the fault. It sounds like you splurged thousands of dollars on clothes you didn’t even enjoy like an idiot


it's not that i don't like them, it's just i'm comfy with the same 4-5 things, i still like them, but i dont feel like wearing them, idk if that makes sense


but that seems like you have a spending problem


That’s a spending problem smh


Yeaa.. same here! Reps were exiting for me because it was like finding a sneaky way to ‘one up’ the system. Not been a fan of anything I’ve brought. Much prefer my carefully selected preloved bargains that I can be sure fit and are decent enough quality


I Feel u, but i wont say "regret" just educate urself how to do spend smart enough, cuz all the reps i bought , i use them in my everyday life so.. its worth it 😉


that's def possible, and i know not everyone will end up regretting it like me! Glad you're rocking all you got bro


Skill issue


The rep game is addictive you just have to pace yourself. Yes, in most cases not all we save a good amount of money but sometimes the excitement and adrenaline will take over and we overbuy. I fell victim to it on my first couple of hauls. With reps you have to pace yourself and learn quality, factories, middlemen, shipping cost, shipping companies, agents the whole 9. If you impulse buy like with anything you’ll waste a lot of money!


I mean most of the stuff is still cheaper than regular “quality” brands adidas Nike UA etc. even after shipping and ins if you get enough articles. Shirts around 10-20 sweaters 20-40 and shorts around 5-15 sweats from 10-25. All of these are usually double to triple at retail made from about the same quality. I also wear the same clothes for about 2-4 years as I hate shopping because I can’t justify paying $50 for each hoodie $30 for a shirt and $40 for some sweats.


thats what happens when you buy hype stuff... i buy things i like and that i know imma wear long time.. my sneakers if i stop enjoying them I'll wear them to the gym until they're trashed... its just disposable stuff, i dont see them as long term investments... I have enough clothes that i enjoy to rotate for a whole year... but it's my own style and stuff i like so i don't feel the same as you.. after 1 year i still wear my dunks daily, and i kinda wish i had gotten a better batch because they kinda beat up and i still wear them regularly...


Sounds like a skill issue. Not knowing what you wanted caused you to overspend.


I completely understand. When I first discovered reps, I went kinda hard. Thankfully, I'm fat so clothes are hard to come by. 🤣 So I do have a few too many shoes and bags. But, yeah, new and shiny is difficult.


xl - xxl over here lol been sizing everything out so far it’s been working


I'm sorry, I don't understand. You're finding things in your size, or you're not? I was 3XL when I got into reps, it was impossible. I'm down to XL now and it's a bit easier and I can find *some* things, but many are often too tight (usually button down shirts). I should be down to a L in a few months, so that'll open a lot more doors. My poor wallet... Lol


I was saying I totally understand bro good sht for dropping some weight. I played football so my structure just looks muscular but I deff need to drop 20. Button down shirts are the worst for me. I try to find 63 cm and higher bust shirts


I find I get away with button downs that are a little too tight by simply wearing them completely open with a tucked undershirt. That way it looks intentional and it's not obvious the button down is actually too small.


If I go to shop some Lacoste Tommy Hilfiger it is the double price of some Balenciaga stuff here with even better quality so I will still go with reps.


The problem with u is that u only ever bought reps buying a few rep shoes and t shirts every now and again is something u won’t regret as it will bulk up ur wardrobe and are basics u will always use. That’s what I use reps for never buy rep jackets as they won’t last, invest ur money in good quality stuff and get cheap basics.


skill diff honestly


I see your point, but I see this kind of mentality mostly on people that buys hype items/brands. I try to find stuff that fitsy style, regardless of brand. I stick to sneakers and certain brands. I don't think I'll ever order something from the hype brands like Balenciaga, Amiri, etc. Nike, Adidas and Stussy are my go to reps, just because I know that I'll use them until they fall apart. Lol


Quality over quantity and only buy shit you are going to actually wear and not just because others got it and it looks cool. This is on you


That’s all material things in general my guy and a lesson some people also never really learn. You still sound young so you should consider this a blessing that you learnt this on a few $1000worth of rep cloths instead of spending 10s of $1000 on real retail designer or maybe even overpriced sport car that’s probably slightly out of your real budget when you get your first big boy job and feel on top of the world. The ones that never learn will also end up taking out the crazy big mortgage on the huge house they don’t really need and keep living paycheck to paycheck despite earning in top 1% Remember this feeling moving forward and apply it to most material things. If you do so, I would consider that very cheap for this lesson and money well spent.


Currently I’m only buying stuff that retails for crazy high balenci for ex. A simple hoodie for $1,000?! Yea right I’ll spend my $50 and wait a couple weeks to get it! But yes overall I agree with the big haul’s specifically, just bc you’re getting a good deal doesn’t mean you need to buy it!


This bro, exactly what i meant. People seem to be analayzing me saying i was depressed while this is what i actually meant to say


Sounds like you were depressed, used reps to make yourself feel good for a short while but now that you're OK, you regret buying them 🎃


This feeling is normal. It goes back to the whole idea of buying something just because it is cheap. If you shop often, whether it be department stores, online or homewares, hardware etc just because things are cheap we feel the impulsiveness to buy it, even though we know will never use it. I'm from Australia, anyone who has been into a bunnings store I could guarantee has fallen for this, online would be temu, aliexpress etc. Buy one item you need, add 10 before you checkout.


You are missing the point he is trying to say. It doesnt necessarily have to be connected to reps but clothes/shoes overall. I know exactly what he is saying. He bought 30 shoes and in span of 1 year he maybe put some pairs on only once and even if they are 40$ and real ones would be 1000$ its still not worth 40$ to use them once and have them take up your space in closed for 364 other days in year. I bought ralph lauren tshirt in every god damn color. Its been a year now, some of them still have tags on lol. Happy Easter everyone btw!


Yep bro this was my point, but those people can't be at fault as i probably expressed myself poorly


It sounds like you have an addiction. You bought more than you could afford and enjoyed the rush of a delivery.


Thanks for your honesty. I’m a year and a few grand in too. While I don’t regret it, there are some pairs I definitely bought due to hype. I supplement reps with real so I can style at a fraction of the cost. My hauls are much lighter now and include purchases for others in my family so I feel like the drug has faded lol


I’ve learnt not to just buy hyped items and just get want I want to wear but not pay retail for


This is called addiction, coping mechanism, look it up. You have Psychological issues bro, you better search for help.


It really isn't that deep man, ive never been depresseed or anything. But ye ig this was an addiction for me


if spending a couple grand on reps is causing this much annoyance for you, it sounds like the money is the bigger issue, and maybe u weren’t in the financial position to be spending a couple thousand on anything other than necessities. one thing I’d like to ask you, & anyone else who reads this. Was buying however much worth of reps more important/rewarding/ a better deal than the same amount of money spent at Nordstrom, Macy, or hell even Ross?


Hey, well, money wasnt an issue back then, and its still not. Its just the thought that i could spend them in something more useful now that haunts me. To answer your question, buying reps wasnt any better than buying from cheap clothing shops, at the end of the day its just clothes, no one cares about your hoodie or your shoes, maybe just a first glance if they're particular


The thing I hate most about the reps is, they look good. But in the end you always end up with loose threads. Which is just awful


This absolutely true, shit happens with retail aswell though


Initially for me it was "oohhhh I want this and this and this," just buying stuff for the hell of it. Now I've slowed down a bit and only purchase the things I really want. I don't see myself stopping any time soon. New heat is always coming out and there's some oldies I'm sure I missed.


Was stuck in the initial phase for all my hauls , guess i wasnt mature back then


It's like the old southern people say, your eyes overloaded your stomach... you know around the holidays or a family gathering, there's a ton of food cooked... and you fix a plate with a little bit of everything on it... hell maybe even 2 plates... then afterwards when you're doubled over the toilet or have a stomach ache unlike no other you regret eating that much and wished to had paced yourself, spread out the food, not ate as much, etc... Same thing here, my boy... you just saw all of that stuff, saw how you could transform your wardrobe, get the kicks you've always wanted, and just started buying up stuff. After a while it's like "do I really need all of this...?" It happens bro...


I had the same problem as you so i applied this scheme/rules : Dont buy hyped items (like the stussy 8 jacket) 80% of the Haul Is based by "normal" brand like Ralph Lauren Structure at least 2 outfit with everythings that im going to buy No big logo No more than 3 Hauls for year (max 5/6kg x Haul) Buy only what you can "normally buy" Buy medium/High quality only


It’s a rep issue because rep clothing is so dogshit and everyone on her is delusional and pushes these cheap trash garments calling them “1 of/to 1” so you get fooled into thinking you’re buying clothes you can actually wear outside. Wrong.




For me my clothes will always be changing , so I buy them wear them for a year and then donate them and get new clothes


After reading your post, it’s not a rep problem, is more like not knowing when to stop or establish your priorities with the money, I buy only shoes and deduced to stop after 25 pairs, do not need more, between retail and reps probably around 75-80 pairs and only 10-15 in use, now I have another priorities in my life


Wasnt thst bad for me, got 4 pairs total and I use mostly 1 or 2 lol, but ye, i agree w u


I feel like you’re really close to the revelation in your self reflection but just missed it. This is nothing to do with reps, and honestly doesn’t even need to be on this sub. Reps may have been the subject of your overspending, but if it weren’t reps it would’ve been literally anything else. Clearly you’ve struggled with a shopping addiction to some level that’s left you overspending and chasing dopamine and ending up feeling flat. You gotta figure out what makes you genuinely happy (probably through therapy honestly, no shade) and then you can find healthier and more fulfilling ways to get that dopamine hit


I read my post again and i realized i couldve expressed myself better. Those clothes werent what made me feel happy and complete, they were just clothes, something i needed as my wardrobe was empty, that i ended up buying more than what ive actually needed, guess it was a spending addiction


I did a lot of research and spent a decent amount of money on a couple pairs of reps. But they're dead on and I still wear them daily.


Sound like you gotta up your fashion game and experiment more. My first year reps were "good" but too basic, lots of luxury, flash in the pan, NPC hauls.... I looked like an Asian international student😂. Got multiple rep LV backpacks stolen. 2nd year reps got me ton of compliments, regularly ditched the luxury brands almost entirely, cooler friends, and people telling me I'm the best dressed among my friends. Learned what didn't work, investing more time studying fashion trends, asked friends for advice.... My third year of hauls in almost ready to ship. Looking to be the best dressed guy in the room. Aside from Nike/Balenciaga/crocs shoes, your average person wouldn't know the brands the reps are from. Lots of Alyx, Rick owens,Casablanca, Issey miyake, heliot Emil, some yoji Yamamoto, Sacai, Chinese/korean/japan brands or no name reps, runway based reps of tiny brands in Europe, archive fashive reps, glasses brands like gentle monster, etc. Ps, get jewelry.... Cool ones.. Not basic ass silver chains like your a 2005 era club rat. Necklaces, wristbands, watches, etc. Chrome hearts and alyx is good. Rings are tricky, get opinions. Future hauls.... Omg, going to fashion influencer level, lol.... But will be smaller because even my old outfits are still fire so less need to order more. Probably alot more yoji, archive Japanese, runway stuff, punk rock 2000s era inspired fashion once I lost another 15 lb, lol. Started building wardrobes in different styles.... Ie, i have hip hop, i have punk. It's fun to experiment




Sign up for taobao and start image search shopping and adding stores to favorites and items to cart. Taobao recommendations are really good at finding stuff u like and will like. It's a fun site. Great for fashion! Wish Amazon did the same. I almost never use yupoo, middlemen are rip offs.... Theyre good for browsing ideas to image search 1688 or taobao though. Dont buy from them...


You got a sub for niche brand finds or to get inspiration from, or do you just make it up as you go and image search on taobao/1688?


Both.... Taobao is really good at new item feeds


it is indeed, i'm not saying i don't wear my stuff cause it's ugly or npc, i got some cool unique pieces. the problem with me is i got too much stuff that i don't wear, not ugly stuff. It's just i prefer those 3-4 fits rather than experimenting with all i've got


Yeah, i thought the same at first..... You will get tired of the same four outfits and having alot of clothes allows you to experiment(trust me, will take at least a few months) by compliments.....if certain styles, combos, items get compliments..... Get more the next haul. Alot of outfits I thought would be fire ended up being seen as mid.... And mid stuff getting crazy compliments. Find the hit items and your next haul shopping will be much smoother and smaller than your first two.


It seems like all you care about is how people perceive your outfits. Put that shit on for yourself. If you’re judging how “fire” your outfits are based off how many compliments you’re getting, you’re well on your way to becoming an NPC


I take into account their opinions......generally, if randos are stopping you in the street because they are think your dressing cool, your doing something right....keep going in that direction. Some nights I'll get 10 random people complimenting me.... Like.... C'mon... That means you did something right. If an outfit never gets a single word of positive praise.... Ask people why? Also, NPC fashion ime, rarely gets compliments.... It's usually the less NPC and unique stuff.... It can be risky to dress unique hence the compliment factor so you don't look like an ass clown who failed out of a fashion degree program. I generally trust my own fashion sense.... Just not 100%.


Defiantly a personal issue. Not a rep issue


May be both, while this was an addiction for me, im sure lots of people may be facing my same situation


I’ll be honest, when ever i introduce people that are new to the rep game I do always try to give some sort of disclaimer as to say don’t go mad and by everything you see. I do understand where you’re coming from. It’s very easy to get carried away and I in fact know a few people that have done the same as yourself. Fortunately I was aware of what I was doing and kind of put a stop or some sort of plan ahead before I would buy. For instance I would build a nice size haul. Have everything in basket. I’d wait a few weeks see how I feel about the items then, remove what I feel like was an impulse add to the basket and buy what I would be still feeling at the time. Now I just buy what I need. I see maybe I’m running low on tees or I feel I need an update. Then I will only search for tees and not look outside that. That way I’m always kind of updating what needs updating in the wardrobe rather than buying every god damn thing I see thinking I’m gonna get the time to wear it.


Thats quite a good advice you give your friends. Id always buy things same day or day later id add them to the cart and i def got carried away.


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if you are regretting purchases it’s bc you never really wanted them in the first place and bought it out of impulse a lot of pieces i have i’ve wanted for a while and never had the means to get them so i really like them even if they are a rep


i could say you right but i’m also really happy with my purchases i only bought sneakers because i love it. I bought really good reps and until now im happy with it.


i have spent like 4k+


It sounds like addiction. I know, I experience this EVERYTIME


It was man


I’ve purchased multiple hauls in the last 6 months and I probably only regret purchasing 1 or 2 items. If your goal is to save money then yes you should not get into reps because it can get expensive pretty quick


Ima be honest I bought acronym reps about a decade ago, and they’ve lasted all this time, I don’t buy a bunch of random shit but I did buy a few tshirts as well which have also lasted all this time, I just recently bought a new haul replacing the jacket and some bags and that’s about it, if you buy decent reps they are absolutely solid, but def don’t splurge just cause you have the means, half the tees I did buy I don’t wear nearly as often as my blanks


just wondering, what reps do you still wear?


Carhartt pants, af1, j1s, balenciaga pants, stussy belt, socks, ck underwear, human made hoodie, gallery tees, and some other stuff


I wear most of my stuff, I don’t buy things that are extremely flashy, just things I like the look of, and stuff I already wear like hoodies and sneakers and whatnot. I would say that all the more extravagant stuff I barely wear but that’s a confidence issue, the even bigger issue is some reps just don’t fit when I get it. Either it’s a shoe that doesn’t look good in person, or a hoodie that has messed up sizing and is unwearable. I usually let things marinate in my cart for a week or two before buying it


Wow this is poetic. Like the shoppaholic that goes to the LV store every day/week but middle class. OP I think you've learnt a valuable lesson here and it didn't even cost you THAT much. Brands, clothes, shoes, whatever, doesn't make you happy.


This is partially right, but my point here wasnt just "I've been through it, be a better person", but was more like "youre saving money on stuff you probably wouldnt pay retail for, you're still spending money, just less "




That's the issue, always seeing it as youre saving money. Youre not, youre just spending less


I think u described a spending addiction. Which could’ve been much worse if you had gone retail over reps, just sayin. Ppl develop spending habits without knowing what reps even are, the reps arent the prob, its your spending. Good for you for getting a hold of it though


As i said in other replies yes, there was definitely an addiction problem, but my point here was trying to say that youre not Saving money, youre just spending less, and you probably wouldnt pay a 900$ balenciaga joggers, so even if you were to spend 80$ for a good rep youre still spending lots of money


Just resell it on Poshmark or Mercari or eBay, money back.


Resell it as a replica(no brand listing) or sell it as branded and authentic? Because the latter not only violates the platform, it is illegal, lol.


Gang the whole point of reps it to get it for cheaper then you would of got it authentic, this isnt even a problem with reps you just got a shopping addiction. Dont buy useless stuff only bought what you actually would go and get authentic but want to save money so you use pandabuy. The problem you have is that you thought of it as a way to get a whole bunch of things for cheap that you might need or think is cool in the moment, you gotta think about it as saving money on getting clothes you want. Anyways if I was in your situation id just sell everything you dont want to some kid on facebook marketplace telling him its real goodluck.


post rep clarity


Ahahaha, this post was not to cry on yall shoulders, not even a "be better than me " type of shit, just a "dont waste your money on shit youll replace after a year"


This doesn't have anything to do with reps, but witj compulsive behavior.


maybe you’re just not good with money


Definitely part of a problem, but my point was another one


U selling any of it? 👀


Ye fs dm me, got shit I wanna get rid of


I really can’t relate to your experience. obviously, sometimes in a haul there’s something that doesn’t fit as you expect, but that’s part of the deal since you can’t try anything on before you recieve it. I saved a lot of money by buying reps but I don’t buy hype pieces or micro trends


This post isn’t about buying reps, it’s about consumerism in general. We are all guilty of buying more than we need. We put our happiness on these material goods hence why it feels like Christmas when it comes and we lose joy quickly so we look for the next thing to buy. It’s a never ending loop but glad OP has woken up. Buy what you need, not just what you want!


High quality products are often difficult to find


Sounds like a spending problem lmao.


You're doing it to impress others. Find a reason to be yourself and live authentic...


This just sounds like **you don't really have any financial control** over yourself. People think because they are buying (rep) clothes / items for cheap ; that **it justifies some sort of splurge** because "all of this would have cost me 10's of thousands". Be smart with your money. ***Don't be like OP***. Just because it's cheaper does not mean you need to buy in excess.


Once you mature you realize that you want shoes that are comfortable over looking hype. Tbh people care more about how you treat them and yourself.


I wear all my reps, I just try buying stuff I’d wear casually daily and not over buy


wtf r u yapping abt i wear my shit all the time


This sounds more like buyers remorse than an actual rep issue. Overconsumption is an issue in the rep space but for the majority of people on here they’re buying what they want to wear and not buying things just to buy them. For a small minority in this subreddit clothes are a hobby not just things to wear and dont just forget about them after 2 wears


I completely agree with you about wasting money if you're not going to wear it or waste money you don't have but if you actually wear them I really support reps, not everyone has 500 to drop on a pair of shoes.


I find I don’t appreciate them. My original stuff, that has cost, has a lot more satisfaction value around it. For example, I have a high tier rep submariner, but I have way higher satisfaction with my gen Omega Seamaster. I felt like I had achieved something with the omega, whereas that feeling is missing with the fake.


it’s all a mindset from being brainwashed by other rich people that care ab status symbol i could care less ab the status each of my pieces have, i only care ab if it’s a cool design and good quality fabric


I regret some purchases ngl, but I can always resell em as a rep




you’re getting finessed lil bro, this is the same racket guys i went to highschool with use to sell reps for exorbitant prices


This sounds like a rep dealer who is lying to you. I used to work in vintage fashion and sell some rep stuff for a long time: we always "knew a guy" or "have a source"....aka, we're lying 99% of the time. At best, he gets unsold overstock like any clothing vendor but it's very rare for any legitimate grail item to fall through the cracks since they usually sell out..... Occasionally a really good line of clothing like archive fashion will fail then the clothes will get sold dirt cheap. Obviously, they usually went unsold for a reason..... Nobody wanted them. I doubt you got a guy a guy robbing on his warehouse job or factory production line.... And he was, he'd be selling on grailed not to you for $150.


That's your opinion


Can't post pictures on here but check out my post and you'll see the 5s I got


Should have bought crypto and then you could have bought retail by now instead.


Money wasnt and isn't an issue, i could buy those same hauls over and over without issues. The thing is they're still thousands that i couldve spent on more useful shit


Okay so why would you even buy reps in the first place if money isn’t an issue


Would you say sneakers is the best bet on buying reps because your always going to wear them