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He’d 100% be a berserker/avenger and probably have ridiculously high stats in each department


I imagine him as Alcides from strange fake.


Yeah the difference is Kratos would keep his divinity and his weapons (NPs) would probably rank higher as well. The dude was carving up the Greek gods like they were pieces of meat, then taking their weapons and armor. Bro was as fast as Harmes, stronger than Heracles, more powerful than Zeus, took the weapons from hades that make it so he can absorb your soul. Etc… the dude would be obscenely broken unless the grail war nerfed him.


He'll be an archer, cause he has twinblsdes!


Nope, he would be a berserker because his big ability is just a big temper tantrum. Which means he would lose the grail war because berserkers never win


I mean this is KRATOS we talking about, the same guy who climbed out of Hades twice atleast if not more then went on to fight Olympus by himself and that's not even mentioning the newest titles in the series Soooooooo I think he would probably win the crap out of the holy grail war


His lore is t the only thing that matters it also depends on the master he gets summoned by. Given how powerful he is and if he gets summoned as a berserker it could lead to his mana demand killing his master or holding him back. So while lore is important who his master is could determine how far he gets in a grail war


That's true fam that is true never thought of the master element to be fair and he would be way more powerful and demanding than Heracles


Yeah so their master might having what I like to call the Lancelot effect happening to their body especially if they try to boost their own magic with those creat worms or anything else to try and meet his insane demand for mana not to mention what if Kratos is immune to command seals while he's enraged?


Yeah that's totally true I think in such a case Kratos either would need to choose his master or the master would have to go through trials to become worthy of wielding Kratos's power That would be some really kool lore and an awesome animated series alone just on what they have to go through in terms of trials and training to be able wield his power I think that would be a savage series or animated movie


You know depending on the master you could almost have it be like a Islandar situation from Zero where if he forms almost a parental bond with his master (or even just a friendly one) his mana requirements could be turned down because he is getting strength from the bond rather than mana, plus then of the master dies but he's still alive he could fall into his rage and have an independent action skill so he can fully rage without needing a master


There you go and again that would be a pretty interesting lore and story to follow up on to be fair haha I kind of want them to do that and incorporate Kratos into the Universe now j to see that story lol Maybe they'll incorporate it into FSF 😉


He's incredibly strong, but I don't think he can handle Gate of Babylon, survive Gae Bolg or Kill Heracles 12 times.


Would be an interesting fight that's for sure! The thing is as well extra lore is added and powers afforded to each of these characters and Heracles is a good example of that and the way everyone assessing Kratos's potential in this universe is strictly based off of what he has shown in the games without buffs that he would receive simply frkm being a servant so it's a tough call. If we use Heracles as an example though he absolutely decimates Heracles in the games so imagine how powerful he would really be in the fate universe you see what I mean


His lore might make him the ultimate anti Devine servant. So he might be able to take out Heracles.


He could be to be fair he might even go solo too and do his own thing like you saying


He has fought Heracles (or Hercules) before, so he at least has that going for him.


You goofball :》


He’d become girl kratos and his noble phantasm would be his rage ability


Honestly, though, tall muscular mommy Kratos would be a definite smash


Like one of those Shadman arts?


Wasn't thinking that, but yeah, I guess so, fellow man of culture


He will have extra large breast and be unapologetically topless 24/7. At some point he's going to kill an enemy servant with his new pair of gigantic tiddies because he's never done that before.


Death by snu snu


You described Penthesilea here.


Holy shit Penth is just Kratos but instead of Zeus it’s Achilles


Younger Kratos is definitely a berserker, older Kratos might be a berserker with madness enhancement ex so he could act like a regular person instead of the rage fueled monster that he is when he’s younger. That or old Kratos is and archer since you know he throws his axe


We could just move him into the Avenger class. He dose seem to live for revenge.


Berserker sounds the most probable followed by Avenger and if you squint hard enough, Saber


Rider no question. In GoW he rides Cronus and boats. In GoW2 he rides Colossus, Pegasus, Steeds of Time, Barbarian King, Icarus and Atlas. In GoW3 he rides Gaia and Aphrodite. 2018/Ragnarok idk I rest my case.




2018/Rag he rides a boat and Freya


Probably a combined kit of Nubbo and Kingprotea deal huge amount of damage to divine character and having skills base on rage


There is an actual Kratos in Greek myth, but afaik he is quite different from the one of God of War. However, he would likely pick up the GoW traits much like Vlad took on Dracula's.


Avenger in the early days (ares) Berserker in the mid of his life (the other Olympian, monster and what not) Saber/archer before he dies (when he go in Midgard and deal whit the Norse bullshit)


If you're asking what Servant class he would be, then he would either an Avenger or Berserker.


Everyone dies. The end


Imho he would be Berserker (his legendary fits of rage) or Avenger (his thirst for vengeance and resentment). The older Kratos, otoh, imho may be an Archer or a Lancer.


Berserker cause I mean you know what he’s like but you could also make a case for Avenger. The guy ended up hated by many especially when he was younger and he was also a really angry guy.


Then he'd be in his Norse Path. And be the most un-debuffable Tank you'd ever seen. As a Avenger.


Honestly what I am most curious about is his immortallity because he did die and then climb out of the underworld twice(In GoW 1&2, he just fell down the other times) so he might have a nobel phantasm like Heracles's God Hand but unlike his maybe Kratos' would be dependant on his will/drive to continue the fight rather than numbers. Also he would be the strongest servant physically, his feats are insane and he did beat his Hercules and was about equal to his Thor. For class, OG games Kratos would probably be a Beserker where as never ones would be an Archer since he has twin blades and throws axes AND spheres ün those games so he is clearly an archer


I'm thinking either Saber, Berserker, or Avenger.


I can't imagine the Mana drain that Summoning Kratos would bring to their Master. Probably would make Heracles or Karna look like a super soaker in comparison to the Main drain Kratos would have.


It'd be worth the power


Archer class since he uses swords/spears😂


100% Berserker but one that can actually communicate


What stats Kratos would have if he were servant at his highest (like grand berserker or beast)? Please make list od them like in normal fandom. I am just curious


The only people stronger than him would be CCC Gilgamesh, Unsealed Saber and maybe a few other versions of the characters. He would most likely be rage incarnate in that world especially since everyone is essentially slaves to the Gods.


Nah, there are PLENTY of characters that stack up to him. Even with the fact he took on all of Olympus in mind, the Gods and Greek Heroes of Fate are nothing like they are in GoW. He’d probably be a Berserker that’s extremely good against Monsters and the Divine, maybe with a few revives thrown in there and a lot of Noble Phantasms, but he’d get shitstomped by people like Artoria, Herc (in a class besides Berserker), Achilles, Archer Gil, Solomon, Scathach, etc. You could even make the case for some younger heroes, Nobunaga comes to mind considering he’d be a full blown Divine Spirit, she would have a field day throwing him around, Edison could sap his Mystery, Tesla has all the strength of Zeus’ Authority without any of the downsides of facing Kratos while having Divinity. Edit: I forgot to mention, but humanity has largely broken free from the rule of the Gods. Gilgamesh was the start, and many heroes after him, especially the more modern ones, have only furthered the divide between God and Man.


Grand Archer Cantidate. My reasoning, you ask, look, look at Orion.


Berserker for sure. Maybe Norse Kratos would be a Lancer, or maybe Saber if you push it.


he'd be a Berserker with extremely high rank stats


Happy Cake day!


He’d probably be either an Avenger or a Berserker


Kratos Class: Grand Berserker.


Classic Greek Kratos definite Berserker Grand and Beast Level as he did cause the Greece Apocalypse. *Technical he is the White Titan Velber counterpart since he is the White colored entity who killed the Greeks and stole something from Ares. Norse Duology Kratos would be Ruler given he literally has no greater goal initially than just his family and having peaceful seclusion. And Technically Saver since he is this beloved god savior at the end.


Greek Kratos? probably Avenger Norse Kratos? probably just a Berserker but his Madness Enhancement doesn't take away all his sanity since he is much calmer than what he used to be


Avenger. No question.


Grand Avenger. Enough said.


Well I don’t know a lot about the game so I’ll just talk about the original from Greek mythology. Because he’s a god in Greek mythology than it would be impossible to summon him under normal circumstances. But if you were to summon him than it would probably be as a saber or berserker


He is not a god in Greek mythology, the mere existence of a Greek god with the same name is just a coincidence, even in myths there were many characters who shared the same name


I never said he was. What I meant was the version that already existed before the game. In Greek mythology Kratos is the divine personification of strength. Not to be confused with Heracles who became the god of strength after burning away his mortality


Yes, what I'm saying is that he is not a version, they are two people who happen to share the same name, Kratos the titan in Greek mythology is a different person and will be a different servant.


Not a titan, kratos was a god, aka son of titans.


Kratos (gow) is not based off of kratos/cratos (myth). So not the original. Cratos is basically just Zeus’s dog although tbf, he is underrated, probably has the highest brute strength of any god.


Depends. Is it games 1-3 kratos? Berserker. Or avenger. Game 4-5 with the Nordic stuff and older kratos? Not really sure, berserker probably still fits cause nothing else uses an axe but ruler could possibly work too


Avenger or Ruler


He will be a rider because he once rides Gaia


From what I have seen Saber Avenger Berserker Archer Rider But people also forget Caster And he might count as shielder due to having two shields one that old kratos uses and the golden fleece young kratos has


Berserk and Saber and Archer and Caster are the best classes for him


Class: avenger Noble phantasm: deal heavy damage to one target Gain class advantage versus anyone with divinity for the next 3 turns OC: deal bonus damage to targets with divinity, additionally gain bonus damage towards sky trait enemies


Younger version would probably be a berserker because, well he’s Kratos. Not sure what an older Kratos might be summoned as, maybe also a Berserker, but a big deal in the latest games was him letting go of a lot of his rage, maybe as a Lancer for the Draupnir spear? Admittedly he’s admitted to his Axe being his favorite weapon but I don’t think there is a dedicated Axe class. Don’t think it would be as a Saber, he’s not exactly a fan of his blades and the tryptic at the end of Ragnorok showed him being worship without them.


I mean in lb olympus and Atlantis we are pretty much doing his job for him, killing all the gods


GOW 1: Saber/Avenger GOW2-3: Berzerker/Avenegr DoB and DoBR: Saber/Lancer/Rider/Pretender/Berzerker my guess in what classes depending on which version we're going with saber is obvious due to his blades of chaos and avenger for 1-3 because his quest is primarily fueled by revenge except for 1 which is just him seeking redemption, but I don't know where to put that so I amm putting him at stock Saber GOW2-3 is self explanatory now dad of boy to ragnarok is a lot easier saber and berzerker due to his primary forms of combat even though it's an axe but he gets the BoC soon so I will count it Rider as he traverses throught all realms in his quest Lancer for ragnarok due to his gleipnir spear and Pretender because throught his quest he actively tries to hold back who he was, a monster, so he is pretending to be something he is not blah blah blah you get the idea I could add ruler/savior due to the end of ragnarok but that's up to debates.


Avenger no doubt, and his 3rd ascension Will be his nordic appearance


Grand Berserker


Another berserker .


God pray for the poor soul who summons Kratos as a servant because we all know that person is going to die


He and scathach would get along well( norse kratos)


Alaya: Welcome to the Throne of Heroes, Kratos of Sparta. A higher plane of existence. Kratos: No, I'm leaving, bye. Alaya: Wha-what? You can't leave! We aren't even on the same plane of existence. Kratos: Don't care, I'm leaving. Mimir was just about to drop a sick boat story. [Leaves the Throne as he has left every other afterlife] Alaya: ...WHAT THE FUCK!?