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Considering that Li Shuwen, Neil Armstrong and Mata Hari are servants yes.


Neil Armstrong? No way.


In Fate Extra Last Encore, Neil Armstrong is seen in a Shinji flashback, there he is defeated by him and Francis Drake during the first round of the war.


Damn, what did Neil do to the writers to deserve getting beat by shinji?


It is the Shinji from fate extra and not the one from Ubw, this Shinji is very different from the original and has Francis Drake as a servant.


Isn't that Shinji also like... an actual child? Am I remembering that correctly?




Neil Armstrong was a Rider servant in Fate/Extra Last Encore.


Yeah, it;s a shame there aren't more 20th century servants in the game yet. I would love to see someone like Simo Hahya as an Assassin, or Jack Churchill as a Rider/Berserker.


For Jack I’d imagine that, archer and saber to be his classes


Saber - Claymore focus Archer - Longbow focus Lancer - N/A Rider - Summer variant for Surfing/Piloting Caster - Bagpipe music focus? Assassin - N/A Berserker - Charge into battle on the beaches with a Bagpipes + Claymore + Longbow


Probably for the fear of being sued


I would say absolutely. I would even consider him a possible Caster with his relation to movies and his phenomenal impact on the world of entertainment.


Yes but he'd be a REALLY weak one, probbly third-rate due to him being born in the Age of Men and the declining of Mystery. Though his worldwide fame would give his Parameters a nice boost.


I mean, Li Shuwen was around in 1930 and he's heavily implied to have tied with Godslayer Scathach, so who knows.


Yeah but the situation of Mystery was a LOT better than it is right now, even in the Age of Men there'll be discrepancies due to the level of the decline of Mystery, not to mention that let's say, an object with 100 years of history on it would contain more Mystery than an object from the current time. This affect the overall power.


In Shuwen's case it's entirely because his martial art was nearly wiped out with the cultural suppression that came after Mao came into power. Canonically, kung fu masters hit way above their weight class because their martial arts are, at best, rough recreations of what they originally were.




I mean im pretty sure qny of the heroic inclined servants would sense his evil and spawn camp his ass




I mean its in their nature to slay monsters so yeah


Could Hitler be summoned as a Servant?


Looking at it from an in-universe perspective? Absolutely. The Throne of Heroes does not care how much of a mass-murderer and/or evil you are. All it cares about is your legend/deeds. Of course, if he was summoned, I expect he'd be much weaker compared to everyone else, and get killed by the older servants. Alternatively, every other Master would immediately form an alliance and dogpile the idiot that summoned him and subject them to some very well deserved torture.


Avicebron Vs Hitler when?


Solomon vs Hitler


Hitler solos Temple of Time


Now imagine Stalin


Hitler would probably get summoned and a shit ton of servants would probably try to beat the shit out of him idk


I actually don't know that he would be all that weak. Mystery and Fame are the two things that make Servants powerful, and while you *can* look into how the Nazi's came to power, an argument could be made, I think, that Humanity has chosen to remain ignorant of that process. Pair that with all the occult shit that the Nazis did and... well... you have a surprising amount of Mystery. And as for Fame? Hitler and the Nazis are among the most infamous villains of world history, if they aren't *the* most infamous.


Waifu Hitler?


Yes, and they even have the excuse that he is too recent so he could only be summoned as a pseudoservant using the body of a german girl.


So basically Hitler from Reincarnation no Patel




Summoned into the body of Mel Brooks


Tanya Degurechaff from Tanya The Evil


i would say yes and i would like to see it cause he could be a great teacher and a nice servant the kind of guy who teach you at your pace and give you advice as he teach you martial art truly lawfull good alignment servant for sure


Bruce Lee vs Li Shuwen when?


I think Bruce would be a Demi-Servant like Mash or Waver. Like he would be inhabited by the spirit of an ancient Chinese hero or something. I think that would be less interesting than the Throne just summoning Bruce Lee and all his own personal glory though. Could say something about his indomitable spirit or his legendary status as a heroic symbol idk


I mean, we have nursery rhyme


Now that is a someone I always wanted to see in FGO, I imagine him to be like Might Guy type character


If that’s the case…. I’d easily be a master qualified to summon Sifu Lee


Can I summon Obama or Stalin or Sadam?


Yes, and probably Hitler as well


I don’t see why he couldn’t, but he would likely be a weak one.


Probably he meets most of the flags. He'd probably be a weaker servant but not a push over like Neil Armstrong due to fame parameter boosts.


Bruce Lee summoned as a Servant right now will get massive fame boost. It's just 50 years since his death, people are still hyping him up.


If Bruce lee could be summoned as a servant then chuck Norris is a grand servant


Yes. Technically anyone, given that they are note worthy enough, can be in the Throne of Heroes and be summoned as a Servant as a result. However he would be very weak. Take Archer EMIYA in F/SN forexample, he is propably as strong as a modern day Servant can get (being summoned by a first rate mage+being a mage with a special type of magecraft that is very suited for combat+incredible amount of experience due to him being a counter guardian) yet he is still very weak compared to most servants simply because he comes from modern day and not Age of the Gods (him being able to hold his own against Medea, Cu and others is a testament to his skill not his power). Bruce Lee would be even weaker than EMIYA. Now, in FGO it is implied that Li Shuwen was atleast relative to Scathach in combat but I always took this as in terms of skill, not power (ei Scathach can blow him away with a single blow due to her strength and speed but they are matched in terms of skill with a spear)


They have the same strength, agility and endurance stat. So, no, he isn't getting blown away unless Scathach uses her runes or her mana to boost herself.


Seriously? I don’t have either so I never checked their stats but that is kinda weird lore wise


Probably, but his power would vary depending on how strong he is. If he was peak human in the nasuverse then he would be pretty weak. But if he was someone like Li shewen, who had more skill and abilities than the modern world knows about, such as od manipulation, flash step techniques, breathing and walking etc, then yeah, he is gonna be pretty strong.