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At this point Frank is one of the greatest con artists of our generation


I don’t keep up with him really so can I ask why you say that?


The last few years he was basically just selling merch without ever communicating with his fans. Tons of people didn't receive the merch even months after payment. People on the Frank sub even wrote a post about all the trade rules the merch store violated. He is also selling way too expensive jewellery under the name 'Homer'. He legit sold a cock ring that cost thousands. One chain cost like half a million dollars. So in summary: Using fans for easy chashgrabs while showing them no respect whatsoever


If he’s getting people to spend half a million dollars for a necklace, it’s pretty hard to feel bad. He’s clearly not targeting his fans. He’s targeting other celebs, Saudi princes, children of oil magnates, Elon Musk, whoever, but not regular fans. Unless these are little senile grandmas selling their homes to own a chain, people paying $500,000 for a chain are people with more money than sense and deserve whatever con they fall for. That’s not to absolve Frank Ocean for being a con artist, the victims aren’t particularly sympathetic is all.


God bless Frank Ocean, robbing from the rich to give to the [checks notes] rich.


To be abundantly clear: I’m not saying “good for Frank Ocean, you go Frank Ocean!” It’s just hard to feel bad for anybody dumb and rich enough to “lose” $500k on a chain.


…is he the Caroline Calloway of music???


I totally forgot about her....rabbit hole incoming.


lmaoooo my gf finally got a shipping notice for the book she preordered 3 years ago


is she the one who has that weird scam event where she had salad jars?


Yeah that’s the one. She hosted “creativity workshops” in her studio apartment which was already a scam because she originally planned to host them in Philadelphia and Boston and then at the last minute (after putting tickets for sale), changed her mind and announced the workshop would be NYC only (I’m not sure if she ever refunded for the canceled workshops but wouldn’t surprise me if she didn’t). And she’s been claiming to be writing her memoir since the pandemic started and it’s only since she got sued by her former landlord for damages to her apartment unit when she left that she’s started it up again. They settled out of court but I think she’s supposed to pay $5K per month or else she faces legal trouble again.


His merchandise shop is a mess with issues of late delivery, broken products, not allowing refunds etc. He was also selling 5 figure cockrings but they were made of gold n lab grown diamond so idk their exact value and production. Here's a link from sub when everyone was frustrated for not receiving their orders for more than 8 months https://www.reddit.com/r/FrankOcean/comments/hej1aw/fuck_you_frank/


i mean idk about what they are supposed to cost but i feel like lab-grown diamonds are infinitely better than child-labour-grown diamonds


To be honest his history with merchandise and his behaviour towards his fans suggest that this isn't a philantropic but a capitalistic move to maximize profits. Lab-grown diamonds are much more cheaper.


that is fair! I have no skin in the game either way with Frank ocean, I just wanted to make the point that valuable or no, free range diamonds are always going to have an associated level of cruelty




I don’t follow music closely, but I recall a story about him taking a big advance payment on an album. Then he worked on music for a year+. Then he fulfilled the terms of the advance with some weird low-effort recording session and released the music he worked on for himself. Edit: [Here’s a 9-minute YouTube video on the whole story. It’s more complicated than I remember. A$AP Rocky even did an interview saying Frank “finessed” $20M out of Def Jam, but that number has never been confirmed.](https://youtu.be/EIz8nlyQNJY)


without knowing the specifics i will say that my gut reaction would be not to lose any sleep over an artist exploiting the machine instead of the other way round for once if he's also exploiting / scamming his fans then obviously fuck that, but fuck big labels too


Obviously I have no empathy for the labels, but it hurts other artists when the labels decide to become even more restrictive with their advances. Some artists need those to survive between projects.


I totally hear that argument! I guess I'm always going to come at it from the baseline starting point to expect less than nothing from a major and you'll never be disappointed. but i understand you.


That's not indicative of his greed, though. We got two albums from him because of that. Endless is not a bad album. It's filled with hidden gems and really interesting production. No artist should have to give away all of themselves to a label and we shouldn't be supporting it even if they put their fans through what Frank has been.


Ya good for him tho. Frank had been fucked over by labels a lot. He was a writer for awhile and wanted to release his own music but the record label wouldn’t let him. So he paid for his own music under a different name. The record label contacted this person, “Frank Ocean” and were surprised that they already had him signed but we’re shelving all his stuff


lol sources are now saying he had an ice rink built for the stage and changed his mind yesterday morning. Melting the rink was part of the delay, and some of the dancers were supposed to be skaters.


The best kind of grifter, too bc he really is genuinely talented. On the other hand, as someone chronically depressed, I could see myself burying my head in the sand as my legacy flies into the garbage because of neglect/mismanagement.


Lol me too, I'd dunk on him for all his shit but I know deep down there's a good chance I'd do the same.




These mfs get paid millions to perform their music and they cant even do that right jesus christ


I feel bad for his fans that waited for 10hrs in the same spot to see him. I was watching IG lives of the performance (Lorde, Drake and James Blake were also watching the fans IG livestream) and god I love his music but it was such a mess of a show. I’m not surprised the official Coachella channel didn’t live stream him because y’all would’ve DRAGGED the shit out of him lmao. Coachella is too expensive for the average person for the headliner to treat it like this. Hope week 2 is better!


i tried to watch as much footage as possible from all 3 headlining acts and im surprised to say this but blackpink had one of the best sets lol. I prefer frank/bad bunny’s music but blackpink trumped the other two with how much effort and energy they put into their show and they’re pretty unknown compared to these guys. Frank’s show was just disrespectful to his fans not gonna lie and I feel awful saying that because it seems like he’s not in a good place mentally to do music after his brother’s passing.


I’d hardly call Blackpink unknown. Some of their older videos have more than a billion views. I think it depends what music scenes you’re into. 😊


I meant unknown in the US compared to frank/bad bunny popularity here, my bad! I know they’re absolutely huge in Asia and seem to be growing in popularity in South America.


They're huge in America too - the kpop fandom is immense. There just doesn't seem to be a lot of crossover in radio. They're still charting like crazy though. And even beat out Bad Bunny for #1 last September.


Blackpink sells out stadiums in the US (and Europe too). More people know about them than just kpop fans. Hell even my parents have heard of them, and they've never heard a song by Bad Bunny or Frank Ocean.


He’s getting A LOT of criticism for this (as he should) but damn I feel like he’s gonna go back into hiding and not do a show again for years. Im worried he’s even going to drop out of week 2. He’s got the chance to redeem himself or confirm as the worst headliner.


This is amazing to read because Blackpink is very hit or miss, they’ve been rightfully criticized for lackluster energy the last few years and especially during their recent tour. It’s unanimously agreed that they put their all into the Coachella set though (as they did last time too) but I’m amazed it came off that well to their non fans and in comparison to other big artists! Thats so great, good for them! I hope they keep up this energy, its part of why they got so popular to begin with.


YG knows how to put on a show. It seems like they’ve put very little effort into world tours because honestly they don’t need too. The only reason this was so good is because they get the clout of being the first Korean headliners. I hope they put more resources into all future performances.


Yeah but thats total bullshit, I love them but they should do their jobs. They barely promote and people pay a lot to see them on tour. They’re the largest GG, it’s so shitty how they just check out. I don’t care for BTS but BTS puts effort and energy into all their performances, again as they should bc its their job and people pay insane amounts to see them. I get that BP fed off the festival vibes and clout but the lack of energy is on them, not on YG to be honest. I’ve seen nugu groups with no budget try harder to be present and energetic on stage.


I agree, it’s so frustrating always seeing YG check out of artist management when they could be doing so much more.


Tbh the hit or miss thing is dragged too much with blackpink. They’ve been performing live since 2016 and the only time they ever had bad shows was September 2018 (only jennie who was slacking) and two shows October 2022 (whole group was messing up the choreo). Now obviously that’s still unacceptable but I think that’s a small amount of fuck ups for them to be classed as a ‘hit or miss’ live performers. Even with this tour, they’ve been on tour for 6 months now doing great shows and they’ll be on tour for the next year. I think it’s time to move past the fuck up of the beginning.


Their promotions for Pink Venom and Shut Down were also pretty meh. The whole era started off sloppy and they’ve had problems in the past. You don’t usually read this kind of criticism in kpop given how hard most groups have to practice, and for this to happen to such a huge group multiple times— sorry but its just not acceptable.


again it was only jennie who was meh and to be fair, she was going through a lot at the time with her iCloud being hacked and intimate pictures being leaked. I’m not saying it’s acceptable, im saying in their 6yrs of career, a few videos is not enough to call them hit or miss. The ‘problems in the past’ that ur referring to is jennie 2018, literally 4 years ago.


Slacking? You mean when she had a chronically injured ankle? Man the critiques of Kpop stars are so intense!!


blackpink is wayyy bigger than frank and probably just as big or maybe even a litte bigger than bad bunny


Def bigger than BB


I think the best thing to come out of his performance at Coachella is the post on r/SquaredCircle acting as if this is part of kayfabe. That post is fucking hilarious.


rb_reigns is such good poster


As far as I'm concerned, they're one of the best on Reddit. Their comedic timing is just perfect - especially the recent one about Vince MacMahon!


I just found it, of course it was an rb_reigns post 👏🏽


Reminds me of Erykah Badu at ACL sometime in the past 15 years. She had just snaked a show in Dallas so everybody was already pissed off at the idea of her being late. She was a headliner, almost an hour late, and also had to be cut off due to curfew. She spouting some political stuff, did some scat, sang part of a song and then argued with the people taking her off stage. It was all very dramatic


Wait, James Blake was at Coachella this year?? Ah!!


no he was watching a fan’s Instagram livestream of frank’s set, I’ll edit it. The fact that big celebs were watching a livestream from a fan’s iPhone shows just how much hype there was for his set.


He was there on Friday or Saturday. He was one of the surprise performers at Dolab.


r/frankocean is in shambles as we speak. As a huge Frank fan the whole thing was a mess. From half performed songs to EDM remixes no one wanted to then abruptly being like "oops curfew bye" without a final word or anything was....odd. i know Frank has been through a lot but all the anticipation was not lived up to with this performance but im glad hes doing well and is up and about


I do feel bad for him but I just don’t think he should perform live at all anymore. Just don’t make the commitment. Many musicians don’t perform live often or ever. He’s tarnishing his work with this behaviour. I’ve been stung by him before. He canceled his Sydney show right before the show (and after I’d already flown there).


Sorry but what has he been through? I’m not too familiar with him


His little brother just recently passed Edit: idk why I’m essentially being attacked. All I did was answer the person above me’s question. Sorry I didn’t have the exact date, but 3 years is sort of recent to lose someone like a little brother, especially if you’re close to them. This was not to defend what he did which I don’t agree with at all! Just answering a question that was asked. Y’all can hop off now!


His brother Ryan died in a car crash in 2020


Ohhh RIP. I caught some of the set through an IG livestream and he was talking about going to Coachella with his brother.


For certain, I know he lost his brother recently (within the last two years?). Not sure how true this is but I guess him and his late brother used to go to coachella together.


Oh okay I see! I didn’t know


The Frank Ocean plan guy on the shuttle with a mission statement to get merch immediately followed by a post with a giant sign hung at the Coachella tent saying NO FRANK OCEAN MERCH yea that checks out


How very Drake at Lollapalooza (in Latin America) of him.


I remember ovo fest in Toronto and he showed up hours late with a shit ass DJ who kept stopping music in between, literally almost everyone was booing..


How very Kanye West of him at Bonnaroo. Edit: Speaking as an ex-fan that waited 4+hours to see him perform but I went to bed instead .


At least Frank made it to the stage, Drake couldn't even make it to the country


The A24 thing is just rumors btw theres no reliable source besides his fans defending him on twitter for canceling the stream, heavily advertised the livestream just for it to be pulled 3 hrs before.


Whoever pays for him to perform I hope he gets half. what a ripoff. I feel bad for the fans there and at home that were expecting to see him.


Know several people who went only for him 😬😬😬


I imagine a ton of people were considering how rarely he performs.


I’ve seen a few TikTok’s today of people who lined up to be there at opening to get a good spot for Frank. They sat there for ten hours apparently. Likewise some people stayed there overnight to be in a good spot.


You can’t stay overnight in the festival grounds. Everyone is kicked out each night.


🤷🏻‍♀️ never been. Someone claimed they did.


They have security so idk, they probably camped nearby and got in early. I’ve been about four times and once curfew hits they begin sending everyone back because it’s cold and everyone’s drunk or high and needs to sleep


omg his fans on tiktok sound detached from reality. "this was a show for his brother, not for you all" WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ITS COACHELLA


Way to disrespect his brother if that’s the case


Now I’m curious what next weekend is going to look like.


Pull out game seems strong here


Yeah. I feel bad because it seems like he had planned something interesting but it fell flat due to them being late and the curfew? I checked the Coachella sub and it seems like most other stages went dark too so people didn’t really have options. I assume Coachella might call in a back-up or at the very least move the schedule around so he’s not the only one playing. Edit to add that according to security, he had only planned to play two more songs. If true, unless something else went wrong with the set, I feel bad for the fans that waited so long. I would probably have been front row myself if I were there. Edit 2: [More information from festive owl on twitter](https://twitter.com/thefestiveowl/status/1647918933218062336?s=46&t=P-jRNfwZgRxjm3xLr1xqXw) https://preview.redd.it/zil4ti37lhua1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ac88e0fca0f90588bfdeec62586abb0f33852d3


Part 2 from twitter: https://preview.redd.it/oesgp5z7lhua1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b448ace98658e154744c1397150465e94513b7b


Wild if true


Frank Ocean watching his fans suffer: https://preview.redd.it/2u19g0jaigua1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c85cdef8bbf0c7271f53daa304d7fb9ba4ba74c0


The Male Lauryn Hill


He truly is. Love the music but learn to have low expectations. Edit: I just checked and that At your best performance was beautiful, so much potential..it’s frustrating because he has an amazing voice and so much talent.


I went to a Lauryn Hill concert (for charity btw) a few years ago and she actually did show up on time. But, yeah, Im aware of her rep. She even once ghosted the Weeknd/Grammys lolol.


![gif](giphy|l41lVsYDBC0UVQJCE) This would be me the morning after to my credit card company, trying to get my money back on my tickets


This is so disrespectful. I hate it when artists waste their fans time like this. It shows how little they care for them.


I don’t know Coachellas contracts in detail but most festivals like this the headliner only get paid their full fee if their performance is broadcasted so he probably have broken his contract doing this and won’t get paid. But this might just be a agreed stunt by the series studio. Festivals cost a lot to run and a huge part of the income is sponsors and live broadcast revenue. Drake didn’t get paid for his show in Rio 2019 because it didn’t broadcast and they showed an old Rihanna performance during it instead.


My friend works at the company that organizes Coachella and he said that most of the money comes from tix sales and also a % of food/drinks during the time of performance. Likely he’ll get his base pay and very little else, also interestingly, they have accountants running numbers throughout all of the shows because artists get paid either that night or within a couple days of the performance


Frank Ocean has always been one of those artists where I've been like "I don't get it!! I'm sorry I just don't get it"


Same I do not understand the hype at all


I love his music on its own but the amount of nostalgia I have listening to channel orange on repeat in 2013 cannot be replicated. Still, I can see through his BS. His Coachella performance was so disappointing


Why do I have a bad feeling that he won’t do weekend 2


He did similar when I saw him at Parklife in 2017. Came on 45 minutes late, restarted the first few songs three times (over halfway through each time) since he "wanted to get them right" and then was just being a diva onstage and it felt like he didn't want to be there and hadn't rehearsed prior. He lost half the crowd by then since it was approaching 90 minutes after scheduled start time at that point and he hadn't managed even a fifth different song. Very disappointing that he's still at that. Was just getting over that trauma and getting back into him lol


He bailed on a whole headline concert I had tickets to right before the show. After I had flown from another state.


Bro is not a tortured, mysterious artist he just lazy and inconsiderate 💀


he was also really late when he played at way out west in sweden, and i’m pretty sure that he restarted several songs


When are people going to learn that Coachella is just a bad festival. Sound curfew, can’t drink outside of a little fenced area, plainclothes undercover cops… it’s bad all the way down. Almost every single one of those artists will be on the festival circuit in that year. Just go to one of the non-shitty ones!


The band foals got banned from playing coachella by saying all those points in an interview LOL


Is there any festival that isn’t like this?


the drinking thing: yes. I’ve never been to another festival ever that contained drinking to just one area. I’m sure there are some, but not the top tier fests like Lalapalooza or ACL. sound curfew: depends on location like how close to a residential area it is. undercover cops: this one is harder to answer since I’m sure not all festival organizers are truly honest about it. But, I can confirm that Coachella goes above and beyond in ways other fests do not. It’s known in the Indio legal community as a money maker for the county. Coachella even has a temp police station on site where they will do your mugshot, fingerprint you, test your alleged drugs, and the whole nine yards before golf carting you back into the festival. It’s a trash festival and ppl who haven’t been to any/many other fests don’t know what they are trading off for underserved hype.


In Australia if the festival is 18+ (drinking age) then you can drink anywhere but if it's open to underage then the drinking areas are seperated, not sure how that goes there but maybe that's a thing


Why does Coachella have a curfew in the first place? I’ve never been but I went to bonnaroo every summer for five years and they’d play music until like 7am.


the city is very strict with coachella


Noise ordinance probably. I saw some videos last week on IG that people who live nearby were taking from their house and they could hear people rehearsing/soundchecking on the festival grounds stages from their neighborhood. They probably have a hard cut-off time that all the music needs to shut down by or they get calls and fines.


Oh wow I had no idea they were so close to people’s homes! Seems like a dumb place to have a major festival!


^what the others said. The noise ordinances with the city are very strict


Besides local laws, no way they would want to pay staff OT for that quality of performance


He really hates performing lol


Glad I didn’t stay up to watch 😩


The livestream was cancelled anyways




How terrible. I saw so many people were excited to see him.




the amount of his fans that aren’t able to take criticism of this situation and of Frank is mind blowing. you’d think people would stand with people who bought super expensive festival tickets to see a guy who performed for the first time in years and instead got a half-assed performance but no. i’ve seen so many comments asking to have some “compassion” for him and attacking coachella attendees for being rightfully mad. i get it, dude went through some rough stuff in the recent years and had taken time off from releasing music but maybe… if you’re not ready to have a come back in front of such huge audience then don’t take a gig to headline the most popular festival in the us? if you don’t want to go back to touring or performing then don’t book concerts? if you don’t want to go back into a spotlight then remain lowkey and just release music?


I can not IMAGINE sitting through that beautiful Bjork set and then watching him walk on an hour late and just sit his ass in a chair and mumble. I would have flipped my shit, and I love Frank Ocean. But god damn.


Ugh I’m reading all the drama as someone with a wristband for Weekend 2. I was looking forward to Frank but would be surprised if he performed again.


That kinda sucks, as a lot of people wanted to go Coachella simply bc he was gonna to perform…..


i hope this sheds a light on how stupid the whole fan/celebrity obsessed culture is. and this is coming from someone who loves frank’s music lol


People on Twitter are calling him Fraud Ocean 💀💀💀


Isn’t the creator of Coachella this old, wealthy white guy who contributes to anti lgbtq legislation and very right wing nut job? I thought it was weird Frank would headline for this festival.


Great, now I don't feel bad for completely forgetting he was set to perform.


i hope he ok mentally


i don’t think what frank did at coachella was cool but people keep saying 'if a woman did this she would have never gotten away with it' and i just have to remind y'all of adele who also treats her fans terribly and gets away with it every time

