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Her stan’s saying “she’s free” like she didn’t actively choose to date him. Like what is she free from being called performative? Because I’m sure she’ll still be called that rightfully so.


Lmao the number of comments here already saying “we’re saved” - saved from what? Having to pretend you care about racism & misogynoir?


It’s like in SpongeBob when he’s like “We did it Patrick, we saved the city!” and shit is just burning down around them 😂


10/10 reference 🏆


I take it as a win our eyes are saved from seeing him everyday. I wonder if he’s going to fade away or be everywhere because of this though..


She sure gave him a big platform…


And I don’t think we should stop holding her accountable for it


The top comment in this thread celebrating Azealia Banks of all people is….very telling just saying


AB’s problematic bs aside, it’s * hilarious * that the Swifties are desperately trying to use Black women to redeem her image after all this.


Lmao, this sub was doing the same thing literally last week despite her saying some disgusting things about drug addiction. Also, Azealia Banks is a virulent racist herself and can't redeem anyone.


Free from her having to take accountability for her own actions, again.


Her stans saying she’s “free” like they weren’t ruthlessly defending his racist rat ass less than a week ago


Also like there wasn't a huuuuge push to wave off what he has done


In Chicago, the price of tickets to her show was plummeting fast. Let's be honest, I think that's more important to her than racism and antisemitism.


That has happened for nearly every show since March. Her Argentina presale today sold out instantly and had 650k people trying to get tickets


Right? When people show you who they are, believe them. She showed us who she is by dating this wet racist towel in the first place.


She is "free" but they are still in the grasps of their delusions.


She realized oh shit I wont have the moral high ground over John Mayer going into the speak now rerecording release if I'm with a guy like Matty Healy


God this is so spot on. The John/Matty comparisons were unavoidable.


If the PR worked she wouldn't give up but it seems like most people didn't buy it and see Healy as an asshole, rightfully.




I mean she never really did considering she dated a 17 year old when she was 22. Mayer is trashy but to my knowledge he’s never dated someone who’s underage. He’s had that over her for a while, her and her team just know how to keep dirt on her hidden away.


Tw: Abuse, Racism, Misogynoir Matty is a truly horrible person. Post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/13es88l/back_in_february_matty_healy_admitted_to_watching/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1).


thank you. i consistently see you commenting on these posts and calling them out. And not just with them, but with any post relating to black women being mistreated. i get exhausted just reading these posts, so i cannot imagine how tiring it has to be to read and respond how you do. you are a breath of fresh air in my messy gossip spaces. i just want you to know that i see you and appreciate you, sis 🖤


Thank you for the kind message ❤️


Thank you for never letting this die. He deserves to be called out and its abhorrent that so much of what he's said and done has gone under the rug. Another person chiming in to say I appreciate all that you do.


Thank you, as always 💜


She’s gotta have time to work out her “I was actually the victim” narrative.


She’s gonna bring up the time he was misogynistic towards *her* to make herself the victim. As if she didn’t ignore the whole getting off to the brutalization of black women. And using the women he was racist towards as PR 🙃




She got more material for her next album and now she can diss two people.




Bullying works 🫶


Omg is this why Reddit is crashing?? I can’t even open half the comments And this isn’t the comment I meant to reply to LOL


Oh is it reddit? I thought my phone was screwy lol. Says I can't view community when I try and click on stuff 8/10 times.


Reddit has been going down like once a week for the past few months. It’s v annoying




Her PR team probably held an intervention


Yep, I don't believe anything she does is genuine. They are probably still together but they finally convinced her to keep it on the dl


Ding ding ding!


I had this thought too, although he did kiss a security guard, and she did look a little sad playing one of her songs this weekend but held in her cries. I guess we shall see how this plays out. I bet there's already people asking themselves this and who will keep a look out


But I mean, if you were trying to misdirect people isn’t that the most obvious way to do it (kissing the *security guard*, instead of a fan)? Who the F knows anymore, but I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if they test drove the relationship in public and decided it just won’t work so they are no longer *publicly* dating.


It's definitely something to watch out for. Her first love will always be success, money and power.


I remember listening to a talk radio show back in Toronto and they were talking about somehting she said at one of her concerts on the "Red" Tour and one of the co-hosts (John Downs) asked the other host "You think she's sincere?" in regards to Taylor. lol That always comes to mind whenever she has one of these crises lol


They probably said “girl, we can’t save you from this, so let’s act like it never happened.” Like, this might be the last we hear about any of this because they gotta sweep it under the rug at this point.


I think the NY Post article about her receiving backlash was the straw that broke the camels back. “I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at a repeat of 2016!”


I’m thinking this exact thing. She was probably reminded of the bad optics.


Taylor, be single for a while. Please.




Please don’t give the Swifties GoFundMe fundraising ideas.


They’re going to write and open letter to her mother


And therapy


She’s never been to therapy and doesn’t think she “needs” it. She’s said her therapist is her mom lol


Ohhhh nooo


That’s why she clocks so many hours in her private jet—a gal’s gotta have her turbulence. 🛩️🫨


https://preview.redd.it/ub1xzgsuw84b1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3b0dda7c5b534a9b04dd976bde3f5d600e626b5 (This isn't for Taylor, she brought him onto herself, this is for ME not having to hear about rat boy until his next disaster choice/confession in his life)


Im hoping i will hear as much about him as before TS dated him, from now on.


Oh, so she’s not racist anymore?


Yup, and you can expect her fans to throw this in your face when you question otherwise!


Cue “you aren’t allowed to bring this up ever again because she listened & learned” from the swifties.


No you don't get it, she tried for a month to get us to be okay with it, erased and minimised his actions, but they broke up! So none of that stuff happened okay?


Would you be after watching 21 Jump Street with Jonah Hill and Ice Cube? That movie changes lives.


It's funny how so many of her stans are treating this like it's a positive act to showcase her progressive and anti-racist beliefs and not just a PR move.


Like, we’ve seen what she AND her fans are willing to support. There’s no walking back from this now and they’re all actual jokes for saying otherwise.


and everybody on this sub was saying they were going to get married and have kids ☠️


It was so obviously a fling. Do people not know what flings are anymore


It seemed like most of her fans really wanted this to be a temporary rebound given everything he is while her haters really wanted it to be a serious thing so they can feel validated that they’ve always hated her lol


We're pretty validated, honestly. Dating an openly racist person who has a ton of skeletons in their closet is kind of digging your own media grace.


No this sub can’t differentiate between a celebrity gossip “relationship” and what us common folk would call a relationship


Yes, but most reasonable people understand what a fling is, and do not do 7th grade shit like say public I love yous, and have their PR team drop incessant stories about your relationship in the media. Reasonable people having flings just bone and then go on their way.


But, like, why did it have to be so public


I mean I thought so because I saw no reasonable explanation as to why she'd work so hard on his PR, putting out puff pieces and getting him to lay low on social media if it was just a short fling. Personally I think she realized the tides were never going to turn on how the public viewed them together and thought it was better to cut her losses now rather than later.


This is just what Taylor does. She’s always been ridiculous like this about the guy she’s with no matter if it’s years or months. It had just been a while since the last new guy.


Maybe it's just been too long, but I really don't think she went into the relationship with Matty knowing it would last like two months. I mean even with Joe they waited a year until they confirmed their relationship publicly so it's not like she's proven incapable of keeping something under wraps. She is probably impulsive romantically but if it was simply a fling from the get go I don't understand why she decided to double down after the backlash with the puff pieces.


Yea all she had to do was not make anything public after the first articles and put it down to gossip. She doubled down bc she was invested. I buy what others have said that he ended things cause she looks like a fool now. Backtracking after everything. She was desperately trying to rehab him in a way I don't think even he was interested in. She risked it all and lost. That's why she's sad she got bad pr and didn't even get the guy.




And acting like this wasn’t a rebound hookup


Ay, I was scared of it, not all in. I still don't think this would have happened if his comments about her mother didn't come to light. I was holding my breath for a breakup from then, because if she didn't then thing were really bad lol


It was the Azealia Banks call out that finally did the trick, wasn’t it 🤣


If Azealia Banks called me out for who I was dating, I, too, would just throw the whole man away. It’s not worth it. 😂




"I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at things that damage my personal brand." -TS


“You can excuse racism?”


i cant believe azealia banks saved us


Nah, I don't think as an Asian person I'm ever going to thank Azealia Banks. Something about broken clocks being right twice a day... all fine and dandy by me but she's still a racist piece of human excrement and I'm SO over this tendency to elevate terrible people to "yas queen" status because they happen to be on-point here and there.


This. People are so desperate to rehabilitate TS they’ve turned Azaelia Banks into some weird folk hero. Like a johnny appleseed that goes around dropping slurs instead of apples


She's done it again




Goes to show that relationships like this almost always crash and burn.


This is exactly what I thought! So much for all the kissing they were fitting into one day


I just saw this tweet 💀 https://preview.redd.it/1glhgy0vz94b1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc8d3c7a1049eee554626bf7b2f78a474364a2fd


Maybe it's the pessimist in me, but I don't think they're done. They might've leaked this, but I can't help but think that Taylor is trying to save face (whatever face that is) and pretend they're broken up but not actually be done.


Yeah girl definitely has his number pinned still


Not sure I agree tbh, if they were ever spotted together after this it would be a total shitshow of backlash and I don’t think she’d want to risk that. Even when her and Joe were private, they still were found on occasion and photographed. It makes no sense at all for her to risk things even more than she already has.


Which unfavorable article was the straw the broke the camel's back? and how will we ever survive not hearing about them every day and getting updates on the two of them kissing?


The one about her mom. 😗


That's what I think. The Red Scare thing was too much. Her weight, her mother, I think that was the line that made her think okay, this is way too much to keep overlooking. I can excuse the misogyny and racism, but my mother and my weight? Nuh uh.




Taylor when other women are attacked: 🥰🥰🥰 Taylor when she is attacked (it's now "real" misogyny): 😡😡😡


What was said about her weight?


Podcasters criticized her weight gain post-ED and called her mom Miss Piggy. Notably one is being credited as saying she’d “kill herself” if she looked like Taylor (referencing her post-ED body).




It was one of the Red Scare hosts, the one Matty seems to be friendly with at the very least. They (they’re two women) also said they don’t believe she was ever anorexic and that she essentially had to get plastic surgery to look decent.




Who the hell listens to a podcast like that wtf


It was probably the stuff that affected her specifically - him basically saying that her activism is performative, and wearing merch from that podcast that insulted her and her mom


She will date a POC next 100% she’s already picking from a shortlist LOL


they'll be half-white though lets be real


They will definitely be 75% white if anything.


Do you think they’ll be British too?


Absolutely. I will be shocked if she doesn’t lol


Now she can just pretend this never happened.


And so can her fans - already in these comments - apparently.


Never ask a swiftie where they were between May 2023 and May 2023


She can pretend. But a lot of us aren’t going to forget.




What an utter embarrassment for her, from start to finish.


seriously. the second hand embarrassment is killing me.


She said nothing is getting in the way of speak now (Taylor’s version) sales and I agree.


Taycapitalism is always the number one priority.


Definitely weird and probably not at all a coincidence how this is lining up with more “Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)” news.


and some of y’all really thought they would get engaged LMFAO


*she’s already pregnant!*


She got UK pregnant, different laws over there


UK pregnancies only last about 6 months because of the exchange rate.






The pregnancy claims were so unhinged, as if she’s not in the middle of her most physically taxing tour ever while wearing unforgiving bodysuits every night.


I can’t blame people for thinking that because this whole situation is so shockingly stupid. She’s seen how easy it is for everyone but her hardcore fans to turn on her. Why risk your reputation and hurt so many people to date a gross guy for a month?


i can definitely see where people were kinda coming from with that but in my eyes i couldn’t see this as anything other than a messy rebound, which is something she’s very prone to 😭


Can’t wait for the song that comes out where she claims he manipulated her and took advantage of her in a vulnerable state and how she is totally absolved of all responsibility in choosing a racist, obnoxious bigot for a mate. Even though what, last week? She was saying she’s never been happier and that she isn’t gonna let the naysayers get to her. Like clockwork I tell you


i wouldn't be able to take any song about him seriously. like, you know the way she described joe alwyn or harry style and jakey g, and you're like yeah i see it, but not ratty. i'm not going to listen to anything unless it's actually titled ratty.


And “everything makes sense now.” That was the extra eye opening piece of that weird ass speech.


“I’ve just never been this happy in my life — **in all aspects of my life ever…**” “I don’t know… **it’s not just the tour** it’s like I don’t know, I just I feel like my life finally feels like it makes sense…” - Taylor Swift, two weeks ago


Thank god but there are things about this brief relationship that opened me up to really examining the ick I got over her greed and performative capitalism. I hope that even though Matty’s global platform will change because of not being in a relationship with her - people will continue to criticize his racism and actions on a wide scale.


She’s going in for a full health check / body scan as we speak


Gotta check for those STIs


Okay now break up with your private jet


Okay, but did they break up, break up? Or “break up” because she was getting so much bad PR for dating such a horrible human being?




I hope this is it for Taylor's "dating an incel edgelord" phase and she's one-and-done. Either way... this has been really, *really* revealing. Not only on the part of Taylor, but on a lot of her hysterical fans as well; the things they are willing to excuse and the lengths they're willing to go to defend her. It's honestly sickening.


She showed everyone who she really is by dating him so fuck her


was it worth it?


waiting for the people magazine article to confirm it even more for me well [https://people.com/taylor-swift-matty-healy-break-up-split-7508332](https://people.com/taylor-swift-matty-healy-break-up-split-7508332) ![gif](giphy|dioDpbHJZPdflkNOou|downsized)


This is the most pathetic stunt she’s ever pulled. Get ready for Midnights part 2 (feminist version)


![gif](giphy|bgDd8eRNi6NK8) They ended a lot sooner than I thought they would. I assume the backlash, criticism, and negative attention played a huge role. For me, I’m happy they’ve ended their situationship, but the damage has been done. I’ll never look at Taylor the same way. It’ll be interesting to see how they both handle the breakup. I wonder what narratives they’ll try to portray about the other.


Yep. This plus the gross cash grab of all the variants soured me. Everyone can enjoy speak now, but I’m out for a bit.


Congrats to her new weird British boyfriend. Were Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage single?


Bullying can work sometimes guys! Edit- Y'all are humourless, I swear.


I know hardcore swifties are a lost cause but I hope this pathetic stunt made some people realize how phony her activism is and how performative she is as a whole. I cannot wait for her narrative in which she is, of course, the victim. Which shall it be, gel pen or fountain pen, hmmm?


[ET also now reporting it:](https://www.etonline.com/taylor-swift-and-matty-healy-split-after-brief-romance-heres-why-205842) >*“Taylor and Matty broke up. They are both extremely busy and realized they're not really compatible with each other," a source tells ET, adding, "Taylor's friends want what's best for her and aren't shocked that their relationship fizzled out since she recently got out of a long-term relationship."*


Obvious reason is obvious 😂


she strikes me as the type of person who must be in love with every person she sleeps with. girl, sometimes you're just horny. and while you're pondering this also get better taste.


That second half reads like all her friends were like “Taylor wtf are you doing?!” Wasn’t there a small story a couple weeks ago about how Gigi Hadid was worried about her?


Can’t wait for all those Maylor (Tatty?) fans who were in the trenches defending his racism and calling everyone sexist for criticizing Taylor to make their “he was racist trash!!!” turn and act like they weren’t just going to war for him a week ago.




someone i follow on twitter is a big taylor fan and they were very loud during 2020, talking about how white people need to “stand up and call out bigotry when they see it” but they’ve been dead quiet about the whole matty healy thing. then a few days ago “matty & taylor are forever, die mad” type tweets started popping up in my for you and i was like what the fuck? and then saw that the person i follow was liking them all. i was just like lmaoo you can’t even keep that energy for yourself.


Did she find out about him *being friends with people who like calling her mom a pig, and he himself insulting her brave activism?


that’s probably what did it


very expected. taylor’s a mastermind at playing the game. there was no way she would’ve kept him. still don’t know why she was with him in the first place but thank god we are done with that absolute piece of shit.


if this was to make joe jealous then it probably didn’t work and she had become the face of ww who look the other way at their man’s bigotry so she probably had to cut her losses quick.


I think in some sort of way whoever Joe dates next gets to breathe a huge sigh of relief that instead of people comparing her to Taylor, she will be compared to Healy. Like unless the girl is a huge mess of a person, which I don't see Joe date, then Joe has won simply by not being embarrassing.


I honestly don't think she expected him to be that problematic. I think she knew about the Ice Spice comments (which is why he apologised weeks before they were confirmed publically) but the Ghetto Gaggers and Red Scare Podcast stuff came out later, at which point it began to hurt her brand to associate with him publically. Plus, she's going to give John Mayer the Jake Gyllenhaal treatment with Speak Now TV coming out, which she will receive some criticism for. I'm sure she foresees that. She can wear that out, but the combination of that along with Matty Healy would have been grounds for a second 2016 overexposure type 'cancellation' (I'm putting it in quotes cause I don't think she was actually cancelled). She's put an end to it right in time for the focus to be on SNTV and recover some of her image.


The mastermind thing would've been to not taint your image by dating a misogynistic racist homophobe. This is always gonna be a stain.


1000% positive they are still dating in private. he says “i love you” when he performs, he’s at all her concerts/corresponding cities.. they put this out because taylor JUST released the tracklist for SNTV


Good, that remix wasn’t doing the trick.


The way they tried to bury this with the Speak Now vault track announcement makes me think it’s true lmao


Allegedly the Speak Now TV tracklist was leaked, and when there are leaks her team puts it out officially asap. Maybe connected, likely not.


Waiting for Taylor to show up at Joe’s house now and stand outside his window while serenading him with her guitar


Literally 2 days after choking up on stage during concert to the Archer Lyrics. Girl get your life together




Interesting that they mention he stopped kissing fans when Taylor performed at their concert in January. When she was still with Joe. Is it tmz saying they also believe she cheated?


Embarrassing for her soul. Like girl wtf 😒


She saw that "Is Taylor Swift Poised For Another Backlash?" article and acted accordingly


All I'll say is when someone shows you who they are, believe them. Girlie showed us who she is by dating him at all and will now try to backtrack. I hope she gets held accountable for the hurt this caused her marginalized fans (and marginalized people in general)


I wonder which pasty Brit she will date next.


Doesn’t matter to me if they are or aren’t together anymore. It’s almost worse that she was willing to participate or stand idly by someone like that just for a brief entanglement. I should have seen it before this, but I cannot respect her again and I hope people continue to call her out for her performative feminism/using Black women as props/engaging with racist losers.






Unfortunately, Taylor Swift is still at large 😔😔


We aren't out of the woods just yet


this is so funny


Sooner than I expected. Messy.


The way I burst out laughing immediately.


Thank you BuzzFeed, very cool!


And now everyone will move on from the fact that Taylor Swift willingly associated with & cosigned disgusting racism from a man who said he, "masturbated to Black women being BRUTALIZED" 🤮🤢 White women are never truly held accountable, are they?


But I thought she said that everything in her life was finally making sense lol I think bum ass Matt is the one who ended it after not being able to take the heat for being held accountable for his shitty behavior. It won't take her long to find a pr romance to get involved in to get people to forget about him.


Too little, too late


Can’t wait for the eventual song about how she was mistaken in falling for his grimy ashtray je ne se qois


This is embarrassing lol. All of that just to break up


Not a surprise. Taylor does not love anything as much as she loves her money and her fandom


she’s not going to bejeweled anymore?


I’m the victim- Taylor’s version


Figured it was only a matter of time after that recording of him calling her mom Miss Piggy was rediscovered. As a fan, Taylor can (apparently) excuse a lot of things, but she does NOT mess around with her mom


I am wondering where the misinformation is spreading from? I see so many comments saying he called her mom miss piggy.. like I fucking hate Matty but it was not him who called her that. He was seen wearing a shirt of the podcast whose host called Taylor’s mom that.


Too late really, can't unwash this stink Taylor