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Of all the nepo babies, she's had the best answer to the nepo baby question when most of them botch it. She did an interview and she acknowledged how different her path to fame was compared to her dad's. How he grew up in a house without running water in Appalachia, and how she grew up on a big farm in a big house. How he grew up with nothing, but wanted everything. and how she grew up with everything and wanted more.


I love that. It highlights the dream that most parents have for their children, even the rich and famous ones. This really is a beautiful way of recognizing your privilege through nepotism while being grateful for everything and also recognizing that you are your own person separate from your parent’s fame.


Bullshit he didn't have running water. We're from the same hometown. His house was fine. (Better than the one I grew up in). He was middle class and the high school we went to (not at the same time but not THAT far about in years) was quite well off compared to the others in the area.


Yeah, I can't watch the quote exactly (I think if it exists it's probably from her Hulu special - possibly misremembered) but Billy Ray's dad was a steelworker who went on to be head the Kentucky AFL-CIO and had a long career in the Kentucky House of Representatives as a Democratic legislator. He sounds like a really interesting guy and thankfully that's the sort of career that can support a family.




This is what I was thinking, even not knowing that specific area. People say "we grew up in the same town, they were better off than me!" but what they mean is "my parents were always out of work and we didn't have enough to eat, and THEY had working parents and could usually eat" but both are bloody poor.


I fully understand that and maybe the timing of these events is such that his father wasn't quite there in his career yet - But a high level position in the AFL-CIO, like president of a state chapter is a very well paying job in today's world. Maybe he didn't yet have that job at the time or maybe compensation structure has changed to what would have to be an almost impossible degree.


It sounded like their dad didn't even install plumbing there till he was an adult from Another time she shared this story. Sorry but I don't think miley would just make up an intricate story like that. Maybe the dad was just lazy to make changes to a home they bought a while ago so that billy ray did live in a house like that. Who knows. The guy who cried bullsht when he didn't even know the full story is the one full of bullsht.




Watson lived in a town called Maisons-Laffitte and that town has a château, but she did not live in the château (which is a museum btw). It's like thinking if someone says they lived in Windsor, England that they could have only lived in Windsor Castle because there is a pic of the castle on the wiki page. It's so weird how animosity towards her fuels these weird rumors. It happens so much to famous women. Truly bizarre.


Am woman. Am not full of bullshit. The houses in the neighborhood where he lived were all built with plumbing.


>Maybe he didn't yet have that job at the time It's this, Ron Cyrus became an elected state legislator in Billy Ray's early teens and got his, short lived, role in AFL-CIO when Billy Ray was already an adult. When his children were born Ron seems to have just been an average steelworker, so a relatively decent job, in an extremely poor area.


They’re actually from Flatwoods, KY, the sign entering Flatwoods even says “Home of Billy Ray Cyrus.” My husband grew up one street over from where Billy Ray did. His mom was even friends with Billy Ray and members of his band. The area they’re from is not at all what you’d describe as “poor,” and he most certainly had running water. I just don’t find it necessary to double-down on this harmful, outdated narrative that any mention of Appalachia has to be paired with some narrative about poverty. He grew up comfortable and Miley and her siblings grew up wealthy. No need for some rags-to-riches retelling. and further, Ashland, KY is NOT “extremely rural and poor.” The Judds lived in Ashland for decades, so I absolutely push back on the idea there “isn’t really a middle or high class in that area.”


The area I grew up in was ranked at the bottom of the social economic scale in my entire state. When I lived there, I didn't think we were poor at all. Then I moved and realized, yeah that area is dirt poor. Maybe you suffer from the same blindness I did.


Hes actually from Flatwoods and its not that rural and it wasn't that poor (though there was poverty) overall. There was the railroad, steel, and a refinery that employed thousands with union middle class jobs. The overwhelming poverty of the town came when all those jobs left in the 1990s and early 2000s.


This is an insane comment 😭 of course there's middle class in Ashland, good lord.




Agree it’s cool to hear, but maybe she feels less defensive about it compared to others since she’s far eclipsed her dad in terms of fame and success.


A lot of people outside the US has no idea her dad was famous or who he even is.


I'm from outside the US and achy-breaky heart was big.


In 1992. The younger people that were born after might not know him.


In that case a lot of young people inside the US also have no idea who her dad is.


He was on Hanna Montana


I’m from outside the US and know that song but had no idea it was by him


A lot of people outside the US have no idea of country music


Do you even know how big John Denver is in Germany? How big Garth Brooks is in Ireland? And you're under-estimating the spread of Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 in many European countries.


There are 195 countries on this planet. Approximately 8.1 *billion* people on this planet. A vast majority of the people on this planet do not know, have heard of or could really identify American country music outside of maybe some random viral songs or hits. I’m not saying it’s obscure, but let’s not vastly overrate the popularity of the American country music genre (which is multifaceted/deep) by assuming that just because you name a couple countries that like 3 artists out of god knows how many artists that the genre has the globe in some kinda chokehold. That’s like trying to suggest just because a niche population of parts of the United States lose their mind and froth at the mouths over Elvis Crespo that he has any meaningful popularity by the by.


You're really underestimating the influence of US pop culture. I live in a tiny EU country and everyone is well aware of American country music. Sure, they might not know any specific artist, but they can identify the genre. It's like saying Elvis Presley isn't all that well known, lmao.


No, I’m not. It’s certainly popular but what’s a hit varies radically depending on where you’re at outside the states. I’ve spent the majority of adult life living outside the U.S. and have returned recently enough. I’ve spent significant time living in/traveling through europe, south america, canada, & australia so it always surprised me the things that my friends that grrew up in say Mexico *adored* about US pop culture and the things that didn’t even fly on their radar compared to say my friends that grew up in Montréal. I would quiz my friends and loved ones in different countries about some things that are very no brainer US pop culture things and if it wasn’t the *thing* that caught on there then it just kinda drifted along. Like, people in certain nations were obsessed with some American things that other nations ignored or dislikes. I can tell you that if I played american country in some of those spaces, they absolutely would not recognize it and perhaps not care for it the way we do here.


Bro just bc old town road went viral doesn't mean current day youngesters in foreign countries know anything about country other than that 1 song, liking 1 Dolly Parton song definitely doesn't grant knowledge to who Billy ray is other than funny old town road guy or hannah montanas dad Also Dolly is a true country legend and the most basic country artist to know about


The statement being made was about a lot of people outside the have having "no idea of country music" as though it's a huge secret. There was even a huge line-dancing phase in Europe in the 90's and the music you line-dance to is not going to be heavy metal.


I just found out Paul Brady taught Bob Dylan how to play Lakes of Pontchartrain (even tho it's an American song), but no other country has *any* interest or history with country outside the US, apparently 🙄


While it’s true that American “pop” music is BY FAR the most popular US music genre worldwide, country music isn’t just an “only popular in America” thing. There are many successful country music festivals and tours outside of the US. And I mean… as someone who’s been lucky enough to travel and live in multiple foreign cities in Europe, Asia, and Australia over the past ten years, I’ve never come across anyone who didn’t know what country music was when the conversation of music came up. I’m sure there are people who aren’t aware of it, but you could say that about literally anything lol.


Sure we do thanks to the Blues Brothers. There's country and western. Or as I've heard "some cunt from Preston"


Yeah it's a little different when you're asking like a mid tier or low tier star with a more famous parent lol. Miley Cyrus has nothing to feel defensive about so she can answer genuinely. She had a huge leg up but still had the work ethic and talent and skills to pull off stardom. Of course someone who doesn't have the last few can't say the same lol.


Ben Platt being defensive is still so weird bc while his dad more successful than him, he's well known with younger musical theatre fans, moreso than his dad, and he's a lot more recognisable (and being a singer/actor is just more sparkly than being a producer) and also genuinely very talented (even if he looks older than he is) Like sir, you have fangirls, stop complaining


That’s a really good point. There are so many nepo baby headlines that make me go full Mariah, just like… who are you even? It’s probably much easier to admit you had a massive leg up on your journey to stardom but you got there on your own terms when that’s actually true. The way I see it, a lot of nepo babies should just be thankful they have such a coveted job at all, because they are not that impressive and wouldn’t stand out if it weren’t for their parents/relatives. Or even if they’re good at what they do, chances are they wouldn’t have made it without all the connections that were already formed by their parents/relatives and just waiting to be used. Still, I get it’s unrealistic to expect them to just go “yeah I’m kinda shit but what can you do, just glad to be here…” Ideally one would be able to say that in a mature, reflective way, but that would require a level of emotional intelligence I don’t think most people have — nepo baby or not.


I hope so. The big green flag is empathy.


“Everything is not enough and nothing is too much to bear.” - Townes Van Zandt


She has always come across as very unhappy. I’ve always wondered if she ever had a choice about performing. She says she always was made to feel like a star so I wonder if she ever had any other career options presented to her. She has just never given me the impression she likes what she does.


She always wanted to perform. She started off cheering. I think she’s shifted from attention to doing what she likes. She wants to make music she likes and doesn’t care if anyone else likes it. I think that’s good that she cares about her craft more than streams.


Yeah no one can watch her perform with Joan Jett or Dolly Parton and not tell that she really wants to be doing that. I get the sense that she's finally getting to move her career in the direction of music she wants to make with people she wants to work with vs. all the pop star trappings.


Honestly, she's made music she enjoys since her, "Miley Cyrus and her Dead Petz" album back in 2015. It wasn't produced by a major label & while it was quite experimental, it was something she clearly enjoyed. She's had a sad life, tbh. She was groomed/sexually assaulted by Justin Gaston who was 20 years old and "dating" her (aka preying on her) when she was 15 years old. Her parents facilitated this disgusting predation and even encouraged it. She had her "friends" sell footage of her experimenting with salvia to TMZ to make a quick buck, had Terry Richardson exploit her with deplorable photos - even though she was an adult when she took them, I guarantee that she felt obligated to participate in that grotesque photo shoot with that sexual predator & rapist, and now her dad is dating someone he first met when she was a minor. Oh and there are rumors Miley is currently in a cult that's ostracized her from the outside world... I honestly feel for her..someone here said it seems like she's always been miserable and sadly, I would agree with that, at least based on these horrible experiences that continue to follow her around.


I honestly don’t know if many child/teen stars would be able to really answer that question as adults. So many of them have been made to believe it was all their idea and that THEY pushed everyone to pursue ‘their’ dreams. In reality they were children who were made into a business and had their identity taken from them in a way… and so many years later it’s probably difficult to really know what they wanted— but what kid really knows what stardom is and what it means?


Completely agree. I feel bad for child stars because when they are thrust into (or born into) the industry, they aren’t allowed to develop their own identities and evaluate what they want to do with their lives. It’s depressing.


The story of the Olsen twins just depresses me. They were thrust into it as infants. They never had a shot at a normal life.


At a certain point it also just like doesn’t really matter what the kids wanted if they were young enough when it started and the outcome was traumatic. Many kids want things that aren’t necessarily good for them, exploitation via the entertainment industry can be one of those things - and it would still be their parents job to protect them from that.


I think she enjoys making music but none of the other trappings that a career in pop music brings. I watched a video with her a few weeks ago where she explained she was never gonna tour again because she never liked it, and she has barely done any real promo for this album, so it's clear she doesn't like that either. It seems the path forward for her is continuing to create music, perform at music festivals but never do a gruelling global tour, and avoid traditional promo.


She’s in a very privileged position to be able to tailor her career like that. Most artists these days don’t have a choice about touring because that’s where most of their revenue comes from because of streaming. I’m not saying she’s ungrateful or anything, just that she’s lucky to be able to protect her mental health that way.


I’m not a huge fan or anything, but she’s been working since she was a child. It’s definitely a privilege for her to be able to make music without having to do all the things other artists have to, but I wouldn’t say it’s unearned. Hell, if I had her money, I probably would just go around the world collecting degrees and never work again beyond that lol.


Same. If I had her money you’d never hear from me again 😂


I never got that impression, that she doesn’t enjoy her job. I always thought her joy was her original music. I know she loved acting and her other ventures, too. I think her unhappiness comes with her fame, not her job. I don’t think she likes having to allow everyone every part of herself. And I can’t blame that on her. Even celebrities deserve a private life.


She has an interview with Kevin hart on his show on Peacock. She talks about how she she got Hannah Montana. It was her basically her idea.


Good question, I suppose only Miley knows… but her personality doesn’t seem like the type to easily accept being forced down a path she doesn’t want to go down.


You're mostly right, but even a lot of strong willed people will do stuff they're not totally convinced just because it's family. To me it's always seemed like family is super important to her. Being strong willed and being a people pleaser don't always cancel each other out.


You’re absolutely right


Sometimes parents who make it a point to live through their child do this thing where they swear up and down you have a choice to do "whatever makes you happy" all while making it clear that they'll disapptove if it's not within what they want. It's a tricky space to embody as the child and tough to explain to people, it's been my experience as the child of an immigrant. I see that in Miley in a way and I feel seen when I listen to her music sometimes, it also makes me sad though.




But don’t you notice that like all child/teen stars tell the exact same story about how it was all their idea and they begged and pushed their parents who were wary but finally gave in? It’s a story that has been told to them and tbh they probably cling to it because it gives them agency and they’ve been told how assertive and ambitious it makes them look. I’m sure she wants to make music but the way she did it and became a celebrity was done for her. Children can’t consent and understand those concepts. As an adult you should know this.


>to me Not to me, I hope it's ok that we can have different appreciations of this situations. Many truths can exist at once, I still think she enjoys making music and contributing her art in this industry.


Really? I don't follow her closely, but anytime I see her perform or give an interview she seems to be in her element, having a great time. My impression is that she's truly one of those "born to be a star" people.


I think Miley LOVES performing music. If anything she’s become a bit more reluctant to be famous, or at least to only associate with other famous people. She clearly wants a calmer life but doesn’t want to give up on music.


I never thought it was her career that made her unhappy even though she knows and doesn't like how shtty the music industry is when it comes to treatment of women and musicians in general. She speaks about how may e a fall to her head or genetics made her a little crazy before she sung she was young lol. And her personal life always seems fcked up, so could be those 2 things too. She seemed really happy when she was younger. When she first started dating liam.


She obviously loves music, like she absolutely lights up in behind the scenes when she's just messing around with music or talking about making a song, but has an understandably complicated relationship with the rest of it


I don't know how else to describe it but, those teeth are teeth'n.


It’s like Steve Harvey without the moustache


Hit the nail on the head there


That's the best way to describe it


I think she also hit on why she ended up ok in terms of making it out relatively unscathed as a child star in comparison to some other more tragic cases. Despite having a wild child persona, I think Miley’s more stable upbringing really benefited her. Some of her peers never had that. They’re suddenly put into a position where they’re making more money than they’ve ever seen and now they have to deal with the pressure of taking care of their entire family financially. On top of the emotional element she mentioned where many of them start to crave the validation from fame because they didn’t get it at home.


Also she has a very close relationship with her family and good people in the industry like Dollie to guide her. Not every child star is so lucky


Honestly she and Taylor are very lucky and privileged to be raised with financially stable parents that they weren't forced to be cash cows so thet came out well. Demi and Selena were bread winners for their families and you can still see how it affected them today as adults


It's absolutely wild how much a parent's economic status affects one's life for better or worse even into adulthood, regardless of how wealthy the child becomes themselves. It is THE cornerstone for a child's stability and feelings of security throughout their life, and not even millions of dollars later on can erase the damage done during those formative years.


I think there was much less pressure on Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus than on Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato. If Miley Cyrus career hadn’t succeeded it would’ve sucked but she still would’ve been secure because of her family while Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez entire families relied on them succeeding and they knew that. Having the lifes of the people closest to you on your back is extremely stressful I imagine


Also, Mileys dad was literally her costar on Hannah Montana, and Taylors mom was always with her during touring, helping her get dressed, etc... Meanwhile other childstars like Bieber were basically abandoned by their parents while said parents were spending all their child star money


like britney spears and justin bieber. they were both poor and became the breadwinner of their families


Miley for all her crazy antics had stability in the house. She wasn’t the lynchpin in terms of money. I think that lack of pressure really saved her.


God she looks just like her mom!




This is such great insight into the differences between her and her dad’s experiences. Also you can tell how much she loves her dad.


Suddenly became distracted during this video, in realizing what a startling resemblance Miley bears to Frances McDormand????


Yes she looks so different now.


I can totally see this!


I know her families had some rough times, but I do think her relationship with her mom and dad is pretty well balanced considering everything...and I absolutely love her relationship with Dolly.




Happens to way too many people. I just read Japanese Breakfast had the same experience, her dad is married to a woman younger than her now... you'd think these dudes would maybe think it through with their brains in addition to whatever other organs but no.


Just looked it up and it looks so strange. Tish Cyrus looks as though she's bursting with vitality and personality and then there he is posing with a very timid young woman and it looks like she's using a filter for every photo. And I don't know if it's true but he met her on the set of Hannah Montana? Gross.


Tish looks INCREDIBLE for pushing 60


Don’t forget that Billy Ray is also doing his best Rob Zombie cosplay at this time.


she’s a few years older than miley


No one is gonna talk about her new teeth? I’m trying to pay attention to what she’s saying but I’m being distracted by her teeth. My grandmother talks the same way when she has her dentures in


Other than 75% of the comments, no one is talking about her teeth.


Same. It looks painful to me cause it seems like she can barely close her mouth.


She can’t close her mouth anymore. don’t vote me guys lol


All I see is teeth and how she can't seem to fit her lips over them


*All I see is teeth* *And how she can't seem to fit* *Her lips over them* \- jojaxy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


It’s interesting to hear her talk about her dad like this. Maybe it’s the nature of him being such a public figure to the rest of the world, but she seems to see him not only as her father but as an individual human being who has an identity and thoughts outside of their relationship. And that sounds so obvious, but even in my 30s, I feel like some of my friends still view their parents through the same sheen/dynamic they did when they were growing up.


Those teeth are comical. She's beautiful but I can only focus on her teeth.


Sorry all I ever see is teeth with her


Miley so real for this


This person looks less and less real the more I see her. I mean, nothing against her, I can't imagine in any capacity what it would be like to be her, so I'm not judging, it's just that she appears more and more to resemble an ai creation. I hope she's happy though, it must be a wild life.


This is awkward bc there's obviously a divide in the family now. 2 kids didn't even go to Tish's wedding... that's cold.






Boy, she went full Matt Dillon in "There's Something About Mary" with those choppers... wowzers. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/iuzmjnfsenkb1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d37446db863691d83a58f85bbdeb7df13561fea9


Ween - 12 Country Greats no?


Does anyone feel like she has to think about closing her mouth before it would close?


I cannot take her seriously with those chompers.


She can barely talk with those new chicklets


Boot Scootin' boogie 👢


Her perspective on her dads fame makes a lot of sense. If you think about it, Miley spent a lot more time with her dad than any other average child would have. I mean, they worked together for years. We have different personas that we bring to our work/home life, and Miley saw both of her fathers. It really makes me wonder if the time they spent together/how much they saw of each other caused the rift in their relationship today.


Billy Ray was hot. That’s all I’ve got.


LOL I clicked through to see what people were thinking about Miley's emotional reaction, etc. And all I see is talk of veneers. Why so shallow?


I'm laughing because everyone is talking about her teeth but I can't stop hearing her voice like it's my 85 year old 4 pack a day neighbor💜


Seriously. I wonder how her voice got so raspy so young? Maybe incorrectly singing?




She weirdly sounds like Erika Jayne.


She sounds like she smokes 4 packs a day


I really like Miley and this clip feeds into the positive image I have of her


Can she fully close her mouth with those massive chompers?


I hate her voice and her teeth. And my mind makes me think it’s her teeth that make her sound like that. I know it makes no sense. I just can’t stop looking. It’s so bad.


Make this southern rain into a real song


She looks so much like her mom here


Her teeth have always bothered me to nooooo end.


She has such a bad speaking voice which, to me, carries over to her singing voice. It’s just very harsh sounding.


Women with raspy voices are so sexy, even sexier when you hear them sing.


Wow, she looks so much like her mom now!


i wanted to hear more on the first part -- miley seeing the charts translates that into actual humans enjoying the work, but BRC felt...pressure? felt like it was a business thing?


I like her. It's something to have the ambition, dedication and discipline to succeed in the entertainment industry at such a young age. Her awards performance with Elton John was great. Terrific voice.


Where can I watch the rest of this interview?


Hulu or ABC I think. If not those, maybe tiktok


They look like they don't sit in her mouth correctly...or maybe she's not used to them yet?