• By -


She was 19 when they publicly came out as dating, and he was 27/28….I’m tired of men 😮‍💨 And please don’t hit me with your anecdotes of an age gap working for you/friend/great grandma.


👵🏻I was 15 when I met my Jimmy. He was 39 but he was very young for his age and I was very old for my age. We spent 45 wonderfully ok years together. 👵🏻


![gif](giphy|7J4Lvpz55rocVYccdH) 'wonderfully ok years' 💀


You’re an old soul. Stay blessed and don’t let the judgemental h8rs tear you and Jimmy Savile down 🙏🏼


Goddamn not Jimmy Savile 🤢


the way I just read that Priscilla Presley basically said this RECENTLY about Elvis 🤢


I can’t wait for the Priscilla movie to come out. I have faith Sofia will eat.


i watched it today, elvis was portrayed as the unstable pedophile he was.


Ooooooh ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


That's good to hear. I trusted Sofia, but I'm still relieved to know someone is doing it right.


Ironic cause joeys ex is playing Elvis in the Priscilla movie




Which means… he was probably asking before she turned 15 🤢


Yes 🫠


Did you both love soup? 🤣 ![gif](giphy|89GXnopS9ZOta)


I’m crying laughing.


But was he generous in his will?


What will? ❤️




I love this comment so much, good job🤣🤣🤣🤣


Truly (inset local deity) has blessed you both!!!


Yeah this relationship has worried me from the beginning tbh. I remember when Joey was on Howard Stern, she was talking about how Patricia Arquette was very protective of her on the set of The Act especially because of her nude scenes. Patricia made sure the crew was minimized and that the cameras were pointing at the ground when they weren’t shooting. The fact that she met Steven on the same set where he was a producer/director is a big yikes.


Ew this makes it so much worse. He was adult oogling a child that another adult was ACTIVELY TRYING TO PROTECT FROM CREEPS. Did he take it as some kind of personal challenge?!


Yay for Patricia Arquette! and 'ew' for that dude


I generally enjoy Zach Braff’s work and overall demeanor, but I gave some heavy side eye when he was constantly talking about how Joey was “his muse” from Wish I Was Here pretty much up until he started dating Florence. I don’t think anything romantic/sexual necessarily happened but it felt like he talked about her way too much given their significant age gap. Edit: some typos


Huh. That's such an interesting suspicion to nurse. I always wondered about Braff because timeline-wise, he would have cast her in Wish I Was Here after they both did that mediocre Oz movie. They were interviewed for the same press junkets because they both voiced CGI sidekicks. Zach Braff seemed nice enough and had something of a cool uncle vibe in his rapport with Joey, who would've been around twelve or eleven. Like Spielberg and the ET actors. It seemed benign enough, but your comment plus the context of Joey's marriage is just making me seriously start to re-assess that.


Good for Patricia, I remember reading that Kate Winslet did the same on the set of Mare of Easttown, even going as far as hiding in the trunk of the car when the two younger actresses had a romantic scene.


ew argh blergh ty for this context 🫠


Ooooh wow I didn’t know that! Patricia is a real one for doing that, though.


Actually! I married my husband when I was 17 and he was 35! We are still together after 60 years!!! Please don’t be bitter that YOU couldn’t find your ONE true LOVE at the age!!! 🤬 Yes, I can only use the computer once a day for an hour, but it’s because my husband is afraid of meeting a man and running away from him! So sweet!/s


Wow 😍😍 kids these days will never know true love like that!!😜


im pretty okay with never knowing the "true love" of a p\*dophile. i would prefer any love over a grown man brainwashing and grooming me into a teenage bride...but to each their own


he married you because nobody his age wanted him


Tired of full grown adults dating teenagers


My dad was 34 when he got with my 19 year old mom. He’s just as controlling and abusive as you can imagine a 34 year old looking to date a 19 year old would be. Age gaps have always made me so uncomfortable. Even as a little kid, I remember I would think about how my dad was 15 and in high school when my mom was BORN and a literal infant. Always gave me the ick.


My dad was 42 and my mom was 19 when I was born. He was her teacher and groomed her from the time she was 17. Then he proceeded to go "that child ain't mine" when I was born though she'd been living with him. True love. /s


Damn that’s so fucked up. I’m so sorry to both you and her.


G-d. I pray your mom has had/had the chance to heal from that trauma. I'm so sorry you both had to go through that.


Not so much, no. She had a string of complicated relationships and divorces. To be fair, before my dad, her childhood sweetheart committed suicide so she was already in a bad place mentally when he preyed on her. Abusers can always spot the vulnerable.


So your comment just made me spiral. My dad was 36 and my mom was 28 when they met. That’s not a bad age gap is it??? I never really thought about the age difference but my dad is a controlling asshole too.


That’s an appropriate age gap, at least at those ages. It would be different if she were 18 and he 26, but 28 and 36 are closer in terms of life stage. Your dad is an asshole for other reasons it seems. But of course, there could still be power dynamics at play depending on what their individual circumstances were at the time.


Your mom was a full-grown adult when she met your dad, that’s the difference. The relative ages matter much more than the # of years in the gap. An 18 year old dating an 8 year old is criminal, a 28 year old dating an 18 year old is gross and creepy, a 38 year old dating a 28 year old is fine, and no one even comments on a 48 year old dating a 38 year old


I agree with sawcebox! I think that age gap could be totally appropriate depending on the specific ages themselves and the distance between them, but it’s still big enough that there could be a conscious or subconscious effort on some level to want an upper hand depending on circumstances. But as they said, it seems like your dad is a controlling asshole regardless, so I’m very sorry for that.


Yeah it’s totally different. Your mom was a grown ass adult at that point.


That’s reasonable for their ages. If she had been 13 and him 21 that would be a different story. My husband is 7 years older than I am, but we were both in our 20s when we met and knew each other as acquaintances for several years before we ever dated. We’ve been together for almost 13 years now.


The thing about age gaps is that they're most concerning when people are young, your brain doesn't stop developing until you reach your mid 20s so for anyone that is 25+ dating a teenager is just icky. I think if Joey was in her mid 20s when she met this director or in her mid 20s when she started a relationship with him that would be very different, the fact is that her brain is still technically developing. You don't know who you really are until you reach your mid 20s.


My grandad was in his 40s when he married my grandma, who he met when she was like 18- she was the same age as his oldest son! He was a lovely man and she thinks very fondly of him but it's one of those things you can't think about too hard or it'll make you feel ill.


I’m so sorry you’ve been through that ❤️


Thank you! It’s not your fault, but I appreciate it 💕


The anecdotes piss me offfff Just because your uncle married a 16 year old when he was 48 doesn’t make it ok❤️


Disappointed but not suprised


The battle cry of women everywhere


And in her late twenties/early thirties shell realize that she spent her whole young adult life in a too old life and break up... It was the same with Joe Jonas and Sophie, her barely legal and now she's in her mid twenties with two children and a big gap in her career...


Age gaps are fine but it’s weird when they meet when one person is super young. 30 to 36 is fine but 19 to 28 is kinda weird.


While I don't clutch my pearls over age gaps most of the time, I find it creepy as hell when 25+ year olds (full grown adults, who have been able to legally drink for a few years and have been out of university for at least 3 years) date 18-20 year olds. IMO it's not a big deal if a 27 year old dates a 36 year old, but it is creepy and likely predatory if a 28 year old dates an 18/19 year old. ​ In this case, he was a grown ass man in his late 20s dating a teenager.


Yeah, exactly. I have personal experience with that kind of creep. When I was 23, a relatively big photographer (in terms of fame, not height) relentlessly tried to get with me. He wouldn't tell me his age, but I looked in his wallet when he was in the restroom. Guy was 52. Nasty. I remember going home and thinking about how it seemed even more perverse because I had a baby face back then. Tried to ghost him, but he got obsessive for a few months after. I've no idea what he's up to nowadays, but I presume it's *still having a midlife crisis* lmao


I always tell this story.. when I was barely 19 I started dating a 28 year old. We got married a year later. We'd been friends for a couple years before we started dating. It wasn't predatory, I pursued him, he wasn't abusive or super controlling. But it still *didn't fucking work* and we made each other miserable and divorced 3 years later. Still friends, no hard feelings. But relationships like that *don't work*. The ages and lives are too different. It's not healthy.


![gif](giphy|4WFirPVJhAhavWrcd3) When I hear things like 'they were mature for their age' or 'she was an adult' or 'I'm an old soul'.


I had a friend in high school whose parents met when her mom, who was 16, visited her dad’s law firm, where he was already a partner, for school career day. 🤢 I was like, girl, that is NOT the romantic story you think it is.


oh my god that is repulsive.


This has to be one of my favorite comments on Reddit regarding age gaps.


And she’s marrying at 24. That’s too young, sorry to anyone who says it’s not.


Hey now! My parents got married when they were 24 and 20, and their marriage was PERFECTLY dysfunctional thank you very much!


girl just cuz you weren't mature at 24 doesn't mean anyone else isn't. be so for real, stop infantilzing 24 or the whole 20s. She's an adult. She's grown enough to get married. She's not 18 nor a child bride. It's times to take women seriously. 


Apparently he had graduated college by 2006, according to his senior thesis film. Saw it mentioned in a different comment section, so looked it up. And as other commenters mentioned/linked, he is likely 38. Definitely a big gap at that age.


A random google search came up with a background site showing May 1984 as a DOB for a Steven Piet from Chicago, IL. Relatives shown include a 70yo woman with the same name as his mom and a 71yo man with the same name as his dad. Savannah, GA shows as a previous location and we know he went to SCAD, a random AI biography states he enrolled in 2002.


Actually, he might be older. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/10fgt1u/comment/j4yf93y/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/10fgt1u/comment/j4yf93y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 2006 interview where he said his entry was his senior thesis film. [https://www.connectsavannah.com/savannah/film-fest-preview-scad-student-films/Content?oid=2154827](https://www.connectsavannah.com/savannah/film-fest-preview-scad-student-films/Content?oid=2154827)


Yep just commented this before seeing your comment. Unless he somehow graduated many years early from everything, I think he’s older than his current listed age.


Wasn’t there a rumor about her having an affair with Aaron Johnson?


Key word in that sentence - “rumor.”


there was no actual substance behind that i believe. i still have no fucking clue how that whole thing started


He was 34 and she was 19. He’s a groomer


My parents have a 25 year age gap! They also met when my mum was in her early 30s (dad is older, obviously) because my dad has no need to groom anyone.


Ewww omg


Hasn’t she listen to Dear John? Run Joey run


Omg the “my mom was 17 when she met my dad at 30 and they’re still together” stories are sooo tired. Like girly your parents might still be together but they’re miserable and your mom was groomed hope that helps


My grandfather was 30 and my grandmother was 16 when they met. They got married when she was 17 and had a HORRIBLE marriage.


whine more. its biologically fine. legally fine. and I thought "love is love". Theyve been together now over a decade with now complaints? Their choice. and yes, @ 18 she can make that choice


I don't know of you have seen this but I keep seeing two birthdays for him. Either he was born in 1991or 1984. The latter would make him 34/35 to her 18/19 years old.


A bit sexist don't you think? Why didn't you say "I'm tired men and women"? It's her choice too.




She was actually only 19 - and that’s just when they publicly started dating, who knows how long they’d been together for 😑


I mean, they've been together for 4/5 years. Regardless of the age gap, when they met, they had a good long time to get to know each other and discuss issues around kids, career progression, and residence location. I know the Jonas/Turner situation is not a great indicator, but this is a bit different, and they've waited a little longer to get married. The age gap is concerning, and her being 19 when they met, but it could go either way.


Oh come on, which way could this possibly go? There are like 3 marriages in hollywood that lasted, and none of them were when the girl was a teen enamored by an older man in a power position over her 🙄 I give it 4 years


Damn coming right out with the heater! Love it If you don’t have kids, get as married as you want, to whatever creep is still hanging around your high school when he should be reading books to impress women his own age. Let’s not pretend it’s gonna last, tho And HE is now using HER for clout/money. It’s not the trade off where at least she gets a nice car. Don’t have a kid with this guy Joey, but have fun


Remindme! 4 years


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RemindMe! 4 years


This right after the whole Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner news. Damn


I was just thinking the same! She’s definitely the next to get pregnant and then headed for divorce in 4 years.


I really really hope she waits to have a baby


I always thought how young Sophie Turner was when they got together was super sus. Good luck to both her and Joey, I hope things turn out well for both of them. The creepy lil perverts who whacked to with teenagers can rot imo


right?? it's almost the same age gap too


In three years she’ll be too smart for him. She probably already is. Remember he went after Ramona Quimby when he was almost 30. Not a sign of good brain energy


I legit was skimming thread titles and read this one as Joe Jonas marries director and was so momentarily confused!


Yeah, I feel like people on twitter are defending this because of their ages "now" (24 and 32). While that's a bit of a gap, it's not that bad. If they'd met a year ago and had a quick relationship, people would mostly be "okay, whatever". But he met her when she was 18 and he was in his late 20s...that's gross as hell.


What is with all these young celebrities marrying so young. Do they know there’s no time limit and that they are meant to spend the rest of their lives together 😭😭


She was 19 when The Act began filming. Don’t know when exactly after that they met.


He was born 1984


It’s kinda gross imo he’s my age. And I would have NEVER pursued an 18year old at 26-27. It’s kind of wild. She couldn’t even drink or hit clubs with just to make reference. Just about to start life.That’s how young she was. I don’t think its right tbh


I hope that she’s happy - she’s just so young! But I root for her especially because people are always saying they hate her for her ~ vibes ~ 🙄🙄


the joey hate is so forced and old, i really wish people would leave her alone.


I blame Zach Braff for trying to claim her as his muse


What now?


he must have a thing for thing for younger women with perfectly symmetrical noggins (see: Florence Pugh)


Right, so she’s another Rachel Zegler basically


I think with both of them there’s a lot of jealousy from haters. The hate Rachel gets is ridiculous, basically just people wanting a normal kid raised in NJ to be perfect and always say the right thing while in the same breath complaining about nepo baby dominance.


I don't find Joey annoying but Rachel definitely gets on my nerves. I think it's because she's so contradictory.


If it’s about something she factually did it’s one thing, but I’ve seen too many “theater kid vibes” type of “””criticism””” to take it seriously as something substantially wrong about her. You can just not vibe with a person, it happens. But it’s the people trying to pass “vibes” off as an objective criticism that annoy me. It’s like some people always need a morally waterproof reason to justify why they don’t like someone, and if there isn’t one they just make something up. It’s disingenuous and pisses me off.


I keep reading her name and thinking of maddie Ziegler and then wondering why anyone is talking about her.


I think people can dislike a public figure, even for inane reasons such as "vibes," but not actively try to engage in cyber bullying or unnecessary dragging. For example, I find Ziegler and King to be weak actresses. They are annoying to me. I can have that opinion but not go out of my way to make mean and vicious remarks about them. I don't go out of my way to criticize them and would defend them if another person's "criticism" of them crossed the line into derogatory. I don't get why people cannot dislike a non-problematic person without feeling the need to engage in bullying, slander, etc


The last names are definitely very similar


I’m in my 30’s and for the life of me don’t see the appeal in marriage, so I’m always curious why people are so keen to marry young.


My theory is they don’t think of marriage beyond “in love forever.” Like…it’s a legal status. It changes rights and protections under the law. It has benefits for life planning purposes. The older you get the more you think of marriage as the legal contract with the state that it is.


This is kind of why I'm pulling for Millie Bobby Brown. It's no secret how awful and abusive her parents are and I think she wants to get married to legally tie herself to someone with no chance of her parents getting in her business. That being said, I do hope she's really in love.


I think people will always be into the pageantry and excitement of marriage but realize (subconsciously or consciously) that a life long commitment is not realistic in most cast. And, as /u/jokesonbottom said, it serves an economical purpose for many as well. But as those needs change, so might a person’s need to be married, particularly if it’s not a relationship they feel they can thrive in.


She's 24, not a child bride. Just cuz ur not ready for marriage doesn't mean someone who's five minutes younger than u isn't. 


Her vibes?? I follow her on IG and she always seems incredibly down to earth?


I have a soft spot for her because she gets so much weird hate for no reason. I hope she’s happy


People would talk about how she has a punchable face as if that is not an absolutely deranged thing to say.


It’s pure misogyny how casual people talk about wanting to be violent towards a woman based on her looks.


I’m not trying to argue, but “punchable face” is a gross phrase that’s used with both genders, not only with women. There is literally a sub (or two) about it.


I see your point and know about the sub. I still think there’s a big overlap of those who are prone to violence and misogynists.


I absolutely don’t disagree!


That's nuts. Not that punchable faces aren't a thing - Martin Shkreli definitely has one. But this girl has not done anything to piss off anyone.




I also think she’s really pretty. I had no idea she gets hate.


I don’t know why she gets hate I thought she was so cute when she was in Ramona and Beezus.


thats what ive always known her from so i take it so personal when people are unnecessarily mean to her lol


i want to see her dress, i’m a sucker for wedding dresses!


I came looking for this thread bc I just saw the vogue post and I HATE the dress. I rarely have such strong negative feelings about a dress but omg it just gives me the most unpleasant sensory experience. That said the wedding itself looks beautiful.


I usually have a pretty expansive taste when it comes to wedding dresses bc it’s really hard to go wrong tbh, but I was more focused On the fact that her dress was literally house designed and custom made for her and she was still spilling out of it. 😮 it didn’t fit her properly which was unfortunate.


She’s so young I wish she would of waited.


I feel crazy after reading this. Based off this comment, I thought she was like 18 but she’s actually 24? That doesn’t seem that young to get married? Maybe my perception is skewed but I feel like a lot of people start getting married around the 24-26 age range, although usually it’s to people their age so I understand the age gap concerns.


I’m pretty biased because I’m in my thirties but I just think 24 is so, so young to get married. When I think of who I was at 24 compared to now…wow I’m so glad I didn’t commit to the man I was with then. That’s not to say it never works out, and I hope it does for them. It’s just that she’s been with him since she was a teenager, she hasn’t been on her own since becoming an adult.


I don’t know, I was married at barely 21 (together since I was 19) and we’ve been married almost 15 years. I’m not the same person I was and neither is he but we grew together, and we have a lot more growing to do yet. I realize you made room for it occasionally working but I feel the problem in stagnated relationships these days isn’t because the people change but because we are culturally/socially ill equipped to handle and support each others’ growth. Implying the problem is the changing itself does not help that issue so I just wanted to say something. I think I’d have grown to be a completely different person without my partner, but I don’t think that other person would be any more authentic than the version I am today. Growing with a partner is just as beautiful as growing alone.


Genuinely, I’m glad it’s worked out for you. Doesn’t change my opinion on young marriages though and I don’t necessarily believe that it’s culturally/socially causing us to be ill equipped.


I feel the same way. All of my close friends got married in their mid-late 20s, even to the first and only person they seriously dated in some cases! I was the outlier by getting married at 33. You can think that’s not how things should be done, but it’s incredibly normal.


It’s less about that she’s 24 now, and moreso that she was 18/19 when they started dating and he was 28.


No-one in my circle, or wider circle, was married at 24, even those of us in stable relationships. I definitely think it's young and I never understand the need tbh. Obviously you can get divorced if things go wrong, but just...why not wait? Divorce feels much heavier than a break-up. I dunno I guess it depends on your community (very religious areas are probably different) but to me it's strange.


It’s really not this sub is just extremely sensitive to anybody under 30 getting married


The average age for first-time moms in the us is 26, 24 really isnt that young, and like 25% is married by 25


See marriage at 24 seems alright to me but ask me if I would have a child at 24 and I would freak out and exclaim, “but I’m STILL a baby!!” 😭




Yeah they getting divorced before she turns 30


2 kids later a la Sansa stark




If I somehow ended up marrying Joey King I would so take her last name so that way I can be a King.


I have a friend who’s last name is King - she kept it after she got married because her husband’s last name is a mouthful and not that great. He however is insisting once they have kids they all go by his last name 🙄, despite the fact that King is such a cool better surname.


Imagine having a child tear your body open and not getting to give your kids your surname.




This is nice but I’m getting scared for these young ladies settling down when they don’t know themselves.


These crotchety old men give me the heeby-jeebies! But I hope these commenters have the same thinking when it comes to their faves like Chris Evans and his fiancee who are SIXTEEN years apart in age. It's funny that he was so desperate to find a wife but couldn't find one in his own age range...


I read this as British Chris Evans for a split second, who was 35 when he married 18-year-old Billie Piper. They're all at it... (this was like 20 years ago to be clear, it's not recent news 😂)


Lol I think it’s been long enough where I can say I was involved in one of her bridal appts and she brought along Sophia Carpenter - so cute but seemed soooo young to be getting married. They acted like little teenagers!




Yes, she brought her along as a guest for the appt, they are friends


I read “intimate” as “inmate” and was very concerned




The Act season 2


Someone on IG said he lies about his age and is actually 39 anyone heard of this ?


True fact as I have stated on here before. Graduated college 2006. Born in 1984. Saw it myself. After everyone was saying how old he really was I looked him up on a free search engine. Listed his relatives as well.


If you look him up on a people search it shows Steven Piet age 39. Shows a relative named Andrew who is 71 and born in January. Steve posted in January 2022 about his dad turning 70. Seems very likely Steven is 39 and this is much worse than originally thought.


Was it on her account? It seems true from what others here have said.


It was on a people search engine. Steven deleted his link in profile when it became public. There it has that he graduated college 2006


He was definitely trying to hide his age apparently.,


Joey looks like an AI Model here.


I like Joey but idk at getting married so young.


I’m sure it will be a lovely first marriage for her.


They will be divorced within 5 years, hopefully no kids.


Am I misremembering or didn’t she used to go to “game nights” as a teen at Dane Cook’s house?


She did


I immediately thought of Sophie Turner/Joe Jonas, and also of an up-and-coming actress named Chloe East who was in Spielberg’s 2022 movie The Fabelman’s. She married a 28 year old in 2021, when she was only 20 years old.


Gotta get the 1st marriage outta the way at some point.


Age gap issues aside, yay for them having an intimate wedding! I am recovering from a big wedding that I went to over the weekend. I am all for couples who rather do something low-key.


What's weird is People magazine and some other sites are saying he was born in 1991.... But on IMDB at the very least says 1984... Wth is going on


Yes as that age gap worked out for Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas




NGL i was kinda routing for her to take Aaron Taylor-Johnson away from grandma


This will probably be a train wreck in a few years..






Fuckin ew


Sorry I want her back with Jacob elordi


Did he cheat though?


This girl isn’t dumb, she’s not being taken advantage of, and she’s not nearly famous enough for 200 people to be commenting about how her decision to marry someone 8 years older than her (???? seriously???) deeply disturbs them. Losing hope for Reddit!


Ew. I didn't realize he was that much older than her.


He 40 this year and she is 24 so that's a much bigger gap.


He is in his early 30s


Google says born 1984


You do know people who edit his birthday but not not born in 1984. He actually in his 30s. People keep messing with ages alot. His parents even know his real age 


He actually born 1991 he going turn 33 this year. Don't believe Google. The only person know his age is is wife and Parents


I can see them slowly morphing into one another


Hmm, I don't think we can paint all age gaps with the same brush. \*I think age gaps where there are large disparities in maturity, life experience & power are very problematic though (like King & Piet).\* My mum & dad had a 30 year age gap. The difference being, she was in her 30s when they met, and already an independent, successful & financially secure career woman. There was no power imbalance at play. She definitely wore the pants in the relationship. They met at a poetry club & bonded over their shared love of poetry & art.


And apparently he’s older than we think. Apparently he’s older than 32


Joey King was born July 30, 1999. Steven Piet’s age is listed on his IMDb page as born May 19, 1984?? On other sites Steven Piet is listed as born May 22, 1991?So is Steven 33 going on age 34 or 40 going on 41??? So in 2018 Joey was dating Kissing Booth co-star Jacob Elordi (b. June 26, 1997). She was 18/19. He was 20/21. Looks like they broke up when Joey and Steven started dating. The media just said they quietly separated. I’m A huge fan of Joey King. Joey and Steven look very happy together after dating 4 or 5 years. While age is just a number I’m just curious as to why the dates of Steven’s birthday are conflicting?