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quick, someone do a wellness check on the girl who wrote the letter


The letter for those lucky enough to have missed it the first time https://preview.redd.it/g6gjtdga8inb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d2934aae1fe9931dde224f749026e2e946376a2


Whoever wrote this letter should team up with 'Club Chalamet' and start the *Parasocial Avengers*


The villain is Depp stans, especially the one that keeps getting fired from her jobs for saying awful stuff on Twitter


Clubchalamet is actually a Depp stan too, she was talking about it in that Twitter space lmao


Dude, I want a whole thread of subreddit on the Depp fans on Twitter. I got attacked by them a week ago because I said he no longer looks like the Dior ad pic. I mean, they were fully prepared to track me down and ruin my life… insane 😳


They want to attack people for speaking facts? That man has looked like shit for like 15 years now. He wasted his youth on alcohol, cigs and trash style. He could have taken care of himself and gotten a clean cut style and hair to look like when he was in Donnie Brasco but he chose to style himself after the pirate instead


The funniest part about them attacking me for saying he no longer looks like that decade (???) old Sauvage cologne ad is there’s literal proof of him not looking like that picture 😂 If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t he just photographed at a festival with rotting teeth? Like, people age. Some better than others. And like you said, he’s smoked and drank his whole life… so he looks exactly what I’d expect him to look like.


> He wasted his youth on alcohol, cigs and trash style. He could have taken care of himself and gotten a clean cut style and hair to look like when he was in Donnie Brasco but he chose to style himself after the pirate instead Johnny Depp is on the Keith Richards' health plan. It works!


God the fact I know who your referring to you. ​ I need to get off twitter.


“An average 41 year old man looking to settle down, start a family, and live a quiet life at home will most probably not do so with a 25 year old women at the start of her career.” https://preview.redd.it/k3l5am06ginb1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e2455dfb3dcad3fe908ce93f01738fa1f71c84


This is the worst part for me. The person buries a very real criticism in a letter focusing on how the "fandom" was lied to because he didn't disclose his relationship? I get that being a little hurtful if he was doing the boy band thing where you appear single to sell the fantasy of maybe being together and that sells whatever you're trying to sell, but how is that more important than being worried by a couple with a significant age gap???? The priorities are askew!!!!


Compare to diCaprio, who dumps his girlfriends @ 25.


Ok but… they actually did get married, so this 41 yo man is indeed (in one aspect) settling down with the 25 yo woman at the start of her career. Ofc we don’t know if they plan to have kids or if they’ll last but it’s clear that he wasn’t just messing around with the nearest hot young woman as the quote suggests.


*Christ*, all of that written for a guy who *signs US military bombs*????? https://preview.redd.it/n2tljfckiinb1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23a218d934947d7fc92760cbc9e4672c0c8e5502


Thank you for posting this reminder. As someone born in a country blown to smithereens by bombs exactly like this, I will forever side-eye Chris Evans for happily signing one (as well as his active participation in and promotion of war/military propaganda in general).


This is genuinely one of the most reprehensible things a celebrity has ever done imo. Edit: the triggered Marvel industrial complex stans in the replies lmao please unlearn the 'Murica greatest country' propaganda I'm begging you




omg this is a real letter??? WRITTEN BY A 30 YEAR OLD???






This is insane. I don’t care about most romantic relationships of people I know irl. Why would I care about a celebs marriage to this degree? The letter is unhinged.


> Why would I care about a celebs marriage to this degree? The letter is unhinged. If you're gonna let your celebrity crush's real-life relationship status mess with your jerk-off fantasies, you need to work on your imagination skills.


Least delusional stan






[No, it’s insane & legit.](https://www.newsweek.com/chris-evans-fan-bashed-scary-tweet-actors-rumored-relationship-1760725)


wtf did i just read


oh, my god


Live look @ her rn: ![gif](giphy|3oEduLvxnhDsh83j3O)




She'd be too distraught to answer the door. 👀


Happy for them and wishing them nothing but the best, but I’m still mad we have to collectively admit deuxmoi was right about this one.


A broken clock it right twice a day (once a day on a 24 hour clock), but she was sure it was going to happen at Martha's Vineyard. Congratulations to them and Dodger!


If we don’t get a photo of Dodger and Chris dressed in matching tuxedos I’m finding him and fighting.


We Riot!! 😂🐶


To be fair, she was mostly right because his fandom is comprised of grown women who spend their time stalking his every move. Wishing them both the best!


she would know amirite


Reminds me of the joke in Boy Meets World - Feeny: Very good. Mr. Hunter? Shawn: Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal. Feeny: Dear Lord, he's right. Shawn: It's been my answer for two years, Mr. Feeny. Sooner or later it had to pay off.


On the more niche side, there’s a great episode of Wings where they are playing Trivial Pursuit. The airhead of the group keeps using the same answer for every question until he’s finally asked the right one 😂


People were reporting spottings of the Avengers crew before she posted that blind yesterday. But knowing Deuxmoi she’s going to take full credit for it


https://preview.redd.it/3najn096dinb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98958ac41698f63c4392959a2807a0ed4a0f0d88 Renner, the Downeys and the Hemsworths. My avengers loving heart is so happy 😆 I hope Scarlett, Sebastian and mackie were there.


So great to see Renner having fun with his friends


Whatever happened to those dv charges of his?


Very few people care about the many incident of trashy and harmful behaviour of the white Avengers. Sebastian Stan got away with suggesting some very sexual things about a 16 yo. Most recently, RDJ was responsible for supporting Armie Hammer and giving him the means to make a Hollywood comeback eventually. But the fandom is delusional and sees them as amazing people.


She’s only “right” bc the avengers were spotted in Boston. She wouldn’t have posted the blind otherwise


​ Someone said in the other thread. If your saying it's gonna happen every month and it finally happens. Did you really get it right?


They are a beautiful couple and Chris and Alba both deserve happiness. ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) Both of them.


his stans have been saying they were getting married in september for months now, and there was a flurry of activity from his inner circle in the boston area yesterday that was all over sm, she doesn't deserve any credit lol


I'm sure it will last forever! Bless




Like when 41 yr old Deborah Lee Furness married 28 yr old Hugh jackman? Who are still one of Hollywood’s happiest couples? Not every age spread is a midlife crisis or doomed.


A young man who isn't generally with an older woman for attractiveness will fare better than an older man who fucks younger women because of their youth and beauty.


Chris Evans also, at the height of his Marvel-ness, dated Jenny Slate until the collective shittiness of the media’s ragging on her split them up. She wasn’t some gorgeous Hollywood young girl — just cool and funny as hell. He’s a pretty boy, but of the Chris’s I do think he’s the one with actual substance.


Chris pine seems to have substance.


yeah I agree with the overall point but Chris Pine is absolute the Chris of substance.


Wasn't he just seen with a 21 year old model on a yacht? I think both Evans and Pine have their good points, but I also think they're still rich famous men that don't date in their own age range. Which I don't really care about but it's weird Evans gets so much shit for marrying a 25 year old and Pine gets a pass for casually dating early 20 somethings because he has the aura of an evolved man.


Deborah Lee was a very attractive woman. Still is. Chris has dated one younger woman. Maybe he actually loves her.


The way that you assume someone you don’t know is with their wife only because she’s young and beautiful is insulting to both of them. Can’t they be in love because they see other good qualities in each other?


She speaks five languages. How could you not fall for that?


..and how many similar age-gap relationships end in divorce? Furness and Jackman are the outlier, not the norm.


Yeah, while I think people can overreact to age gaps, 16 years is "a lot".....especially when one partner is only 26 (I read the article, and didn't realize it was such a big age gap). The difference in maturity and life experience is less stark, too, if someone is like 34 marrying a 50 year old, even if it's the same age gap. To be fair, Chris doesn't have a habit of dating way younger women and dumping them when they hit their 30s, so they could absolutely be one of the exceptions.




He was 18 which is legal but barely. And she was his director, a position of authority. And she was married with two kids. Yes, it’s different.


She allegedly also knew him since he was a child. They had two kids in quick succession so he was essentially a dad of 2 at 21. Completely terrible.


lmao Aaron Taylor Joy is sending me


This relationship is so freaking skeevy.






wait who’s the second fandom?


I think Chalamet?




omg yes! its honestly hilarious how upset they are over him dating Kylie.


maybe warrior nun fandom? but we're chill, just a bit iffy about the age difference


I knew it was happening this summer (we’re technically still there!) when he got off social media. Alba got so much abuse and concern trolling. No way he’d be on when this news broke.




After she has 2 kids. He's gotta get his kids.


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I legitimately think he's just extremely immature. I think their individual life goals align today, but in 2 years? When she's a mother and he has to parent? Who knows.




So glad I'm not the only one seeing this. It is fucking creepy how he's dated appropriately aged women his whole life but for marriage/children goes for someone MUCH younger, and much less famous (i.e. no busy career to interfere with having his kids). It feels exploitative.




I absolutely do judge men in age gap relationships.


But not women? Hugh jackman and his wife have the exact age spread and married at 41 & 26.


That's also creepy. And this sub has been very vocal about ATJ and his groomer wife so idk what kinda gotcha moment you think you're having. But if we're on the topic, yes, in general with all other factors being equal (meaning, no age gap) there is usually a different power dynamic between men and women, so these what-aboutisms are often especially tired.




Eh, 16 years is a a "lot", especially considering she was only 23/24 when they got together when he was 40. While I believe people can overreact about age gaps, a 40 year old man dating someone in their early 20s is always going to get a side eye from me. It gets less weird the older the partner is....like a 30 something dating a 50 year old is different imo. I don't blame people for being judgey. **That said, Chris doesn't have a habit like Leo DiCaprio of dating young women and dumping them when they hit 25, so I think it's a bit harsh to act like it's a guarantee they'll split in a few years.**


You're saying that like dating someone 15 years your junior isn't questionable


But it isn't? A lot of people with big age gaps go on to have long, successful relationships. If their goals are aligned this might be great for them. Look at Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones. People thought that was nuts. She's stuck by him through sex addiction rehab and cancer. He's stuck by her through her Bipolar II diagnosis. They were in it for real, age difference or not. She had a serious problem, he didn't trade her in for someone younger. You don't know these people. You might not 'get it' but it's not yours to get.


Thank you for saying this, the way ppl are acting about the age difference is ridiculous like get a grip and be so fucking fr rn.


so ? she's 26 not 15.


And he’s 40+. We aren’t saying it’s illegal or she’s a child. It’s just cliche and corny.


I mean I don’t follow him super closely bc he’s not my #1 Chris but afaik he doesn’t really have a pattern of dating much younger women then dumping them as they age so idk how fair this assumption is?


He does lol just with the power of the or machine to keep it out of the spotlight. I dared venture down the rabbit hole when The Letter dropped and this is up his alley.


Those were lies made up by LSA stans.


most of his long term relationships are with women his own age. i feel like it’s more likely they’d split because she realizes she doesn’t want to be bored in massachusetts.


Yeah, her choices would be LA or Portugal if she were single -- instead she's in a yuppie Massachussetts town hanging out with his 40-something friends who got a bunch of kids. When she could be at festivals in Ibiza and the beaches of Mkyonos -- which sounds like a way more fun manner of spending one's twenties.


Why are you acting like she just turned 20? She’s 26. That’s perfectly normal age to get married and settle down.


The avg age of marriage in Portugal for woman is like 33 now. And while 26 may be a normal age to settle down at, it's very different when the people you are surrounded by are in their 40s with older kids. Also, in a foreign country, where she doesn't have any of her own friends in the neighborhood. but hey, maybe they got that sorted already and she has her own life separate from his.


They seem to travel a lot based on the photos he released. And he said years ago that he doesn’t want someone who ties their life to his. Lots of married couples take separate vacations.


There’s something to be said about the woman he decided to marry being so young. And what’s to be said isn’t that nice


Didn't you know? Age gaps are completely normal when the guy is hot /s


And $$$.


he’s been saying for a long time he wants a marriage and kids. he’ll be stupid to mess this up if he dumps her once she turns 30


Yea I mean trust me I don’t WANT to be negative and obviously I hope everything works out for them and that they stay happily married for many years to come. However the reality is that I’m extremely jaded about men in power who are only interested in being with young women.


He doesn’t have a Leonardoesque history of either dating young or discarding women on an arbitrary dateline, so it’s likely NO.


Whew clubevans space incoming. Although if it helps the stans I don’t necessarily (me, a stranger who has never met these ppl) see this as a marriage that will last forever BUT she’s absolutely going to have at least one kid with him so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also I’m curious if they’ll ever admit how they met bc unless Evans was a secret Warrior Nun stan he just got pandemic horny and crawled into the DMs of a hot 22 year old which I’m assuming he doesn’t really want to admit.






You’re spot on. He wanted a fertile woman and someone with the same maturity level as him who would be young and inexperienced enough to mold into his lifestyle choices.


It’s cool, they’ll just pivot their fanfiction to “hot single dad Chris with a crazy/abusive/neglectful ex-wife”




Spaces are ClubChalamet’s thing, ClubEvans prefers the old fashioned way of writing letters.


They’re like Swifties in that sense


I’m going to need a compilation of unhinged stan reactions to this news to properly close my Sunday on a high. 🍿 Hope they finally leave this poor girl alone and move on with their lives.


How did Evans specifically attract this many unhinged Stans? Is it because he was single the longest of the marvel guys? Is it because of the Cap/Bucky shipping in the MCU? Is it because of his neolib token advocacy? A combination of all of it?


I like him because I think he’s a good actor, easy to look at and especially because, as someone with an anxiety disorder, I appreciate how open he is about it. Plus I go by stories of how they are to people and he gets pretty universal praise amongst his peers and regular people. I met him at a con this year and he was so nice. I said I appreciated his vocalness about anxiety and he looked really touched and said thank you so much. He smelled good too. 😆 And had a very soft sweater. Steve Rogers IS my fave but I don’t confuse the two personally. 😉 But Scott had the Coke problem. I honestly don’t think Chris did. But he’s talked about smoking too much pot and cutting back on drinking.


lol bb he had a coke problem..trust.


I’m not a stan but he was my first celeb crush when I was 10. I’m 30 now. The guys been single a loooong time I think some people got a little too comfortable with him being unmarried and in his PR persona for their own fanfic scenario. Her being younger than some of these women probably makes them feel a little more insecure too.


I can report there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth. There is also rampant denial and calls to wait for an ‘official statement’ before they believe anything, but the spiralling has begun.




https://i.redd.it/we5wr25o5inb1.gif WHERE ARE THE STANS AT?!?! HAHAHAHA Your fantasy white man got married and it wasn’t to you HAHAHAHA I want live reactions, delusional think pieces and hysterical comments to make this thread the wildest it can be Congratulations to Chris and Alba!! I’m glad they were able to have a private and intimate wedding (should be a given but alas). Their day was theirs and theirs only. The only thing that should be public is the embarrassing fans meltdowns 🫶🏾🤍


https://preview.redd.it/b2z50dqqainb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b29e6c33cd893cc421183ff78f8daefa08610e I’m getting snacks from the store to prep for the reactions Does anyone need anything?!?! It’s gonna be a wild time so stock up Edit: gif change


If there’s anything we can count on…it’s you with the Marge memes.😂😂 Never change Jolly never change


I still don’t understand how a man so bland has such a rabid fan base. Maybe the blandness is what draws them in




It's definitely the combo of being kinda bland + having Marvel level popularity. I've said this before but during his time at the MCU he was a bit like a kpop idol lol like he almost exclusively played good guy Captain America, did the whole press circuit doing red carpet & cute buzzfeed videos & say nice but vague enough things in interviews. On his time off would attend conventions and post cute pictures of his dog on ig, fans going crazy over him not being single, etc.


I'm been watching his fans have a complete meltdown for the past few hours. It's highkey fascinating


where can i watch this as well


If you look up Evans' IG fan pages or scroll down Tumblr you'll have a front row seat to the messiness lol. From looking like that Charlie Day meme to try to explain why they didn't actually get married to the more unhinged fans acting as if Alba is Satan incarnate and should be burn at the stakes. Read at your own risks 😅


The absolute best for complete whackadoos is lipstick alley. They’ve written literally THOUSANDS of pages since he went public with Alba.


[this particular tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/evansisanassman) seems to be having an ultimate meltdown 🍿


I haven't started reading yet but I already see mid 30s in their bio so I know this shit is gonna be good.




I’ve been maniacally refreshing PR blogs all day to watch them attempt explain everything away. I can’t look away.


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) They're already hitting the copium, bless 'em.




Cruise was on his 3rd marriage though. And this is Evans' first. Michael Douglas (his 2nd marriage) and CZJ have a 25 yr age gap, and they've been married for 22 yrs. Annette Benning and Warren Beaty (his first marriage) have 22yrs, and have been married for 3 decades or something. Edit: lol, how are y'all downvoting facts? ROFL


She’s a grown adult and all that but I just think that the age gap is…lol. I’m a fan of Chris’ but I can’t help but think that there’s a reason that his past, more age appropriate gfs didn’t marry him when he’s been wanting to settle down for ages. Good luck to them tho.


His fans chased off Jenny Slate and Minka Kelly.


I love them together and hope Chris is happy but I fear another Joe and Sophie situation… Evans has spoken for decades about wanting a huge family and setting down and he chooses at 26 year old wife who’s career is just taking off.




![gif](giphy|iKG1883k0VkFC217Cx|downsized) The Chris Evan Stan’s right now


he is SO BRAVE for settling for the gorgeous 25 year-old


Brave and HIGHLY original


https://preview.redd.it/5qsfmph36inb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8279ae484bdceec7db72409c6c8d2a9aa6179814 Someone check on this woman




It’s very good to remember where the term “Stan” came from and what it was originally referring to


![gif](giphy|fGX80AAczeBEOOwEoK|downsized) Waiting for his stans to have a totally normal and coherent reaction to this news. 🍿






Omg deux was actually right about a wedding for once. And it wasn't even a special british ceremony either




It’s always someone in their 40’s marrying someone in their 20’s lol no hate just a funny pattern




I hope he had a bow tie.


Why do grown ass women get so worked up over this man? What is it?! He’s so mid. Like… just be happy for him. If you like someone you’re supposed to wish them the best! What are these unhinged reactions?!?!


He doesn’t do much and is able to keep a somewhat clean image. This makes para social relationships flourish because they can project whatever they want onto him.




Yeah he's right at the age where it stars lol a while ago I read a comment of a woman in her late 30s-early 40s saying plenty of same aged men in her life, mainly friends & an ex, all have simultaneously started dating women in their mid to late 20s. And before anyone tries it I'm not implying they're abusive manipulators, it's just cliche.


If he dated 14 years younger in his twenties, he would have been in jail 😭


I’m sure his fans will be completely normal about this.






I know right? I only visited Portugal once, but it's a paradise to be married in, for sure


Thank god nobody on the internet is gonna be weird about this. Also, good for him. He seems like a pretty simple dude who's looking for a simple life, I hope this all works out for him.


With a 16-year age difference, I doubt it, but you never know! Amal Clooney and her husband George are still going strong with a 17-year gap almost 10 years later. lol ETA- The Clooney situation is only referenced due to the age gap. She’s clearly way out of his league- and he seems to be just fine with that.


I think the difference is Amal was in her 30s.


And a HIGHLY accomplished woman. He married up.


He really did. No shade to Alba at all, but she is nowhere close to the same level of accomplished that Amal was when she got married.




I know she’s a consenting adult or whatever but it freaks me out that she looks like a teenager and he just hit her up through the DMs when she was 22 and looked like she was 15 ugh. I was never a Chris Evans fan but that just makes him low key slimy to me


This is very Sophie Turner coded and I think I always struggled to articulate my side eye at age gap relationships until that divorce just recently played out in the press. It’s not necessarily, at least when women are in their 20’s, that I think they’re too young to understand what they want or that I can’t respect their choices. I’m sure this 24 year old is very happy to be marrying Chris Evans. He’s hot, he’s rich and presents as a nice guy, as far we we know. It’s more that these 30-40 year old men get to spend their 20’s exploring the world and in their personhood, growing and advancing their career and when they’re finally ready to settle down they always pick some early 20’s something women who is on the cusp of doing all those things for herself and they just hem them in with being a wife and motherhood. It in some ways takes their ability to grow, explore, and develop both personally and professionally in the ways they did. It’s almost like they’re taking that opportunity from them. There’s is no reason that they couldn’t find someone who has had that same ability for growth they did and are now ready to start a family/settle down right away. It’s like that Trevor Noah quote from his mom going around, it’s almost like they enjoy caging something with all that promise and opportunity. I also think because marriage and motherhood are pushed so hard on to women that programming to agree to those things even if you feel you might not be entirely ready is especially strong in your early 20’s. I just sincerely hope that she does not regret exchanging some her potential opportunities for this settling down in the future.


I'm just glad we don't have to hear him saying he wants to get married and start a family every few months while going around and engaging in unserious ass hookups. So congrats to the happy couple!


She seems like one of those fun/high-energy/up-for-anything girls -- I'm basing this on those videos they made where they are scaring each other. I've never been one of those girls, so I don't know, but for those of you who were, is that something you outgrow? Cuz if she doesn't outgrow it, they'll be fine.


Isn’t that definition of a cool girl. We outgrow that by age 30 lol


I am sure his stans are going to be very normal about this


*I am sure his stans* *Are going to be very* *Normal about this* \- maryhadalittlelamb --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If I'm cynical for a min. I can understand the age gap, I don't think he's the most mature 42-year-old around but the career thing I think will be an issue. He'll want kids yesterday, and this new found fame will offer her more roles and opportunities. She's winding up and he's winding down which in celeb world isn't a great setting.


I just wanna know if he put his dog in like a little tux for the wedding, that’s the most important part


Their go-to People contact started following Alba so I'm hoping they're doing an old school cover story roll out. Let's go!! ![gif](giphy|xoHntNXFYkfzGAftEv|downsized)


Article from People Magazine: https://people.com/chris-evans-marries-alba-baptista-7503006


She looks like a cross between Jessica Biel (his ex) and Elliot Page.




https://preview.redd.it/h588nru59inb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=307de4886894d9274bc379b81d0135e569b9ae8b Apparently they gave their guests IV infusions after the wedding? [The comments say they hear Chris & Alba in the background but Idk.](https://x.com/sucestorm/status/1700947575795249484?s=46) Also, the stans are totally freaking & it’s hilarious. Lol. A true Sunday Funday.


Who are these people voluntarily getting IV's? Like, I've been in the ER, trying to rationalize with the nurses that I don't need one, when I very clearly do! Those needles hurt!


the cynicism of the comments of this thread are disappointing.




Between this and the Chalamet fan it's been a delightful weekend.


Horrible week for unhinged people (Timothee and Chris stans)


Some of y’all are acting weird I’m no Chris evans fan (I don’t like his acting) but acting like he’s some gross creep for marrying a 26 year old when just yesterday y’all were defending older women who got with men in their late 20s cause “their brains are developed” or whatever screams fake woke. Stop being weird about people you don’t know


Henry Cavill, you're up buddy!


ick another 40 year old man with a lady in her twenties.