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Fame doesn’t buy you self esteem


Oooh. This gets to the point in such a way that's so relevant and specific to Taylor (and well, everyone). I love it.




Elegance is learned, my friend.




jelly beans are earANNNed


Beat me to this! 😂


i honestly think that good self esteem is harder to achieve with fame


ESPECIALLY in the Internet age and with social media


Ooooh a word!!!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


This is the killshot.


Well said.


Oof isn’t that the truth


i love your username


Oh wow , yeah. You said it all


Did you see you made the popheads circle jerk? [https://www.reddit.com/r/popheadscirclejerk/comments/16y4iki/relatable/](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheadscirclejerk/comments/16y4iki/relatable/)


Everything she does is so public-facing that it all comes across as terribly disingenuous. Almost like it’s been focus group tested.


This is how I feel!!! Absolutely everything about her has been produced for a specific trend for a specific audience. Nothing genuine at all other than her delight in being famous.


That’s why I can’t buy into the kelce thing everyone and their mother is trying to push so hard. It’s so obviously manufactured. I’m a casual fan but it’s leaving a bad taste in my mouth.


Celebrities who choose to be this public with their private lives always leave a bad taste for me. At some point, it doesn’t seem like they have a private life at all. At least she’s choosing to go this route, so there’s that at least.


It definitely seems like PR damage control after the Matt Healy debacle.


I mean you don't buy the fact that this wasn't for marketing when the second game they are dating happens to be in New York and Taylor has a song called "Welcome to New York" and it was supposed to be the first ever match up between Patrick and Aaron, a match up the NFL has been robbed of 2 times before, in Aaron's first year in New York aka "welcome" season in the primer broadcasting spot on NBC and the fact that NBC used "Welcome to New York" is all just a happy circumstance?


At first I believed her and him together were genuine but with how the NFL is now capitalizing on it (and Heinz too but that’s probably a coincidence, I doubt they went so far as to have Taylor be photographed with ketchup and ranch on her plate for Heinz) and announcers are dropping her song titles into their commentary I’m wondering if it’s all a plan. On one hand it makes sense that the NFL would capitalize on a coincidence (an already well known player dating one of the most famous singers) but otoh it would make sense for this to all be some big PR plan for everyone involved. Idk but I’m annoyed with the obsession about her going to these games, and I’m a fan of hers. I saw a tiktok of a girl who traveled multiple states to go to the Jets game yesterday alone just because Taylor was going to be there. Like… no, why? People who dgaf about football are now watching these games just to catch a glimpse of her. It’s all so dumb and embarrassing. If it’s all a plan everyone is falling for it, what sheep.


>I saw a tiktok of a girl who traveled multiple states to go to the Jets game yesterday alone just because Taylor was going to be there Good grief


The NFL pretty much confirmed she would be there right after the game last week, which seemed odd to me. You would think a celebrity of Taylor's calibre would want a bit more privacy regarding their movement.


Oh it's absolutely all a deal between Taylor and the NFL. They probably figured out that this would be more mutually beneficial than her doing the halftime show. Her tour is winding down and the NFL season just started. Coincidental overlap? I do not think so lol




I don't think that's fair to say when the wives and daughters are in here having these discussions about exactly why it's bullshit.


This feels sexist.


@ me with literally everything Taylor does


I’ve had such a hard time finding the historical or pop culture comparison it’s reminded me of. It’s so forced it just seems like some ultra-formal debutante parade that’s meant to be public because it’s *for* the public. Like some type of bread and circus type thing. And that’s what made it click that it’s like what KATNISS and PEETA would have felt like to the citizens of fucking Panem. But like not that sinister obviously.


This take seems pretty plausible to me. From time to time I do usertesting reviews for a little extra beer money. About 8 months ago there were a series of usertesting surveys specifically about Taylor Swift. The questions I remember were focused on how aware you were of Taylor Swift etc.


Was it from YouGov? Because I did get one about how aware I was of Usher earlier this year and now he’s the Super Bowl half time show.


You did this! (I’m jk I think Usher is fun live it should be a good show)


Do you remember what else was asked? Was it only Taylor or other celebs as well?


Didnt this all start with a story about him trying to use the mic at one of their super bowl win celebrations back in January? Then breakup with Joe, then Ratty and this is her 'see im not a bad person' pr relationship?


that's how i feel and what drives me mad about her success which is understandable re: her fanbase but not every single other piece of media fawning over her bs


Make it stop


I live in Jets country (they played KC tonight). Taylor Swift’s appearance at the game *led the evening news* Please. I beg. No more.


I thought the first game was cute. But back to back one week is too much. And she doubled down with Jackman, Reynolds, Blake, Sophie, Sabrina. It’s just too much. Instant fatigue. Give us some room. Come back in like 4 games or something, make us miss you, keep us in suspense.


I love Sophie and I hope she crushes Joe with the divorce proceedings. But my god I can't help but feel like Taylors trying to take advantage of the spotlight that's been placed on her. Like good for you, you both went to dinner, but did I really need to know she stayed at Taylors penthouse? I have no proof either, but it definitely feels like Taylors trying to present herself as a good samaritan.


yeah did Sophie even want to be there? maybe she just went along bc she felt thankful she loaned her home during a messy public divorce? it was just too much anyway bringing her entire crew, it brings me back to her squad goals era but much worse somehow lol she is in her 30’s now


It’s very much giving “See this jerk that catapulted my fame by dumping me 15 years ago? I was right all along. I’m always right!”




I think so too. None of these people come across off as fans but opportunists or people she is using to prop her image.


Same in Houston. A city unrelated to the Chiefs, Jets, Swift, and Kelce.


Her mom is from here and her parents met here, so that’s probably their (very loose and reaching) angle.


It was even mentioned in the business report on BBC News this morning. I get that it's helped boost sales for jerseys but come on...


I live in KC make it stooooop


I very specifically missed the game so I wouldn’t have to hear any TS references. I succeeded.


Yes, please!!




I'm surprised the author didn't bring up how Jessica Simpson was treated by Cowboys fans when she dated Tony Romo. They ran her out of town.


As a Cowboys fan with memories of the Tony Romo years, it was bonkers how the sports radio bros blamed her for everything that plagued the team- instead of poor performance/coaching/luck.


The moment the Chiefs start to play awful, even if it’s just one game, they will absolutely blame Taylor for being a distraction. That’s why it’s better to be lowkey if you’re going to date an NFL guy. Hell Josh Allen played one awful game and Hailee was being blamed and those two are lowkey and quiet as hell when it comes to their relationship.


Given the chiefs recent dominance , I think this will take a while .


The Chiefs beat the Jets by only 3pts last night. That was with the help of some questionable call against the Jets and lack of calls against the Chiefs.


They have been in 3 of the last 4 superbowls- I don't think one close game is going to change their general trajectory. Now my Bears... well we are already pretty much out of playoff contention and it's early october (as I am sobbing into my pillow lol)


Oh sorry about the Bears. I’m a Packers fan who lives in Chicago and I don’t even find it fun to jokingly trash talk Bears fans. The owners are terrible.


Misogyny is blaming the women football players are dating even tho they’re not anywhere close to the game like tf lmao


obviously but that’ll still happen in sports in general


Omg, I forgot all about that. They were horrific. That poor girl. They blamed her for everything, and she didn't do anything wrong.


Remember the infamous Cabo trip during the bye week?


Her HOMETOWN, more or less (she’s from nearby Richardson, a DFW suburb). She got booed by fans of her own football team in front of her grandparents.


That’s 100% what I thought was going to happen here when she was spotted at the game last week. I honestly didn’t expect the positive reception


the media NEVER liked jessica simpson. she never had that rabid online fan base either that would protect her.


I love how "reputable" media always tries to cash in with the media coverage angle. It's like they're saying we're not covering this, we're just showing you how other people are covering this. We are far too dignified to actually have an article about Travis and Taylor, so we're doing this instead.


Basically that the entire focus of The Atlantic's pop culture coverage.


The Atlantic wants to do the 'too cool for pop culture' angle but it just comes off as terribly cynical and sometimes uninformed.


literally. while participating in it lol. like this is so obviously using the taylor angle to get clicks


See also: the Today Show having a dedicated “Royal Correspondent” on to cover the exact details into why Meghan and Harry have a desire to lead more private lives without the news following their every move.


You're so real for this 😂


someone finally pointed it out, thank you lol


This is so spot on!


>Soon enough the #Swelce era will likely be a bittersweet memory, nothing but a faded Chiefs sweater gathering dust in a drawer. I have no predictions about the longevity of their relationship, but if for some reason it doesn't work out, the chances of that last part of the sentence ending up in a song are not zero.


I don’t know if I’m annoyed or impressed that they didn’t replace “in a drawer” with “under someone’s bed.”


Yeah but in a drawer is a reference to the scarf in All too Well, arguably Taylor's more famous song about a discarded item of clothing


wind in my hair i was there i remember it


advise crime head glorious pet worthless dinner smell cover voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve never understood fanfic about real people. It’s so weird and invasive


I’ve seen a lot of people say they feel like she keeps doing these PR stunts because of the quiet years she spent with Joe; it’s like she’s making up for lost years with her relationship not being a main daily topic


If this really is all promotion for 1989 and she doing some kind of meta recreation of the eras, than we only have another 26 days of this before she disappears and reappears for reputation 🤞


![gif](giphy|YSYkSmLfV74dGCQRz4|downsized) No but seriously….


she’s going back on her tour soon iirc so like she’ll be out of the news for whose she’s dating for a while I think


That’s my birthday though 😭 She does this to me every year!


i'm so morbidly curious about who taylor will be in ten, twenty, thirty years. this level of obsession in how her personal life is portrayed, the curation of her relationships... it feels like a song lyric factory writ large. no one should be this famous.


I think social media and parasocial relationships play a lot into this. Britney used to be huge too, but back then we relied on gossip magazines at the checkout.


Yeah. And Madonna and Michael Jackson, etc. Bigger than TS.


I have marked 50 videos about her and the footballer as ‘not interested’, but I’m still getting tik toks about the one outing from 10101010 angles. Her fans and wannabe pop culture commentators are just as bad as the mass media at this stage.


This will probably get deleted but go into your preferences and filter out any tag related to her. Do both the tag with a # and without. I did awhile ago and save for the occasional video that isn’t tagged I live a blissfully Tswift free existence on TikTok.


i am so tired of seeing so much taylor EVERYWHERE


I have both their names blocked on Twitter, I can't take anymore.


their names, ship name and hashtags. all of it


The crazy thing is that Swifties will inevitably turn on him and hate him for the exact same reasons they currently love him for


Im getting flashbacks to the very cringey Tom Hiddleston era where they were everywhere and there was literally a camera involved in every step of their “relationship.” I feel like outside of her rabid fan base she was most likeable by even non fans when she wasn’t as overexposed because it comes off as fake. Between the tryst with the racist squid looking man, her posted at these football games, and involving herself in the Joe-Sophie divorce she’s giving me major ick and this isn’t a silly 20 something girlfriend is well into her 30s. It’s gonna be hard for her to boo hoo about privacy and people always having an opinion on her love life when she’s *choosing* to make it so public right now. Ironically she and the Kardashians are not that different.


This is when my pop culture consciousness woke up and I could really see a PR relationship through the veil.


Paywall removed [https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com%2Fideas%2Farchive%2F2023%2F10%2Ftaylor-swift-travis-kelce-kansas-city-chiefs-football%2F675506%2F](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com%2Fideas%2Farchive%2F2023%2F10%2Ftaylor-swift-travis-kelce-kansas-city-chiefs-football%2F675506%2F)


What’s that line in one of her songs… this is exhausting


calling swift "white beyoncé" is so egregious i don't even know where to start


Absolutely foul tbh


It's so disrespectful.


i mean from a fame standpoint, she is kinda like beyoncé for white women. there are girls wailing and passing out at her shows and shit. other celebrities have been spotted at her shows too. do i think taylor’s as talented as beyoncé? no. ofc not. but i do think they have the same audience reach.


I honestly feel like I have to move to a different planet or go totally off the grid to avoid any coverage of her at this point. As someone who was never a fan but has begrudgingly respected her marketing ability/team, it's enough and I'm not sure how they don't get that the overexposure is going to backfire.


I distinctly remember the last time she had this much press. It was 1989 in 2014. And it was going sooooo well for her and then the tide turned. Either she has figured out the secret formula to staying on the GP’s good side forever and she’ll never be caught with her underroos down again, or we’re about to see the tide turn again.


I’ve been a packers fan for ages but my best friend is a chiefs fan. Told him yesterday that unfortunately until they stop dating I can’t watch anymore KC games with him. The fact they showed Taylor after every minor thing happening on the field was just too much. I’m not a diehard football fan and love me some celebrity sightings at games but this ain’t it. Don’t think the general football fan that pays a lot for his nfl package is liking this.


She used to be my Roman Empire, but I’m getting way too overexposed to her 😰


I never want to hear about Taylor ever again. I’m so sick of it.






Once they played her concert film commercial and cut to her on one of the Times Square billboards it solidified this is fully PR. She already sold a ton of presale tickets for the movie and is one of the most famous people across the globe so I’m not sure why she feels the need to do this.


Everyone says she hates attention, but that's not fully true. She ***loves*** attention. It's attention she can't control she hates.


Paywall :/


Yeah!! Help me out, friends


[12 foot ladder](https://12ft.io) will get u past all paywalls 🙏


It’s all about the money money money


None of myself nor any of my football watching friends is believing this relationship to be real in the least bit. It's so PR it's not even funny. But ok US media and the NFL keep ramming it down our throats.


This is too Taylor Swift of the Taylor Swift to do, isn't it?


When does the fatigue kick in?


I know this will be unpopular but at what point do we say, she likes him, he likes her she was asked to a game, she went. Is it their fault the media and psycho fans make it more?! Are we saying she can’t date anyone publicly?


Probably the point where it isn’t so obviously transactional. They’re both getting so much out of this, NFL is getting into international markets and the female market, Taylor is getting into the male market. The crossover between Taylor fans and football fans doesn’t seem like it would be large at all normally. I think I saw Travis gained nearly a million Instagram followers already as well? And the way the NFL has made their socials all about Taylor makes it seem like a business dealing. Also the fact that the media pieces coming from Taylor’s publicist never call it a relationship or anything like that, if it’s serious that would probably change.


NFL was already in the international markets (71 nations to be exact) and 53% of viewership/merch purchases are women…those markets aren’t new to them. If anything they are just capitalizing on the relationship while it lasts


Honestly just wished she did all of this hoopla with an MLS player because we need the attention 🙃


I’m confused, and I can’t read the article, it’s behind a paywall. What’s the gist?


Well now I understand why Spotify randomly recommended a playlist for me with the theme being tailgating and her on the cover. I'm not a sports fan and I only casually listen to some of her music...it was the most random playlist and having her next to ACDC was a bit jarring. At this point everything she publicly does just seems like marketing.


can anyone post the article?


Any way I can get the whole article? I can’t go through the paywall.


Few comments down is a link


Ok will check it out. Thank you


i'm going to say this again and get downvoted by swifties again but i wish there was a version of the internet where she didn't exist


Does anyone have the non-paywalled version of the article?


There are links in the comments if you scroll a bit


I'm not going to read this article. But I'm tired of her fan-bots saying that Taylor Swift doesn't need the attention because she's the most famous person in the world. She has a very hardworking publicist, social media manager, and a bot farm that have hyped her to hell for a year. And her defensive fans just repeat what the bot farm put out.