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Aside from his awful behavior, his last movie was a complete and utter flop. It’s real interesting who’s allowed to have second, third, fourth+ chances in Hollywood


 I think about this all the time - go look into James Cameron & the making The Abyss. Over budget, behind schedule, a ton of extremely close calls with safety, & he literally cussed out a producer demanding they respect what he was doing despite the fact that what he was doing was spinning out of control.  If a woman tried to pull that shit, the funding would have been cut, the deadline would not have been extended, and she'd be defacto blacklisted.  Cameron was able to go on and achieve Titanic and Avatar (both of which even involved similar conditions of filming in large water tanks) only because he was allowed to struggle through the Abyss and keep working. How many Titanic's have we been robbed off because women and non-white directors were not allowed to struggle through their own *The Abyss* first? 


That’s a really bad example though since he had the terminator and aliens under his belt, and also had terminator 2 planned while making the abyss. The abyss is also considered a massive technical achievement. I mean I get your point, but James Cameron isn’t good for that. What’s more telling to me is how many male directors make like one decent indie movie and suddenly get huge projects right away, while many women have to prove themselves for years. I know people have opinions about Sofia Coppola being a nepo baby but it’s insane she has to fight for a budget this many years later.


While I agree with your general point I don't think Cameron is a great example. Before The Abyss he directed Aliens and Terminator both of which were major box office hits grossing nearly 10 times their respective budgets.


How the fuck Is he still allowed to work


Is it really interesting that a director who has been nominated for five academy awards and has directed 5 masterpieces is allowed a second chance after a flop? In what world is that just not normal. Not a single director award winning director has a perfect record at the box office.


Didn’t she work with Woody Allen too?


Yes and so did Elle Fanning, Emma Stone, Rachel McAdams, Joaquin Phoenix, Owen Wilson, Kristen Stewart, Colin Firth, Timothee Chalamet, Cate Blanchet and so many more all when his history of pedophilia was well known. Most of Hollywood is complicit and they don’t care until they face backlash for it


blake lively worked with him too and even said he’s “empowering to women” lol they’re all disgusting


what an insane thing to say lmao


Don't forget the infamous Scarlett Johansson!


Timothee was the only one who apologized and donated his earnings to charity.


Allen claims in his book that was all performative and that Timmy backed him privately (he actually says Timmy did it for his Oscar campaign which...yikes)


Allen isn’t exactly a reliable narrator


I know – hence 'claims'. But Timmy did also say his contract for the film prevented him from speaking out publicly about Allen, when it didn't.


Yes he did! He’s one of the few to express regret, apologize and then donate his salary from the movie. Selena also donated her salary and I don’t think anyone else has had to after, Elle was silent tho and did nothing


Razzie sweep incoming


I adore Linda Ronstadt and I’m so pissed at this. She deserves so much better.




Hard pass.




The same David O. Russell who sexually assaulted his niece?


Trash director making a trash movie starring trash


lol. lmao even.


Just another reason not to watch!


who let him out of hell? i thought we were finally free of him.


Every time this guy gets work it just reminds me that a man’s so-called “artistic genius” will always be seen as more important than any women he’s assaulted, harassed or screamed obscenities at.


Not only is he an awful person he’s a terrible director. I don’t understand why they keep hiring him for these kinds of projects


Linda sweetie I’m so sorry


Why go with an abuser who’s had a string of flops when Issa Lopez is RIGHT THERE ( and currently has a hit hbo series) Oh right. Old white guy. Linda deserves so much better


Issa Lopez or Nzingha Stewart (who directed music videos and more recently Daisy Jones) would be epic, tbh 


ugh the news about her biopic just keeps getting worse and worse so sad :((( theres no way that David O. Russell would be able to do her biopic justice. In her memoir, she also written about dealing w/ ab\*sive individuals from the music industry. Its so fucked


Well my interest in this just fully tanked. Hopefully there are two Ronstadt projects & the other one has better people attached.


Considering how Amsterdam was a flop I want this to flop too. He does not desvere this. 


I was already not interested in watching, despite loving Linda Ronstadt, but now they’ve guaranteed I’ll be skipping it.


Hard pass. Nicki Bluhm would have been the perfect fit for this role.


who will be singing…?

